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Is Gabapentin Bad For The Kidneys

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Gabapentin (Neurontin 300 mg): What is Gabapentin Used for? Dosage, Side Effects & Precautions

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Kidney Impairment Can Be Costly

Although renal impairment is often reversible if the offending drug is discontinued, the condition can be costly and may require multiple interventions, including hospitalization, Dr. Naughton explained. To help you avoid getting to that point, we learned about medications that commonly cause kidney damage from Rebekah Krupski, PharmD, RPh, pharmacy resident at the Cleveland Clinic and clinical instructor of pharmacy practice at Northeast Ohio Medical University.

Does Gabapentin Cause Elevated Liver Enzymes

Gabapentin is an anticonvulsant that is sometimes used to treat epilepsy. It also may be used to lessen symptoms of postherpetic neuralgia, a complication of shingles that affects your nerve fibers and skin and causes burning pain 2. Its been prescribed for peripheral neuropathy, a painful complication of diabetes, as well. Though your liver does not metabolize this drug, there have been a few case reports of abnormal liver function tests associated with it.

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

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Gabapentin Abuse And Addiction

If the gabapentin use continues unabated, there is the risk of the long-term use spiraling into abuse and addiction. Despite the low potential for abuse if used therapeutically, gabapentin is nonetheless a psychoactive medication, and it creates a euphoric high that has been compared to that of opioids and other substances such as cannabis. Using gabapentin for unapproved purposes, such as to counteract opioid withdrawal symptoms or to increase the effect of methadone, can lead to people becoming psychologically dependent on the medication, which can develop into abuse and addiction over time. Mixing gabapentin with opioids increases the risk for respiratory depression, which can slow down breathing to the point that vital organs like the brain and heart dont get enough oxygen to function.

For those who have been on gabapentin for a while, however, the body becomes more prone to the range of side effects that come with use, including weight gain. Various physiological processes become affected after continual exposure to drugs, and the change in metabolic rate induced by gabapentin will likely result in unexpected weight gain for these patients.

If youve been abusing gabapentin, there are treatment options available. Many people who abuse gabapentin do so in combination with other drugs as part of a larger pattern of substance abuse. Getting help for addiction can reverse of prevent some of the long-term health problems associated with gabapentin abuse.

If You Have Kidney Disease Other Medications Can Be Harmful

[Full text] Rational dosing of gabapentin and pregabalin ...

If your kidneys are already damaged, certain drugs can make them worse or lead to kidney failure. Talk to your doctor before taking cholesterol or diabetes medication, antacid medicine for an upset stomach, or antimicrobial meds, like antifungal and antiviral drugs. In some cases, you may be able to take a smaller dose that’s safer for you.

You also should talk to your doctor before having some kinds of imaging tests. With a magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography scan, doctors sometimes use a dye to help them see a specific area of your body better. In rare cases, this dye can cause serious conditions called contrast-induced nephropathy or nephrogenic systemic fibrosis . Ask your doctor about other tests you might have instead.

Show Sources

National Kidney Foundation: “Contrast Dye and the Kidneys,” “How Your Kidneys Work,” “Oral Sodium Phosphate Safety Alerts,” “Pain Medicines ,” “Watch out for Your Kidneys When You Use Medicines for Pain,” “Which Drugs are Harmful to Your Kidneys?”

MedShadow: “6 Medications That Can Harm the Kidneys.”

Cleveland Clinic: “Supplements, OTCs May Hurt Your Kidneys.”

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The Need To Monitor Kidney Function With Certain Drugs

Experts have suggested that after the initial assessment of kidney function, physicians should consider regular monitoring after starting or increasing the dosage of drugs associated with nephrotoxicity, especially those used chronically in patients with multiple risk factors for impaired kidney function, Dr. Naughton noted. If there is any sign of kidney harm, the provider should review the medications you are taking in order to identify which one is causing the problem.

If multiple medications are present and the patient is clinically stable, physicians should start by discontinuing the drug most recently added to the patients medication regimen. Once that has been taken care of, further harm to the kidneys may be minimized by keeping blood pressure stable, staying hydrated, and temporarily avoiding the use of other medications that may cause nephrotoxicity.

These safety tips can ensure you get the care you need while keeping your kidneys safe. That way, they can tend to essential functions like keeping things flowing .Originally published May 11, 2017

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Rational Dosing Of Gabapentin And Pregabalin In Chronic Kidney Disease

Accepted for publication 10 January 2017

27 January 2017Volume 2017:10 Pages 275278

Mena Raouf, 1 Timothy J Atkinson, 1 Meredith W Crumb, 1 Jeffrey Fudin 2 5 1VA Tennessee Valley Healthcare System, Murfreesboro, Nashville, TN, 2Stratton VA Medical Center, 3Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Albany, NY, 4Western New England University College of Pharmacy, Springfield, MA, 5Scientific and Clinical Affairs, Remitigate LLC, Delmar, NY, USA


Renal dose adjustments for gabapentin and pregabalin are ubiquitously evident in the medical literature. All manufacturers for these branded and generic dosage forms list dosing recommendations relative to creatinine clearance for both medications .1,2 However, the basis of these recommendations has not been well articulated.

Table 1 Recommended dose adjustments based on varying degrees of renal impairment

Abbreviation: CrCl, creatinine clearance.


Pharmacokinetics and renal handling

Pregabalins apparent total clearance is 6781 mL/min in young healthy subjects and is therefore thought to undergo tubular reabsorption to some extent.2 Hemodialysis removes approximately 35% of gabapentin and 50%60% of pregabalin, where supplemental doses are generally recommended post-HD.1,2

Therapeutic dosing targets

Dosing considerations in chronic kidney disease

A theoretical approach: the Rowland and Tozer equation

Figure 1 RowlandTozer method.

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What Are The Most Serious Side Effects Of Gabapentin

Serious long-term effects are possible when taking gabapentin and may include: 1,4

  • Tremors.
  • Aggression.
  • Temporary amnesia.

Those with a history of kidney disease may be subject to gabapentin toxicity, since this drug is substantially excreted through the kidneys.

Children between the ages of 3 and 12 may be prone to mood changes, onset of aggressive behavior, impaired concentration, hyperactive behavior, and changes in academic performance when taking gabapentin.7

Suicidal ideation is a rare but extremely serious side effects of gabapentin. You should seek help immediately if:4

  • You have new or worsened depression or anxiety.
  • You are suffering from panic attacks.
  • You are having manic episodes.
  • You are having intrusive thoughts about dying or suicide.
  • You experience any other unusual changes in your mood or behavior.

Common Side Effects Of Gabapentin

5 Most Common Side Effects on Gabapentin and Some Solutions / Neurontin

On its own, gabapentin has a lower risk for abuse than similar benzodiazepines and opioids but like any drug, gabapentin causes side effects, the nature and severity of which depend on how much of the medication is consumed, and for how long. At the shorter end of the spectrum, the effects are mostly tolerable and will pass after the body becomes accustomed to the effects of the gabapentin. Mayo Clinic lists some of the milder and short-term effects of gabapentin:

  • Loss of balance
  • Some changes to mood and temperament
  • Difficulty with visual focus, sometimes seeing double

The loss of balance and difficulty with movement coordination tend to present more in elderly individuals, who are at a high risk for falling injuries. Children tend to experience mood changes and periods of depression when taking gabapentin.

Not all patients will experience gabapentin side effects, and most will feel only the milder effects of gabapentin use when they go on a prescribed regimen. But taking higher doses of gabapentin, or taking it for very long periods of time, increases the severity of the side effects. According to WebMD, these can be anything from swelling in the hands and feet to extreme mood swings . Some patients experience short-term memory loss and mental disorientation while others note generalized pain, usually concentrated in the stomach.

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Does Gabapentin Cause Increased Appetite In Dogs

Side effects of gabapentin in dogs and cats are uncommon and the principal side effect seen is mild sedation/lethargy and ataxia of the hind limbs.

Increased appetite and mild weight gain have been reported.

There is also a solution of gabapentin available with a concentration of 50 mg/mL.

Side effects of gabapentin in dogs and cats are uncommon and the principal side effect seen is mild sedation/lethargy and ataxia of the hind limbs.

Increased appetite and mild weight gain have been reported.

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The most common side effects associated with the drug include mild sedation and ataxia. If the sedative effects persist or appear to be excessive or you notice signs of an allergic reaction, such as hives, itching, swelling, and difficulty breathing, contact your veterinarian immediately.

The most common side effects associated with the drug include mild sedation and ataxia. If the sedative effects persist or appear to be excessive or you notice signs of an allergic reaction, such as hives, itching, swelling, and difficulty breathing, contact your veterinarian immediately.

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Serious Side Effects Of Gabapentin

In emergency cases, some people might struggle with breathing problems and kidney issues. These are likely among those who have had lung or kidney issues in the past, or who are using gabapentin with other substances .

In very rare cases, individuals might suffer an allergic reaction that could be very dangerous. Swelling in the mouth, tongue or throat, or very intense itching, usually signals the onset of a critical allergic reaction that requires immediate medical attention.

Side effects of gabapentin carry the risk of developing adverse physical effects in both the short-term and long-term for patients. The American Journal of Medicine carried the results of a study that suggested that people who had a pre-existing kidney problem before taking gabapentin are at risk for developing gabapentin toxicity, which can be fatal.

Gabapentin is broken down into its chemical constituents in the kidneys, and those who have kidney problems are in danger of the gabapentin components staying in their systems for longer than necessary, leading to gabapentin toxicity. Gabapentin toxicity could also develop in people who take more gabapentin than they should, whether out of a misguided desire for relief or for recreational purposes.

What Are The Long

Table 1 from Rational dosing of gabapentin and pregabalin ...

For many people, gabapentin is a simple anti-seizure drug they take to help them with their epilepsy and neuropathic pain. For a number of other people, gabapentin becomes a psychological need that develops into an unexpected source of abuse. The long-term effects of gabapentin are an example of what happens when the line between prescription use and unhealthy use is crossed.

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% Of Older Patients Prescribed Gabapentin After Surgery Use It Long Term

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One-fifth of older patients discharged with gabapentin following a surgical procedure had the prescription refilled for more than 90 days, suggesting long-term use is common, according to an analysis of Medicare data.

According to researchers, long-term use of gabapentin a nonopioid pain medication among older adults may cause altered mental status, dizziness, drowsiness and renal dysfunction, and it could also lead to polypharmacy, which in itself can lead to adverse events and hospital stays.

Though it appears on the Beers Criteria medication list, gabapentin is less frequently studied than opioids and therefore has been overlooked as a potential harmful medication in older adults after surgery,Tasce Bongiovanni, MD, MPP, MHS, an assistant professor in the division of general surgery at the University of California, San Francisco, told Healio Primary Care.

The researchers wrote that among the patients with new prescriptions, 20% were still receiving gabapentin refills 90 or more days after surgery. Those who had prolonged use were more likely to be older , female , have concurrent opioid use , a higher Charlson score and to have undergone emergency surgery .

These findings are not necessarily surprising, she said. However, the findings are certainly concerning and may represent an area of improvement in surgical care.

Dosage For Postherpetic Neuralgia

Adult dosage

  • Typical starting dosage: Day 1, 300 mg day 2, 600 mg day 3, 900 mg . Your doctor may further increase your dosage after day 3.
  • Maximum dosage: 1,800 mg per day

Child dosage

Dosage for people younger than 18 years has not been established.

Senior dosage

Your kidney function may decrease with age. Your body may get rid of this drug more slowly. Your doctor may start you on a lower dose so that too much of this drug does not build up in your body. Too much of the drug in your body can be dangerous. Your doctor may change your dose based on how well your kidneys are working.

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What Is Gabapentin And How Does It Work

Gabapentin is a prescription drug most commonly prescribed to relieve nervepain following shinglesin adults, treating the pain of post herpetic neuralgia. Gabapentin belongs to a class of drugs known as anti-seizure drugs.

  • Take gabapentin by mouth as directed by your doctor, usually once a day with the evening meal. The dosage is based on your medical condition and response to treatment.
  • Swallow gabapentin whole. Do not crush or chew sustained-release tablets. Doing so can release all of the drug at once, increasing the risk of side effects. Also, do not split sustained-release tablets unless they have a score line and your doctor or pharmacist tells you to do so. Swallow the whole or split tablet without crushing or chewing.
  • During the first 2 weeks of treatment, your doctor may gradually increase your dose so your body can adjust to the medication.
  • Gabapentin is available under the following different brand names: Neurontin and Gralise.

Gabapentin And Kidney Function Changes

GABAPENTIN | Neurontin: Side Effects and How to Take

This elderly patient had been on a dose of gabapentin 600 mg three times daily for peripheral neuropathy. Over time, the patients kidney function had been declining and was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease.

Family had begun to notice that the patient was becoming more lethargic and dizzy. The patient had also made the comment that they felt snowed from time to time. Meclizine was added as needed to help treat the dizziness and the team decided to monitor the other symptoms at this time. The peripheral neuropathy was well managed with no noted pain stated by the patient.

Because of the decline in kidney function the previous dose of gabapentin was now inappropriate especially in this case secondary to the noted adverse effects. Gabapentin is primarily eliminated from the body through the kidney. Gabapentin was reduced and the patients symptoms did resolve. The meclizine added for dizziness was also eventually discontinued as we didnt have any side effects to treat anymore

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Severe infections in the kidney from bacteria can cause sudden kidney failure. Although kidney infections can occur spontaneously, usually there is a preexisting condition that reduces an animal’s ability to fight infection easily such as kidney stones, partial urine blockage or chronic kidney disease.

Possible Side Effects of Gabapentin If the sedative effects persist or appear to be excessive or you notice signs of an allergic reaction, such as hives, itching, swelling, and difficulty breathing, contact your veterinarian immediately.

What Exactly Is Cirrhosis Of The Liver

The liver is the bodys biggest solid organ and the second largest overall after the skin. The liver has several key functions in the body including:

  • Storing extra nutrients
  • Make bile for digesting food
  • Producing blood proteins for clotting
  • Returning some nutrients to the bloodstream
  • Store blood sugar

Liver cirrhosis is a late-stage liver disease that involves scar tissue replacing healthy liver tissue. This results in the scar tissue blocking blood flow throughout the liver. This makes it tougher for the liver to process various things like nutrients, hormones, and medicines. Its also more difficult to filter out toxins.

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