Take Care With Antibiotics
These bacteria-fighting drugs can damage your kidneys if you use them too often. It can happen even if youâre perfectly healthy, though itâs more serious if your kidneys donât work as well as they should. Some types, like penicillin, sulfonamides, and cephalosporins, are more likely to cause problems.
Before You Try A Kidney Cleanse
Located under the rib cage in your lower back, your kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs responsible for clearing waste from your body. Each day, your kidneys process about 200 quarts of blood to help remove about two quarts of excess water and waste products from food and the normal breakdown of active tissues.
Kidneys also release three important hormones: erythropoietin , renin , and calcitriol .
Be Aware Of The Amount Of Otc Pills You Take
If you regularly take over-the-counter pain medication, you may be causing kidney damage. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , including ibuprofen and naproxen, can damage your kidneys if you take them regularly for chronic pain, headaches, or arthritis.
People with no kidney issues who take the medicine occasionally are likely in the clear. However, if you use these medicines daily, you could be risking your kidneys health. Talk with your doctor about kidney-safe treatments if youre coping with pain.
If youre at high risk of kidney damage or kidney disease, its a good idea to have regular kidney function tests. The following people may benefit from regular screening:
- people who are over 60 years old
- people who were born at a low birth weight
- people who have cardiovascular disease or have family with it
- people who have or have a family history of high blood pressure
- people who are obese
- people who believe they may have kidney damage
A regular kidney function test is a great way to know your kidneys health and to check for possible changes. Getting ahead of any damage can help slow or prevent future damage.
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How Do I Perform An Exchange
Youll need the following supplies:
- transfer set
- supplies to keep your exit site clean
If you choose automated peritoneal dialysis youll need a cycler.
Your health care team will provide everything you need to begin peritoneal dialysis and help you arrange to have supplies such as dialysis solution and surgical masks delivered to your home, usually once a month. Careful hand washing before and wearing a surgical mask over your nose and mouth while you connect your catheter to the transfer set can help prevent infection.
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Increase Your Water Intake
Water, water, and more water. The amount you need to drink each day depends on your body size, climate, physical activity, and any medications you may be taking. That said, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine determined that an adequate daily fluid intake is about 15.5 cups or 3.7 liters of water for men and 11.5 cups or 2.7 liters for women.
What Happens During Hemodialysis
During hemodialysis, the dialysis machine:
- Removes blood from a needle in your arm.
- Circulates the blood through the dialyzer filter, which moves waste into a dialysis solution. This cleansing liquid contains water, salt and other additives.
- Returns filtered blood to your body through a different needle in your arm.
- Monitors your blood pressure to adjust how fast blood flows in and out of your body.
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Best Foods For Kidney Health Detox And Cleansing
1. Red Peppers
These peppers are low in potassium which can be hard on those who have kidney disease. They also contain a good amount of vitamin C, folate, vitamin B6, and fiber. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and plays roles throughout the body in energy production, blood flow, and metabolism.
Folate and B6 contribute to the formation of red blood cells. Red bell peppers also contain lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that keeps kidneys healthy and prevents renal failure.
2. Cabbage
Cabbage is rich in fiber, folate, B6, vitamin C, and vitamin K. The fiber in cabbage and other leafy greens slow the absorption of nutrients. This gives the liver and kidneys time to deal with the influx into the bloodstream. Fiber keeps blood sugar from spiking, one of the biggest reasons for kidney damage, and it also helps pull toxins from the digestive tract.
Vitamin K is important in healthy blood clotting. Cabbage also contains many phytonutrients that act as antioxidants and anti-inflammatories.
3. Cauliflower and Broccoli
These florets are rich in vitamin C and folate. Cauliflower is full of fiber and rich in anti-inflammatory compounds. Cruciferous vegetables are very good for you when kidneys are healthy or only sluggish. They should be avoided if your kidneys are really struggling or you have gout.
Related: Gout: A Growing Concern
4. Leafy Greens
5. Garlic
6. Asparagus
7. Apples
8. Berries
Related: The Amazing Antioxidants and Health Benefits of Berries
9. Olive Oil
10. Melons
11. Ginger
Why Do A Kidney Cleanse
Your kidneys are the filtration system for your entire body. They clean out the toxins from medications, pesticides, and other contaminants that you eat on a daily basis. Their main job is to make sure that your body stays healthy and in good working order by eliminating the potential harmful substances that can infiltrate your systems.
The secondary job of the kidneys is the production of several internal chemicals that help to keep your body functions regulated. This includes keeping the production levels of vitamin D at normal rates for bone strength, the regulation of blood pressure, and the signal needed by bone marrow to continue producing red blood cells. Without the kidneys your body would not be able to produce these internal chemicals and shut down.
Patients with regularly developing kidney stones are often prescribe cleanses by their physician. Stones develop when the kidneys can not release a significant amount of waste product and those wastes calcify into small nodules on the kidneys. As a very painful condition it is certainly one to be avoided, but it is a clear sign that there is an abnormal range of kidney health. This can be a function of poor overall health, changes in the body due to pregnancy or menopause, or a condition caused by the chronic use of some medications.
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What Is A Kidney Cleanse
If you consume adequate fluids, which can take the form of foods such as fruits and vegetables as well as water and other liquids, the kidneys are self-cleansing.
A number of products, foods, or specialized diets claim to detoxify the kidneys in order to promote healthy kidney function and prevent kidney stones. Kidney cleanses are also purported to help keep blood pressure in check, improve the functioning of the urinary tract and bladder, boost immunity, and clear toxins from the entire body.
Although the individual components of a kidney cleanse may offer health benefits, there’s no scientific evidence to support their use in cleansing the kidneys or preventing kidney stones or infection.
If you’re interested in taking natural approaches to enhance your kidney health, talk with your doctor and consider consulting a qualified alternative or complementary health professional.
Kidney cleanses vary in approach. Here’s a look at some of the most common types of kidney cleanses:
The Importance Of Cleansing Your Kidneys
The kidneys are well known as the bodys chemical factories that filter and eliminate toxins. What many people do not know, is that the kidneys also play a key role in the following functions :
- Remove waste products from the body.
- Balance the bodys fluids.
- Release hormones that regulate blood pressure.
- Produce an active form of vitamin D that promotes strong, healthy bones.
- Control the production of red blood cells.
In other words: when your kidneys do not perform at their best, your entire body may be affected. According to the National Kidney Foundation :
30 million American adults are estimated to have chronic kidney disease, and most arent aware of it. 1 in 3 American adults are at risk for kidney disease.
For this reason, we highly recommend to specifically ask your doctor to test your kidney function as a part of your annual checkup.
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Where Can I Do Peritoneal Dialysis
You can do both CAPD and automated peritoneal dialysis in any clean, private place, including at home, at work, or when travelling.
Before you travel, you can have the manufacturer ship the supplies to where youre going so theyll be there when you get there. If you use automated peritoneal dialysis, youll have to carry your machine with you or plan to do exchanges by hand while youre away from home.
So How Do You Know What To Eat For A Kidney
Lucky for you, Bannan has provided a list of the best foods approved for the renal diet, which obviously all focus on the health of your kidneys, along with foods that won’t help improve your kidney health. She strongly advises consulting with your healthcare provider to learn what dietary choices are advised for you based on your specific kidney condition and treatment plan.
Scroll down for the complete list of the best foods for a kidney cleanse and for the worst foods, too.
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Make Changes To What You Eat And Drink
If youre on peritoneal dialysis, you may need to limit
- calories in your eating plan
You may also need to
- watch how much liquid you drink and eat. Your dietitian will help you determine how much liquid you need to consume each day.
- add protein to your diet because peritoneal dialysis removes protein.
- choose foods with the right amount of potassium.
- take supplements made for people with kidney failure.
Eating the right foods can help you feel better while youre on peritoneal dialysis. Talk with your dialysis centers dietitian to find a meal plan that works for you.
What Do The Kidneys Do
Your kidneys are part of your urinary system. These two bean-shaped organs sit below your ribcage on each side of your spine. They clean toxins from your blood, returning filtered, nutrient-rich blood to the bloodstream.
The waste and extra water make urine, which moves from the kidneys into the bladder. Your kidneys also help regulate your blood pressure.
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Importance Of Kidney Disease Screenings
Kidney disease screening from Life Line Screening uses a simple finger-stick test to assess how well your kidneys are functioning. It uses an FDA-approved device adopted by more than 250 hospitals across the country.
Common risk factors for kidney disease include increased age, family history, race and ethnicity , diabetes, high blood pressure, hereditary factors, and abnormally elevated creatinine levels or decreasing glomerular filtration rates .
If you have any of the above risk factors, or if you’re over the age of 60, you should seriously consider a kidney disease screening. Learn more now or contact us with any questions you might have.
Life Line Screening 2021 update
Learn more or schedule a screening today at lifelinescreening.comâ or give us a call at . We’d love to help.
Caring For Your Kidneys
Here are several science-supported methods for caring for your kidneys and reducing your risk of kidney disease:
- Avoid smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol and caffeine.
- Maintain normal blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
- Keep your cholesterol in check.
- Drink enough water and other fluids.
- Stay at a healthy weight.
Although there’s no evidence that a kidney flush can help prevent kidney stones, you may reduce your risk by getting enough fluids and cutting back on sodium.
People with a history of kidney stones may also want to avoid foods rich in oxalates, such as chocolate, okra, sweet potatoes, sesame seeds, greens, nuts, and spinach. Foods rich in purine content such as red meat should be moderated to reduce uric acid kidney stone risk.
Many types of kidney stones benefit from the addition of citrus to the diet or to water. There is some evidence suggesting that the herb Phyllanthus may help prevent the formation of kidney stones.
Despite claims to the contrary, research shows that a high intake of calcium through foods may decrease the risk of kidney stones, according to the National Kidney Foundation. However, taking calcium in supplement form may increase your risk.
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The Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar contains an acid that is beneficial to the kidneys. At first glance this may seem contradictory because were trying not to raise the level of acidity in the blood. However, what really makes apple cider vinegar work is its ability to favor good digestion and help detox your kidneys. Try taking a glass of water with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar after your main meal. Why not give it a shot?
The Roles Of The Kidneys
The kidneys are vital organs that play a major role in the formation of urine, filtration of the blood, elimination of waste products, production of hormones, and the balance of the internal environment.
The kidneys work by removing toxic wastes from the blood. The main toxic substance in the body is urea, which comes from protein, creatinine, and uric acid. Urea is carried in the urine and is excreted during urination.
The kidneys are also involved in the balance of minerals essential to the body. The function of the kidneys is to keep the levels of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and sodium at a constant level in the body to avoid possible deficiencies or excess. The excess of these minerals is excreted in the urine. It is important to note that too much phosphorus in the blood should be avoided to maintain healthy bones.
Healthy kidneys keep enough water in the body. Excess water is eliminated in the urine and stool, but also through perspiration and respiration. The kidneys pass about 1.5 liters of urine per day.
The kidneys also play a role in the secretion of hormones. They produce renin which acts on the regulation of blood pressure and which prevents cardiovascular risks. They also secrete erythropoietin, which is responsible for the production of red blood cells for the oxygenation of the body.
Finally, the kidneys are responsible for the synthesis of calcitriol, which helps with the absorption of calcium from the intestines and into the bones.
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Do Not Smoke Or Drink Too Much Alcohol
Try to stop smoking completely and limit the amount of alcohol you drink.
Both men and women are advised not to drink more than 14 units of alcohol a week on a regular basis.
Drinking too much alcohol and smoking both raise your blood pressure. High blood pressure is one of the most common causes of kidney disease.
Maintain A Healthy Weight
Keeping your body at a healthy weight takes away excess strain on your kidneys. Eating right and exercise is one of the best ways to care for your body and kidneys.
The National Kidney Foundation is the largest, most comprehensive and longstanding organization dedicated to the awareness, prevention and treatment of kidney disease.
The Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance Charity Seal provides the giving public with an easily recognizable symbol which certifies that the National Kidney Foundation meets the comprehensive standards of America’s most experienced charity evaluator.
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Kidney Impairment Can Be Costly
Although renal impairment is often reversible if the offending drug is discontinued, the condition can be costly and may require multiple interventions, including hospitalization, Dr. Naughton explained. To help you avoid getting to that point, we learned about medications that commonly cause kidney damage from Rebekah Krupski, PharmD, RPh, pharmacy resident at the Cleveland Clinic and clinical instructor of pharmacy practice at Northeast Ohio Medical University.
You Have Elevated Blood Pressure
There is a correlation between high blood pressure and poor kidney functioning, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. More specifically, when you have high blood pressure, you’re at an increased risk of damaging blood vessels in the kidneys, which interferes with their ability to work properly.
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