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HomeFactsWhat Is Stage 3a Kidney Disease

What Is Stage 3a Kidney Disease

Who Should Be Tested For Ckd

Healthy Things to Eat & Drink for a Stage 3 Kidney Problem

See your GP if you have persistent symptoms of CKD, such as:

  • weight loss or poor appetite
  • swollen ankles, feet or hands
  • peeing more than usual, particularly at night

Your GP can look for other possible causes and arrange tests if necessary.

Because CKD often has no symptoms in the early stages, some people at a higher risk should be tested regularly.

Regular testing is recommended if you have:

You’re also more likely to develop kidney disease if you’re black or of south Asian origin.

People taking long-term medicines that can affect the kidneys, such as lithium, omeprazole or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , should also be tested regularly.

Talk to your GP if you think you may need regular testing for kidney disease.

Ckd Stage : Gfr Between 60 To 89

This is the second stage of chronic kidney disease. At this stage, the eGFR value is considered normal and kidneys are also functioning well, but there are some visible symptoms that can be observed.

Symptoms: Fatigue, itchy skin, loss of appetite or sleep, weakness, pain in the lower back, increased or decreased urination, etc.

Who Are The Creators

The people behind The Kidney Disease Solution are Duncan Capicchiano and Fiona Chin. They are both capable Naturopaths from Melbourne, Australia. With more than 13 health therapists from their Melbourne clinic, they have been able to help thousands of patients live healthier lives.

Duncan received from the Australian College of Natural Medicine his advanced Diploma in Naturopathy. He also has additional training and diplomas in Craniosacral therapy, Kinesiology, Homeopathy, and Nutrition and Herbal Medicine.

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What Can You Do For Stage 3 Kidney Disease

While CKD is not curable there is still a lot you can do to preserve your kidney function. Kidney care should be taken as soon as CKD has been discovered.

Kidney patients should put into place a health care team. Help from professionals will enact medical and nutritional interventions that will help to preserve kidney health and prevent disease progression.

Stage 3a And Stage 3b

How serious is stage 3 kidney disease ?

Stage 3 CKD is broken up into two parts based on GFR amounts. As kidney function declines in this phase, waste products begin to build up more quickly and can cause high blood pressure, anemia, diabetes, and bone disease. Symptoms may consist of fatigue, fluid retention, swelling in the arms and legs, shortness of breath, changes in the frequency and color of urination, kidney pain, and problems sleeping due to muscle cramps or restless legs. People with Stage 3 kidney disease should receive treatment from a nephrologist or a doctor who specializes in kidneys, and a dietician, as a better diet may help preserve kidney function. Medications to treat illnesses that may have developed as a result of CKD and regular exercise can be beneficial at this stage.

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What Is Stage 4 Kidney Disease

Chronic kidney disease happens if your kidneys have been damaged. Kidneys can become damaged from a physical injury or a disease like diabetes or high blood pressure. Once your kidneys are damaged, they are not able to filter blood or do their other jobs well enough to keep you healthy. Some of the important jobs kidneys do:

  • Filter blood
  • Help keep blood pressure under control
  • Keep bones healthy
  • Help make red blood cells

There are five stages of chronic kidney disease. The mildest are stages 1 and 2. In these early stages of kidney disease, the kidneys are damaged and not working at full strength. At stage 3, about half of kidney function has been lost. This can cause other problems, like high blood pressure or bone problems. Treatment of these problems is very important, and it can even help slow down the loss of kidney function. At stage 4, severe kidney damage has happened. At this stage, it is very important to slow the loss of kidney function by following your treatment plan, and managing other problems like high blood pressure or heart disease. Stage 5 is kidney failure. If kidney failure happens, you will need a kidney transplant or dialysis to live.

Stage 3 Ckd Life Expectancy

CKD is associated with an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and in some cases, even death. If CKD exists together with proteinuria, the risks are amplified even further. Renal replacement therapy is usually required. However, the risks of a cardiovascular problem are even greater.

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Stage 5 Ckd: Egfr Less Than 15

Stage 5 CKD means you have an eGFR less than 15.

An eGFR less than 15 means the kidneys are getting very close to failure or have completely failed. If your kidneys fail, waste builds up in your blood, which makes you very sick.

Some of the symptoms of kidney failure are:

  • Itching
  • Urinating more or less than normal
  • Trouble breathing
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Preparing for dialysis: Dialysis helps clean your blood when your kidneys have failed. There are several things to think about, such as the type of dialysis, how to plan your treatments and how they will affect your daily life. Learn more about hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.
  • Preparing for a transplant: A kidney transplant is a surgery to give you a healthy kidney from someone elses body. If you can find a living kidney donor, you may not need to start dialysis at all. It is possible to have a transplant when your kidneys are getting close to failure. Learn more about kidney transplants.

Whom To Consult For Diagnosis Of Stage 3 Ckd

Stage 3 Kidney Disease: A Crash Course on What to Know

At stage 3 CKD, patients should consult a nephrologist. Nephrologists are doctors specializing in the treatment of the kidneys and the renal system. The patients will first go through some basic examinations. This will be flowed by comprehensive lab testing of the samples taken from the patients. You will also be required to hand in your entire medical history and answer questions put forward by the nephrologist. This will help them in making an accurate diagnosis and choosing a suitable approach for the treatment. The main aim of the treatment will be to reverse the kidney damage and keep them functioning efficiently.

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Stage 2 Ckd: Egfr Between 60 And 89

Stage 2 CKD means you have mild kidney damage and an eGFR between 60 and 89.

Most of the time, an eGFR between 60 and 89 means your kidneys are healthy and working well. But if you have Stage 2 kidney disease, this means you have other signs of kidney damage even though your eGFR is normal. Signs of kidney damage could be protein in your urine or physical damage to your kidneys. Here are some ways to help slow down the damage to your kidneys in Stage 2 kidney disease:

  • Control your blood sugar if you have diabetes

Stage 3 Ckd: Egfr Between 30 And 59

Stage 3 CKD means you have an eGFR between 30 and 59.

An eGFR between 30 and 59 means that there is some damage to your kidneys and they are not working as well as they should.

Stage 3 is separated into two stages:

  • Stage 3a means you have an eGFR between 45 and 59
  • Stage 3b means you have an eGFR between 30 and 44

Many people with Stage 3 kidney disease do not have any symptoms. But if there are symptoms, there may be:

  • Swelling in your hands and feet
  • Back pain
  • Urinating more or less than normal

At this stage, you are also more likely to have health complications as waste builds up in your body and your kidneys are not working well, such as:

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S To Take At Stage 3 Kidney Disease

  • Make healthy lifestyle choicesEating a kidney-friendly diet, quitting smoking, exercising, and maintaining a healthy weight can help you slow progression at stage 3 kidney disease.
  • Monitor your healthManaging underlying conditions and risk factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and/or infection can also help slow the progression of CKD. Talk to your doctor about whether or not you need to modify any of the vitamins, supplements, or medications you may be taking for other health conditions , or if you start taking any new medications.
  • Talk to your doctor about a referral to see a kidney doctorSeeing a kidney doctor can help you manage your kidney health. Your doctor can help you determine when it’s time to see a nephrologist and give you a referral. Once you start seeing a nephrologist, you’ll still see your regular doctor to monitor you overall health.
  • Meet with a renal dietitianFollowing a kidney-friendly diet is key to slowing the progression of CKD, and you dont have to do it alone. A renal dietitian can help you address any nutrition concerns and learn about eating well.
  • Learn everything you can about CKDTaking a KidneyCare:365 class can help you learn more about how to manage and slow the progression of CKD.

Celebrities And Kidney Transplants


The United States celebrity-fueled social media culture means many celebrities have become increasingly open about their health journeys, sharing personal stories about everything from wellness tips to lifesaving organ donations. Stevie Wonder, who announced to a sea of fans that he would be receiving a kidney transplant from a living donor at the end of 2019, recently updated his fans on his post-transplant progress. While celebrity reputation has no effect on a persons status on the transplant waiting list, an announcement like Steve Wonders reaches his millions of fans with a strong message about the importance of living organ donation. The question is, with about 109,000 people on the organ transplant waiting list in the U.S. how can we use celebrity voices to elevate the conversation about organ transplants and increase the number people both living and deceased who choose to make a lifesaving gift?

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Diagnosis And Assessment Of Patients With Stage 3 Ckd

For a proper diagnosis of the disease, the doctors perform a detailed clinical assessment which also reveals other underlying conditions present in the body. They will go through your medical history to check if you have/had been using any drugs with negative side effects on the kidneys. An imaging test is conducted in order to check if there is any kind of obstruction within the urinary system. Also, a urine test is conducted to rule or detect hematuria and proteinuria.

Initially, the assessments are made in primary settings of health care. This is sufficient to identify if the person is at risk of CKD. If the results are positive, the patient is then referred to more elaborate settings for further tests. Out of the initial assessments, the measurement of serum creatinine level is very important as it helps in determining the stability of the renal functioning. Frequent assessments are made if the person appears to be at a higher risk of the disease.

The clinical assessment can be broken down into the following

  • Imaging tests to look for obstructions within the urinary tract
  • Review of the medicines that were previously used by the patient
  • Urine tests to determine proteinuria and hematuria
  • Looking for underlying conditions that may have led up to the disease.

Albuminuria: The Urine Albumin: Creatinine Ratio

A simple urine test called the urine Albumin:Creatinine ratio is also performed to look for signs that protein is leaking into the urine . This is an important sign of kidney damage. The ACR is used to calculate the A stage of CKD .

There are three recognised stages of albuminuria:

  • A1 normal to mildly increased urine protein levels
  • A2 moderately increased urine protein levels
  • A3 severely increased urine protein levels

Combining your ACR ratio with your eGFR can help doctors try to predict whether your kidney disease is likely to progress and whether you are more likely to develop complications such as heart and circulatory problems. Other factors are also taken into account, e.g. age. In general, the higher the A stage, the more likely it is that you will benefit from blood pressure-lowering treatment.

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The New Codes Are As Follows:

  • N18.30 CKD, Stage 3 unspecified
  • N18.31 CKD, Stage 3a
  • N18.32 CKD, Stage 3b

Kidney disease is often asymptomatic and occurs just before kidney failure. About one-third of the population of older adults have CKD Stage 3. When someone is experiencing Stage 3, it means their kidneys are filtering about half of what they should be, allowing for some fluids, electrolytes, and waste to build up in the body.

CKD often starts to develop without notice. However, symptoms may appear in Stage 3. For those that do experience symptoms, these may include fatigue, swelling around the ankles or eyes, unusually light-colored urine, urinating more frequently, and loss of appetite.

Once an individual has Stage 3 CKD, its generally considered to be irreversible. Fortunately, the majority of Stage 3 patients do not progress to the more severe stages. Still, it is important to work with a doctor to manage the condition and gain a clear picture in regard to the GFR and kidneys. This helps to identify the need for kidney replacement therapy sooner and essentially helps to keep the patient healthier longer.


What Is Stage 3 Kidney Disease

Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease

Stage 3 kidney disease is when the renal problems symptoms and signs show up. You would often see people experiencing kidney pain and rushing to doctors. Thats when the preliminary stage is identified by the doctors. Now that you find yourself in stage 3 kidney disease, the kidney is damaged moderately. This stage can be divided into two sub-segments based on Glomerular Filtration Rate . Firstly, a patient with GFR range 45 to 59 milliliter per minute is considered as Stage 3A. For people who are below 44 to 30 milliliter is termed as Stage 3B.

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What Causes Chronic Kidney Disease

A number of conditions can cause permanent damage to the kidneys and/or affect the function of the kidneys and lead to chronic kidney disease. Three common causes in the UK, which probably account for about three in four cases of chronic kidney disease in adults, are:

  • Diabetes. Diabetic kidney disease is a common complication of diabetes.
  • High blood pressure. Untreated or poorly treated high blood pressure is a major cause of CKD. However, CKD can also cause high blood pressure, as the kidney has a role in blood pressure regulation. About nine out of ten people with CKD stages 3-5 have high blood pressure.
  • Ageing kidneys. There appears to be an age-related decline in kidney function. About half of people aged 75 or more have some degree of CKD. In most of these cases, the CKD does not progress beyond the moderate stage unless other problems of the kidney, such as diabetic kidney disease, develop.
  • Certain medications, including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs lithium, ciclosporin and tacrolimus. If you are taking one of these medicines, you should have a blood test to check your kidney function at least once a year.

Other less common conditions that can cause chronic kidney disease include:

However, this list is not complete and there are many other causes.

Living With Stage 3 Kidney Disease

Aside from taking your prescribed medications and eating a healthy diet, adopting other lifestyle changes can help you manage CKD stage 3. Talk to your doctor about the following:

  • Exercise. Aim for a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate activity per day on most days of the week. A doctor can help you begin an exercise program safely.
  • Blood pressure management. High blood pressure can be a precursor for CKD, and it can make your condition worse. Aim for a blood pressure of 140/90 and below.
  • Stress management. Techniques can include exercise, getting better sleep, and meditation.
  • Smoking cessation. Talk to a doctor about the right methods of quitting smoking for you.

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Stage 3 Of Chronic Kidney Disease

A person with stage 3 chronic kidney disease has moderate kidney damage. This stage is broken up into two: a decrease in glomerular filtration rate for Stage 3A is 45-59 mL/min and a decrease in GFR for Stage 3B is 30-44 mL/min. As kidney function declines waste products can build up in the blood causing a condition known as uremia. In stage 3 a person is more likely to develop complications of kidney disease such as high blood pressure, anemia and/or early bone disease.

Symptoms of stage 3 CKD

Symptoms may start to become present in stage 3:

  • Fatigue
  • Fluid retention, swelling of extremities and shortness of breath:
  • Urination changes
  • Kidney pain felt in their back
  • Sleep problems due to muscle cramps or restless legs

Seeing a doctor when you have stage 3 CKD

As stage 3 progresses, a patient should see a nephrologist . Nephrologists examine patients and perform lab tests so they can gather information about their condition to offer the best advice for treatment. The nephrologists goal is to help their patient keep their kidneys working as long as possible.

Meeting a dietitian when you have stage 3 CKD

Someone in stage 3 may also be referred to a dietitian. Because diet is such an important part of treatment, the dietitian will review a persons lab work results and recommend a meal plan individualized for their needs. Eating a proper diet can help preserve kidney function and overall health.

Get help managing your kidney diet with free kidney-friendly cookbooks.


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