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Can You Improve Your Kidney Function

What Does A Kidney

Improve Your Kidneys!

Your kidneys major function is to get rid of waste and extra fluid from your body through your urine. They also balance the bodys minerals and fluids and make a hormone that regulates your blood pressure.

A kidney-friendly diet will help protect your kidneys from further damage. You must limit some food and fluids, so other fluids and minerals such as electrolytes do not build up in your body. Also, you must ensure that you are getting the right intake of protein, calories, vitamins and minerals in your daily diet.

If you have early-stage kidney disease, there are few food items you must limit. But as your disease worsens, you must be more careful about your daily food intake.

Healthy Eating Guidelines For People With Early Chronic Kidney Disease

Your kidneys are bean-shaped organs about the size of a fist. Most people have two kidneys, one on each side of the spine just below the rib cage. The kidneys main functions are to:

  • Regulate the amount of water in the body
  • Get rid of waste products
  • Balance minerals such as calcium
  • Make hormones, such as the ones that control blood pressure and red blood cell production

There are five stages of chronic kidney disease . In early stages , your kidneys may work well enough that you do not have any symptoms. At each stage the body is less able to get rid of extra water and waste.

In early kidney disease, the main goal is to help your kidneys function better for longer. Eating a variety of healthy foods such as vegetables and fruits, whole grains and protein foods can help. If you have high blood pressure or diabetes, manage these conditions through lifestyle changes and taking any medication prescribed by your doctor. A dietitian can help you plan a diet that is suitable for all your health conditions.

If your kidneys continue to lose function, your doctor or a dietitian may advise you to make other changes to your diet. There is no one diet that is right for everyone with kidney disease.

Drink Plenty Of Fluids

Theres no magic behind the cliché advice to drink eight glasses of water a day, but its a good goal precisely because it encourages you to stay hydrated. Regular, consistent water intake is healthy for your kidneys.

Water helps clear sodium and toxins from your kidneys. It also lowers your risk of chronic kidney disease.

Aim for at least 1.5 to 2 liters in a day. Exactly how much water you need depends largely on your health and lifestyle. Factors like climate, exercise, gender, overall health, and whether or not youre pregnant or breastfeeding are important to consider when planning your daily water intake.

People who have previously had kidney stones should drink a bit more water to help prevent stone deposits in the future.

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Can The Kidneys Repair Themselves

Regeneration is, of course, the key of the natural mechanism of the bodys cells to repair themselves. Many medical conditions are not able to be cured and become chronic because theyre a consequence of serious or even permanent damage to tissues or organs beyond the ability of the bodys natural repair mechanism.

Kidney disease can be acute or chronic. Again, it can lead to a condition called end-stage kidney failure, when the kidney stops working. When the kidney is damaged beyond repair, kidney transplantation or dialysis is the answer of the treatment but this is not a cure. Even people with kidney transplant can still have chronic kidney disease and may require some of the other medicines.

Actually, many parts of your body are designed almost perfectly. For some that are vulnerable to get damaged because of their aggressive job, they are also naturally designed to quickly repair themselves. But this natural repair ability is limited.

And the same goes for your kidneys. They are one of some parts of the body that actually ranks very highly in their natural ability to repair themselves. But this regeneration is also limited.

Causes Of High Creatinine Levels

9 Most Effective Tips to Improve Kidney Function

Although high levels of creatinine are indicative of potential kidney problems, other possible reasons could elevate your creatinine levels. These reasons may be one-time occurrences, such as dehydration or intake of large amounts of supplement creatine or protein.

Other causes of high creatinine may suggest a health condition. These conditions can impair kidney functions or indicate kidney disease.

A few of these conditions include:

  • Kidney infection
  • Itchiness

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How To Lower Creatinine Levels Without Dialysis

The symptoms of high creatinine can vary depending on the cause. When you have CKD or declining kidney function, you must do health measures to prevent further kidney damage and slow down CKD progression.

In cases of kidney failure, dialysis may become necessary on top of the medications to help your kidneys filter toxins and waste buildup.

Nevertheless, if you are still in the early stages of CKD, these tips below can help lower your creatinine levels.

Can Kidney Function Be Restored

Your kidneys are responsible to many body functions, especially to provide normal and healthy-balance blood. They can filter about a quarter of blood in the body every day, filtering what to remove and what to keep. This aggressive task puts them at risk of getting damaged, particularly if you have lifestyle or environmental factors that make them work harder than usual. There are several ways to help keep and improve your kidney function. But can it be restored?

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How To Increase Gfr Level Naturally

How to improve kidney function naturally? If you are looking for an answer, then this blog post is best for you. In this blog, you will get to know about the natural ways to increase your GFR number.

Glomeruli filtration rate decreases when something obstructs the job roles of your renal system. When the level of creatinine starts increasing in the blood. Your GFR and hemoglobin start decreasing. Your GFR level describes how well your kidneys are working.

If your GFR level is below 15 that means your kidney is failed. And, if your GFR level is between 15 to 60, then you have kidney disease. But, if your GFR level is between 60 to 120 that means you and your kidneys are healthy. So, if your GFR level is high, then consult an Ayurvedachadrya who can increase GFR levels with Ayurveda.

Yes, Ayurveda, it is because there are herbs to increase GFR levels. And, Ayurvedacharya does not use any surgical treatments to cure your failed or diseased kidney.

For your convenience, in this blog, we have mentioned the story of a kidney disease survivor. to see how to increase the GFR level naturally.

Meantime, the patient got to know that there are herbs to increase the GFR level in Karma Ayurveda Hospital. So, he consulted here. Now, with the help of Ayurvedic medications, the patients Glomeruli filtration rate increased to 55.6. Along with that, his kidney functions also improved. And, all the changes occurred due to the compilation of Ayurvedic medications, and a renal diet plan.

Nutrition And Low Kidney Function

Kidney & Bladder Health : How to Improve Kidney Function

Food is what our bodies use for growth, homeostasis, and healing. This is why its important for you to consult with a dietician who is knowledgeable about kidney disease. Youll need to find and maintain a balance between the levels of electrolytes, minerals, and fluid in your body.

A modified diet for chronic kidney disease may include adjustments to your intake of the following food items:

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Watch Your Blood Pressure

Have your blood pressure checked regularly. High blood pressure has no symptoms, but it can increase your risk of kidney and heart problems.

You can get a simple, quick and painless blood pressure check free of charge at your GP surgery and many high street pharmacies.

If your blood pressure is higher than it should be, a GP can suggest lifestyle changes or, if necessary, prescribe medicine to reduce your blood pressure.

An ideal blood pressure is considered to be between 90/60mmHg and 120/80mmHg.

Gfr And Kidney Disease Stages

The National Kidney Foundation lists the following GFR scores and kidney disease stages, and what to expect in each:

stage 5 kidney failure

As you advance through the stages of kidney disease, you will notice more and more symptoms, and your treatments may need to become more intense.

Hemodialysis is a treatment where an artificial kidney filters and circulates your blood when your kidneys can no longer do their job. Its a common method for managing end-stage kidney disease and kidney failure. However, with early diagnosis and careful management, you may be able to at least slow down the progression of your kidney disease.

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What Are The Ways To Make A Kidney

If you have diabetes along with kidney disease, you need to control your blood sugar to prevent more damage to your kidneys. A diabetic diet and a kidney-friendly diet share a lot of the same food items, but there are some important differences. There are some ways your kidney-friendly diet and diabetic diet can work together. Below are a few food items that are good for you, if youre diagnosed with both diabetes and kidney disease.

  • Fruits: Berries, papaya, cherries, apples and plums
  • Vegetables: Cauliflower, onions and spinach
  • Proteins: Lean meats , eggs and unsalted seafood
  • Carbohydrates: Whole-wheat breads, sandwich buns, unsalted crackers and pasta
  • Fluids: Water, clear soups and unsweetened tea
  • If you drink orange juice to treat low blood sugar, switch to kidney-friendly apple juice. It will provide the same blood sugar boost with a lot less potassium.
  • Late-stage disease: Your blood sugar levels get better with late-stage kidney disease, possibly because of changes in how the body uses insulin.
  • Dialysis: If you are on dialysis, your blood sugar can increase because the fluid used to filter your blood contains a high blood sugar level. Your doctor will monitor you closely and decide whether you will need insulin and other diabetes medicines.
  • Your doctor and/or dietician will help you to create a meal plan that helps you control your blood sugar level while limiting sodium, phosphorus, potassium and fluids in the body.

    Limit Your Alcohol Consumption

    Reduced kidney function can improve with lifestyle ...

    You may still be able to drink alcohol if you have kidney disease, but it’s advisable not to exceed the recommended limits of more than 14 alcohol units a week.

    Speak to your GP or care team if you find it difficult to cut down the amount of alcohol you drink.

    Find out more about cutting down on alcohol.

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    Nutrition Tips For Chronic Kidney Disease

    A healthy diet is essential for everyone, but it is vital for people who have chronic kidney disease.

    Chronic kidney disease affects an estimated 37 million people in the U.S., according to the National Kidney Foundation. Chronic kidney disease means your kidneys are damaged and losing the ability to keep you healthy.

    Diet and nutrition may help manage and, potentially, slow the disease. Other key factors to slowing the progression include managing diabetes and controlling blood pressure, which are the leading causes of kidney failure.

    A kidney-friendly meal plan focuses on the amount of certain nutrients that you should take in. Work with your dietitian to make a meal plan that meets your individual needs.

    Dietary restrictions associated with chronic kidney disease include:

    1. Protein

    Its important to get the right amount of protein. Needs are based on height, weight and overall health. Protein is necessary for wound healing, enzyme and hormone production, and immune function. Byproducts of protein degradation no longer can be cleared as well by damaged kidneys, so protein is limited to decrease buildup of waste products. Try to keep portions of meat to the size of a deck of cards.

    2. Sodium

    3. Potassium

    4. Phosphorus

    5. Calcium

    Kristi Wempen is a registered dietitian-nutritionist in Mankato, Minnesota.

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    Taking an active role to manage your CKD will help you feel better and improve your overall well-being.

    Taking an active role in managing your chronic kidney disease can improve your overall well-being. Learn what you can do to feel your best.

    Kidneys that work properly are critical to keeping you healthy. If you have CKD, your kidneys cant filter blood as well as they should, and this can lead to other health problems, such as heart disease and stroke.

    While its not possible to reverse kidney damage, you can take steps to slow it down. Taking prescribed medicine, being physically active, and eating well will help. Youll also feel better and improve your overall well-being.

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    How To Keep Your Kidneys Healthy

    Your kidneys work hard for you, day in and day out. To take good care of them, youâll want to focus on these things that make a big difference.

    Watch your blood pressure. If itâs too high, that can put stress on your kidneys. If youâre not sure what your blood pressure is, your doctor can check it. You could have high blood pressure and not know it, since it doesnât have any symptoms. High blood pressure is one of the top causes of kidney problems.

    Got diabetes? If you do, work with your doctor to keep your blood sugar levels in check. If theyâre not under control, that can cause problems for your kidneys over time. Along with hypertension , diabetes is one of the biggest concerns for kidney health.

    Use your meds correctly. Take them as your doctor recommends, or follow the instructions on the package. Be wary of medicines that can cause kidney damage when you take them for a long time, including over-the-counter painkillers like ibuprofen and prescriptions such as lithium and HIV medications.

    Yes to food and fitness. You already know that exercise and eating right help your heart and weight. They also help your blood pressure and your blood sugar levels. And thatâs good for your kidneys.

    Shake the salt habit. Keep sodium low: no more than 2,300 milligrams a day. Check food labels to see how much is in a serving. It might be more than you think!

    Kidneys Have Lots Of Reserve But Getting Ahead Of Small Decreases In Function Prevents Later Damage

    How To Improve Kidney Function By Eating These 3 Foods

    You often hear older people say I have weak kidneys. That doesn’t mean they can’t do their job or are destined to fail. But it does indicate you have some form of chronic kidney disease. The kidneysthe body’s blood-filtering urine factoryhave less capacity to filter toxins from the blood and excrete them in the urine.

    Half of U.S. adults over 75 may have below-normal kidney function. Most of them will never get sick from it, unless they have other conditions such as diabetes or uncontrolled hypertension, or take medications that can injure the kidney.

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    Dont Take Supplements Containing Creatine

    Creatine provides the muscles with energy. It is stored in the brain, kidneys, and liver. Athletes and weightlifters use creatinine as a popular supplement to build muscle and improve performance. If you wish to lower your creatinine level, you may want to minimize your creatine intake.

    Additionally, some medications such as antibiotics, cardiovascular drugs, chemotherapy drugs, diuretics, and lithium can also impair your kidney health. Consult with your doctor before taking any medications and supplements to protect your kidneys.

    S To Take At Stage 1 Kidney Disease

    • See your doctor regularlyget medical attention for any unusual or unexplained health symptoms.
    • Know your GFRask your doctor for a blood test to calculate your estimated glomerular filtration rate , so you can monitor your kidney health.
    • Treat underlying health conditionstalk to your doctor about high blood pressure, diabetes, or other health conditions that can contribute to kidney disease.
    • Make healthy lifestyle choicesquit smoking, exercise regularly, eat well , reduce stress, and get enough sleep.
    • Take all medications as prescribedand talk to your doctor before taking any over-the-counter medications.

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    Control Your Salt Intake

    A small amount of salt each day is good for you, as long as its not refined The problem is if you consume too much, either in pre-made meals or as a condiment. Frozen meals tend to contain table salt, which is just sodium chloride and doesnt contain the balance of minerals and trace elements that your body needs.

    • If you consume too much salt, your kidneys will need to retain more water to be able to process it, which causes an imbalance of fluids in your body.
    • At the same time, it causes increased blood pressure, which damages nephrons over time.

    Supplements And Medications To Lower Creatinine Levels

    You can find more natural how to keep kidneys healthy at ...

    If the cause of the high levels of creatinine in the blood is kidney disease, your doctor will prescribe you medications to manage the symptoms. These prescription drugs include:

    • Angiotensin – converting enzyme inhibitors like Lotensin and Capoten and Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers like Edarbi and Teveten to manage high blood pressure. ARBs also reduce the amount of protein in the urine.
    • Erythropoiesis – stimulating agents to help improve your red blood cell count.
    • Phosphate or potassium binders help your kidneys filter extra phosphate and potassium.

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    Path To Improved Health

    Some of the waste that can build up in your blood comes from nutrients in the food you eat. Your body needs most of these nutrients for its day-to-day functions. When your kidneys arent working well, the following nutrients can become a problem.

    Phosphorous. Phosphorous is a mineral that keeps bones healthy and strong. But, even in early stages of chronic kidney disease, the level of phosphorous in your blood can become too high. A high level of phosphorous can cause itchy skin. It can also cause your bones to lose calcium. If this happens, your bones will get weaker and more brittle. You also have a greater risk of developing osteoporosis.

    Foods high in phosphorous include:

    • Dairy products, such as milk, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream.
    • Dried beans and peas, such as kidney beans, split peas, and lentils.
    • Nuts and peanut butter.
    • Drinks like beer, cola, and hot cocoa.

    If your phosphorous level is too high even after you change your diet, your doctor may prescribe medicine to lower it.

    Calcium. You need calcium to build strong bones. Unfortunately, foods that contain calcium often also contain phosphorous. If you have chronic kidney disease, you may need to take calcium supplements that are phosphorous-free. Your doctor may also prescribe a special type of vitamin D. This will help your body absorb calcium.

    Protein. You need protein to build and maintain healthy muscles, bones, skin, and blood. Protein also helps your body fight infection and heal wounds.


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