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When Is A Kidney Infection An Emergency

How To Know If You Have A Urinary Tract Infection

Kidney Infection The Urgency Room an educational care video

When you start to feel an urgent need to find a bathroom, and when it starts to burn when you do go, you could be experiencing the early stages of a urinary tract infection, or UTI as it is commonly called. According to the National Kidney Foundation, UTIs are responsible for nearly 10 million doctors office visits per year. One in five women will have at least one UTI, also called cystitis, during her lifetime. Men and children can also get UTIs. But what exactly is a UTI and why is it so common?

A UTI can be any infection in the urinary system including the urethra, bladder, ureters or kidneys. These painful infections generally start at the beginning of the system, or the urethra opening, and progress upward until medical treatment arrests the spread. Most UTIs are contained to the urethra and bladder.

Proper medical care is needed for this condition. At Advance ER in Dallas, TX, we know how to diagnose and to treat UTIs with our in-house laboratory and patient pharmacy. A UTI can be extremely painful, said Advance ER physician Dr. Ronnie Shalev. Its not something to try to tough out, it needs medical treatment.

What Does A Kidney Infection Feel Like

Generally speaking, the symptoms of a kidney infection tend to come on over a period of several hours to a day. The symptoms may include:

  • Pain. This is often a dull, aching type of pain that most commonly affects the back, side, or abdomen.
  • Urine changes. If you have a kidney infection, you may notice that your urine is cloudy, smells bad, or contains blood.
  • Urgent, painful urination. A UTI can irritate the lining of your urinary tract. As a result, you may feel the urgent need to urinate and experience a painful, burning sensation when you do so.
  • Fever. People with a kidney infection typically develop a fever, which can often be high. A raised temperature is one of your bodys ways of trying to fight the infection.
  • Chills.Chills are a feeling of being cold without any apparent cause. For example, you could be wrapped up under a blanket and still shiver or feel very cold. In extreme cases, chills may lead to episodes of strong, uncontrollable shaking, which are known as rigors.
  • Nausea or vomiting. The infection may cause you to feel nauseated or to vomit.

Its important to note that you may not have all of the above symptoms with a kidney infection. If you develop concerning symptoms that may point to a kidney infection, seek prompt medical care.

Home Remedies For Kidney Infection

Untreated kidney infections can turn into recurring kidney infections that lead to complications and disease. Kidney infection home remedies, in addition to a treatment plan prescribed by a doctor, can support recovery time as well as act as preventative measures to stave off recurring symptoms from occurring.

Read on to learn effective home remedies for kidney infection and stay informed on when to contact your doctor for more information to ensure you stay on top of your urinary tract health.

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Signs Of A Kidney Infection

What does a kidney infection feel like? According to the NIDDK, the most common kidney infections symptoms are:

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • But depending on a persons age, they may not experience all of these kidney infection symptoms. Children younger than two may only experience high fever as a sign of kidney infections, the NIDDK says, and people older than 65 might only present with cognitive issues, like confusion, hallucinations, and disorganized speech.

    How Do You Treat A Kidney Infection

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    To determine if you have a kidney infection, a doctor will analyze a sample of your urine. If you test positive for a kidney infection diagnosis, youll be prescribed antibiotics and, in some cases, a medication that helps relieve pain with urination.

    People with severe kidney infections may need to be hospitalized to receive antibiotics and fluids intravenously. While you may begin to feel better a day or two after starting antibiotics, its important to complete the entire course of prescribed medication to help prevent repeat infections.

    After starting antibiotics, you can help alleviate kidney infection pain by taking over-the-counter pain medication. You can also try to ease the discomfort by trying several home remedies for kidney infections, including drinking plenty of water, using a heating pad, and taking vitamin C.

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    Avoid Alcohol And Coffee

    The kidneys most important role is to filter out harmful substances and toxins, and both alcohol and caffeine can require extra work from the kidneys. This may hinder the process of healing from an infection. Alcohol and antibiotics also shouldnt be mixed, so avoid alcohol during your treatment for this reason as well.

    Should I Go To The Er For A Kidney Infection

    Urinary Infections

    Should I go to the ER for a kidney infection? Kidney infections occur when bacteria from your bowel enter your urinary tract, causing an infection that requires medical attention. However, you may not need to visit the emergency room for a kidney infection if your symptoms are not severe. If you do believe youre having severe kidney infection symptoms, visit an emergency room as soon as possible.

    Check out the answers to other ER-related questions:

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    Take An Epsom Salt Bath

    Both Epsom salts and warm water can ease pain. This can help to make the uncomfortable side effects of the kidney infection a little more tolerable while you wait for the antibiotics to take effect.

    Since abdominal pain is sometimes a symptom of antibiotics, as well as kidney infections, this could also help even after symptoms from the kidney infection are resolved. Read about how to make an Epsom salt detox bath, as well as potential side effects to keep in mind.

    How Are Urinary Tract Infections Treated During Pregnancy

    Emergency Room Visit Double Kidney Infection

    In addition to a complete medical history and physical examination, diagnosis of UTI is made by urine testing and culture for bacteria. Most women are tested at the first prenatal visit and during pregnancy, if needed. Treatment of UTI is important to prevent serious complications. Antibiotics may be administered.

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    When To Take Your Child To The Er For A Kidney Infection

    Your child will also be admitted if he or she is younger than 2 months. If your child is admitted, he or she will get antibiotics and fluids through an IV. Your child may need bladder training if he or she is not able to relax the sphincter to urinate. Your child may need surgery if reflux does not get better on its own.

    Other Ways Of Increasing Liquid Intake:

    In summer, drinking freshly squeezed fruit juice, lassi, various kinds of sherbets are a good way to increase liquid intake. In winter, when one does not feel like drinking water, hot soups are a good substitute. You could soak kulthi bean or horse gram in boiling hot water overnight, and drink the water first thing in the morning to dilute kidney stones or crystals, and eliminate them from your body gradually.

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    Can A Cystitis Infection Cause A Kidney Infection

    A kidney infection is a painful and unpleasant illness usually caused by cystitis, a common infection of the bladder. Most people with cystitis will not get a kidney infection, but occasionally the bacteria can travel up from the bladder into 1 or both kidneys. If treated with antibiotics straight away,

    A kidney infection, or pyelonephritis, is a bacterial infection. The infection usually starts in your childs bladder or urethra and moves into his or her kidney. One or both kidneys may be infected.

    Signs and symptoms of a kidney infection might include: Fever. Chills. Back, side or groin pain. Abdominal pain. Frequent urination. Strong, persistent urge to urinate.

    Your child will also be admitted if he or she is younger than 2 months. If your child is admitted, he or she will get antibiotics and fluids through an IV. Your child may need bladder training if he or she is not able to relax the sphincter to urinate. Your child may need surgery if reflux does not get better on its own.

    When To See Your Gp

    Emergency Precautions For Kidney Patient

    See your GP if you have a fever and persistent tummy, lower back or genital pain, or if you notice a change to your usual pattern of urination.

    Most kidney infections need prompt treatment with antibiotics to stop the infection from damaging the kidneys or spreading to the bloodstream. You may also need painkillers.

    If you’re especially vulnerable to the effects of an infection for example, if you have a pre-existing health condition or are pregnant, you may be admitted to hospital and treated with antibiotics through an intravenous drip.

    After taking antibiotics, you should feel completely better after about two weeks.

    In rare cases, a kidney infection can cause further problems. These include blood poisoning and a build-up of pus in the kidney called an abscess.

    Read more about treating a kidney infection and the complications of a kidney infection

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    Urinary Tract Infection Symptoms

    If you are experiencing a urinary tract infection, you will likely feel a burning sensation when you urinate. An intense urge to urinate is also common, although often very little urine comes out.

    You may also experience:

    • Blood in their urine
    • Discharge and burning with urination

    Its important you seek medical attention as soon as possible if you believe youre suffering from a urinary tract infection. A doctor will need to take a urine sample from you to test it for the presence of bacteria.

    Causes Of A Urinary Tract Infection

    A urinary tract infection is caused when bacteria enter the urinary tract via the urethra. As the bacteria start to multiple in the bladder, infection ensues.

    While the urinary system is intended to force these invaders out, it is not successful every time. When it fails, bacteria can take hold, resulting in an infection of the urinary tract.

    • Cystitis :

      Typically caused by E. coli, , this type of UTI can also be caused by sexual intercourse.

    • Urethritis :

      When GI bacteria are spread from the anus to the urethra, this type of infection can occur. Sexually transmitted infections, such as herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia and mycoplasma can also cause urethritis.

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    Ask Our Emergency Room Office: Heres What Happens If You Dont Get Uti Treatment

    If you have pain when you are urinating, then you may have a UTI, in which case you should visit an emergency room for urgent care. You might be wondering what will happen if you do not seek immediate medical attention for this seemingly minor infection. However, it can have some serious consequences for your long-term health if left untreated. To understand more about UTI treatments, it is important to first understand more about UTI infections.

    What Are The Signs I Might Have A Uti

    Emergency Room Visit [Excruciating Pain]

    UTIs are caused by a bacterial infection in your urethra. For most people, symptoms include needing to urinate more frequently, cloudy or smelly urine, burning sensations when urinating, and pain in your abdomen.

    In some cases, the bacteria that cause UTIs can travel up the urinary tract towards the kidneys. If you have blood in your pee, pain in your sides or lower back, a very high fever, or diarrhea, it may be signs of a kidney infection, which requires immediate treatment.

    Women are more likely to develop UTIs because they naturally have a shorter urinary tract. Your risk of developing a UTI is also increased if you are sexually active, use spermicidal birth control, have a catheter, or have a suppressed immune system due to diabetes, HIV, kidney stones, or other diseases.

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    Symptoms Of Kidney Infection

    Symptoms of pyelonephritis often begin suddenly with chills, fever, pain in the lower part of the back on either side, nausea, and vomiting.

    About one third of people with pyelonephritis also have symptoms of cystitis , including frequent, painful urination. One or both kidneys may be enlarged and painful, and doctors may find tenderness in the small of the back on the affected side. Sometimes the muscles of the abdomen are tightly contracted. Irritation from the infection or the passing of a kidney stone can cause spasms of the ureters. If the ureters go into spasms, people may experience episodes of intense pain . In children, symptoms of a kidney infection often are slight and more difficult to recognize. In older people, pyelonephritis may not cause any symptoms that seem to indicate a problem in the urinary tract. Instead, older people may have a decrease in mental function , fever, or an infection of the bloodstream .

    In chronic pyelonephritis, the pain may be vague, and fever may come and go or not occur at all.

    Is It A Kidney Infection Or Something Else

    Your symptoms could also result from another common illness. Some similar conditions you may mistake for a kidney infection include:

    • Other UTIs. Other types of UTIs, such as those affecting the urethra and bladder, can also cause symptoms like urgent and painful urination, abdominal pain, and urine thats cloudy, foul-smelling, or bloody.
    • Kidney stones.Kidney stones are hard deposits of materials like calcium or uric acid that form in the kidneys. When they become lodged in the kidneys, they can cause pain in the abdomen, side, or back, as well as nausea and vomiting.
    • Lower back pain. If low back pain is your primary symptom, you may have a condition thats affecting your lower back. Examples include injuries, degenerative disc disease, and nerve compression.
    • Pregnancy. Symptoms like frequent urination, nausea and vomiting, and abdominal cramping can all be early signs of pregnancy.

    Its always a good rule of thumb to seek medical attention if you experience any new or concerning symptoms. A healthcare professional can work with you to determine what may be causing them.

    Heres an idea of what you can expect when you seek care for a possible kidney infection.

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    Bacteria Are To Blame

    UTIs are usually caused by E. coli, bacteria that are normally found in the digestive tract and on the skin around the rectal and vaginal areas. When the bacteria enter the urethra, they can make their way up into the bladder and cause an infection.

    Girls get urinary tract infections much more frequently than guys, most likely due to differences in the shape and length of the urethra. Girls have shorter urethras than guys, and the opening lies closer to the rectum and vagina where bacteria are likely to be.

    Some people seem to get frequent UTIs, but they often have other problems that make them more prone to infection, like an abnormality in the urinary tract structures or function. The most common functional problem of the urinary tract is called vesicoureteral reflux , a condition in which some urine flows backward, or refluxes, from the bladder into the ureters and even up to the kidneys.

    Bacteria can get into the urethra several ways. During sexual intercourse, for example, the bacteria in the vaginal area may be pushed into the urethra and eventually end up in the bladder, where urine provides a good environment for the bacteria to grow. This is the reason why females who are sexually active often get UTIs .

    Bacteria may also be introduced into a girl’s bladder by wiping from back to front after a bowel movement, which can contaminate the urethral opening. The use of spermicides and diaphragms as contraceptives also may increase the risk of UTIs.

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    When Is Emergency Surgery Indicated For Acute Pyelonephritis

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    Emergency surgery may be indicated in a patient with fever or positive blood culture results persisting longer than 48 hours in a patient whose condition deteriorates or in a patient who appears toxic for longer than 72 hours. These patients may have an abscess, emphysematous pyelonephritis, or an obstructing calculus. The etiology may not be immediately evident, but an unexpected change in the clinical picture warrants immediate evaluation for potential surgical intervention.

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    Things You Can Try Yourself

    If you have a kidney infection, try not to “hover” over the toilet seat when you go to the loo because it can result in your bladder not being fully emptied.

    It’s also important for most people with a kidney infection to drink plenty of fluids because this will help to flush out the bacteria from your kidneys. Aim to drink enough so that you’re frequently passing pale-coloured urine.

    If you have kidney failure, get advice from your doctor on how much to drink.

    Make sure you get plenty of rest. A kidney infection can be physically draining, even if you’re normally healthy and strong. It may take up to 2 weeks before you’re fit enough to return to work.

    How To Control Emergency Kidney Pain At Home

    There is something terrifying about kidney pain. That sharp, cramping pain, which is not quite like the usual lower backaches, is pain occurring due to some distress related to the kidneys. You might feel it on only one side. In rarer cases, you could experience it on both sides of the back to the right or left of the spine but inside the rib cage. You might be able to differentiate kidney pain from the commoner backache which assails many, especially those who are desk bound for the greater part of the day, when you find that no degree of change of posture eases the pain. Such pain might come in waves, sometimes radiating from the lower abdomen or back to the groin.

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