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HomeTrendingIs Your Kidney On Your Left Side

Is Your Kidney On Your Left Side

If It Hurts In Your Mid

Is Your Back Pain Due to Your Kidneys? | The Cooking Doc®

Back pain is common, with as many as eight in 10 people experiencing it at some point in their lives. But what does it mean if youre having a specific type of discomfort called flank pain? Your flanks are the areas around the sides of your body from your upper abdomen to your back. If youre having discomfort in this region, either as right or left flank pain, the cause may be one of the following conditions.

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How Do I Know If Its Kidney Pain

It can be hard to distinguish between kidney pain and back pain.

Back pain is more common than kidney pain. In general, back pain will be related to your muscles, occurs lower in your back, and causes a consistent ache.

If its kidney pain, itll likely be higher, near your ribs. You may feel waves of severe pain and possibly have a fever. The pain may also be stronger on one side.

Which Side Are Your Liver And Kidneys On

Your kidneys are placed in the back of your upper abdomen, close under your rib cage. One is on either side of your spine. Because of the size and position of your liver, your right kidney sits lower than your left. It is attached to the bottom of your liver, so that when you breathe in, your lungs expand and the ribs move up and away from your body, which allows the liver to slide down toward your spleen. As you breathe out, the ribs move back into place, pulling the liver with them.

The blood that leaves your heart flows through small vessels called arteries to different parts of your body where it is needed. When blood enters certain organs such as your liver or kidneys, it picks up nutrients for restoration to the body’s pool of red blood cells and removes waste products. The liver performs this function for our bodies by breaking down alcohol, chemicals, and drugs and removing harmful substances such as carbon dioxide. The kidneys filter the blood and make urine that is released into the bladder to be expelled later.

Liver and kidney disease can cause serious health problems if not treated properly. Both organs are very sensitive to damage caused by toxic substances in the body. If you have liver disease, there may be signs of increased pressure inside the abdomen , fatigue, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or weight loss.

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What Side Is Your Kidney On

Answers to commonly asked questions about a critical waste-removal system

What side is your kidney on? people ask, as they wonder whether that agony theyre feeling is coming from a kidney.

The answer, of course, is both sides! You have two kidneys, one on either side of your body.

Too often people dont understand or appreciate these important, fist-sized organs until something goes wrong with them. So for this blog, were going to share some interesting facts about kidneys.

Where are the kidneys located?

  • Your kidneys live in the upper part of your abdomen, just under your rib cage.
  • Your right kidney is found a bit lower than your left one, to make room for the liver.

What do they look like?

  • Your kidneys are shaped like beans .
  • Theyre about 4 or 5 inches long.

What do kidneys do?

  • Kidneys help remove waste and excess liquids from your body. They do that thanks to tiny filters called nephrons that pick up the waste that will leave your body as urine. They filter all the blood in your body several times a day.
  • They produce hormones that regulate blood pressure and tell your body when to make more red blood cells.
  • They help make sure the volume of liquid in your body doesnt fluctuate too much. Thats why if youre losing a lot of water through sweat, you wont need to urinate as often.

Why do kidneys hurt?

Why do kidneys stop working?

  • A number of problems can cause kidney disease, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and inflammation of the kidneys.

Faqs On Difference Between Left Kidney And Right Kidney

Kidney Pain Location, Causes, Symptoms

Which Kidney is Higher?

  • The left kidney is higher as it is located slightly above the position of the right kidney.

  • It is approximately at the vertebral level.

  • It sits below the diaphragm and posterior to the spleen.

  • The top of the kidney has an adrenal gland which is surrounded by two layers of fat.

  • The layers are perirenal fat which is present between renal fascia and the renal capsule and paralegal fat which is superior to the renal fascia.

  • The kidney has a convex and concave border and at a recessed area on the concave border is the renal hilum where the renal artery enters.

What are the Causes of Kidney Failure?

Kidney failure is caused if the filtration of the blood and toxins removal from the body does not take place properly.

The following are the causes of kidney failure:

  • Kidneys lose the ability to sufficiently filter waste from the blood.

  • Suffering from acute and chronic diseases.

  • Unreached blood flow to the kidneys.

  • Heart-related diseases.

  • Liver failure or scarring of the liver.

  • A severe allergic reaction.

  • Overload of toxins from heavy metals.

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Coronavirus: Kidney Damage Caused By Covid

COVID-19 the disease caused by the coronavirus thats led to the global pandemic is known to damage the lungs. But, as more people become infected, more understanding of the disease emerges.

Doctors and researchers are finding that this coronavirus officially called SARS-CoV-2can also cause severe and lasting harm in other organs, including the heart and kidneys. C. John Sperati, M.D., M.H.S., an expert in kidney health, discusses how the new coronavirus might affect kidney function as the illness develops and afterward as a person recovers.

What Are Common Kidney Pain Symptoms

People with kidney pain may experience different symptoms. Some of the most common kidney pain symptoms include:

  • A constant, dull ache in your back.
  • Pain in your sides, under your rib cage or in your abdomen.
  • Severe or sharp pain that comes in waves.
  • Pain that spreads to your groin area.
  • Kidney pain is often accompanied by nausea or vomiting, especially if the pain is due to kidney stones.

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What Are Symptoms Of Kidney Pain

Symptoms of kidney pain occur in the area of the kidneys, on the sides or middle to upper back, on one or both sides, and feels like:

  • A constant, dull ache in the sides, back, or belly
  • Pain in the side
  • Pain may come in waves
  • Pain may radiate to the belly or groin area

Depending on the cause of the kidney pain, symptoms that may accompany it include:

Does Kidney Failure Cause Pain

8 Signs that Your Kidneys Need Help

A progressive of kidney ailments causes kidney failure . Often irreversible, kidney failure is detectable through symptomatic causes that can be treated early but if progressed, the only remedy for kidney failures is transplants and dialysis. Owing to the fact that there may just be one kidney malfunction, the obvious symptoms may not be present and thus will go undetected. You will know it is chronic when both kidneys are affected .

  • There may be little or no pain at this stage, directed exactly at the kidneys but because of the effects of a kidney failure, pains may be around the thoracic region due to fluids building up and shortness in breathing.
  • In the initial phase culminating to kidney failure, there is the kidney pains associated with either each back pain or both sides of the spinal region.
  • If the pains are related to infections, there will definitely be abdominal pains and if the kidney pains are as a result of kidney stones, most definitely severe pains in these kidney regions.
  • Since it is rarely accompanied by pain, kidney failure will mostly be noticeable by
  • References

  • Charles Patrick Davis P. Kidney Pain: Get the Facts About Symptoms and Causes . MedicineNet. 2015 . Available from:
  • Chronic kidney disease NHS Choices . 2015 . Available from:
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    Kidney Pain Vs Back Pain

    Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish between kidney pain and back pain. Some muscular problems in the back or other diseases can mimic kidney pain. Dr. Davis goes on to explain that pain that comes from your kidneys is usually accompanied by other symptoms. For example, you may notice changes in your urination or you may have a fever.3

    Usually, back pain is distinguished from kidney pain because it may get better or worse when moving the back muscles. Unlike kidney stone pain which comes on in sharp, painful waves, back pain is more constant and connected with movement.

    In general, flank or kidney pain is usually higher in the back just under the ribs and the pain sensation is deeper. Back pain that is muscular is usually in the lower back.

    What Tests Can Help Determine The Cause Of Kidney Pain

    In order to pinpoint a cause, a number of tools are available to help your healthcare provider make a diagnosis:

    • Urinalysis: This test checks for the presence of blood, white blood cells , proteins and certain molecules that are linked to various kidney disorders.
    • Imaging tests:Ultrasound or a CT scan can provide images of the physical structure of the kidneys and urinary tract. It can also tell your healthcare provider if stones are present and determine if urine flow is adequate.

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    What Is Connected To The Kidneys

    Your kidneys look like beans and are roughly the size of a fist. They are located towards the center of your back, one on each side of your spine, close below your rib cage. A tiny tube called a ureter connects each kidney to your bladder. The urinary system is filled with fluid that contains chemicals that are removed from your body through urine.

    The two main functions of the kidney are to produce urine and to regulate blood pressure. Waste products and excess water are removed from the blood by the kidneys and passed into the bladder as urine. The amount of urine that the kidney produces depends on how much you drink and how much sodium is in your diet. Eating too much salt can cause high blood pressure and further damage to the kidneys’ ability to remove waste from the body.

    The kidneys are also responsible for regulating blood pressure. If you have hypertension , your doctor may recommend that you limit your consumption of salt because adding more salt to your diet can further increase your blood pressure. However, this cannot be done without proper treatment – taking medication and changing your lifestyle are both necessary for controlling blood pressure.

    The condition of your kidneys will affect what kind of medication you are able to take. For example, you cannot take an antibiotic if you have renal failure because these drugs are cleared from your body through the kidneys. Similarly, medications that are toxic to your kidneys cannot be taken either.

    Blockage Of Blood To The Kidney

    Kidney Infection Male Left Side Stomach Pain

    A blockage of blood to the kidney is called a renal infarction or a renal vein thrombosis. This happens when the blood supply to and from the kidney is suddenly slowed or stopped. There are several causes, including a blood clot.

    Blood flow blockages to the kidney typically happens on one side. Symptoms include:

    • severe side or flank pain
    • lower back pain or ache
    • stomach tenderness
    • blood in the urine

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    Treatment Of Kidney Infection

    Most kidney infections need prompt treatment with antibiotics to stop the infection damaging the kidneys or spreading to the bloodstream.

    You may also need painkillers.

    If youre especially vulnerable to the effects of an infection , you may be admitted to hospital and treated with antibiotics through a drip.

    Most people who are diagnosed and treated promptly with antibiotics feel completely better after about 2 weeks.

    People who are older or have underlying conditions may take longer to recover.

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    Medications That Can Harm The Kidneys

    No matter what kind of medicine you take, whether OTC or prescription, it is destined to take a trip through your kidneys. Taking a drug the wrong way or in excessive amounts can damage these vital, bean-shaped organs and lead to serious complications. In the worst-case scenario, it could necessitate a kidney transplant.

    Compared with 30 years ago, patients todayhave a higher incidence of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, take multiple medications, and are exposed to more diagnostic and therapeutic procedures with the potential to harm kidney function, according to Cynthia A. Naughton, PharmD, senior associate dean and associate professor in the department of pharmacy practice at North Dakota State University. All of these factors are associated with an elevated risk of kidney damage.

    An estimated 20% of cases of acute kidney failure are due to medications. The technical term for this scenario is nephrotoxicity, which is growing more common as the aging population grows, along with rates of various diseases.

    The kidneys get rid of waste and extra fluid in the body by filtering the blood to produce urine. They also keep electrolyte levels balanced and make hormones that influence blood pressure, bone strength and the production of red blood cells. When something interferes with the kidneys, they cant do their job, so these functions can slow down or stop altogether.

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    Causes Of Kidney Endometriosis

    The exact cause of endometriosis is not clear, and it is even less clear why the condition sometimes affects the kidneys.

    Endometrial lesions thicken and shed in response to the ebb and flow of sex hormones during a menstrual cycle. Researchers think that this sometimes leads to the formation of endometrioma or endometrial cysts in the kidneys. However, the exact cause is not clear. Some think that an overactive immune response may play a role in endometrial lesions infiltrating the kidneys.

    With each menstrual cycle, more endometrial cysts accumulate in the kidneys. These cysts may invade the renal capsule, or the fibrous layer surrounding the kidneys, and cause pain. Blood clots may block the ureter and lead to renal colic, a type of kidney pain.

    As the condition progresses, the endometrial cysts may even distort the shape of the kidneys and interfere with their normal function.

    How To Know The Difference Between Kidney Pain And Back Pain

    Kidneys: How to improve your kidney function

    Kidney pain is a dull or sharp pain in the flank region. The pain can be on the right or left side of the body where the kidneys are located. The kidneys are located on each side of the spine in the back of the abdomen, underneath the ribcage. Thats why kidney pain is usually confused with back pain. In this post, we want to explore the main distinction between kidney pain and back pain.

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    Kidney Pain: Causes Why Kidneys Hurt And When To Seek Care

    Medically reviewed by

    Kidney pain can have many causes. It may be a sign of an infection, injury or another health problem, such as kidney stones. Because of where your kidneys are in your body, kidney pain is also often confused with back pain. Talk to your doctor to find out what is causing your kidney pain and to find the right treatment.

    How Bad Can Foods Trigger Chronic Kidney Diseases

    Processed foods or canned foods have high sodium, potassium, protein, and fat content, which demands extra work by your kidneys to purify your blood from unnecessary substances that are no longer needed by your body. This continuous process of filtration develops inflammation inside your kidneys filtering units . Glomeruli are a cluster of tiny blood tubules which are primed to purify your blood from chemical toxins and other waste materials. Due to inflammation, glomeruli fail to function properly, and this gives a spike to the level of waste products inside the blood, which makes the bloodstream thick and obstruct blood supply throughout the body. Chronic kidney failure is a serious health condition that gets worse with time. A person suffering from chronic kidney failure is at higher risk of developing some chronic illnesses such as high blood pressure, brain tumor, stroke, and even heart attack in severe cases.

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    When Should I See My Doctor About Kidney Pain

    You should see your doctor immediately if you are experiencing the following symptoms:

    If you suddenly experience severe kidney pain, with or without blood in your urine, you should seek emergency medical care. Sudden, severe pain can often be a sign of a blood clot or hemorrhage, and you should be evaluated immediately.

    Dr. Rondon says if you notice symptoms like a change in your urines color, a fever, or if your pain doesnt improve, seek a doctor. For emergency situations, you should go to the emergency department. For other situations, contact your primary care physician for a referral to a nephrologist or urologist.

    For more information on kidney pain, talk to your doctor or visit the UPMC kidney disease webpage. Do you have flank pain? Check out our article on the 3 Common Causes of Flank Pain to learn more.

    American Kidney Fund, Kidney Pain

    Anton J. Bueschen, Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations, 3rd Edition, Flank Pain

    National Kidney Foundation, 3 Early Signs of Kidney Disease

    National Kidney Foundation, How Your Kidneys Work

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