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HomeMust ReadHow Much Is Kidney Donation In Nigeria

How Much Is Kidney Donation In Nigeria

Plan Your Kidney Transplant In India With Forerunners Healthcare Consultants

Sunrise: Nigerian Suffering From Kidney Disorder Seeks Help For Transplant Pt 1

Besides monetary, organ donation is considered a bliss supreme as the needy gets a new lease of life. Kidney Transplant is a complicated procedure and the biggest factor is the donation being made legally. Forerunners Healthcare Consultants ensure a legal procedure under the best surgeons, at affordable rates. All you have to do is send us a query and we will take care of the rest.

Q6 When Is A Kidney Transplant Required

When kidneys lose their filtering capabilities, the condition is termed kidney disease. The harmful substances remain in circulation in the blood which can be life-threatening over time. Kidney disease when untreated can cause multiple organ failures and ultimately lead to death. The solution is a live donor transplant or organic transplantation from a cadaveric donor to replace the diseased kidney or kidneys.

University Of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital

Nigerias first kidney transplant was conducted on 31-year-old Suleiman Usman in Sept. 2010 by the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital , in collaboration with the Bayero University Teaching Hospital, Kano and the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife.

The kidney was donated by his brother, Abubakar Usman at the university Kidney Centre.

Cost: #5 million.

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Who Is The Not A Candidate For Kidney Transplantation

A kidney transplant may NOT be recommended if you have:

  • Certain infections, such as TB or osteomyelitis
  • Difficulty taking medications several times each day for the rest of your life
  • Heart, lung, or liver disease
  • Other life-threatening diseases
  • Infections such as hepatitis that are considered to be active
  • Smoking, alcohol or drug abuse, or other risky lifestyle habits

Things You Should Look Out For After A Kidney Transplant

Rose needs N11m for kidney transplant

According to Healthline, even if you feel great after your transplant , youll likely need to stay in the hospital for up to a week after surgery.

Your new kidney may start to clear waste from the body immediately, or it may take up to a few weeks before it starts functioning. Kidneys donated by family members usually start working more quickly than those from unrelated or deceased donors.

You can expect a good deal of pain and soreness near the incision site while youre first healing. While youre in the hospital, your doctors will monitor you for complications. Theyll also put you on a strict schedule of immunosuppressant drugs to stop your body from rejecting the new kidney. Youll need to take these drugs every day to prevent your body from rejecting the donor kidney.

Before you leave the hospital, your transplant team will give you specific instructions on how and when to take your medications. Make sure that you understand these instructions, and ask as many questions as needed. Your doctors will also create a checkup schedule for you to follow after surgery.

Once youre discharged, youll need to keep regular appointments with your transplant team so that they can evaluate how well your new kidney is functioning.

Youll need to follow up regularly with your doctor for the first one to two months after surgery. Your recovery may take about six months.

A kidney transplant is a major surgery. Therefore, it carries the risk of:

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Who Can Be A Living Donor

Family members are often the most likely to be compatible living kidney donors, but many people undergo successful transplants with kidneys donated from people who are not related to them. Living donors will have a full medical exam, must be at least 18 years old, and in good physical and mental health. Different transplant centers have different limits on who can donate. The Kidney Transplant Learning Center offers resources on how to prepare to make the living donor ask and/or to have a family member or friend serve as a living donor champion.

Living Kidney Donation: Whats It Going To Cost

Risa SimonPreparing for Potential Costs Related to Live-Donation

Studies show that living donors may spend an average of $5,000 related to their donation these include direct and indirect costs. A strong consensus exists to support a financially neutral impact to a live organ donors contribution to humanity.

To that end, the Live Donor Community of Practice of the American Society of Transplantation, along with the support of eleven other organizations, looked at systemic and financial barriers to living donation and developed a toolkit to give potential living donors financial resources to assist in making informed decisions about the donation process in advance of donation.

Areas that may financially impact living donors and care providers might include:

The loss of wages associated with recovery time and testing procedures

Transportation to the transplant center for testing, surgery and follow-up care

Food, lodging, and incidentals for donation-related visits

Paying for alternate caregiving plans child care, elder care, pet care

Forfeiting vacation time, holidays, sick days or FMLA for time off work

Denials when purchasing disability or life insuranceor paying higher premiums.

Job security concerns for employers who may not work absences associated with donation

Uncovered medical expenses, which may vary by transplant center and by insurance contract. *.

Financial Assistance Programs:

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Kidney Transplant In Nigeria: Costs Procedures And Processes

This section of the posts will answer the question of what is the cost of Kidney Transplant in Nigeria.

Kidney diseases is a very severe health concern that if not early and well treated can lead to kidney transplant.

Kidney transplant is a very expensive medical treatment aimed at replacing a bad and non functioning kidney with a good one.

Cost of Kidney Transplant in Nigeria is very expensive. It is not just in Nigeria, kidney transplant is a very expensive kidney treatment.

The costs and price of kidney transplant in Nigeria is determined by certain factors such as clinics, status of donor etc.

Currently, the cost of Kidney transplant in Nigeria is between N5 million to N10 million.

This price of kidney transplant in Nigeria varies depending on the type of transplant and transplant procedures.

Nigerians Warned Against Organ Traffickers

Nigerians raise awareness on preventing kidney failure

UN migration agency says people being offered ‘too good to be true’ deals could fall victim to cartels selling human organs

LAGOS Nigeria

The UN migration agency is warning Nigerians to steer clear of people who offer them jobs and free travel to the Mideast, saying they could be human organ traffickers.

Ikechukwu Attah, country officer of the International Migration Organization , said on Monday that many people have gone missing, amid suspicions they may have been killed.

“Beware of fake foreign agencies that promise work abroad. They process your papers, pay for your tickets and then take you abroad in pretense that they want to get you a job there, said a statement.

Instead, they end up killing their victims and harvesting all the valuable body parts. The body parts black market business is booming in Middle East.

One kidney now costs $262,000, a heart costs $119,000, and a liver costs $157,000, he added.

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How Much Would A Kidney Transplant Cost In India

The average kidney transplant cost in India is $14,000


  • Work-up for recipient and donor to match compatibility.
  • Surgery of kidney transplant donor.
  • Surgery of recipients.
  • ICU and ward stay for both donor and recipient.
  • 5 days for the donor.
  • 10 days for the recipient.
  • OT charges, surgeon fees, consumables and pharmacy during the hospital stay.


  • A second anti-rejection drug will cost an additional $1500 if required. It is required in less than 20% of kidney transplant surgeries
  • Stay outside of the hospital treatment period during the legal clearance.
  • Legal clearance will take 1 to 3 weeks. During this period, we shall provide our service apartment at an affordable rate.
  • Additional dialysis may be required out of hospitalization.
  • Any other cost arising out of unseen clinical conditions.
Cost of accommodation if you opt to stay in a hotel: Cost of accommodation if you opt for a service apartment:
If you stay in a hotel then it will cost you a minimum of $55 a day. This means $1650 a month. The cost of a service apartment is $35 per day. That makes it $1050 per month
Your daily food will cost around $20 per day . That will be a total of $600 a month Your daily food expenses will be an average of $6 per day i.e $180 a month
The total amount of expense spent on accommodation & food will be $2250 a month. The total amount of expenses spent on food and service apartments will be an average of $1230 a month.

Side Effects/complications Of Kidney Transplant

Like most other medical procedure, kidney transplant has its own complications. It should be noted that not all kidney transplant patients experience this. In fact, while a lot of people experience short-term complications, which clears a while after a shirt while, only a few experience more serious complications which could even involve further surgery.

Here are some of the short-term side effects people have reported over the years

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Cost Of Kidney Transplant In Nigeria

This article is about the current cost of kidney transplant in Nigeria this 2022. We have through careful research, given an estimated price range for how much it will cost a person to undergo the kidney transplant surgery in the country currently. Nigerian Guide would like to state at this point that this post is purely informational and further enquiries should be made at a recognized medical facility where these sort of procedures are carried out.

Kidney failure or end stage renal disease occurs when one or both of the kidneys can no longer perform their normal functions of properly filtering waste products from the blood and balancing body fluids. The kidneys may be damaged through physical injury or from other diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, etc., and when a kidney fails, it requires treatments either through dialysis or via surgery in an outright kidney transplant.

It is important to state at this juncture that kidney failure does not happen overnight. It is the cumulation of the gradual loss of the normal functions of the kidneys. As a matter of fact, many individuals may not be aware that they have kidney disease until their kidneys fail, and this is simply because people with early kidney disease may not show any warning signs that they are sick. These symptoms usually show up late as the disease progresses.

Here Are The Approximate Kidney Transplant Surgery Statistics In India Of The Patients Coming From Top 10 Countries To India In 2017 For Kidney Transplant Surgery

My Mother Needs N12M To Go For A Kidney Transplant In ...
  • You can contact us and share your medical reports with us.
  • Our International Patient Executive would connect with you and answer all that you need to plan your Kidney Transplant Surgery in India.
  • We would provide you with TOP RECOMMENDATIONS and assist your with the surgery planning.

Some of the common countries from which patients travel to India for surgery are:


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How Can My Donor Kidney Help

Every 10 minutes, another person is added to the national transplant waiting list and 82% of patients waiting are in need of a kidney. On average, a living donor kidney can function anywhere between 12 to 20 years, and a deceased donor kidney can improve quality of life for 8 to 12 years. Plus, patients who receive preemptive kidney transplant see a number of benefits .

Per Mayo Clinic, other benefits include lower risk of rejection of the donor kidney, improved survival rates, improved quality of life, lower treatment costs, and avoiding the restrictions and complications of dialysis.

Kidney transplant recipients can expect to spend several days to a week in the hospital. Transplant recipients may take a number of medications after transplant, many for the rest of their lives. The medications help reduce the risk of complications after transplant.

By signing up to become an organ, eye, and tissue donor, you can make a difference in the lives of more than 75 people. Register to become a donor.

How Things Function At Forerunners Healthcare Consultants

  • Qualified panel : Forerunners Healthcare Consultants has association with highly-efficient surgeons and doctors, a prerequisite in treating any medical condition.
  • Primary facilities : We offer assistance in arranging medical visa, accommodation for the patient and family, meals, appointment with surgeon.
  • Cost-friendly : Financial aspects affect medical treatments in a huge way, and we offer budget friendly packages from the best kidney hospitals in the world.
  • Ethical : Kidney Transplant in India through the Forerunners Healthcare Consultants ensures utmost care in maintaining quality and ethics while serving a patient.
  • Other services : We also take care of quick visa letter, health diet as advised by your attending surgeon, to and fro airport travel, vacation tour, etc.

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Meowdi: A Short Story By Perumal Murugan

Now, most readers will find this treatment of kidney as a?n object object ?of trade ?unsavory and cold a misplaced extension of economic theories. It also conjures up a dystopian image of a world where rich people can legally harvest poor people for their organs. But the squeamishness disappears the moment you or a loved one is unlucky enough to need a kidney.

The economist, Alvin Roth, defined markets such as the trade in organs as repugnant markets. These are markets in which people find transactions morally distasteful. Think of paying for surrogate mothers, price gouging after disasters, vote selling and prostitution. We have an inherent aversion to introducing money into any of these transactions since monetary value can seem to diminish human dignity. An altruistic act of donating a piece of your body, becomes a crass commercial transaction of questionable morality.

India has one of the lowest organ donor rates in the world. The insights by Roth can help us think of solutions that address the organ shortage, while accepting our emotional concerns.

Humans respond to incentives the incentives neednâÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂt always be financial. But the right incentives can nudge people towards the right outcomes, however repugnant the market. While it’s hard to imagine an Iranian-style open kidney market in India, we can do better than our current system. We need to move past our discomfort of viewing organs as a commodity, and design a pragmatic and equitable solution.

The Cost Of Kidney Transplant In Nigeria

Sunrise: Nigerian Suffering From Kidney Disorder Seeks Help For Transplant Pt 2

The rate at which people report kidney-related cases have significantly increased in recent times. While there are cures for mild kidney diseases, kidney transplant is the core remedy for severe cases. Kidney transplant is a surgical process to place a healthy kidney from a living or dead donor into a patient whose kidneys no longer function properly.

In this post, we will take a look at core facts to know about kidney transplant how much the procedure costs in Nigeria.

What is the cost of kidney transplant in Nigeria?

Kidney transplants are generally expensive, regardless of the where, the how and the when. Apart from the fact that the process is quite delicate, the preservation of the kidney to be transferred, either from a dead or a living being, is another strenuous process. These and much more contribute to reasons why the procedure is expensive.

Prices of kidney transplant vary. The variation is as a result of some factors which mainly include the type of kidney transplant the patient is going for, the nature and state of the donor , the hospital , the packages and drugs that come with the procedure, and some other similar factors. These being considered, kidney transplants in Nigeria costs between N4.7 million N7 million.

Some of the factors that dictate the cost of kidney transplant include:


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Patient Testimonial Kidney Transplant Surgery Done In India For Ms Rose Nodumo From Botswana

Ms. Rose Nodumo from Botswana

Low cost kidney transplant in India with the kidney reaching the last stage of illness has become a trademark for both domestic and international patients. More and more number of patients are seeking a flawless treatment for kidney failures and looking for perfect kidney transplant. With Forerunners Healthcare providing innovative medical technologies with the highest quality of services in the top most hospitals of India, many patients have survived the transplant and are living a life full of health. And so do me, even after 5 years of the surgery. Thanks Forerunner.

Best Kidney Transplant Hospitals In India

The top hospitals for Kidney Transplant surgery in India are equipped with state of the art diagnostics to provide a wide range of cancer treatments. Our best doctors for Kidney Transplant Surgeons in India will evaluate and discuss the findings to chart out the optimal plan of prostate cancer treatment for each patient based on established national and international guidelines and protocols. Our associated hospitals are located at Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai, Nagpur, Pune, Kochi, Jaipur, Chandigarh, Kochi, Goa, Bangalore, Noida, Gurgaon, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Kerala, etc.

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A Kidney For $10000 Paying Donors Actually Pays Off New Study Finds

Paying living kidney donors $10,000 to give up their organs would save money over the current system based solely on altruism even if it only boosts donations by a conservative 5 percent.

Thats according to a new analysis by Canadian researchers that rekindles the ongoing debate about whether its practical and ethical to offer financial incentives for human body parts.

We have a problem. We dont have enough organ donors coming forward, said Dr. Braden Manns, an associate professor and clinical professor in nephrology at the University of Calgary. He led the new study published Thursday in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.

We need to figure out a way to solve that problem. We shouldnt throw out, out of hand, solutions that could increase donations.

But other kidney experts say that even if its cost-effective to pay people for organs, the moral issues the practice generates might backfire.

Sometimes these things have unintended consequences, said Dr. Stephen Pastan, a board member for the National Kidney Foundation and a transplant surgeon at Emory University in Atlanta. If we paid $10,000, a lot of altruistic donors would say that its just a cash transaction. Donations could go down.

Right now the question is theoretical. In the U.S., Canada and other countries except Iran paying people to donate organs is illegal.

The obvious question, the elephant in the room is, Why dont more people donate? Manns said.


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