Protein And Lean Body Mass
Protein is an essential nutrient that plays a huge role in helping to keep clients healthy. Further, its essential to building muscle mass. While some clients might be quick to jump on a high protein diet, others might do the opposite due to preferences or belief in myths. Either way, dietary protein consists of amino acids that are responsible for everything. For example, our structure, hormones, enzymes, and immune chemicals all need protein.
Because theres such an ongoing functional need for amino acids, keeping a consistent pool of them is like keeping a sink full without a drain plug. Theyre constantly lost as theyre broken down which means theres an ongoing need to consume a diet high in protein rich foods. This is especially the case in goals that involve muscle growth and weight loss. Our clients must realize protein supplies the building blocks of muscle and connective tissue . So, in the case of resistance training, the body is intentionally breaking down muscle tissue to force it to adapt and build bigger or stronger lean body mass. Therefore, achieving a specific protein intake each day is essential for health, fitness, and weight loss goals.
High Amount Of Sodium Intake
Another very common reason for getting kidney stones is the high amount of sodium intake.
The modern diet is heavy on sodium. Each time you consume something salty, you are putting sodium in your body. And the nature of the modern diet can make it difficult to track just how much sodium we are putting in our bodies. And the result is we consume more than the body needs.
In response to this excess of sodium, the kidney pulls in more calcium as a substitute for it. This eventually leads to an excessive accumulation of calcium in the kidney, which can, in turn, lead to the formation of calcium stones.
Furthermore, if an excess of oxalate or phosphate accompanies this excess of sodium, it can lead to more complications. Hence, the careful monitoring of sodium intake is a necessity to prevent kidney stones.
What If Im Not Working Out Then Taking A Shake Makes No Sense Right
First, you dont;take a protein shake.
They arent steroids, and you arent a pro wrestler.
You;drink;a protein shake just like you;eat Cherry Garcia or;snort;adderall. I mean, err, you get what Im saying.
In all seriousness, your body needs protein whether or not you are strength training.
And just like you eat chicken whether or not youre strength training, you can use protein powder to hit your protein goals with our without heavy;weights in your life.
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Can Supplements Cause Kidney Problems
From chronic kidney disease to renal disease, kidney stones and unhealthy renal function, there are plenty of issues that can occur with our kidneys. If you are having issues, or think you are, you can have a test done that measures your glomerular filtration rate . This basically tells you how well your kidneys are or aren’t functioning, by measuring how they filter blood and remove waste. Therefore, those with high blood pressure have higher risk factors for kidney-related issues. While many supplements are helpful for those with kidney problems, there are some that should be avoided as well. Supplements that are fat soluble, like vitamins A, D, E, and K, should be taken in moderation or at low doses, because they are more likely to build up in your body. There are a lot of herbal supplements that might need to be avoided, such as turmeric, noni, stinging nettle, coriander, kelp, flaxseed, creatine, and many others. These supplements are high in either phosphorus or potassium, or they are not compatible with unhealthy kidneys. There are also some supplements that can interfere with medication, such as echinacea, garlic, ginger, and St. John’s Wort. However, everyone is different, and so is every medicine. Some of these things may be just fine for you to take, and others may be potentially dangerous.;
My Partner Died Of Kidney Failure
Around 2003, I had a very successful nutritional supplement business specific for athletes and bodybuilders. I had a business partner who was much older than me and at the time, someone I *thought* was also wiser and more knowledgeable.
I really looked up to him at the beginning of our partnership and friendship.
Unfortunately, over time, the longer I got to know him, the less I respected his decisions and views on health, fitness, and longevity.
One of them was the use of high-protein diets.
I remember him telling me that in order to really increase my muscle mass, while minimizing fat gain, I need to eat a lot more protein. He suggested a minimum of at least 2 grams per pound of body weight and it would be much better if I had 3 grams.
At that time, I was eating 1 gram per pound. Thus, I weighed about 200 lbs and ate 200 grams of protein.
But he suggested I increase it to 400 grams and preferably 600 grams, daily to start seeing the real muscle-building benefits.
He himself, being very muscular and lean at 250 lbs, was eating almost 1000 grams of protein daily and said that was ONE of his secrets. Most of the protein is from fast-digesting Whey protein.
And so, I decided to give it a try because I trusted him.
After all, he was 7 inches shorter than me and yet, he had an extra 50+ lbs of muscle.
Over the next 3 months, I slowly increased my protein to eventually eating 600 grams daily. It was about 100 grams, 6x daily.
Was this all because of the high protein diet?
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How Many Calories Do I Need
Every person is different. Calories are like fuel. If you dont eat enough calories, you body will use protein for energy.; This protein comes from your muscles. This can make you weak and may also cause damage to the kidneys. It is important to make sure you are getting the right amount of calories. The right amounts of calories are important to:
- Help you stay at a healthy weight
- Give you energy to do your daily tasks
- Help your body use the protein in food to build muscle and tissues.;
Too many calories can cause extra weight gain which can be a burden on the kidney. If you are overweight, some weight loss may be beneficial. If weight loss is desired or you have diabetes, you should meet with a dietitian to set up a plan based on your kidney blood tests, current food choices and daily activities.;
Should I be taking any vitamin and mineral supplements?
Most people get enough vitamins and minerals to stay healthy by eating a variety of foods each day. You need to limit some foods because you have kidney disease that would have given you vitamins and minerals. If so, you may need to take special vitamins or minerals. You should only take the vitamins and minerals your dietitian or healthcare provider tells you to take because some may be harmful to people with kidney disease.
Where can I get more information?
Kidney Stones : The 4 Main Types
A kidney stone is a solid mass that can be excreted from the kidney thats not supposed to happen. It typically means that theres insufficient liquid, or that your body isnt using the solids as its supposed to .
But the stone itself can be made of a variety of material, and in different combinations.
In general, there are 4 main types of kidney stones:
When it comes to vegan protein powder and kidney stones, we care most about calcium stones , and uric acid stones.
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Green Pea Protein Powder: Kidney
Diet ManagementFAQFeatured PostTagsgreen pea powdergreen pea proteingreen pea protein powdergreen peasprotein supplementsvegetarian protein supplement
In recent years, plant-based diets and protein supplements have gained popularity with the general population. Studies find plant-based diets to have reduced risk of obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes. As a result, green pea protein powders are gaining interest with hopes to produce similar outcomes. Is this green pea protein powder good for those with kidney disease though?
Protein Powders Are Convenient But Unnecessary For Most
If you are a healthy adult considering supplementation, you should determine whether your goal is to improve muscle mass, as most research is centered on enhancing muscle growth and strength. Older adults may benefit from increasing protein slightly, regardless of their exercise routine; however, for most of us, resistance training is more effective than simply supplementing with protein.
For those looking to enhance the muscle growth that typically occurs with exercise, evidence supports consuming 20 to 40 grams of protein at a time . Larger quantities simply contribute calories and can actually reduce muscle-building potential. So, having several scoops of protein powder at once is unlikely to be helpful. Plant-based powders often have less protein, but shouldnt be discarded as an option. Rice and pea protein, for example, have been shown to stimulate muscle growth similar to whey, a milk-based protein touted for its high quality and quick absorption.
Unless you are an older adult with a limited appetite, have a restricted diet, or are a trained professional athlete, chances are you can adjust your food intake to get what you need. Protein from food is often cheaper, less risky, and naturally includes beneficial nutrients.
If increasing protein the old-fashioned way is not an option, taking a supplement can be both effective and convenient. But most of us dont need to channel our inner Mr. Olympia by using a protein powder.
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Balanced Protein Shakes For Everyone From Athletes To Cancer Patients
Even though consuming more protein doesnt hurt, you should still focus on picking protein sources that make for healthy additions to your diet. ENU nutritional shakes each contain 20 grams of protein from whey and soy, along with complex carbs derived from whole grains, heart-friendly fats in the form of coconut and sunflower oils, and a blend of two dozen vitamins and minerals. Theyre perfect for everyone from bodybuilders to patients in need of medical nutrition support. Learn more about how ENU shakes can help you meet your health and fitness goals by visiting us online or calling 266-6733 today.
Apart From Affecting The Kidneys Unregulated Protein Intake Would Hamper The Body In Following Ways:
Upset Digestive System: Whey and Casein Proteins are milk-derived and hence are rich in lactose. Ones who are allergic to lactose would find it difficult to digest and suffer from abdominal pain, bloating, vomiting, and flatulence.
Obesity: It might be surprising, but protein supplements can cause excess weight gain too. Remember that if your routine does not match your protein intake, the unutilized calories turn into fat. This fat when accumulated causes obesity.
Brittle bones: Protein can weaken your bones! Meat derived protein products are highly acidic. Consumption of these could trigger blood acidity levels. To combat blood acidity, the body releases calcium and phosphate. These alkaline substances come from the bones; hence you lose bone mass when you go high on animal protein supplements, which renders the bones weak and brittle.
Disturbed Blood Sugar Levels: You might love your protein supplements, but do you know that they are brimming with additives and artificial sweeteners, which trigger blood sugar levels. Though whey, soy and casein protein is known to bring down the blood sugar levels, people suffering from diabetes or low blood pressure need to be extra cautious before consuming.
Severe Hair Loss: Hair is made up of a protein called Keratin. It does not make sense that you increase your protein intake and cut back on vitamins, fats, and carbohydrates. This might lead to heavy hair loss and balding.
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What Does Protein Do
First of all, protein is an essential macronutrient, and our health would quickly fail without it.
It is responsible for the growth and repair of cells, and our muscles, hair, and skin all depend on it.
Here are some of the primary roles of protein in our body ;
- Responsible for the growth and repair of every cell in our body.
- Builds and repairs muscle tissue.
- Involved in many biological processes such as hormone and enzyme production, and it plays a part in immune response.
- Plays a major role in the health of our bone, hair, muscle, nails, and skin.
The Link Between Protein And Your Kidneys
Your kidneys remove waste compounds and extra nutrients from the bloodstream, which then turns into urine.;
This includes byproducts of protein; therefore, its believed too much causes your kidneys to work harder.;
Well break down what hydrolyzed collagen is and if adding it to your daily routine is safe for your kidneys.
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Does Vegan Protein Powder Cause Kidney Stones
If I had to give you a yes or no answer, Id say that no, vegan protein powder does not cause kidney stones, especially for most vegan powders.
But the whole kidney stone issue is pretty complicated.
To be as brief as possible, Ive only focused on the parts potentially related to vegan protein powders. So theres a lot glossed over out of necessity.
If youre interested in this topic because of serious kidney stone issues that youve had in the past, be smart and talk about this with a doctor. Im not a medical professional, just a guy that enjoys doing research and tries to break it down as simply as possible.
What Kinds Of Changes Will I Need To Make To My Diet
There is not one eating plan that is right for everyone with kidney disease. What you can or cannot eat may change over time, depending on how much kidney function you have and other factors. Also, if you are following a special diet for diabetes or heart conditions, you will need to continue to follow it as well.
People with kidney disease may need to control the amount of protein, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, and calcium in their diet.;; If your kidney disease gets worse, you may need to limit other nutrients as well. Your dietitian or healthcare provider will tell you if you need to do this based on your blood test results.;
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Is More Regulation The Solution
Protein supplements can be classified either as a therapeutic good or as a food, depending on the packaging and the marketing claims.
Therapeutic goods are regulated by the Therapeutic Goods Administration , the same body that regulates what drugs can be sold in Australia. Foods come under the Food Standards Code, which is developed by a national body, Food Standards Australia New Zealand , and regulated by State and Territory governments.
After Meegan’s death, Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt asked FSANZ and the TGA to clarify the regulatory status of protein supplements.
But even where a protein supplement is deemed a therapeutic good, it will not be subject to routine compliance testing to make sure it does what it claims to do or contains the ingredients that it lists on the side of the bottle. There are also no tests to determine whether the particular cocktail of ingredients in a product is safe to consume.
The TGA only tests a fraction of the thousands of products listed on the Australian Therapeutic Goods Register. In 2016, it tested fewer than 500 complementary medicines out of the 11,000 on the market in Australia. Eighty per cent of those tested had compliance breaches, mostly to do with inaccurate labelling and advertising claims.
Three products were found to have safety issues with ingredients.
“Most of these supplements are totally unregulated,” Dr Shackel said.
We don’t know what’s in them. It’s like taking an unregulated medication.”
Getty: Jerod Harris
On The Whole The Protein Supplements Can Harm Your Body In The Following Ways:
Strain the Kidneys: You might be aware that the kidneys filter toxic chemicals, including proteins, and ensures that all the harmful elements are thrown out of the body via urine.
Unmonitored protein consumption, would make the kidneys work more in filtering your blood, and strain them. This would lead to long-term side effects.
Kidney Stones: Overdose of protein supplements might increase the risk of kidney stones. Do you know how these stones develop? Well, they are formed due to crystallization of compounds in the kidney, and block the ureter, thus causing severe pain and trauma.
In a study conducted by The University of Maryland Medical Center, it was stated that protein intake causes kidney stone formation. Thus, it is essential that protein intake is kept within a normal range to avoid stones.
Minimal Kidney Functioning: Straining the kidneys would lead to diminished functioning. With time filtering of blood would be affected which would lead the nutrients to leak through urine. This is an adverse condition which would need urgent medical treatment.
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The Scoop On Protein Powder
- By Emily Gelsomin, MLA, RD, LDN, Contributor
Eating enough protein is not just for athletes or would-be Schwarzenegger types. It is necessary for a healthy immune system and required for organs like your heart, brain, and skin to function properly. The nutrient is also touted for its ability to help control appetite and enhance muscle growth.
How much protein you need typically depends on your exercise routine, age, and health. And whether to supplement protein intake with a protein powder has become a common query.