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Can Amoxicillin Cause Kidney Damage

Antibiotics Used For Uncomplicated Utis

Which medicines can cause Kidney Injury? – Dr. Manoharan B

If you are a healthy individual whose urinary tract is anatomically and functionally normal and you have no known heightened UTI susceptibility youve got whats dubbed an uncomplicated UTI, according to guidelines published in August 2019 in the Journal of Urology. For these individuals, antibiotics are considered the first-line of treatment.

The type of antibiotics you are prescribed and for how long is contingent on the type of bacteria detected in your urine, your current health status, and whether your UTI is uncomplicated or complicated. Depending on which antibiotic your doctor prescribes, women may need a single dose or up to a five-day course. For men, antibiotics are usually given for a slightly longer period of time, notes UpToDate.

Typically, if you are diagnosed with an uncomplicated UTI, one of the following will be prescribed as first-line treatment:

The following antibiotics are considered second-line treatments for UTI. They are generally chosen because of resistance patterns or allergy considerations:

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Is Amoxicillin Safe For Kidney


. Also question is, can amoxicillin cause kidney damage?

Renal toxicity is rare , but when it does occur, it can be serious. Those at risk for kidney complications in particular should not use amoxicillin to prevent this side effect and potential kidney damage. Your doctor can prescribe another type of antibiotic.

Also Know, is antibiotics bad for your kidneys? Antibiotics. Various classes of antibiotics can harm the kidneys in different ways. Aminoglycosides such as tobramycin can cause toxicity in renal tubular cells, which are more sensitive to the toxic effects of drugs because their role in kidney filtration exposes them to high levels of toxins.

Just so, which antibiotics are safe for kidneys?

  • Pen VK: No dose alteration needed.
  • 2)Amoxicillin: No dose adjustment.
  • 3)Azithromycin: Avoid Azithromycin in patients with Liver disease.
  • 4)Clindamycin:

Are There Any Potential Side Effects From Amoxicillin

Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid may cause stomach upset, vomiting, and diarrhea. If stomach upset occurs, try giving the medication with food. These signs may go away during treatment if they continue, contact your veterinarian.

The following reactions are rare, but if your pet experiences an allergic reaction such as irregular breathing, rash, fever, puffiness and swelling around the face contact your veterinarian immediately. Drug sensitivities can develop over time with repeated exposure. Your pet may have no reaction after the first few doses, but may develop a sensitivity. It is important to watch for signs of an allergic reaction over the entire course of treatment.

Other side effects may occur. If you notice anything unusual, contact your veterinarian immediately.

This short-acting medication should stop working within 24 hours, although effects can be longer in pets with liver or kidney disease.

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If You Have Kidney Disease Other Medications Can Be Harmful

If your kidneys are already damaged, certain drugs can make them worse or lead to kidney failure. Talk to your doctor before taking cholesterol or diabetes medication, antacid medicine for an upset stomach, or antimicrobial meds, like antifungal and antiviral drugs. In some cases, you may be able to take a smaller dose that’s safer for you.

You also should talk to your doctor before having some kinds of imaging tests. With a magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography scan, doctors sometimes use a dye to help them see a specific area of your body better. In rare cases, this dye can cause serious conditions called contrast-induced nephropathy or nephrogenic systemic fibrosis . Ask your doctor about other tests you might have instead.

Show Sources

National Kidney Foundation: “Contrast Dye and the Kidneys,” “How Your Kidneys Work,” “Oral Sodium Phosphate Safety Alerts,” “Pain Medicines ,” “Watch out for Your Kidneys When You Use Medicines for Pain,” “Which Drugs are Harmful to Your Kidneys?”

MedShadow: “6 Medications That Can Harm the Kidneys.”

Cleveland Clinic: “Supplements, OTCs May Hurt Your Kidneys.”

So What Can You Do To Reduce The Risk Of Antibiotic Induced Nephrotoxicity

antibiotics induced renal failure
Only take antibiotics when it is truly necessary

One of the major reasons for the overuse of antibiotics include pressure from patients and the willingness of health care providers to prescribe antibiotics for common ailments that would clear up on their own. Although antibiotics are not effective against colds, flu and other viral infections, they continue to be given to patients who need to take a prescription medication for these conditions.

Support immune system function

Supporting the function of your immune system is one way to try and avoid needing antibiotics in the first place.

Nutrients to boost immune function: vitamin C, zinc, selenium, vitamin D, vitamin A, selenium and vitamin E.

Herbs to boost immune system function: Echinacea, Astragalus, medicinal mushrooms eg. Cordyceps, Reishi and Shiitake.

Foods to boost immune system function: garlic, ginger, cinnamon, onion, mushrooms, berries, turmeric, colourful fruit and vegetables.

Lifestyle tips to boost immune system function: exercise regularly, actively manage stress, meditate, get enough sleep, avoid sugars, alcohol and refined carbohydrates.

Certain herbs and nutrients

In every case of impaired kidney function, either acute or chronic, oxidative stress plays a key role in kidney damage. Reports have shown that reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species are elevated in antibiotic nephrotoxicity and are responsible for a large amount of the damage caused by antibiotics.


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Are There Any Drug Interactions I Should Be Aware Of

Certain drugs can potentially interact with amoxicillin-clavulanic acid, including blood thinners , inflammation or pain medicine , pentoxifylline, sulfinpyrazone, chloramphenicol, erythromycin, tetracycline, aminoglycosides, cephalosporins, and probenecid.

Be sure to tell your veterinarian about any medications that your pet is taking.

Interactions That Can Make Your Drugs Less Effective

When amoxicillin is less effective: When amoxicillin is used with certain drugs, it may not work as well. This is because the amount of amoxicillin in your body may be decreased. Examples of these drugs include:

  • Chloramphenicol
  • If you use these drugs together, your doctor will likely keep your dosage of amoxicillin the same.
  • Macrolides, such as erythromycin, clarithromycin, or azithromycin
  • If you use these drugs together, your doctor will likely keep your dosage of amoxicillin the same.
  • Sulfonamides, such as sulfamethoxazole
  • If you use these drugs together, your doctor will likely keep your dosage of amoxicillin the same.
  • Tetracyclines, such as tetracycline or doxycycline
  • If you use these drugs together, your doctor will likely keep your dosage of amoxicillin the same.
  • When other drugs are less effective: When certain drugs are used with amoxicillin, they may not work as well. This is because the amount of these drugs in your body may be decreased. Examples of these drugs include:

    • Oral contraceptives
    • If you need to take amoxicillin, your doctor may prescribe a different form of birth control for you.

    This drug comes with several warnings.

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    How Do I Store Amoxicillin

    Tablets should be stored in a tightly sealed container, protected from light, at room temperature. Store the liquid medication in the refrigerator and keep it from freezing. Discard any unused liquid after 10 days, or follow your veterinarians directions. Do not store this medicine in the bathroom, near the kitchen sink or in damp places. The medicine may break down if exposed to heat or moisture.

    What Should You Do

    Antibiotics That Can Cause Kidney Damage In English – Stop kidney Dialysis
    • Do not take any medicine, drug or substance unless you are under a healthcare providers supervision.
    • Do not take pills or substances given to you by a stranger or even a friend.
    • If you do take a medication or other substance and feel ill, contact your healthcare provider immediately.
    • If you need to have an imaging test or colonoscopy, let your healthcare provider know if you have kidney disease or are at risk for getting it.

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    What Life Expectancy Can I Hope For My Dog With Kidney Disease

    • A dog with chronic kidney failure cannot be cured. However, like any disease, the sooner it is diagnosed, the longer the dogs life expectancy is. Treatments for chronic kidney disease in dogs therefore aim to reduce the symptoms of the disease, slow down the effects and allow the animal to live better with its disease.

    • If a dog is suffering from another disease that has the effect of reducing blood flow to the kidneys or causes an obstruction to the urinary tract, the resulting kidney failure can be treated. Hence the importance to not delay before consulting.

    • In cases of acute kidney disease, if after treatment , urea and creatinine return to normal, it will be considered that the dog is out of danger. If otherwise, the dog must be monitored because its kidneys have been weakened.

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    The Common Symptoms Of Utis In Men That Antibiotics Actively Treat Are:

    • Pain in the pelvic region
    • Burning sensation while passing urine
    • The frequent urge of peeing

    So, whenever you face these symptoms just get in touch with a specialist doctor. The doctor will prescribe you antibiotics to treat the urinary infection. Lets know about some of the most effective antibiotics for UTIs in men.

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    Tips To Prevent The Risk Of Kidney Damage From Medications

    • When taking OTC drugs, pay careful attention to labels and take the medication exactly as directed.
    • When possible, avoid taking medicines like NSAIDs over long periods of time and only under the guidance of your healthcare provider.
    • Make sure youre not taking medications more often or at a stronger dose than needed, as this is a common cause of toxicity.
    • Drink adequate fluid to flush out the toxins. Dehydration is a known factor for kidney failure, as it can cause the medication to become too concentrated and to stay in the system too long.
    • Avoid drinking alcohol, as it can lead to dehydration, increased blood pressure, and liver disease, placing you at greater risk of kidney dysfunction.
    • Have all your medications dispensed at the one pharmacy so your pharmacist can monitor your medications and check for harmful interactions between your medications.

    Who Is At Risk Of Drug

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    Some people are at higher risk of drug-induced nephrotoxicity than others. Patient-related risk factors include:

    • Older age
    • Underlying renal insufficiency – reduced glomerular filtration rate and/or elevated serum creatinine and/or blood urea nitrogen .
    • Medical conditions such as intravascular volume depletion , diabetes, cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, liver dysfunction, electrolyte imbalances, and sepsis.

    Drug-induced nephropathy also depends on drug-related risk factors. For example, some types of drug-induced kidney damage are dose-dependent. These predictable effects occur when a medication is given at high doses or for a longer duration. For instance, aminoglycoside antibiotics are known to cause nephrotoxicity at high doses. The other type of drug-associated renal dysfunction is unpredictable and unrelated to dose. For instance, proton pump inhibitors can cause interstitial nephritis, and there is no way to predict or prevent the damage.

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    Unusually Weak Or Tired

    Fatigue is a feeling of weariness, tiredness, or lack of energy.

    Fatigue is different from drowsiness. In general, drowsiness is feeling the need to sleep, while fatigue is a lack of energy and motivation. Drowsiness and apathy can be symptoms that go along with fatigue.

    If your fatigue falls under the category of excessive tiredness, this is a serious side effect. Its uncommon, but you should still consult your doctor immediately. This can happen when the nervous system is affected.

    If youre just tired, take some time to rest, take things easy, and get enough sleep. Try to reduce stress.

    When taking amoxicillin to combat an infection, its normal to feel tired. However, if youre excessively tired to the point of feeling weak, faint, or struggling to stay awake, get medical attention.

    Treatments For A Urinary Tract Infection

    The type of treatment you are prescribed and the length of time you need to take medicine depends on your health history and the type of bacteria found in your urine.


    Doctors commonly prescribe antibiotics for urinary tract infections. Amoxicillin is a type of antibiotic medicine that stops the growth of bacteria in your urine.

    Amoxicillin comes as a capsule, tablet, or liquid to be taken by mouth. The medicine is taken two or three times a day with or without food. If you have a UTI and are prescribed an antibiotic like amoxicillin, you should start feeling better within a few days. It is important to remember that even though your symptoms may start to subside within a few days, you should continue to take your medicine as prescribed by your doctor. The treatment length depends on your unique circumstances.

    Home care

    A healthy lifestyle that includes methods like regular bathing and good hygiene may help you control and prevent urinary tract infections. These techniques include:

    • Choosing NOT to use douche or feminine hygiene products containing perfumes
    • Avoiding bath oils

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    Side Effects In Children

    Children who take Augmentin can experience the same side effects as adults.

    In addition to those side effects, children can experience tooth discoloration. Augmentin use can cause a brown, gray, or yellow staining of childrens teeth. In most cases, brushing or dental cleaning can reduce or remove the discoloration.

    The following information describes some of the common uses of Augmentin and Augmentin XR.

    Unusual Bleeding Or Bruising

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    Bleeding under the skin can occur from broken blood vessels that form tiny pinpoint red dots . Blood can also collect under the tissue in larger flat areas , or in a very large bruised area .

    Amoxicillin can increase the risk of bleeding. If youre experiencing either unusual bleeding or bruising, see a doctor immediately. Internal bleeding may be occurring, which could lead to bleeding in the digestive system, or, in rare cases, the brain.

    To prevent this, make sure your doctor knows if youre on anticoagulants or blood thinners before you start taking amoxicillin.

    If you experience this side effect of amoxicillin, its considered a rare but serious side effect. Seek medical attention as soon as possible.

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    Yellowing Of The Eyes Or Skin

    Jaundice is a yellow color in the skin, the mucous membranes, or the eyes. The yellow pigment is from bilirubin, a byproduct of old red blood cells. If youve ever had a bruise, you may have noticed that the skin went through a series of color changes as it healed. When you saw yellow in the bruise, you were seeing bilirubin.

    This effect, and liver damage or injury, can also be caused by amoxicillin. The liver injury can even occur after amoxicillin doses have stopped. This is more likely to happen when taking amoxicillin with clavulanate.

    Recognizing early symptoms such as fatigue, poor appetite, and vomiting can help prevent jaundice from worsening. Talk to your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms.

    Before taking amoxicillin, tell your doctor if you have or have ever had liver damage.

    If You Forget To Take It

    If you forget to take a dose, take it as soon as you remember, unless it’s nearly time for your next dose. In this case, just leave out the missed dose and take your next dose at the usual time.

    Never take 2 doses at the same time. Never take an extra dose to make up for a forgotten one.

    If you forget doses often, it may help to set an alarm to remind you. You could also ask your pharmacist for advice on other ways to remember your medicines.

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    How Is A Kidney Infection Diagnosed

    Kidney infection diagnosis is based on physical symptoms and urine testing. Most typically, a kidney infection diagnosis will be made by a general practitioner, urgent care physician, or emergency room physician.

    Kidney infection is a type of urinary tract infection, so symptoms will typically include symptoms of a bladder infection such as pain over the pubic area, frequent urination, and cloudy urine. The healthcare professional will look for specific symptoms of a kidney infection in addition to the UTI symptoms:

    • Pain in the side or lower back pain
    • Costovertebral angle tenderness, which is pain caused by tapping the back above the kidney
    • Fever
    • Nausea

    Fever, flank pain, and nausea are the strongest indicators of kidney infection.

    The diagnosis is confirmed with urinalysis and a urine culture. The urine test will confirm the diagnosis by identifying white blood cells and other substances indicating infection. The urine culture is used to both identify the type of bacteria responsible for the infection and determine its resistance to antibiotics. Both are critical in determining the most effective antibiotic therapy.

    Blood tests are not usually ordered for patients with an uncomplicated kidney infection, but blood will be tested for hospitalized patients.

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    How To Prevent The Risk Of Kidney Damage

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    Here are some tips that can help prevent the risk of damage to the kidneys:

    • When using over-the-counter medications, it is recommended that you pay close attention to the label and take the drug exactly as recommended.
    • If possible, avoid taking medications such as NSAIDs for long periods. Use of any drug if consumed for a long time, even OTC and herbs, should be under the guidance of your health care provider.
    • Make sure you donât take the drug as often as possible or with stronger potential than needed. This is because it is a common source of poisoning.
    • Drink enough fluids to release toxins in the body. Dehydration is a known risk factor for kidney failure, as it can cause the drug to become too concentrated and persist in the system for too long.
    • Avoid taking NSAIDs during pregnancy, although Tylenol will not be dangerous. Kidney infections are more common during pregnancy and can cause the babyâs weight at birth to below or allow premature birth.

    Avoid drinking alcohol, as it can lead to dehydration, increased blood pressure, and liver disease, which puts you at greater risk of kidney dysfunction.

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