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Can You Bruise Your Kidney

Blood And Platelet Disorders

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There are many genetic blood abnormalities that can cause easy bruising, Dr. Kappel says. Some are more serious than others.

Von Willebrand disease and hemophilia, for instance, are blood disorders caused by missing or defective clotting proteins , putting you more at risk for bruising.

With platelet disorders, such as thrombocytopenia, there may be an underproduction or overproduction of platelets in the body, or platelets that dont work normally. In the case of too few platelets, the body wont be able to control bleeding after experiencing physical trauma, Dr. Johnston says.

In addition to bruising easily, people with blood and platelet disorders might experience the following:

  • Heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Bleeding gums

Fix it: Your doctor can order tests to assess your clotting factors and blood cell analysis if you feel youre more susceptible to bruising, Dr. Kappel says.

Depending on the type of disorder, they might recommend treatments like topical medications, iron supplements or blood transfusions.

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Who’s At Risk Of Acute Kidney Injury

You’re more likely to get AKI if:

  • you’re aged 65 or over
  • you already have a kidney problem, such as chronic kidney disease
  • you have a long-term disease, such as heart failure, liver disease or diabetes
  • you’re dehydrated or unable to maintain your fluid intake independently
  • you have a blockage in your urinary tract
  • you have a severe infection or
  • you’re taking certain medicines, including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or blood pressure drugs, such as ACE inhibitors or diuretics diuretics are usually beneficial to the kidneys, but may become less helpful when a person is dehydrated or suffering from a severe illness
  • you’re given aminoglycosides a type of antibiotic again, this is only an issue if the person is dehydrated or ill, and these are usually only given in a hospital setting

What Are The Symptoms Of A Bruised Kidney A Guide To Kidney Bruises

Youâre lined up in the slot. Press coverage. You fight off the defender at the line of scrimmage, run a crossing route, the ballâs a little high, you jump and make the catch with outstretched hands, then . . . smack! A defender hits you right in the ribs.

After catching your breath that dull ache in your upper abdomen starts. You donât feel so great. Someone helps you off the field and you grab a seat. After 10 minutes youâre still not right and call it a day.

When you arrive home, your wife of 20 years says, asks about your âfootball gameâ with a hint of sarcasm. At 46 years old, youâre questioning your decision to join the local weekend warrior, âhey I thought this was supposed to be a flag football league.â

You grab a cold one from the fridge and hit the lazy boy with your laptop. Youâre still not feeling great. As the pain intensifies, you recall Andrew Luckâs kidney laceration back in 2015 because he was on your last place fantasy football team.

Although to be clear, you are not Andrew Luck, you are in pain. How do you know if youâve injured an internal organ? You dial up Dr. Google and ask âwhat are the symptoms of a bruised kidney?â They could be the following:

1. Worsening flank or abdominal pain

2. Blood in the urine

3. Systemic symptoms: dizziness, nausea/vomiting

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Bruised Kidney From A Fall

I suffered a bruised kidney from a fall off a tree while playing with my friends in the neighborhood yesterday. Today in the morning, I noticed some specks of blood in my urine and I am really scared.

I am afraid to tell my parents as they could get angry with me. Is this a serious condition or will it go away on its own ? Jim

Most bruising in the abdominal area can be caused by accidental falls.

The severity of kidney bruising and injury varies depending on the degree of impact sustained on this vital organ. Blood leaking into urine is a common symptom of kidney injuries, but it is always a good idea to have a doctor or any other medical professional check you.

Your safest course of action is to book an appointment with your doctor right away. And yes, it is also important to involve your parents in this.

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Causes Of Acute Kidney Injury

15 Causes of Blood in Your Urine

Most cases of AKI are caused by reduced blood flow to the kidneys, usually in someone whos already unwell with another health condition.

This reduced blood flow could be caused by:

  • low blood volume after bleeding, excessive vomiting or diarrhoea, or severe dehydration
  • the heart pumping out less blood than normal as a result of heart failure, liver failure or
  • problems with the blood vessels such as inflammation and blockage in the blood vessels within the kidneys
  • certain medicines that can affect the blood supply to the kidney other medicines may cause unusual reactions in the kidney itself

AKI can also be caused by a problem with the kidney itself, such as glomerulonephritis.

This may be caused by a reaction to some drugs, infections or the liquid dye used in some types of X-rays.

It may also be the result of a blockage affecting the drainage of the kidneys, such as:

A doctor may suspect AKI if youre:

  • in an at risk group and suddenly fall ill
  • get symptoms of AKI

AKI is usually diagnosed with a blood test to measure your levels of creatinine, a chemical waste product produced by the muscles.

If theres a lot of creatinine in your blood, it means your kidneys are not working as well as they should.

You may also be asked to give a pee sample and an ultrasound scan of your kidneys may be done to look for any blockages.

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When Can The Individual Return To Activity

Depending if the kidney was repaired, excised , or left to conservative treatment, return to play may vary case-by-case, but full recovery may take up to three weeks, providing there are no complications. Athletes are not typically allowed to return to play to contact sports with one organ that is normally paired, however some physicians or circumstances may allow it.

Conservatively managed athletes with renal contusions should be observed until hematuria clears and should be excluded from contact sports for 6 weeks. However, RTP is individualistic and depends on severity/intensity of the injury and the individual athlete. More severe injuries may take 6-8 weeks to heal and return to contact/collision sports can be delayed 6 to 12 months with extensive renal injuries, where as some may not choose to return to his/her respective sport.

Whether moving to a non-contact sport or cleared by a physician for contact, an Athletic Trainer or sports medicine professional should coach the athlete back through gradual return to play and monitor for red flags or return of signs or symptoms.

How Do I Treat A Bruised Kidney

Treatment of a bruised kidney is typically dependent on the extent of the injury to the organ. Minor bruising will typically resolve itself with rest and limitation of fluid intake. You may experience discomfort or pain, so a medical professional may prescribe painkillers for temporary use. If your injury is accompanied by extreme pain or excessive blood in your urine, you may need to be admitted to the hospital for observation and tests to ensure the kidney is not more seriously damaged.

A bruised kidney is typically considered a minor injury and most medical professionals will opt to let it heal on its own with no medical intervention. The symptoms are typically limited to some abdominal pain and sometimes traces of blood in the urine you should get plenty of bed rest and limit activities until these symptoms subside. Medical professionals also often suggest that sufferers limit their fluid intake to decrease the workload on the kidney until it heals. Most patients make a full recovery by following just these simple steps.

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Abdominal Or Flank Tenderness

People with a bruised kidney may exhibit abdominal or flank tenderness on physical examination. Diagnostic imaging tests, such as a CT scan of the abdomen and an abdominal ultrasound, often prove necessary in people with a traumatic abdominal injury. Imaging tests reveal damage to the various organs and the extent of each injury. According to the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma kidney injury scale, kidney bruising represents a grade I or grade II injury 2. On CT scan, kidney bruising appears as a collection of blood — a hematoma — within the kidney or surrounding the organ.

  • People with a bruised kidney may exhibit abdominal or flank tenderness on physical examination.
  • On CT scan, kidney bruising appears as a collection of blood — a hematoma — within the kidney or surrounding the organ.

Recovery From A Bruised Kidney

Bruised Kidney Symptoms | Very Well

A bruised kidney is a serious injury that often requires immediate medical attention. If the injury was mild, it can take up to two weeks for a bruised kidney to heal on its own. Even with mild symptoms, kidney injuries can develop into serious complications and can cause internal bleeding.

In the event of an accident with back or abdomen injuries, call your doctor to discuss kidney health. Although kidney bruises can heal on their own, professional observation is important to ensure that no further problems develop.

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Symptoms Of Kidney Injuries

Symptoms of a blunt kidney injury may include blood in the urine, pain or bruising in the upper abdomen or the area between the ribs and hip , marks near a kidney made by a seat belt, or pain resulting from fractures of the lower ribs. When kidney injuries are severe, low blood pressure and anemia may occur if the person loses a significant amount of blood.

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Bruised Kidney: Symptoms And How To Treat It

Most of us are familiar with normal bruising, specifically when the skin becomes discolored and painful to the touch. What many individuals do not know, however, is that you can bruise your internal organs. More specifically, you can injure your kidneys due to trauma. A bruised kidney can be severe, requiring careful medical management. To help understand this injury, this article will discuss bruised kidneys and how they are managed.

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Systemic Symptoms: Dizziness Nausea/vomiting

After any trauma, including a bruised kidney, the body can go into shock. This causes a drop in blood pressure leading to feelings of nausea and âIâm going to pass out!â. In some cases, the shock is due to blood loss.

The kidney receives 1 liter of blood per minute! Itâs no surprise then that a trauma to a kidney can cause significant blood loss.

Now if youâre still reading this and enjoying your beer, the likelihood of this scenario is low. But if youâre having nausea, lightheadedness, blood in the urine, and significant pain, then call 911 immediately.

How Do You Treat A Bruised Kidney

Blunt injury abdomen(renal trauma& mesenteric trauma)

Lucky for you, most trauma of the kidney can be managed without an operation. In more minor cases, a discharge home with physical restrictions for a couple of days to weeks may be all that is necessary.

Sometimes an overnight stay in the hospital is required to make certain your blood levels are stable. We also want to monitor any blood in the urine so your bladder doesnât get plugged up with clots. After discharge, you may be placed on strict bed rest until the blood in the urine resolves.

If you start requiring multiple blood transfusions or medicine to maintain your blood pressure, then an intervention is likely in your future. Sometimes this can be done via an embolization with an interventional radiologist, other times a surgery is necessary to stop the bleeding.

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What Happens If Your Stomach Is Painful To Touch

The obstruction obstructs food from travelling through the intestinal tracts and this could lead to death if left neglected. Some of the symptoms of a digestive tract blockage consist of distention, stomach painful to touch, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, constipation and the inability to have defecation.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Acute Kidney Injury

You might not notice any symptoms of AKI at first. If you do have symptoms, you may notice some or all of the following problems:

  • Not enough urine
  • Pain or pressure in your chest

If you have very severe AKI, you may have seizures or fall into a coma.

If you notice any of these symptom, contact your health care provider immediately.

Can kidney problems cause bruisingCan Kidney Disease Cause Bruising. Easy bruising is one of the symptoms along with dark tea colored or cola colored urine, swelling in the extremities, a lot of night time urination, and upset stomach with vomiting. Advanced kidney disease is a cause which may contribute to easy bruising.

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Diagnosis Of Kidney Injuries

  • Urine test

  • For more serious injuries, computed tomography

The history of events that led to the injury, the person’s symptoms, and a physical examination help doctors recognize kidney injuries. A sample of urine is taken and examined to see whether blood is present. Blood in the urine in a person with an injury to the trunk indicates that the injury may involve the kidney. The blood may be visible with the naked eye or visible only using a microscope .

With penetrating injuries, the location of the wound may help doctors determine whether the kidney is involved.

  • For minor injuries, control of fluid intake and bed rest

  • For more serious injuries, control of blood loss and prevention of shock

  • For some blunt and most penetrating injuries, surgical repair

For minor kidney injuries, careful control of fluid intake and bed rest are often the only treatment needed because these measures allow the kidney to heal itself. For more serious injuries, treatment begins with steps to control blood loss and to prevent shock. Fluids and sometimes blood are given intravenously to help keep blood pressure within a normal range and stimulate urine production.

Complications After The Treatment

10 Signs Your Kidneys Are Crying For Help

After recovering from a bruised kidney, here are problems that can occur.

  • Leaking urine. In this condition, endoscopy is done to know the cause, and in some cases, surgery is also needed.
  • The formation of an abscess around the kidney is another problem. This abscess is removed by placing the tube, and sometimes surgery is required.

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When To Contact A Doctor

A person who is experiencing kidney pain should contact a doctor as soon as possible to find out what is causing it.

People must contact a doctor to diagnose and treat kidney pain. Receiving the correct treatment ensures that the kidneys do not become damaged, which can lead to kidney failure.

Doctors may order tests such as:

  • urine tests, which can help them identify any infections
  • imaging tests, such as CT or ultrasound scans
  • cytology, which can help them identify cancer cells in the urine

Adpkd Treatment And Home Care

There is no cure for ADPKD, but you can treat the health problems that the disease causes and possibly prevent kidney failure. You may need:

  • Medicine to prevent kidney failure. Tolvaptan can slow the decline of kidney function for adults whose disease is at risk of quickly getting worse.
  • Medicines to lower your blood pressure
  • Antibiotics to treat urinary tract infections
  • Pain medicines

If your kidneys fail, youâll need dialysis, which uses a machine to filter your blood and remove waste, like salt, extra water, and certain chemicals. You can also get on a waiting list or receive a kidney from a living donor for a kidney transplant. Ask your doctor if thatâs a good option for you.

Its important to stay as healthy as possible to protect your kidneys and keep them working as long as you can. Follow your doctors advice carefully. You can also keep up these habits to stay well:

  • Eat right. Stick to a healthy, well-balanced diet thats low in fat and calories. Try to limit salt, because it can raise your blood pressure.
  • Stay active.Exercise can help control your weight and blood pressure. Just avoid any contact sports where you might injure your kidneys.
  • Dont smoke. If you smoke, get help from your doctor to quit. Smoking damages the blood vessels in the kidneys, and it may create more cysts.
  • Drink plenty of water.Dehydration may cause you to have more cysts.

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Is A Bruised Kidney Serious

Most bruised kidney cases are minor however, some injuries can be severe. If left untreated, renal injury can lead to complications like bleeding, infection, high blood pressure, kidney failure, or kidney loss3. Therefore, if you experience trauma in this area, it is best to seek medical attention.

The American Association for the Surgery of Trauma developed a classification system to categorize bruised kidneys. These categories communicate how serious a kidney injury is and how to proceed with treatment. Based on your presentation, your provider can classify your bruised kidney into one of the five grades. A grade I bruised kidney is the least severe type of injury, while a grade V injured kidney is the most severe4.

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What Causes Flank Pain

American CPR Trainingâ¢

Pain in the flanks can result from several injuries, conditions and diseases. The most common causes of flank pain include:

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