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HomeMust ReadHow Do You Diagnose A Kidney Infection

How Do You Diagnose A Kidney Infection

Prevention And Treatment Of Kidney Infection

Kidney & Bladder Health : How to Treat a Kidney Infection
  • Antibiotics

  • Occasionally surgery

Antibiotics are started as soon as the doctor suspects pyelonephritis and samples have been taken for laboratory tests. The choice of drug or its dosage may be modified based on the laboratory test results , how sick the person is, and whether the infection started in the hospital, where bacteria tend to be more resistant to antibiotics. Other factors that can alter the choice or dosage of drug include whether the person’s immune system is impaired and whether the person has a urinary tract abnormality .

Outpatient treatment with antibiotics given by mouth is usually successful if the person has:

  • No nausea or vomiting

  • No signs of dehydration

What Is A Uti Anyway

A UTI, or urinary tract infection, happens when bacteria enters into any part of your urinary system, which includes the urethra, the bladder, the kidneys or the uterus. If not flushed out of the system, the bacteria can lead to an infection, or a UTI.

If youve ever had a UTI , you probably havent forgotten the symptoms. UTIs are very unpleasant, to say the least, and are often accompanied with one or more of the following:

  • A burning sensation when urinating

  • A strong urge to urinate often, usually passing only small amounts of urine at a time.

  • Cloudy and/or strong smelling urine

  • Pelvic pain

Diagnosis Of Kidney Infection

  • Urine culture

  • Sometimes imaging tests

The typical symptoms of pyelonephritis lead doctors to do two common laboratory tests to determine whether the kidneys are infected: examination of a urine specimen under a microscope to count the number of red and white blood cells and bacteria and a urine culture, in which bacteria from a urine sample are grown in a laboratory to identify the numbers and type of bacteria . Blood tests may be done to check for elevated white blood cell levels , bacteria in the blood, or kidney damage.

Imaging tests are done in people who have intense back pain typical of renal colic, in those who do not respond to antibiotic treatment within 72 hours, in those whose symptoms return shortly after antibiotic treatment is finished, in those with long-standing or recurring pyelonephritis, in those whose blood test results indicate kidney damage, and in men . Ultrasonography or helical computed tomography studies done in these situations may reveal kidney stones, structural abnormalities, or other causes of urinary obstruction.

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What Can I Do To Help Prevent My Child From Getting A Kidney Infection

If you suspect your child has a UTI, get them prompt medical treatment to help prevent the UTI from turning into a kidney infection. Here are some tips for preventing UTIs.

While preventative antibiotics have been found to reduce the number of recurrent UTIs, there isnt any evidence that their use decreases the risk of kidney infection or scarring. Uncircumcised boys that are less than one year old are ten times more likely to get UTIs than circumcised boys, but by age two the risk decreases and circumcision does not have an effect on infection rates.

Avoid Alcohol And Coffee

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The kidneys most important role is to filter out harmful substances and toxins, and both alcohol and caffeine can require extra work from the kidneys. This may hinder the process of healing from an infection. Alcohol and antibiotics also shouldnt be mixed, so avoid alcohol during your treatment for this reason as well.

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What Are The Causes Of Kidney Infection

A kidney infection is caused by bacteria, often E. coli. They get into your urethra and move up to your bladder and ureter and then into your kidneys. Often you will have a urinary tract infection or cystitis at the same time or before you have a kidney infection. However, you can develop a kidney infection without a UTI or cystitis if you have kidney stones, diabetes or a weakened immune system.

Treatment For Utis Vs Kidney Infection Treatment

UTIs, including kidney infections, can be treated with a course of antibiotics. The type of antibiotic can depend on the type of bacteria thats causing your infection as well as how severe your infection is.

The doctor will often start you on an antibiotic that works against a wide variety of UTI-causing bacteria. If a urine culture is performed, the doctor may switch your antibiotic to one thats most effective at treating the specific bacterium thats causing your infection.

Simple UTIs can be treated with short 3- to 5-day courses of antibiotics. Treatment for kidney infections generally lasts 7 to 14 days, depending on which class of antibiotic is prescribed.

You may begin to feel better after only a few days on antibiotics. However, you should still make sure that you complete your entire treatment course as prescribed. If you do not take all of your antibiotics, the stronger bacteria may not be killed, causing your infection to persist and flare up again.

If youre pregnant, your doctor may also request a repeat urine sample following a kidney infection, even if your symptoms have resolved. This allows them to check to see whether your infection has completely cleared.

If there are still bacteria present in the sample, you may need another course of antibiotics. Persistence of bacteria can potentially harm an unborn baby.

People with severe kidney infections may need to be hospitalized. In this case, you may receive antibiotics and fluids intravenously.

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How Do The Kidneys Become Infected

Acute kidney infections are typically caused by bacteria that has gotten into the urethra and traveled up through the bladder and ureters . Some medical conditions such as bladder dysfunction, bladder obstruction, neurogenic bladder or vesicoureteral reflux along with conditions that require the use of catheters can also increase the chances of kidney infection and damage.

Common Diseases Of The Feline Urinary Tract

How To Tell If You Have A Kidney Infection

There are several types of urinary tract diseases that can affect cats, including:

The urinary tract is a system made up of the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra, which work to produce, transport, store, and excrete urine. The urinary tract also rids the body of fluid waste materials and has other vitally important functions, including controlling the volume and composition of the body fluids.

The kidneys are bean-shaped organs. The indentation of the âbeanâ is called the hilus, which is the area where the blood vessels, nerves, and ureters both enter and leave the kidney. The structural and functional unit of the kidney is the nephron, and there are hundreds of these microscopic filtering units, with each having the ability to form urine by itself.

Each nephron consists of a circular ball-shaped cluster of small blood vessels called a glomerulus and a small tube called a renal tubule. Nephrons are responsible for removing urea, which is combined with water and other waste products to produce urine.

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What Pet Owners Need To Know About A Kidney Infection In Cats

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Kidney infections in cats are a problem that can occur at any age. The term kidney infection, also known by the medical term âpyelonephritis,â is commonly mistaken for any infection that involves the urinary tract.

Below, we provide links to other types of urinary tract infections in cats that occur more frequently than kidney infections, so as to differentiate between the two types of illnesses:

Causes Of Kidney Infection

A kidney infection usually happens when bacteria, often a type called E. coli, get into the tube that carries urine out of your body .

The bacteria travel up to your bladder, causing cystitis, and then up into your kidneys.

E. coli bacteria normally live in your bowel, where they cause no harm.

They can be transferred from your bottom to your genitals during sex or if you’re not careful when wiping your bottom after going to the loo.

A kidney infection can sometimes develop without a bladder infection. For example, if you have a problem with your kidney, such as kidney stones, or if you have diabetes or a weakened immune system.

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How Long Does A Uti Last

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If you have a UTI, its best to get it treated right away before any complications develop . Its possible for a UTI to get better on its own, but most of the time, it wont. While home remedies can help ease some of the discomfort, a doctor can prescribe you an antibiotic that is a much quicker and more effective treatment. An antibiotic will start working immediately and, depending on how complicated your UTI is, may clear it up in a matter of days. Be sure to always take your medication how your doctor prescribes.

What Are The Symptoms Of Kidney Infection

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A number of symptoms can indicate to your doctor that you may have a kidney infection. The more severe the symptoms, the more likely the infection involves the kidney. Symptoms of a kidney infection include:

  • Sudden onset of chills

If you experience any of these sudden onset symptoms, please seek medical attention.

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What Is The Treatment For A Kidney Infection

Kidney infections are treated with antibiotics. Your health care provider may tell you to take an antibiotic medicine that treats the most common types of infections, until your urine can be looked at to figure out the exact type of infection you have. Once your urine test results are available, your health care provider might tell you to take a different type of antibiotic, depending on the type of infection you have.

If you have a very serious infection, you may need to stay in the hospital to receive treatment.

If your kidney infection was caused by a problem with the shape of your urinary tract, you may need to have surgery to correct the problem and prevent future kidney infections.

What Happens If A Kidney Infection Is Left Untreated

If a kidney infection is left untreated, it can lead to a number of complications including kidney scarring, blood poisoning, and pregnancy complications if you are expecting which is why its crucial to get in touch with your doctor if you are experiencing any symptoms or signs of kidney infection .

Its important to note that there are steps you can take to reduce your risk of developing a kidney infection including drinking plenty of water, urinating after sex, and going to the bathroom once you feel the urge to go.

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One of the most reliable ways to keep an eye on your kidney health is through regular testing this can be done with your doctor or if you would prefer, from the comfort of home with an at-home lab test.

LetsGetCheckeds Kidney Function Test allows you to monitor your kidney function and performance. Online results will be available within 2-5 days and our dedicated clinical team will be available to answer any questions you may have throughout the process.

You should consider taking a Kidney Function Test if any of the below are applicable to you:

  • You suffer from high blood pressure
  • You suffer from diabetes
  • You have suffered an acute injury
  • You have persistent urinary tract infections
  • You have kidney disease or a family history of one
  • You have kidney stones or a family history of them
  • You have a high protein diet
  • You have been taking performance-enhancing drugs

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Bladder Infections Are Common

Kidney infections are a rare complication of bladder infections. Bladder infections are very common, though. In fact, about half of women will have one in their lifetime. Those most at risk are women who are younger than 50. Women have a greater risk than men because of their anatomy. The tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside is shorter in women. And the urethra is closer to the bowels. While only one in 10 men will have a urinary tract infection, bladder infections in men are more likely to occur later in life. Older men are more likely to have prostate problems, which can partially block the urine.

Other, more unusual, causes of kidney infections are medical procedures that require a scope of the bladder or surgery of the urinary tract. Urinary tract infections can be caused by bacteria that come in from catheters. Catheters are tubes that drain urine from the bladder. Urinary catheters are tubes used in people who are having problems urinating or during medical procedures. Other causes of infections are blockages from prostate enlargement or kidney stones.

COVID-19 patients can become kidney patients.

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How Is A Kidney Infection Diagnosed

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of A Kidney Infection?

Your doctor will ask about your symptoms, do a physical exam, and likely run some diagnostic tests. Those include a urinalysis, to check your pee under a microscope for bacteria and white blood cells, which your body makes to fight infection, and a urine culture to help find out what kind of bacteria is causing the infection, the NIDDK says. Your doctor may even take a blood sample to check for bacteria or other organisms in your blood, the Mayo Clinic says.

Other tests that might come up include an ultrasound, a CT scan, or a form of X-ray called a voiding cystourethrogram, which involves injecting a contrast dye to take X-rays of your bladder when its full and while youre peeing, per the Mayo Clinic.

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Medical History And Physical Exam

At your doctors appointment, youll be asked about the symptoms youve been experiencing recently: what they are, how theyve changed, and how long youve noticed them.

Youll also be asked about your history of health conditions, such as:

During your physical exam, youll have your temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate taken. A fever, elevated heart rate, and low blood pressure can all be signs of an infection.

Your doctor will examine your abdomen and back for signs of redness, swelling, or tenderness.

Your doctor will also perform a maneuver called angle percussion, which consists of gently tapping the area of your back where your kidneys are located underneath.

This maneuver disturbs any inflamed tissue around your kidneys, causing pain if you have a kidney infection.

If youre a woman, your doctor may perform a pelvic exam to look for signs of inflammation or tenderness associated with a UTI.

If youre a man, your doctor may perform a digital rectal exam. In this procedure, youll be asked to expose your buttocks and bend over a table, or lie on your side while holding your knees close to your chest.

Your doctor will insert a gloved, lubricated finger into your anus to feel for a swollen or enlarged prostate.

When To See A Gp

See a GP if you feel feverish and have pain that will not go away in your tummy, lower back or genitals.

You should also see a GP if you have symptoms of a UTI that have not improved after a few days, or if you have blood in your pee.

Contact a GP immediately if you think your child may have a kidney infection.

If you cannot get a GP appointment and need urgent medical attention, go to your nearest urgent care centre .

If you do not have a local UCC, go to your nearest A& E.

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How Do You Know If A Uti Has Spread To Your Kidneys

Kidney infections are caused by bacteria traveling from your bladder into either one or both of your kidneys. And while UTIs can be treated with a course of antibiotics, if it goes untreated, it can spread to the kidneys and cause an infection.

If your symptoms get worse or dont improve within a few days, its possible that the infection has moved beyond the bladder and towards the kidneys. Remember, a kidney infection can be treated so if you suspect somethings not quite right, be sure to contact your healthcare provider.

Tea Tree Essential Oil

Kidney Disease  Symptoms to Watch

E.coli bacteria account for about 80% of urinary tract infections, which eventually lead to chronic kidney infections.

Tea tree essential oil is considered as a great remedy against the E.coli bacteria.

Although it is rich in anti-inflammatory and antiseptic compounds, a 2006 study has confirmed the presence of antimicrobial properties as well.

A study was published in 2002. It shows tea tree oil has preventive effects against E.coli.

Another study was published in the Journal of Applied Bacteriology Banner. It states that tea tree can neutralize the bacteria.

You can use this oil for both massage and bath to soothe infection.

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What Is Kidney Infection

Infection in the urinary tract can involve the lower tract especially the bladder , prostate or the upper tract and kidney . It is usually a bacterial infection. The disease occurs in roughly three to seven of every 10,000 people in the United States. The occurrence in pregnant women is about 2 percent. It is readily treatable if diagnosed early.

A bacteria called Escherichia Coli causes about 90 percent of kidney infections. The bacteria migrate from the genitals through the urethra into the bladder and up the tubes that connect the bladder to the kidneys.

Some bacteria, such as staphylococcus infections, can enter the kidneys from the bloodstream.


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