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Will Cipro Treat Kidney Infection

What Is The Outlook For Kidney Infections

Medical Conditions & Treatments : Kidney Infection Symptoms & Treatment

With treatment, the outlook for kidney infections is very positive. It is vital that you take all of any prescribed medications for the infection. You may begin feeling better shortly after beginning a treatment, but still need to take the entire prescribed treatment.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 05/22/2019.


  • National Kidney Foundation. Urinary Tract Infections Accessed 5/23/19.
  • National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases . Pyelonephritis: Kidney Infection Accessed 5/23/19.

What Drug Interactions Occur With Cipro Vs Flagyl

Cipro drug interactions

Flagyl drug interactions

  • Alcohol should be avoided because metronidazole and alcohol together can cause severe nausea, vomiting, cramps, flushing, and headache.
  • Metronidazole can increase the blood thinning effects of warfarin and increase the risk of bleeding probably by reducing the breakdown of warfarin.
  • Cimetidine increases blood levels of metronidazole while cholestyramine reduces blood levels of metronidazole by reducing its absorption.
  • Metronidazole should not be combined with amprenavir for treating human immunodeficiency disease because amprenavir contains propylene glycol.
  • Metronidazole blocks the breakdown of propylene glycol in the liver leading to accumulation of propylene glycol in blood. Accumulation of propylene glycol could cause seizures, increased heart rate, and lead to kidney failure.
  • Metronidazole increases the blood levels of carbamazepine , lithium and cyclosporine though unknown mechanisms. Serious reactions may occur if these drugs are taken with metronidazole.

Taking Cipro With Food

Cipro can be taken with or without food. Either way you take it, be sure to drink plenty of fluids while taking Cipro.

Cipro should not be taken along with dairy products or calcium-fortified juices. It should be taken at least two hours before or after consuming these products. However, Cipro can be taken along with a meal that contains dairy products or calcium-fortified foods or drinks.

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Can Kidney Infections Be Prevented

You can reduce your chances of developing a kidney infection by keeping your bladder and urethra free from bacteria. This can include drinking plenty of fluids, keeping your genitals clean and treating any constipation.

The symptoms of a kidney infection usually develop quite quickly over a few hours or days.

Common symptoms include:

  • pain and discomfort in your side, lower back or around your genitals
  • high temperature
  • shivering or chills
  • feeling very weak or tired
  • loss of appetite

You may have other symptoms if you also have cystitis or urethritis . These additional symptoms may include:

  • pain or a burning sensation during urination
  • need to urinate frequently or urgently
  • feeling that you’re unable to urinate fully
  • blood in your urine
  • cloudy or foul smelling urine
  • pain in your lower abdomen

Drink Plenty Of Liquids

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Drinking plenty of liquids, particularly water, will help to wash bacteria from your bladder and urinary tract.

Drinking cranberry juice or taking cranberry extracts may also help prevent urinary tract infections . However, you should avoid cranberry juice or extracts if youre taking warfarin, a medicine used to prevent blood clots. Cranberry juice can make the effects of warfarin more potent, so theres a risk of excessive bleeding.

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What Other Drugs Could Interact With This Medication

There may be an interaction between ciprofloxacin and any of the following:

  • acetylsalicylic acid
  • antacids that contain aluminum hydroxide, calcium, and magnesium hydroxide
  • calcium supplements and multivitamins that contain calcium
  • oral corticosteroids
  • diabetes medications
  • hydroxychloroquine
  • iron supplements
  • magnesium supplements
  • multiple vitamins and minerals with vitamins A and E
  • multivitamins that contain iron
  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • other quinolone antibiotics
  • sulfamethoxazole
  • thyroid replacements
  • tyrosine kinase inhibitors

If you are taking any of these medications, speak with your doctor or pharmacist. Depending on your specific circumstances, your doctor may want you to:

  • stop taking one of the medications,
  • change one of the medications to another,
  • change how you are taking one or both of the medications, or
  • leave everything as is.

An interaction between two medications does not always mean that you must stop taking one of them. Speak to your doctor about how any drug interactions are being managed or should be managed.

Medications other than those listed above may interact with this medication. Tell your doctor or prescriber about all prescription, over-the-counter , and herbal medications you are taking. Also tell them about any supplements you take. Since caffeine, alcohol, the nicotine from cigarettes, or street drugs can affect the action of many medications, you should let your prescriber know if you use them.

Treatments For Kidney Infections

While there are various kidney infection treatment options and factors to consider, the process will typically require antibiotics. Usually, medical professionals will recommend empiric antibiotics for at least a full week. These cover all the bases of possible bacteria that at first caused the infection up until they can target the specific bacteria strain accountable. If you can move and keep down oral antibiotics you will normally not need a stay in the medical facility. Patients at greater danger of infections aggravating or those showing serious symptoms, consisting of not being able to keep medication down due to throwing up, will generally require hospitalization. At the health center, doctors can administer antibiotics and fluids intravenously.

Serious treatment is required when infections progress to create an abscess in the kidney. Abscesses can not be treated with antibiotics alone and will require a nephrostomy to drain them.

Individuals with structural concerns in the urinary tract typically will require surgery to prevent re-occurring kidney infections.

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Bladder Infections Are Common

Kidney infections are a rare complication of bladder infections. Bladder infections are very common, though. In fact, about half of women will have one in their lifetime. Those most at risk are women who are younger than 50. Women have a greater risk than men because of their anatomy. The tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside is shorter in women. And the urethra is closer to the bowels. While only one in 10 men will have a urinary tract infection, bladder infections in men are more likely to occur later in life. Older men are more likely to have prostate problems, which can partially block the urine.

Other, more unusual, causes of kidney infections are medical procedures that require a scope of the bladder or surgery of the urinary tract. Urinary tract infections can be caused by bacteria that come in from catheters. Catheters are tubes that drain urine from the bladder. Urinary catheters are tubes used in people who are having problems urinating or during medical procedures. Other causes of infections are blockages from prostate enlargement or kidney stones.

COVID-19 patients can become kidney patients.

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How Should Cipro Be Taken

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Taking all of your Cipro doses will help make sure that all of the bacteria are killed. Taking all of your Cipro doses will help lower the chance that the bacteria will become resistant to Cipro. If you become resistant to Cipro, Cipro and other antibacterial medicines may not work for you in the future.

  • If you take too much Cipro, call your healthcare provider or get medical help right away.
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    Approved Uses For Cipro

    Cipro is FDA-approved for treating many different types of infections in adults. Examples of these FDA-approved uses include:

    • Abdominal infections such as:

    Cipro XR extended-release tablets are only approved for treating UTIs.

    Although Cipro is effective, the that Cipro and other fluoroquinolone antibiotics should not be used as a first-choice antibiotic for certain infections, such as:

    • sinus infections

    For these conditions, the risk of serious side effects caused by Cipro outweigh the benefits. Other antibiotics should be used as a first choice.

    How To Apply The Eyedrops

    You’ll usually put 1 or 2 drops into the affected eye 4 times a day.

    For severe infections, your doctor may tell you to use the drops as often as every 15 minutes for the first 6 hours. You can then reduce how often you use it.

    • Gently pull down your lower eyelid with a clean finger and tilt your head back.
    • Hold the bottle over your eye and allow a single drop to fall into the space between your lower lid and your eye.
    • Wipe away any extra liquid with a clean tissue.
    • Put in a second drop if you have been told to.

    Do not touch your eye or eyelid with the dropper as it may cause infection to spread.

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    Who’s Most Likely To Get A Kidney Infection

    Women and children are most at risk of developing a kidney infection, as well as other urinary tract infections such as cystitis.

    Other factors can also put you more at risk of developing a kidney infection, including:

    • having a condition that blocks, or obstructs, your urinary tract, such as kidney stones or an enlarged prostate children with constipation can also be at an increased risk
    • being born with an abnormality in your urinary tract
    • having a condition that prevents you emptying your bladder fully, such as an injury to your spinal cord this can allow bacteria in your bladder to multiply and spread
    • having a weakened immune system for example, due to type 2 diabetes or as a side effect of chemotherapy
    • having an infection of the prostate gland called prostatitis the infection can spread from the prostate gland into the kidneys
    • having a urinary catheter
    • being female and sexually active sexual intercourse can irritate the urethra and allow bacteria to travel into your bladder
    • being pregnant this can cause physical changes that slow the flow of urine out of your body and make it easier for bacteria to spread to the kidneys
    • having undergone female genital mutilation an illegal practice where a woman’s genitals are deliberately cut or changed for cultural, religious and social reasons

    Can You Treat A Uti Without Antibiotics

    Kidney Infection Treatment Ciprofloxacin

    Antibiotics are an effective treatment for UTIs. However, the body can often resolve minor, uncomplicated UTIs on its own without the help of antibiotics.

    Complicated UTIs will require medical treatment. These UTIs involve one or more of the following factors:

    More severe risks of using antibiotics include:

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    Urinate When The Need Arises

    Frequent urination puts pressure on bacteria in the urinary tract, which can help to clear them out.

    It also reduces the amount of time that bacteria in the urine are exposed to cells in the urinary tract, reducing the risk of them attaching and forming an infection.

    Always urinate as soon as possible when the urge strikes to and treat UTIs.

    How Can I Treat A Kidney Infection At Home

    Treating kidney infection solely at home or with natural remedies is not a good idea. However, several home remedies can help manage the pain while the infection is treated with antibiotics. These include drinking water, using a heating pad to reduce pain, and taking over-the-counter acetaminophen to manage both pain and fever.

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    Why Should I Take The Full Dose

    Antibiotics work well against UTIs. You might start to feel better after being on the medicine for just a few days.

    But even so, keep taking your medicine. If you stop your antibiotics too soon, you wonât kill all the bacteria in your urinary tract.

    These germs can become resistant to antibiotics. That means the meds will no longer kill these bugs in the future. So if you get another UTI, the medication you take might not treat it. Take the full course of your medicine to make sure all the bacteria are dead.

    What Is A Kidney Infection

    BEWARE OF CIPRO: Antibiotics can have serious side effects!

    Kidney infections are a result of bacteria going into the kidneys, a lot of typically from a pre-existing infection in the urinary tract, like a bladder infection. The urinary tract, or urinary system is comprised of organs designed to extract, hold, and transportation waste from your system in the form of urine. These organs include:

    • 2 kidneys: that procedure our blood by filtering out the waste to produce urine prior to launching the clean blood to be recirculated in the body
    • Two ureters: that transport urine between the kidneys and bladder
    • A bladder: that stores urine till it is released through throughout the urination procedure
    • A urethra: linked to the bladder and genital areas for releasing urine

    When bacteria enter to the bladder after getting in the urethra, they can utilize stored urine as food to grow. Multiplied bacteria can trigger bladder infections that can move to the kidneys and result in a kidney infection. The most typical bacteria that triggers urinary tract infections is Eschericha coli, which you might know much better as just E. coli. Accountable for about 90 percent of all uncomplicated urinary tract infections, E. coli can be discovered in the colons of humans and animals and in their fecal waste.

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    What Special Dietary Instructions Should I Follow

    Do not drink or eat a lot of caffeine-containing products such as coffee, tea, energy drinks, cola, or chocolate. Ciprofloxacin may increase nervousness, sleeplessness, heart pounding, and anxiety caused by caffeine.

    Make sure you drink plenty of water or other fluids every day while you are taking ciprofloxacin.

    What Are The Symptoms Of A Kidney Infection

    Symptoms usually develop quickly, over a few hours or so, and may include:

    • Pain in a loin or flank. .
    • High temperature which may cause shivers.
    • Feeling sick and/or being sick .
    • Blood in the urine.
    • There will also usually be symptoms of a bladder infection – for example, pain on passing urine, and going to the toilet often.

    Not all of the symptoms may develop, and sometimes a kidney infection can just cause vague symptoms. For example, just feeling generally unwell but not being able to say why.

    In older people a kidney infection may cause confusion. This is why a urine test is often done when an elderly person suddenly becomes confused or appears generally unwell.

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    Why Is This Medication Prescribed

    Ciprofloxacin is used to treat or prevent certain infections caused by bacteria such as pneumonia gonorrhea typhoid fever infectious diarrhea and infections of the skin, bone, joint, abdomen , and prostate , Ciprofloxacin is also used to treat or prevent plague and inhalation anthrax . Ciprofloxacin may also be used to treat bronchitis, sinus infections, or urinary tract infections but should not be used for bronchitis and sinus infections, or certain types of urinary tract infections if there are other treatment options. Ciprofloxacin extended-release tablets are used to treat kidney and urinary tract infections however, some types of urinary tract infections should only be treated with ciprofloxacin extended release tablets if no other treatment options are available. Ciprofloxacin is in a class of antibiotics called fluoroquinolones. It works by killing bacteria that cause infections.

    Antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin will not work for colds, flu, or other viral infections. Using antibiotics when they are not needed increases your risk of getting an infection later that resists antibiotic treatment.

    Antibiotics And The Treatment Process


    Although powerful, the antibiotics listed above do not always work. Certain strains of bacteria can build resistance to antibiotics. As a result, veterinarians use another method to make sure the infection is actually clearing the pets body.

    During treatment, the urine must be recultured to be sure the prescribed antibiotic is still effective against the targeted bacteria. After treatment ends, the urine must be recultured at least three times at six- to eight-week intervals before the dog will receive a clean billof health.

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    Cautions With Other Medicines

    Some medicines can affect the way ciprofloxacin works. They can also make you more likely to get side effects.

    It’s important to tell your doctor if you take any of the following medicines before taking ciprofloxacin:

    • antacids for heartburn or indigestion â take ciprofloxacin at least 2 hours after antacids. Do not take another antacid until at least 4 hours after your ciprofloxacin
    • methotrexate, a medicine used to treat conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis
    • phenytoin, a medicine for epilepsy
    • steroids, such as prednisolone
    • theophylline or aminophylline for asthma
    • tizanidine, a medicine used for muscle stiffness
    • warfarin, a blood thinner

    The 10 Worst Medications For Your Kidneys

    Medications that can damage the kidneys are known as nephrotoxic medications. These drugs can cause direct damage to the kidneys. Some of these medications mildly worsen kidney function and others can cause acute kidney injuries. The risk for kidney damage depends on your individual health and other medications you are taking. For people with even mild kidney failure, you might want to talk to your doctor about the pros and cons of these medications.

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    Are There Any Other Precautions Or Warnings For This Medication

    Before you begin using a medication, be sure to inform your doctor of any medical conditions or allergies you may have, any medications you are taking, whether you are pregnant or breast-feeding, and any other significant facts about your health. These factors may affect how you should use this medication.

    Preventing A Kidney Infection

    How To Treat Urinary Tract Infections And Interstitial Cystitis Successfully

    There are numerous preventative care alternatives and natural home remedy that can be performed to lower kidney infection symptoms and avoid repeating infections. Typically, these methods involve minimizing the possibility of bacteria to go into the urinary tract and turn into an infection. Significant techniques beyond dietary factors to consider and proper hygienic regimens when cleaning consist of:

    • Dont hold urine and try to completely empty your bladder without hurrying anything
    • Urinate ASAP after sex
    • Diaphragms prevent correct and total emptying of the bladder consider changing to various contraception methods

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