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Can A Routine Blood Test Detect Kidney Problems

Unknown Reasons Of Low Blood Platelet Count

How can I be tested for kidney disease?

its called idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.thrombo- means related to platelets, -cytopenia means lack of cells, purpura means a rash of purple spots on the skin caused by internal bleeding due to lack of platelets.Low platelets count by unknown reasons is the commonest in children.If you have a blood infection with some BacteriaBacteria inside the blood will kill platelets and cause low platelets in blood test, persons used to eat raw or undercooked meat are prune to such bacteria-caused low platelets.Escherichia coli is the commonest bacteria causing low blood platelets.Recommendations: Platelets count test, Stool examination, Urine examination, and Anaerobic blood culture.A woman has a blood clot will use up a large numbers of platelets and decrease them in testsThrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura is the meidcal term for low blood platelets count after forming large clots in the body, whereas the term thrombotic means by clotsHigh prothrombintest or elevated D-dimer test can predict the blood clots

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About Normal Ranges And Interpreting The Numbers

When you look at a printout of your lab results, youll find the normal ranges for each blood test next to your personal results. For example, if your routine blood work includes a test for calcium in the blood, your lab may list the normal range for calcium as 8.3 to 9.9 milligrams per deciliter . If your result is a 9.1 mg/dL, right in the middle, you can feel confident that your calcium level is normal.

But what if a blood test result is at the very low or high end of normal, or even slightly outside the normal range? Is that a red flag? Dont jump to conclusions, warns Dr. Salamon. Blood test results can vary a little bit, depending on the lab. And many people are consistently on one side or the other of the normal range, and for them, thats healthy, says Dr. Salamon.

Take, for example, a routine measure of blood urea nitrogen , a waste product created as your body breaks down the protein in your diet. Excess urea is removed from the blood by the kidneys, so high levels of BUN in the blood can indicate that kidney function is declining. So, what does it mean if your BUN level is at the very high end of the normal range? If I see that its borderline high, I might ignore it, says Dr. Salamon. Its common for BUN to go up if you dont drink enough, and that can happen when someone is fasting before having blood drawn.

Minor fluctuations in test results may also reflect

  • recent infections

Why Is It Important To Check Kidney Function

When your kidneys do not work as they should, waste can build up in your blood. This can make you sick. If you have long-term kidney disease, you may not have any symptoms until your kidney function is very low.

Blood and urine tests can help show how well your kidneys are working. They can help your doctor know:

  • If the disease started all of a sudden or if you have had it a long time.
  • The cause of the kidney damage.
  • The best type of treatment to slow the damage.
  • How well treatment is working.
  • When to begin dialysis or have a kidney transplant.

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How Is A Renal Panel Different From A Comprehensive Or Basic Metabolic Panel

There is considerable overlap between the measurements on a renal panel, basic metabolic panel , and comprehensive metabolic panel .

The BMP has 8 components, all of which are included in the CMP, which has a total of 14 measurements. The components of the BMP and CMP are more standardized than the renal panel, which can vary between laboratories.

The BMP, CMP, and most renal panels include measurements of glucose, electrolytes, calcium, and the waste products creatinine and urea nitrogen. The CMP and many renal panels also include measurement of albumin.

An important difference for the comprehensive metabolic panel is its inclusion of tests that help assess the condition of the liver. These are tests found on a typical liver panel test.

Because it is not as standardized, a renal panel test may include measurements, such as phosphorus or the anion gap, that are not found on the BMP or CMP.

Why Are Comprehensive Metabolic Panels Done

Can A Blood Test Detect Kidney Function

A CMP is done to learn information about the levels of:

  • Glucose, a type of sugar used by the body for energy. High glucose levels may point to diabetes.
  • Electrolytes:
  • Calcium, which plays an important role in how muscles and nerves work.
  • Sodium, potassium, carbon dioxide, and chloride, which help control the body’s fluid levels and its acid-base balance. Normal levels of these electrolytes help keep cells in the body working as they should.
  • Blood urea nitrogen and creatinine, which are waste products filtered out of the blood by the kidneys. These levels show how well the kidneys are working.
  • Albumin and total protein, which are needed to build and maintain muscles, bones, blood, and organ tissue. Low levels may be seen with liver or kidney disease, or nutritional problems.
  • Liver tests: Alkaline phosphatase , alanine aminotransferase , aspartate aminotransferase , and bilirubin. When these levels are high, it can be a sign of a problem with the liver.
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    What Causes Kidney Malfunction

    A major culprit of kidney problems is an acidic diet . A brand-new study sheds light on the renal problems that can be caused by a high-acid, meat-rich diet.

    The study followed 1,500 people with kidney disease for a period of 14 years. Participants who ate a diet high in meat came very close to experiencing complete kidney failure, while those who ate more fruits and vegetables did not even come close to kidney failure. Researchers estimate that an acidic diet can make it three times more likely for your kidneys to fail.1

    Says lead study author Dr. Tanushree Banejee,

    Patients with chronic kidney disease may want to pay more attention to diet consumption of acid rich foods to reduce progression to kidney failuredialysis treatmentsmay be avoided by adopting a more healthy diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables.1

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    Become Your Own Expert

    Many kidney patients choose to take an active role in their care and treatment. You can too by logging on to the PatientView website, where you may be able to keep track of all your medications, test results, scans and medical letters. You may also be able to see your medical history and get information about a wide range of tests .

    You need to be referred to Patient View by your kidney unit so make sure you ask them to do this.

    And for further information about kidney tests visit:

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    Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate

    Estimated glomerular filtration rate provides a guide to kidney function. Although the level of creatinine in the blood is a useful guide to kidney function, the eGFR is a more accurate measure. Blood creatinine can be used to estimate the eGFR using age, sex and race. This is often calculated by computer and reported with the creatinine blood test. The normal value for eGFR is 90-120 ml/min. An eGFR below 60 ml/min suggests that some kidney damage has occurred. The value becomes lower with increasing severity of kidney damage.

    Read more about estimated glomerular filtration rate .

    Why Do Some Blood Tests Require Fasting

    Kidney Function Tests, Animation

    Everything you eat and drink contains vitamins, proteins, and other nutrients that can cause the related levels in your blood to temporarily spike or drop.

    Fasting for 812 hours helps ensure that blood test results are free from these variables, making your test results as accurate as possible.

    Some common tests that may require fasting include:

    • cholesterol tests

    Results may take anywhere from a few hours to a few days to become available. Heres an overview of how long some common tests may take:

    • complete blood count : 24 hours
    • basic metabolic panel: 24 hours
    • complete metabolic panel: 2472 hours
    • lipid panel: 24 hours.

    This can depend on the specific lab where you get tested or how many tests you get done at once. If you order multiple tests, you may not get the complete results until all of the tests are completed.

    Sometimes a lab will only release results to your doctor, who reviews them and then releases them to you.

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    Diagnosing Kidney Disease In Adults

    At NYU Langone, specialists called nephrologists diagnose and manage kidney disease. In this chronic condition, the kidneys slowly lose their ability to filter waste from the blood. If this condition isnt managed, it can lead to kidney failure, in which one or both kidneys no longer function. Some people may experience acute kidney failure, in which the organs fail in less than two days.

    The kidneys are small, bean-shaped organs, each about the size of a fist, located under the rib cage in the back. They have several important functions, including removing digested food, chemicals, medication, and other waste products from the blood. These are then excreted in urine.

    The kidneys also balance the bodys levels of fluids and electrolytes, such as phosphorus, potassium, and sodium. These are essential for the proper functioning of the heart, muscles, and other structures. The kidneys also make hormones that help regulate blood pressure, stimulate the production of red blood cells, and strengthen bones.

    When the kidneys are not able to function properly, the body retains toxins and excess fluid and can fail to make enough red blood cells, which carry oxygen to organs and tissue.

    Some people with chronic kidney disease experience no symptoms. They may receive a diagnosis only after having blood or urine testing for another condition.

    What To Do With Gfr 51

    What to do with GFR 51? To understand well about its answer, it is necessary to firstly learn about what GFR is and what GFR 51 mean.

    What is GFR?

    GFR is the abbreviation of Glomerular Filtration Rate which is the volume of fluid filtered by the kidneys within a certain period of time, so GFR is aways measured to know how well the kidney function.

    What does GFR 51 mean?

    Normally, GFR ranges from 90-120 mL/min/1.73m2 and also there is no evidence of kidney damages. GFR 51 is clearly lower than the normal range, which always indicate kidney problem. Kidneys help us discharge waste products produced in our body through filtering blood. Low GFR mean kidneys can not filter blood successfully and this may cause buildup of wastes in the blood. Under such a condition, a series of measures are needed to improve kidney condition.

    What to do with GFR 51?

    For people with GFR 51, they generally need to improve their kidney condition through the following several aspects:

    1. Well-planed diet

    Diet is an essential part of the treatment for kidney disease. There is no such a food list that is suitable for all the patients due to the difference of illness condition, but kidney disease patients usually need to reduce protein intake, result salt intake, result fluid intake if there is swelling as well as reduce potassium intake and phosphorus intake if lab tests show high levels of potassium and phosphorus level in blood.

    2. Tight control of blood pressure and blood sugar

    Recommended Reading: Mayo Clinic Kidney

    What Does Routine Blood Testing Show

    Considering blood testing so you can find out just how healthy you really are? Most medical professionals want their patients to have routine blood tests performed about every 12 months. The results from their blood work will give them a great deal of information. That helps them to provide their patients with better medical care services. Even when someone is feeling fine, it is possible for them to be experiencing health problems and is why blood testing is so important.

    General Tests For Kidney Function And Disease

    Kidney Blood Test Detect

    Renal panela group of tests that may be used to evaluate kidney function and/or screen for, diagnose or monitor kidney disease. While the tests included in the panel can vary by laboratory, they typically include:

    • Electrolytes: sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate
    • Urea
    • Calculated values may include eGFR, urea /creatinine ratio and anion gap.

    Alternatively, each of the above tests may be ordered individually.

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    Investigating The Underlying Cause Of Chronic Kidney Disease

    Once chronic kidney disease is identified, your doctor will try to find the underlying cause of the disease. This is important, since treating the cause can help to slow the progression of chronic kidney disease. There are many different diagnostic techniques that can be used, for example imaging techniques and several different kinds of blood tests. In some cases, it may be necessary to perform a biopsy, i.e. to remove a tiny piece of the kidney to examine it under a microscope.3

    What Does The Test Measure

    A renal panel includes multiple measurements. However, not all renal panel tests are exactly the same. The components can depend on the laboratory or the measurements requested by the doctor prescribing the test.

    The most common components tested in most renal panels include:

    Other measurements that may also included in a renal panel include:

    • Anion gap: The anion gap is a comparison of different electrolytes. Specific electrolytes can be positively or negatively charged, and this test assesses the balance between the two types. This measurement helps determine if you have too much or too little acid in your blood.
    • Estimated glomerular filtration rate : The eGFR is an evaluation of kidney function. Glomeruli are tiny filters in the kidneys, and the eGFR is a calculation of how much blood they are filtering every minute. There are different ways to calculate eGFR, but most tests use a special formula based on your creatinine level.
    • Total protein: There are several kinds of proteins that can be found in the blood, and total protein is a count of all of them. These proteins include albumin and multiple types of globulins, which are made by the immune system.
    • BUN-to-creatinine ratio: In some cases, comparing the amounts of the waste products BUN and creatinine can provide information about whether abnormal levels are being caused by problems in the kidneys or another part of the body..

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    Basic Metabolic Panel Blood Test

    A basics metabolic panel is a blood test that allows a medical professional to understand just how well the body is functioning. This type of blood test checks for things like proper kidney functioning, high glucose levels, proper calcium levels and whether certain proteins are present in the body that can cause kidney or liver damage

    Blood Urea Nitrogen Test

    kidney function test explained

    The blood urea nitrogen test checks for other waste products in the blood, such as urea nitrogen.

    Urea nitrogen occurs as proteins from food break down, and elevated levels may be a sign that the kidney is not filtering these waste products effectively.

    A typical BUN level falls between 7 and 20 milligrams per deciliter. Higher values could be a sign of an underlying condition affecting the kidneys.

    With that said, many other things can affect BUN levels, such as medications or antibiotics. A diet that is very high in protein diet may also affect levels.

    Doctors will typically compare these results to the results of a creatine test to get a better understanding of how well the kidney is filtering this waste.

    Imaging tests may help doctors identify any physical changes to the kidneys, such as injuries or kidney stones.

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    How Is A Cmp Done

    Most blood tests take a small amount of blood from a vein. To do that, a health professional will:

    • clean the skin
    • put an elastic band above the area to get the veins to swell with blood
    • insert a needle into a vein
    • pull the blood sample into a vial or syringe
    • take off the elastic band and remove the needle from the vein

    In babies, blood draws are sometimes done as a “heel stick collection.” After cleaning the area, the health professional will prick your baby’s heel with a tiny needle to collect a small sample of blood.

    Collecting a sample of blood is only temporarily uncomfortable and can feel like a quick pinprick.

    page 3

    Tests For Kidney Cancer

    Kidney cancer might be found because of signs or symptoms a person is having, or it might be found because of lab tests or imaging tests a person is getting for another reason. The actual diagnosis of kidney cancer is made by looking at a sample of kidney cells in the lab or sometimes by how the kidney looks on an imaging test. If you think you have possible signs or symptoms of kidney cancer, see your doctor.

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    Urine Testing For Excess Protein

    Excess protein may signal a problem. These urine tests help diagnose kidney disease:

    • Urine dipstick a sample of your urine is tested for excess protein or proteinuria. Protein in the urine can be a sign that something is wrong with the kidneys ability to filter the blood properly.
    • Urine culture to check for white blood cells, and bacteria.
    • Urine output measurements the amount of urine you excrete in a day may help your doctor determine the cause of your kidney failure.

    How Can You Detect Kidney Disease

    Kidney Test With Blood

    Kidney Disease Symptoms. When you know the symptoms of chronic kidney disease , you can get treatment and feel your best. CKD symptoms can be subtle. Some people dont have any symptoms or dont think they do. If you have one or more of the 15 symptoms below, or worry about kidney problems, see a doctor for blood and urine tests.

    Kidney performance is measured using a simple blood test in combination with a.

    of protein in the urine represents chronic kidney disease stages 1 2.

    Patients should learn their latest eGFR and uACR to assess if the new eGFR calculations change their kidney disease status or stage. Patients and healthcare professionals can use a patient.

    You may be at risk for acute kidney failure if youve experienced a serious systemic infection, a severe injury, or cardiac arrest, which can affect blood flow to the kidneys. Causes of kidney failure include inflammation in the kidneys or in the organs blood vessels, diabetes, hypertension, lupus, and polycystic kidney disease.

    Thats when they discovered that both kidneys were “gone” and she would need a kidney transplant, Bob said. The doctors at.

    A urine sample may be tested to determine if blood and certain proteins, such as albumin, are present. These substances can leak into urine when the kidneys.

    Magnetic resonance imaging : Useful in patients who require a CT scan but who cannot receive intravenous contrast reliable in the diagnosis of renal.

    May 23, 2021.

    Kidney function tests.

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