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HomeCauseCan Eating Too Much Protein Cause Kidney Stones

Can Eating Too Much Protein Cause Kidney Stones

Re: High Protein Diet Brings Risk Of Kidney Stones

Does A High Protein Diet Cause Kidney Damage or Stones (Clinical Evidence Included)

References1-Zargaran A., Mehdizadeh A., Zarshenas MM. Mohagheghzadeh A. Avicenna . J Neurol. 2012 Feb 259:389-90.2, 3- Avicenna,The Canon of medicine , 3rd edition. Tehran: Ministry of Health and Medical Education of Iran, Com 4- Jocham, D. “Historical development of ESWL.” Principles of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy, Churchill Livingstone, New York : 1-11.5- YURDAKÔK, MURAT. “URINE ANALYSIS ACCORDING TO AVICENNA.” Acts of the International Symposium on Ibn Turk, Khwârezmî, Fârâbî, Beyrûnî and Ibn Sînâ:. Vol. 41. Atatürk Culture Center, 1990.

Competing interests: No competing interests

20 October 2012

Does Dietary Protein Affect Kidney Health

Protein is an essential macronutrient and is the building block of life. You need it to repair cells and make new ones.

The basic recommendations for protein intake are 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight each day .

As we already mentioned, the belief is that too much protein can make your kidneys work harder than they need to since it adds more protein byproduct that needs to be removed.

The truth is, it will increase their workload a bit but its insignificant compared to the work your kidneys already do.

A 2016 study found that over a one-year period, 14 healthy men who alternated between a high protein diet and normal diet had no changes in their kidney function. The high protein diet was about 2.5 to 3.3 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight each day.

This is only the case for individuals with healthy kidneys. You do need to be aware if you deal with chronic kidney disease, as high protein intake can accelerate kidney damage.

When Is No Really No

Karl Popper founded the philosophical groundwork for no as the only sure guide to a form of reliable truth. Put simply, and poorly, a hypothetical idea cannot be universally true if even one of its necessary predictions proves false. But this leaves open the question of domain can an idea be useful within one domain yet fail elsewhere?

Great Protein Excess May Pose Risk

The very highest animal protein load did seem to have some baleful effect. So massive protein loading from concentrates, or even from very large meat intakes, could pose risk. They did not specifically set out to test that idea, and it may prove false if tested with more vigor.

The Common Intakes Create No Risk Gradient

But over the ambient protein intake ranges of people in numbers and over time they detected no effect of protein on stone risk. So their no pertains to a specific but large and practical domain, and also to the techniques and methods they used to measure effects.

Falsification Has Practical Value

Because among people in numbers and over time protein intake scarcely alters stone risk, in the commonplace business of stone prevention protein intake need no longer attract our interest. This is a powerful statement for physicians to make to their patients. It is one burden to lift from them, one complexity they can ignore, for the most part, in perfect safety. We need only caution against excesses, and even there we have no proof as yet.

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Interaction With Drugs And Medication

Many older people take a regimen of prescription and over-the-counter drugs, often with vitamin and mineral supplements. Protein drinks, like Boost, that are often taken as a meal replacement for weight gain, contain high levels of vitamins and minerals that can add to this mix within the body and cause problems 4. You also shouldnt drink Boost if you take blood thinners such as Coumadin and warfarin. The high amount of vitamin K in a Boost drink can directly affect the efficiency of these medications, warns AgingCare2.

How Can You Tell If There Is Protein In Your Urine

6 Easy Ways to Prevent Kidney Stones National Kidney Foundation

If you have kidney damage and protein is escaping into your urine, you may notice the following symptoms:

  • Swelling in your face, abdomen or hands and feet.
  • Urine that appears bubbly, foamy or frothy.

If you notice either of these symptoms, talk to your doctor about the cause and what the best treatment may be. In some cases, the issue will resolve on its own without further treatment.

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Foods That Increase The Risk Of Kidney Stones

Kidney stone pain is so excruciating that it often leaves an indelible mark on your memory. Some women even liken it to the intense pain experienced while giving birth. In fact, the pain associated with passing a kidney stone can be so intense that it may land you in the emergency room.

Kidney stones are essentially solid masses of minerals and salts that form inside one or both of your kidneys. They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, ranging from as small as a grain of sand to as large as a golf ball.

According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey , kidney stones affect approximately 1 in 11 people in the US.

Whats worse is that people who have had a kidney stone once are likely to develop another within seven years, unless you actively work to prevent them.

Drinking plenty of water to dilute the stone-causing minerals and salts in the urine is an essential prerequisite for preventing this problem.

Along with fluid intake, your food choices also can either precipitate or deter the formation of kidney stones.

Thus, you must work with a dietitian to come up with a stone-preventive renal diet. Making the correct food choices is as much about what you should eat as it is about the foods to avoid.

A particular food that may contribute to the development of a particular kidney stone may have no significance for other kinds of stones. Thus, knowing the type of kidney stone you have a tendency to form will help determine which foods to avoid.


You Can Help Prevent A Stroke By Eating Spinach Every Day

Eating spinach every day means youll be taking in a good amount of potassium, which lowers blood pressure, keeps blood vessels relaxed, and helps prevent sodium in salty foods from causing high blood pressure. Regulating blood pressure is also how potassium prevents stroke.

Eating too much sodium overwhelms the kidneys so they cant filter it all out, according to Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. This causes sodium to build up in the body and when this happens, the body tries to hold onto whatever water it has to balance out the high level of sodium. However, more water means more blood in the body, forcing the heart to work harder. That strain on the heart can make blood vessels stiff, which can lead to high blood pressure and stroke.

In addition to potassium, nitrates in spinach can also work to prevent strokes, according to Harvard Health. Since nitrates relax blood vessels much like potassium does, the chemical keeps blood pressure from getting dangerously high and possibly leading to stroke.

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Common Symptoms Of Kidney Stones

Some people can have kidney stones with no symptoms and pass it with ease, maybe never even have realized it was happening. Other people will experience intense pain in the side, back, or groin, nausea and vomiting, and pain when urinating. Burning when you pee, as well as cloudy red or pink urine, can also indicate that you have a kidney stone. If you do experience these symptoms you should reach out to your doctor immediately for the next steps on diagnosis and treatment.

Harmful Metabolic Consequences Of High

17 Foods That Turn Into Kidney Stones! Stop Eating These Kidney Stone Causing Foods!

In addition to having potential implications of kidney function and structure, high-protein diets may also lead to other metabolic complications.

High dietary intake of protein may lead to higher levels of urea and other nitrogenous waste products. Indeed, several studies have shown that high versus standard dietary protein intake is associated with higher BUN concentrations., For example, in a crossover study of 24 healthy young men who consumed a diet with a high level of protein or a diet with a normal level of protein over a 7-day period for each diet , BUN concentrations were significantly higher during the period of higher protein intake than during the period of normal protein intake. Conversely, other studies have shown a proportional reduction in urea generation with dietary protein restriction. One theory holds that high circulating BUN levels, by enhancing protein carbamylation and generating reactive oxygen species, lead to increased oxidative stress, inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, and cardiovascular disease.

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Can Too Much Protein Be Harmful To Your Kidneys

Increased muscle mass, strong bones, and encouraging a healthy metabolism are just some of the benefits associated with a high protein intake and are notably why protein tends to play a vital role in those who lift weights or are trying to gain muscle.

And while adding protein to our diets has important benefits for us all , too much protein can potentially be harmful to the kidneys with studies showing that a high protein diet can cause kidney stones and can cause kidney function decline in those already living with kidney disease.

What Are The Complications Of Nephrotic Syndrome

When you have nephrotic syndrome, an important protein called albumin leaks into your urine instead of getting filtered by the kidneys as it should. Albumin helps your body get rid of extra fluid. When you do not have enough albumin in your blood, fluid can build up in your body, causing swelling in your legs, feet and ankles. You can also have other problems such as blood clots and infections.

With nephrotic syndrome, cholesterol also builds up in your blood. When you have too much cholesterol in your blood, clumps form inside your veins and arteries, which can cause a heart attack or a stroke.

Nephrotic syndrome can also cause other serious health problems such as:

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Past Fears Of Animal Protein Seem Bogus

No one questions that massive protein excess can raise urine calcium. So, enough protein 0.8 gm/kg/d and not too much no more than 1 gm/kg/d seems as prudent for stone formers as for the rest of the US, which matches the general US recommendation for us all.

As for the protein in milk products, it is not any risk at all.But either way, from acid or not, within the range of large numbers of people over long time periods these investigators find no support for animal protein intake per se as a cause of stones. That dairy proteins may have minimal protective effects could be related to the calcium that accompanies it, or perhaps other factors in milk products but the effects are small.

Dr Eric Taylor kindly read this article, at my request, and accepts my account as accurate. I thank him personally for going to this effort. Since his reading, I have slightly modified the logic of the first several sections with regards to their testing of the acid theory of protein stone genesis, but the main lines of this review remain unaltered.

If You Eat Spinach Every Day You Can Lower Your Cholesterol

Too Much Protein In Diet Can Cause

Eating spinach every day can actually lower your cholesterol, thanks to its fiber content, according to WebMD. Additionally, Healthline reported that nitric oxide, a result of the nitrates in spinach, keeps blood vessels dilated, which in turn reduces the risk of cholesterol as cholesterol can build up in arteries and cause them to become narrower. Blood doesnt flow as well with high cholesterol and that spells future trouble, including high blood pressure and the risk of heart attack.

The lutein found in spinach also plays a role in preventing high cholesterol. In an animal study published in The Journal of Nutrition, lutein was able to prevent cholesterol from sticking and building up in the arteries. But thats not luteins only role in fighting cholesterol. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, equipping it to battle your bodys inflammation. And, according to Health, high cholesterol causes an inflammatory response in the body. This response makes cholesterol build up even quicker a truly vicious cycle. Eating spinach, and therefore consuming lutein, however fights that inflammation and cholesterol cycle.

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Does Vegan Protein Powder Cause Kidney Stones

There is no definitive answer to this question as everyones bodies react differently to different foods and supplements. However, some people may be more likely to experience kidney stones if they consume a lot of protein, including vegan protein powder, as this can increase the amount of oxalate in the body. Oxalate is a substance that is found in many foods and is known to contribute to the formation of kidney stones. Therefore, it is important to speak with a doctor or registered dietitian before consuming vegan protein powder, or any other protein supplement, to ensure that it is right for you.

Although kidney stones are not uncommon, there is no direct evidence that pea protein causes them. A high protein diet is linked to an increased risk of kidney stones. kidney stones can be caused by a variety of factors. A persons treatment and diet must be tailored to the type of kidney stone they have. Kidney stone sufferers are likely to develop a second type of stone within seven years if preventive measures are not taken. Kidney stones caused by cystic keratosis are rare and caused by genetic disorders, but hydration and medication to moderate Ph levels in urine can be helpful in preventing them. Kidney stones are an excellent choice for those who suffer from kidney stones because pea protein powder contains very low levels of oxalate and high levels of protein.

Causes Of Protein In The Urine

Your kidneys, when working properly, filter waste products from your blood. They return protein and other materials that your body needs to function.

Some conditions and diseases can cause the level ofprotein in your urine to rise. Short term conditions that cause protein in the urine can include strenuous exercise, fever, heat or cold exposure and emotional distress. Long term conditions and diseases that can lead to protein in the urine include high blood pressure, kidney infection or disease, heart disease, diabetes, lupus and malaria.If a urine test reveals protein in your urine, your doctor may recommendfurther testing to determine the cause. Test may include a 24-hour urine collection to determine whether the protein in your urine is cause for concern. Your doctor may also follow up with an ultrasound or CT scan to look for issues like kidney stones or a biopsy to see what has caused damage to your kidneys.

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How Much Protein Do You Need A Recent Study Suggests That On Average Americans Are Eating Twice As Much Than Is Good For Us Here’s A Reliable Formula

Laurie Ambrose/Getty Images

Youve probably seen plenty of it on social media: the body-building posts, the how it started vs. how its going weight loss memes the What I Eat in a Day videos . A high-protein diet is one approach to fitness that a lot of influencers promote, and maybe thats no wonderhigh protein intake is popularly associated with weight loss, muscle-building, tissue repair, and getting leaner overall.

But when we load our plates with meat, snack on multiple protein bars a day, and drink our protein shakes in the name of health, its important to keep in mind: as with pretty much anything we humans do for short-term gains, too much of this powerful macronutrient can cause long-term health problems you might not realize.

Sure, protein can slim down your waistline to showcase that beach bod youve worked so hard for . However, eating too much protein can be tough on your kidneysvital organs for filtering and cleaning the blood. And lately, its arguable that our collective love affair with protein has officially become too much: a 2020 study published in the peer-reviewedJournal of the American Society of Nephrology reveals the average consumption of protein in the U.S. is nearly twice as much as the recommended daily intake.

What Are Kidney Stones

Does a High Protein Diet cause Kidney Disease? [WARNING: Myth Alert]

Kidney stones develop when a hard mass of crystals develops in the urinary tract. Kidney stones are often extremely painful, especially when they pass through the thin ureter to exit the body.

There are a few different types of kidney stones, each made up of different materials. The cause of kidney stones can vary, but some people seem to be more prone to developing them than others, so there may be a hereditary component.

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  • Kidney stones develop when a hard mass of crystals develops in the urinary tract.
  • Kidney stones are often extremely painful, especially when they pass through the thin ureter to exit the body.

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How Much Protein Do We Need

A subsequent WHO meta analysis of mostly the same underlying data supplemented by more recent studies comes to much the same conclusions, but in perhaps a more nuanced manner. A more recent analytical critique of the whole matter is not remarkably far off in estimates for adults, though pregnancy and childhood seem controversial.

This summary graph from the critique gives a sense of how the protein requirements are set. The median requirement is where about half of all studied subjects were in neutral nitrogen balance their body protein mass would be stable, a very important matter. The safe population intake is set higher. The safe individual value is high enough enough that 97.5% of the individuals in a population would be in balance: almost all people would not lose protein mass consuming this amount of protein for example muscle. The Safe population intake is set higher. Although the safe individual intake is correct, within a population individual requirements vary, so the recommended level needs to be increased so that 97.5% of the individuals in a population offered that recommendation will be in balance.

That number from the WHO meta-analysis, the safe population intake, is about 1.05 gm/kg body weight/day.


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