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HomeFactsDo You Need Your Kidneys

Do You Need Your Kidneys

Symptoms Of Kidney Disease

Why do we need kidneys?

In order to understand the more common symptoms of kidney disease, it’s helpful to review the structure and function of the kidneys. Your kidneys are located on your flanks, near your spine. Injuries to your back or side below your diaphragm may cause injuries to your kidneys. Your kidneys perform several important functions. These include filtering your blood to remove toxins, maintaining the proper levels of electrolytes to ensure proper functioning of your cells, and maintaining fluid balance in your body.

If you become dehydrated, your kidneys initially work to restore the fluid status to your body, but kidney injuries may occur with prolonged or severe dehydration. If your kidneys are not functioning properly, the level of sodium and potassium in your body may be affected. Electrolyte problems with kidney disease can be serious, Since the right amount of potassium is necessary for proper functioning of your heart, kidney problems may result in abnormal heart rhythms.

Abnormal blood pressure, whether high or low can result in kidney damage. Kidney damage, in turn, can cause problems with regulating your blood pressure.

The kidneys are also responsible for making a hormone involved in the production of red blood cells. For this reason, kidney disease can result in anemia, a lower red blood cell count.

Some people have urinary problems, such as difficulty urinating. Occasionally people also have flank pain, due to the location of the kidneys.

Risk Factors For Kidney Disease

Since kidney disease can become serious before symptoms are present, it’s important to have a high index of suspicion and be aware of conditions which predispose you to kidney disease. People who are at greater risk of developing renal failure include those with:

  • Diabetes
  • Long-standing high blood pressure
  • Heart diseases such as coronary artery disease, or congestive heart failure
  • Other vascular diseases such as cerebrovascular disease and peripheral vascular disease
  • A family history of kidney disease
  • Prolonged use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Advil and Celebrex

Be Careful With Alcohol

If youâre healthy, a drink or two isnât likely to hurt your kidneys. But binge drinking can cause sudden, serious damage and possibly lead to long-term problems. And alcohol often can dehydrate you, which can keep your kidneys from working well and lead to weight gain, liver disease, high blood pressure, and other conditions that put more stress on them.

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Top Five Myths About Human Kidneys

From limiting alcohol consumption to detoxing, many misconceptions circulate about how to keep your kidneys healthy

Shreya Dasgupta

Kidneys are not our most glamorous organs, often taking a back seat in the news to the brain or the heart. Probably the only time we think about our kidneys is when we joke about selling one to afford the newest Apple gadget.

But the two bean-shaped, fist-sized kidneys sitting at the base of the rib cage are fascinating, multitasking organs. They are at work all day long removing waste, stimulating red blood cell production and keeping the body’s balance of salts, acids and bases in check.

Kidneys are also quite resilient. Even if you lose or donate one kidney, you can continue to live a normal, healthy life with the other. But most of us dont understand this complex organ very well, giving birth to misconceptions about how our kidneys work and what ails them. Here are the top five myths about human kidneys:

1. Drinking lots of water will flush out toxins

Drink at least six to eight glasses of water to detox. Weve heard this over and over again. But there is little scientific evidence to support it. All that chugging a lot of water does is increase the volume of urine that you excrete, according to Stanley Goldfarb, a kidney expert at the University of Pennsylvania. The kidney is a complex filter, and how much water you drink does not affect how well this filter works, Goldfarb says.

2. A high-calcium diet can cause kidney stones

How Can You Live Without One Of Your Kidneys

Why Do You Need To Detox Your Kidneys &  How to Detox Your ...
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This is an excellent question, especially because kidney disease and kidney transplants are so common . Most humans are born with two kidneys as the functional components of what is called the renal system, which also includes two ureters, a bladder and a urethra. The kidneys have many functions, including regulating blood pressure, producing red blood cells, activating vitamin D and producing some glucose. Most evidently, however, the kidneys filter body fluids via the bloodstream to regulate and optimize their amount, composition, pH and osmotic pressure. Excess water, electrolytes, nitrogen and other wastes get excreted as urine. These functions maintain and optimize the “milieu interieur” of the body–the fluids in which our cells live.

Life is incompatible with a lack of kidney function . But unlike the case with most other organs, we are born with an overabundant–or overengineered–kidney capacity. Indeed, a single kidney with only 75 percent of its functional capacity can sustain life very well.

This overengineering supplies us with 1.2 million of the basic functional filtering element, the microscopic nephron, in each kidney. Nephrons are tiny tubes that filter the blood plasma, adjust and then return optimized fluid to the body. Under most conditions, though totaling only a few pounds, the kidneys receive about 20 percent of all the blood pumped from the heart. Each day, about 120 liters of fluid and particles enter into the nephron to be filtered.

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Egfr Is An Estimate Of Kidney Filtration

eGFR is an estimate of how well your kidneys are filtering. It is calculated from the result of a blood test along with your age and sex. As normal eGFR is round about 100, the eGFR gives you an approximate âpercentage functionâ. So if your eGFR is 50, your kidneys are probably filtering at about 50% of normal. Itâs very approximate though, and there are times when it canât be very reliable at all. It is not accurate at near-normal levels, so many labs report eGFR over 60 as just â> 60â .

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Can Kidney Disease Be Prevented

Seeing your healthcare provider on a regular basis throughout your life is a good start for preventing kidney disease. About one in every three people in the United States is at risk for kidney disease. Identify and manage any risk factors for developing kidney disease.

  • Control your high blood pressure. Normal blood pressure is 120/80.
  • Control your blood sugar if you have diabetes.
  • Eat a healthy diet. Follow a low-fat, low-salt diet.
  • Dont smoke.
  • Be active for 30 minutes at least five days a week.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Take nonprescription pain relievers only as directed. Taking more than directed can damage your kidneys.

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How Can I Help Keep My Kidneys Healthy

The best way to take care of your kidneys is to keep a healthy lifestyle, which includes:

  • Make healthy meal choices: Follow a kidney-friendly food plan that is low in salt, fat and sugar and includes lots of fruits and vegetables.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week â this can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • If you have high blood pressure or diabetes, follow your treatment plan to keep your blood pressure or blood sugar within your target range.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Keep a healthy weight â talk with your doctor about what a healthy weight is for you.

Top 7 Kidney Tests To Measure Your Kidney Function

URINE – What you need to know | Your Kidneys Your Health | @qasimbuttmd


Time has flown by once again, and therefore it is well and truly time to write my next article to help those with kidney disease. Today I wanted to cover a very important topic: kidney tests.

Kidney tests are the first stage of any great treatment program. There is no point coming in with guns a blazing if you dont know exactly what has caused your condition, what degree of deterioration your condition is at, and a general reference point of where you are beginning with treatment this is particularly important, as you want to know if all the good work is paying off!

As you are probably aware kidney disease is known as a silent killer. Typically because of late diagnosis, coming well after the damage has already been caused giving little time to treat. So if you are reading this right now with only a suspicion that something is afoot with your kidney/urinary tract health, please take this friendly suggestion and go and have your kidneys tested this week. This is of great importance it may just save your life, or better yet, give you a disease free, vital life .

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Feeling Tired Or Sluggish During The Day

Everyone has a day when they feel tired maybe you didnt get enough sleep, or ate the wrong foods, or some other temporary factors are at play. But sometimes, fatigue is caused by lack of a hormone called erythropoietin, or EPO. The main function of EPO is to stimulate the production of red blood cells, and red blood cells carry energizing oxygen to cells throughout your body.

Stressed kidneys do not produce enough EPO, thereby reducing the number of red blood cells and making you feel weak and tired out.

Can You Live Without Your Kidneys

1 Minute Read

Medically Reviewed by Transplant Services

Your kidneys are two bean-shaped organs found just below the rib cage. Most people are born with two one on each side of the spine.

Your kidneys are two of the most vital organs in your body. They work to keep your blood stable, allowing your body to function properly.

Each day your kidneys filter about 120 to 150 quarts of blood into urine. They prevent the buildup of waste and extra fluid, and produce hormones that help your body:

  • Regulate blood pressure
  • Build healthy and strong bones

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What Clinical Trials Are Open

Clinical trials that are currently open and are recruiting can be viewed at

This content is provided as a service of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health. The NIDDK translates and disseminates research findings to increase knowledge and understanding about health and disease among patients, health professionals, and the public. Content produced by the NIDDK is carefully reviewed by NIDDK scientists and other experts.

What Is Kidney Transplantation

If You Want To Protect Your Kidneys Dont Do This...

Kidney transplantation involves placing a healthy kidney into your body where it can perform all of the functions that a failing kidney cant. Kidneys for transplantation come from two sources: living donors and deceased donors. Living donors are usually immediate family members or sometimes spouses. This is possible because a person can live well with one healthy kidney.

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What Are Considered Normal Kidney Numbers

For ACR, a healthy range is under 30 . This represents a normal to mildly increased level of albumin . A moderately increased level is 30-300 while over 300 indicates a severely increased level of albumin .

For eGFR, a healthy number is considered over 90 . If you have an eGFR from 60-90, you may have stage G1 or G2 of chronic kidney disease . If it falls between 30-59, the number indicates stage G3 and less than 30 indicates stages G4-G5, which are the most severe. An eGFR of 15 or lower indicates renal failure.

Why Should You Perform A Kidney Cleanse

So why should you perform a kidney cleanse? There is a multitude of reasons to flush toxins and wastes from your body. From reducing bloating to preventing kidney infections, a kidney detox is a simple way to promote better health. Here are a few reasons for following a kidney cleanse for several days.

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Blood Urea Nitrogen Vs Creatinine

Blood urea nitrogen and creatinine are both metabolites, so theyâre produced constantly by the body at a fairly steady pace. The difference lies in the way they behave in the nephron, the functional unit of the kidney. Creatinine is usually filtered, secreted directly into the lumen, and does not leave the lumen of the tubule. BUN is filtered and then reabsorbed back in the blood, so, naturally, we would have more BUN in the blood than creatinine.

If the BUN creatinine ratio is high, itâs usually connected to the low glomerular filtration rate. In this case, both metabolites get filtered poorly due to small flow, but urea âleaks outâ back to the blood which increases the ratio. If the ratio is low, it means that substances just passed the kidney, didnât get filtered.

BUN creatinine ratio is just one of the parameters to assess kidneys. If we measure creatinine in urine, we are able to calculate fractional excretions â e.g., of sodium or urea. If the potassium is our concern, transtubular potassium gradient is more than useful. And if all weâve got is the serum creatinine, we can estimate the GFR with creatinine clearance parameter.

Do You Really Need A Kidney Flush

Care for Your New Kidney: What You Need to Know After Your Kidney Transplant

It depends on how your kidneys are. Being self-cleaning organs, a healthy pair of kidneys wont require you to go through a restrictive diet. On the contrary, it may deprive your body of various essential nutrients. So, when do kidneys require flushing?

The kidneys primary function is to filter blood and sieve out excess water along with toxins and other wastes that are generated by the body as urine. When there is insufficient water intake, it may become difficult for the kidneys to clear out all of the waste. Chronic stress, environmental toxins, and a diet poor in fruits and vegetables can also deter the kidneys from functioning at their optimum capacity .

If you suspect that may be the case with your organs, you can tune into your body for signals. The following signs may indicate that your kidneys are stressed and can do with a detox :

  • Nausea
  • Recurring kidney stones
  • Frequent urinary tract infections

If you experience one or more of these, you may consider your options for a kidney flush. So, how do you do a kidney flush? Lets see.

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So Now Is The Time To Pamper Your Kidneys

If youre experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above, you should see your health practitioner and have a check-up, including tests to assess your kidney function.

And you should also make sure youre helping your kidneys stay in top shape by doing a thorough cleanse.

Even if you dont have any of these signs, a systemic cleanse is like a spa day for your kidneys. It helps them get in top shape and avoid damage and disease. This is why OsteoCleanse, The 7 Day Bone Building Accelerator was developed in conjunction with the Osteoporosis Reversal Program.

OsteoCleanse is not just about alkalizing your body, feeling younger and more energized, and removing osteoporosis drugs from your system. It does all of these things in just seven days, but at the heart of OsteoCleanses effectiveness are its kidney-boosting, liver-cleansing effects so youll strengthen and build your bones faster.

Its always a good idea to heed early warning signs and treat your kidneys to a cleanse before damage occurs, and its particularly important to offset the effects of aging on your renal system.

Is Dialysis Uncomfortable

You may have some discomfort when the needles are put into your fistula or graft, but most patients have no other problems. The dialysis treatment itself is painless. However, some patients may have a drop in their blood pressure. If this happens, you may feel sick to your stomach, vomit, have a headache or cramps. With frequent treatments, those problems usually go away.

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Your Kidneys Are Vital

Your kidneys are located near the middle of your back, on either side of your backbone . They are protected from physical injury by a large layer of fat, along with your lower ribs and back muscles.

They are bean-shaped and each one is the size of an adult fist . Most people are born with two kidneys, but around one in every 750 people are born with just one. The good news is that you can still lead a healthy life with just one. One kidney alone can provide up to 75 per cent of normal kidney function.

The entire organ is not one big filter. Each kidney is made up of about one million tiny filters called nephrons. Blood enters your kidneys through the renal artery and goes back into your body by the renal vein.

Your kidneys have four incredible powers. They:

  • clean your blood and circulate a fresh supply around your body 12 times every hour. This works out to a total of around 200 litres of blood per day.
  • process excess fluid and unwanted chemicals and waste in your blood. The result is about one to two litres of urine that you pass each day, detoxifying your body.
  • keep your blood pressure regular by telling the blood vessels in your body when to expand and contract
  • manage your bodys production of Vitamin D, which is crucial for maintaining strong bones and producing red blood cells that carry oxygen around your body.
  • Read on to find out how to keep your kidneys healthy.

    How To Flush Your Kidneys

    Hi Sister, do you want to sell your kidney?

    As mentioned before, there is no evidence regarding any particular kidney cleanse diet. So, instead of a diet plan for any particular number of days, here you can find some of the best things you can do that may help to flush your kidneys and support their functioning.

    1. Drink More Water

    Every single organ requires water to function, and the kidneys are no exception. With filtration as the primary role, kidneys require water to make urine, which is what carries toxins and wastes out of the body. A low urine volume is linked with kidney dysfunction, including the formation of kidney stones . The standard recommended amount of water for daily intake is around 4L for males and 3.1L for females . If you have not been meeting this requirement, you can focus on achieving this standard during your kidney cleanse and make it part of your daily routine.

    2. Eat Berries

    Most berries are rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals and may have a protective effect on kidney cells by fighting off inflammation and oxidative stress . For a kidney cleanse, the two most talked about are blueberries and cranberries.

    3. Have Red Grapes

    4. Get Your Vitamin B6 Through Food Or Supplements

    5. Include Omega-3 Fatty Acids In Your Meals

    6. Eat Watermelons And Pomegranates

    Similarly, pomegranate, a potassium-rich fruit, can be a beneficial fruit to add to a kidney cleanse diet. Potassium may reduce the risk of kidney stones and help to flush out toxins and waste from the kidneys .

    9. Drink Dandelion Tea

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