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HomeExclusiveHow To Boost Kidney Function

How To Boost Kidney Function

What Are The Tests For Heart Disease

How To Improve Kidney Function By Eating These 3 Foods

You can get several routine tests for heart disease in your doctors office or at an outpatient center, including

  • a blood pressure test
  • a blood test for cholesterol
  • an electrocardiograma test using sensors stuck to your skin to record the electrical signals that keep your heart beating

Another test, called a stress test, measures how your heart works during physical activity, such as walking, running on a treadmill, or riding a bike. This test usually takes place in a hospital or a specialized outpatient center.

If these tests show that you have heart disease, your doctor may want to do more tests.

Nutrition And Low Kidney Function

Food is what our bodies use for growth, homeostasis, and healing. This is why its important for you to consult with a dietician who is knowledgeable about kidney disease. Youll need to find and maintain a balance between the levels of electrolytes, minerals, and fluid in your body.

A modified diet for chronic kidney disease may include adjustments to your intake of the following food items:

Curb Your Vices: Alcohol And Smoking

Drinking heavily and regularly doubles your risk of chronic kidney disease . And those that smoke on top of this are five times more likely to develop CKD than those that dont practice the habit.

Alcohol disrupts how your kidney filters your blood. And alcohol, one of the substances that your kidney needs to filter out, makes your kidneys work overtime. Excessively drinking alcohol could wear your kidneys out and negatively affect kidney function.

Men are advised to stick to one or two drinks a day. And for women and the elderly, stick to one drink a day.

You may have heard the health benefits of red wine, but this is not a good enough reason to pick up the habit.

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Get Active To Help Improve Kidney Function And Health

A slim waistline can help risk factors like obesity and high blood pressure at bay.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend the following exercise for older adults:

  • 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, or
  • 75 minutes a week of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity, or
  • a combination of moderate- and vigorous-intensity activity

Activities like dancing and water aerobics double as vigorous-intensity exercise and fun hobbies. Even doing chores like gardening could count as some form of exercise.

Participate in activities that get you off the couch and off your feet. Even better if its something you enjoy and will encourage you to keep moving!

A healthy waistline could also mean that youre eating just as healthily, which may also help to improve kidney function in elderly folks.

Why Do Some Kidney Patients Need To Follow Special Diets

How To Improve Kidney Functions Naturally? Dr. Puneet Dhawan

Advanced kidney disease can upset the delicate balance of essential nutrients in the body so some people may have to:

  • restrict amounts of some types of foods and drinks to stop harmful build up in the blood
  • modify their diets to help prevent muscle or bone weakening.

Others may have to avoid certain foods, such as fresh grapefruit or grapefruit juice because they can interfere with certain medications.

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Diet Tips For Kidney Health

A kidney-friendly diet should limit sodium, cholesterol, and fat and instead focus on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, and lean meats , says Maruschak. People who have already been diagnosed with CKD may also need to limit certain other nutrients, she adds.

Here are a few ways to tweak your diet to maintain kidney health.

Blood And Urine Tests

If your doctor thinks you might have chronic kidney failure, they will order blood and urine tests.

Blood tests for kidney function measure the levels of electrolytes and waste in your blood. They measure waste products such as creatinine and blood urea. Creatinine is a byproduct of muscle metabolism. Blood urea is leftover when your body breaks down proteins. When your kidneys are working properly, they excrete both substances.

Urine tests will be performed to check for abnormalities. For example, protein is normally only present in trace amounts in your urine. An elevated protein level might indicate kidney problems months or even years before other symptoms appear. Your urine sediment and cells found in your urine will also be examined in a laboratory.

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Types Of Treatment For Kidney Failure

There are two types of treatments for kidney failure â dialysis and kidney transplantChoosing a Treatment for Kidney Failure | NIDDK. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. . Retrieved 7 December 2021, from Both are pretty extreme treatments â you can go through exhausting dialysis that removes waste and extra fluid from your body or you can undergo invasive surgery to replace your kidney. Both options are intense and often extremely difficult on the body. There is also typically a long waitlist to receive these treatments, which is why it is so important to stay on top of your kidney health now.

Eating Diet And Nutrition

Kidney & Bladder Health : How to Improve Kidney Function

A healthy diet can help protect you from heart disease and kidney disease. Keep your heart and kidneys healthy by eating plenty of the following foods:

  • fruits and vegetables
  • unsaturated fats such as olive oil or corn oil
  • low-sodium foods

People with advanced chronic kidney disease may need to adjust their diet to avoid high potassium. If you have advanced kidney disease, you may need to limit foods such as bananas, oranges, potatoes, and tomatoes and eat apples, berries, grapes, and peaches instead. Check with your provider to find out if you should cut back on your potassium. Do not alter your diet without checking because you might eat less of these healthy fruits and vegetables unnecessarily.

More information is provided in the NIDDK health topic, Potassium: Tips for People with Chronic Kidney Disease.

You need protein. However, protein breaks down into wastes that your kidneys need to remove. Most people eat more protein than they need. Large amounts of protein make your kidneys work harder. High-quality proteins such as meat, fish, and eggs make fewer wastes than other sources of protein. Beans, whole grains, soy products, nuts and nut butters, and dairy products can also be good sources of protein.

More information is provided in the NIDDK health topic, Protein: Tips for People with Chronic Kidney Disease.

More information is provided in the NIDDK health topic, Phosphorous: Tips for People with Chronic Kidney Disease.

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Control Your Blood Pressure

The most important step you can take to treat kidney disease is to control your blood pressure. High blood pressure can damage your kidneys. You can protect your kidneys by keeping your blood pressure at or less than the goal set by your health care provider. For most people, the blood pressure goal is less than 140/90 mm Hg.

Work with your health care provider to develop a plan to meet your blood pressure goals. Steps you can take to meet your blood pressure goals may include eating heart-healthy and low-sodium meals, quitting smoking, being active, getting enough sleep, and taking your medicines as prescribed.

Procedures And Low Kidney Function

Diet modification and medications can help delay the progression of chronic kidney disease, especially in the early stages. If the disease progresses, however, other forms of treatment may become necessary.

Other forms of treatment may include:

  • Blood transfusions: Hormone and iron supplements are not always enough to manage the symptoms of anemia. In those cases, your doctor may order one or more blood transfusions.
  • Dialysis: Dialysis is an artificial method of removing wastes, toxins, and excess fluids from your blood when your kidneys cease to function. There are two types of dialysis: hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.
  • With hemodialysis, your blood is filtered through a machine to be cleansed of impurities and then returned to your body.
  • With peritoneal dialysis, a thin tube is inserted into your abdomen, which you fill with a solution that absorbs wastes and extra fluids. After a specified period of time, the solution is drained, and the wastes are removed.
  • Kidney transplant: If a healthy donor kidney is available, it is surgically placed and attached inside your body. Daily medications are necessary to prevent your bodys rejection of the new kidney.
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    Gfr And Kidney Disease Stages

    The National Kidney Foundation lists the following GFR scores and kidney disease stages, and what to expect in each:

    stage 5 kidney failure

    As you advance through the stages of kidney disease, you will notice more and more symptoms, and your treatments may need to become more intense.

    Hemodialysis is a treatment where an artificial kidney filters and circulates your blood when your kidneys can no longer do their job. Its a common method for managing end-stage kidney disease and kidney failure. However, with early diagnosis and careful management, you may be able to at least slow down the progression of your kidney disease.

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    Keeping Your Kidneys Healthy

    How To Improve Kidney Function To Avoid Dialysis?

    There are a number of things you can do to keep your kidneys healthy, including:

    • If you have diabetes, make sure that your blood sugar control is excellent. Follow your doctors advice about insulin injections, medicines, diet, physical activity and monitoring your blood sugar.
    • Control high blood pressure. Have your blood pressure checked regularly. Medications used to lower blood pressure , such as ACE inhibitors or angiotensin blockers, can slow the development of kidney disease.
    • If you have one of the risk factors for kidney disease, have a kidney health check at least every two years .
    • Treat urinary tract infections immediately.
    • Control blood cholesterol levels with diet and medications if necessary.
    • Drink plenty of water and choose foods that are low in sugar, fat and salt, but high in fibre. Stick to moderate serving sizes.
    • Do not smoke.
    • Drink alcohol in moderation only.
    • Stay at a healthy weight for your height and age.
    • Try to exercise moderately for at least 30 minutes a day.

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    Guideline : Estimation Of Gfr

    The GFR is the best overall indicator of the level of kidney function. .1 The GFR should be estimated using a prediction equation that takes into account the serum creatinine level and some or all of these variables: age, sex, race, and body size. The Modification of Diet in Renal Disease study equation and the Cockcroft-Gault equation provide useful estimates of the GFR in adult patients .46 The NKF guideline1,2 notes that the serum creatinine concentration alone is not optimal for assessing the level of kidney function.

    Equations for Predicting GFR in Adults Based on Serum Creatinine Concentration*

    Abbreviated MDRD study equation:

    Cockcroft-Gault equation:

    GFR = glomerular filtration rate MDRD = Modification of Diet in Renal Disease SCr = serum creatinine concentration CCr = creatinine clearance.

    *For each equation, SCr is in milligrams per deciliter, age is in years, and weight is in kilograms.

    Information from references 4, 5, and 6.

    Equations for Predicting GFR in Adults Based on Serum Creatinine Concentration*

    Abbreviated MDRD study equation:

    Cockcroft-Gault equation:

    GFR = glomerular filtration rate MDRD = Modification of Diet in Renal Disease SCr = serum creatinine concentration CCr = creatinine clearance.

    *For each equation, SCr is in milligrams per deciliter, age is in years, and weight is in kilograms.

    Information from references 4, 5, and 6.


    Diet And Kidney Disease

    Dietary restrictions vary depending on the level of kidney damage.

    For example, people in the early stages of kidney disease have different restrictions than those with kidney failure, also known as end-stage renal disease .

    If you have kidney disease, your health care provider will determine the best diet for your needs.

    For most people with advanced kidney disease, its important to follow a kidney-friendly diet that helps decrease the amount of waste in the blood.

    This diet is often referred to as a renal diet.

    It helps boost kidney function while preventing further damage .

    While dietary restrictions vary, its commonly recommended that all people with kidney disease restrict the following nutrients:

    • Sodium.Sodium is found in many foods and a major component of table salt. Damaged kidneys cant filter out excess sodium, causing its blood levels to rise. Its often recommended to limit sodium to less than 2,000 mg per day (

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    Ways To Keep Your Kidneys Happy

    Did you know that March is National Kidney Month? This is a time of year to raise special awareness about kidney health and to share facts on ways to keep kidneys healthy. 1 in 3 Americans is at risk for kidney disease.

    More than 26 million Americans already have a kidney disease. The problem is most are not aware, because there are no signs of kidney disease until it has progressed. There is no “one-size-fits-all” solution for preventing kidney problems, such as kidney stones.

    The good news is there are some actions you can take to improve the chances of keeping those kidneys happy! Here are five things to consider:

  • Drink plenty of fluids to help the kidneys work well. This is also the best way to prevent kidney stones.
  • Don’t smoke. Smoking slows the flow of blood to the kidneys, which may reduce their function. Smoking also raises the risk of kidney cancer by about 50 percent.
  • Eat healthy, low fat foods to cut your risk of high blood sugar and high blood pressure. Exercise can also help keep your blood pressure and sugar levels under control.
  • If you take over-the counter painkillers, like ibuprofen and naproxen, daily for everyday pain or joint swelling, then talk to your doctor about checking your kidney function. These drugs can cause harm to the kidneys if taken too often over a long period.
  • If you have high blood pressure or high blood sugar, then have your kidney function monitored on a regular basis.
  • What Is Heart Disease

    Kidneys: How to improve your kidney function

    Heart disease includes any problem that keeps your heart from pumping blood as well as it should. The problem might start in your blood vessels or your heart. Heart and blood vessel problems include

    • the buildup of a substance called plaque in the walls of the blood vessels
    • a blood clot that blocks the flow of blood to the heart
    • heart attackheart damage caused by a lack of blood and oxygen to the heart

    The buildup of plaque is often the first step in making other problems. Plaque can block blood flow.

    Plaque can block blood flow.

    Normal blood vessel
    Blood vessel with plaque and blood clot

    The early symptoms of plaque in your blood vessels include

    • pain in your chest, called angina
    • pain in your legs when walking
    • sudden numbness or weakness in your arms or legs
    • temporary signs of a strokea blockage of blood to the brainsuch as having a hard time speaking or drooping muscles in your face
    • feeling dizzy at times

    A blood clot may form in a blood vessel that carries blood to the heart muscle. Then your heart muscle does not get the oxygen and nutrients it needs from the blood. The muscle becomes damaged. The damage to your heart caused by this blockage and lack of oxygen is called a heart attack.

    Each person may have different heart attack symptoms. Symptoms can include

    • chest pains or discomfort, or often a sense of chest pressure
    • pain or discomfort in one or both armsoften the left armor in the back, jaw, neck, or stomach
    • shortness of breath
    • nausea or vomiting
    • light-headedness

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    More On Your Kidney Function Numbers

    The normal range for kidney function numbers is between 80 and 129. Anything below 80 is generally quite bad. This will vary between men and women and it is dependent on muscle mass. Petite people without much muscle mass will likely have a low kidney number. It is important for you to know your kidney number, as a lot of people do not know this or even what one is, and therefore they dont wind up getting to their doctor until their kidney function is so low that they will require dialysis or kidney replacement.

    Reduce Your Protein Intake

    What you eat can have an impact on your creatinine levels. Proteins and cooked meat have creatine, so consuming more than the recommended amounts of proteins could increase your creatinine levels. The heat in cooking causes the creatine, found in meat, to produce creatinine. Consider switching your red meat to more vegetable or plant-based dishes.

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    Take Medicines As Prescribed

    Many people with CKD take medicines prescribed to lower blood pressure, control blood glucose, and lower cholesterol.

    Two types of blood pressure medicines, ACE inhibitors and ARBs, may slow kidney disease and delay kidney failure, even in people who dont have high blood pressure. The names of these medicines end in pril or sartan.

    Many people need to take two or more medicines for their blood pressure. You may also need to take a diuretic, sometimes called a water pill. The aim is to meet your blood pressure goal. These medicines may work better if you limit your salt intake.

    What Is A Renal Diet

    5 foods to improve kidney function

    Unfortunately there is no permanent treatment/cure for kidney failure, only strategies to keep someone with kidney disease as stable and healthy as possible. One of these strategies is following a kidney disease diet that limits intake of certain nutrients, in order to cut down on the amount of waste in their blood. Thats because the kidneys are needed to properly balance ratios of water, salt and other minerals in the blood therefore, kidney dysfunction can lead to abnormal mineral levels.

    What does a renal diet mean? A renal diet eating plan is one that restricts sodium, potassium and phosphorus intake, since people with kidney disease/kidney issues need to monitor how much of these nutrients they consume. These three micronutrients can accumulate in the blood and contribute to problems like high blood pressure , swelling and fluid retention, heart arrhythmias , bone disorders, and vascular calcifications.

    Based on recent research findings, some experts worry that prescribing the traditional renal diet to patients encourages them to eat Western-type diets instead that are high in red meat, packaged products made with lots of preservatives and additives, and foods made with refined grains and sugars.

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