Introduction To Your Kidneys
Learn where your kidneys are located in your body, what they do, what happens if they stop working and how you can keep your kidneys healthy.
Your kidneys are vital organs. This means you cannot survive without them. They filter waste from your blood and do other important jobs, such as helping control your blood pressure and make red blood cells. Most people are born with two kidneys, but some people are born with just one. You can live with one healthy kidney.
Swollen Or Puffy Face
Why this happens:
Failing kidneys dont remove extra fluid, which builds up in your body causing swelling in the face.
What patients said:
My sister, her hair started to fall out, she was losing weight, but her face was really puffy, you know, and everything like that, before she found out what was going on with her.
My checks were always puffy and tight. Sometimes they would even hurt.
Inadequate Concentration And Dizziness
A poor flow of oxygen to the brain is not only a clear sign of severe anemia, but also of renal failure. This makes the focus and concentration difficult, suffering from continuous dizziness and causing memory problems.
Tip: Incorporate healthy foods into your diet and take more antioxidant foods or supplements.
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Why Kidney Health Is Vital To Your Overall Well
In ancient times the kidneys were viewed as the seat of feelings, conscience, and yearnings and the source of morality and ethical activity. The kidneys were associated with the innermost parts of a persons personality and well-being. While we know now that kidneys have no direct role in shaping our ethics, emotions and personality, these two bean-shaped organs are nonetheless vital to our well-being.
The kidney is a remarkably intricate organ that acts as the filter system of the body. Just as important, your kidneys also work to keep the whole body in a state of chemical balance. The kidneys regulate the substances, helpful and harmful, that float around in the body and keeps them within very tight parameters so the body can function as a well-oiled machine. This is called renal function.
You cannot live without proper renal function, even if the kidneys are assisted artificially. Life would not continue without the many functions these organs perform.
The kidney is the major player in the regulation of your blood pressure, and the make-up of the blood. Maintaining many hormones that are vital to our very existence, the kidneys even produce hormones that tell bones when to make more blood cells.
Why Are The Kidneys Important
Your kidneys remove wastes and extra fluid from your body. Your kidneys also remove acid that is produced by the cells of your body and maintain a healthy balance of water, salts, and mineralssuch as sodium, calcium, phosphorus, and potassiumin your blood.
Without this balance, nerves, muscles, and other tissues in your body may not work normally.
Your kidneys also make hormones that help
Watch a video about what the kidneys do.
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Types Of Kidney Stones
- Calcium stones are the most common type of kidney stones. They are usually made of calcium and oxalate , but are sometimes made of calcium and phosphate.
- Uric acid stones form when your urine is often too acidic. Uric acid can form stones by itself or with calcium.
- Struvite stones can happen when you have certain types of urinary tract infections in which bacteria make ammonia that builds up in your urine. Struvite stones are made of magnesium, ammonium and phosphate.
- Cystine stones are made of a chemical that your body makes naturally, called cystine. Cystine stones are very rare, and happen in people who have a genetic disorder that causes cystine to leak from the kidneys into the urine.
Kidney stones can be as small as a grain of sand or as largesometimes larger thana pearl. They can stay in your kidneys or travel through your ureters , and out of your body with your urine. When a kidney stone moves through your ureters and out your urethra with your urine, it is called passing a kidney stone. A kidney stone can also get stuck in your urinary tract and block urine from getting through. When you pass a kidney stone or a large kidney stone blocks the flow of your urine, it can be very painful.
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Relieving Kidney Pain At Home Urinary Infections
If youre suffering from kidney pain due to an infection in the urinary tract, try the following remedies. If they dont work, make sure to schedule a visit with your urologist to discuss a treatment plan that will ensure the infection doesnt spread.
Hydration is key to flushing out infections of the urinary tract. Not only will staying hydrated help eliminate bacteria, it can relieve pain by reducing the concentration of your urine. Instead of turning to sugary drinks, increase your water intake. Water is always a better option as it causes less irritation. As a general rule of thumb, aim for 8, 8oz glasses a day.2 If youre active or have a strenuous lifestyle you may need more water to stay hydrated.
Probiotics help fight bacteria build-up in your gut and replaces it with good, immune boosting bacteria.3 Regularly taking probiotics may also help your kidney process waste, thus making treatments more effective.3
UTIs are oftentimes associated with cranberry juice and for good reasonit helps alleviate pain. Avoid overly processed cranberry juice cocktails and instead, opt for pure juice or some sort of supplement to help mitigate kidney pain and reduce the symptoms of a UTI.
If the bath doesn’t help, try adding direct heat with a heating pad or a heated water bottle. Place it on the affected area for about 20 minutes at a time to help reduce any pain.2
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How Is Chronic Kidney Disease Detected
Early detection and treatment of chronic kidney disease are the keys to keeping kidney disease from progressing to kidney failure. Some simple tests can be done to detect early kidney disease. They are:
It is especially important that people who have an increased risk for chronic kidney disease have these tests. You may have an increased risk for kidney disease if you:
The Kidneys: Human Kidneys Viewed From Behind With The Spine Removed
Human kidneys viewed from behind with the spine removed. The kidneys are among the most vital organs of the human body. They are near the middle of your back, one on either side of your spine, just below your rib cage. In 2006, 10,659 patients received a deceased donor kidney transplant and. That are situated at the back of the abdomen on either side of the spine.
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What Are The Metabolic Functions Of Your Liver
Metabolism refers to the complex biochemical processes and reactions that take place in the human body. Carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism all require inputs from the liver, which stores glucose when it is abundant, and releases it when needed, thereby ensuring a steady energy supply for the body. The liver also converts fats into an energy source for the body. This organ is the site for breakdown of protein into amino acids, as well as conversion of amino acids to glucose, fats, and proteins. Finally, the liver is responsible for the synthesis of cholesterol and regulation of cholesterol levels.
How To Protect The Kidneys During An Anabolic Cycle
- Drink plenty of clean natural water
- Get plenty of quality sleep time
* High protein meat diets increases acid load in the kidneys which increases the risk of kidney stones decreases urinary citrate, a compound that inhibits the formation of kidney stones.
BTW, many herbs have properties that naturally protect and support kidney function.
For more details read my post The Best Herbs To Protect The Kidneys While On Cycle.
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What Is Flank Pain & How Is It Related
Flank pain is a common problem that many people experience. It is often caused by inflammation or irritation in the area around the kidney. This pain can be very intense and can be difficult to treat.
There are a number of ways to treat flank pain, including medication, physical therapy, and surgery.
With flank pain there is not one specific treatment that works for everyone. Treatment depends on the specific symptoms and the underlying cause of the pain.
Location Of Your Kidneys
Kidneys are two organs that are shaped like a bean on either side of the spine. They are located below the rib cage, behind the abdomen, and under the liver. The right kidney sits a bit lower than the left one as the biggest part of the liver is on the right side of the abdomen.
Most problems or infections with your kidney cause middle back pain or flank pain. However, the pain is not always felt where the kidneys are located. According to Medicine Net, flank or renal pain can be felt anywhere between your lowest ribs and your buttocks. In some cases, the pain may radiate to your abdominal area.
The pain can be felt in just the right or left side of the back, depending on its underlying cause. But sometimes, kidney pain may affect both sides of your back. Although it can be hard to distinguish between back pain and kidney pain, kidney pain usually comes with other symptoms.
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The Consequences Of A Damaged Liver
While the liver has regenerative properties, sustained injuries can cause scarring, which in advanced cases may be irreversible and limit the ability of the liver to regenerate.While advancing liver disease may be asymptomatic, often times, elevated liver enzyme and even jaundice can be an initial symptom of a liver disease.Sustained injuries can be caused by viral infections, including hepatitis B or C, or the buildup of fat deposits in the liver cells.While people often associated cirrhosis of the liver to excess alcohol intake, it is possible to develop cirrhosis without alcohol. Indeed, a liver which absorbs too bad fats or starchy foods can lead to such diseases. The diabetic conditions are also favored by over-consumption of this type of product.The liver is a key organ and liver disease affects the entire human body. Between the causes and the manifestation of a disease, the symptoms are often vague. A good liver health implies tobacco and alcohol limitation, and a diverse diet which allows the liver metabolize a variety of healthy nutrients.
To memorize the main information about your liver, you can watch this video :
Beneficial Herbs And Spices
Some herbs and spices have long been recognized by indigenous peoples and natural healers as beneficial for liver and kidney function. Spices such as saffron and turmeric are commonly used in India and Asia to combat or prevent kidney, bladder and liver disorders. Milk thistle is a commonly recommended supplement for liver detoxification and stimulation, although its effectiveness and safety have not been adequately determined by scientific research. Bitter leafy greens such as dandelion, chicory and arugula also may promote liver function by reducing congestion because they stimulate bile flow, according to Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy.
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What Are The First Signs Of Kidney Problems
Signs of Kidney Disease
- Youre more tired, have less energy or are having trouble concentrating.
- Youre having trouble sleeping.
- You have dry and itchy skin.
- You feel the need to urinate more often.
- You see blood in your urine.
- Your urine is foamy.
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What Could Go Wrong With The Kidneys
When the kidneys are not working correctly, waste products and excess fluid can build up and the levels of sodium, potassium, phosphate and calcium are not regulated correctly. When these substances gather together, this causes the symptoms of kidney disease, which can include high blood pressure, excessive tiredness, fluid retention and possibly lower back pain.
Kidney damage can occur for a number of reasons diabetes, high blood pressure, infections and a group of diseases that affect the glomerulus. The kidneys also need an adequate supply of blood, so if there is something wrong with the blood vessels to the kidney, such as a narrowing, this will prevent the kidneys from working efficiently.
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Can You Live Without A Kidney
You can live with just one kidney. Healthcare providers may remove one of your kidneys in a radical nephrectomy.
Someone may have only one kidney if they:
- Had a kidney removed due to cancer or injury.
- Made a kidney donation to someone else for a kidney transplant.
- Were born with only one kidney .
- Were born with two kidneys but only one kidney works .
What Are Some Of The Causes Of Chronic Kidney Disease
Chronic kidney disease is defined as having some type of kidney abnormality, or “marker”, such as protein in the urine and having decreased kidney function for three months or longer.
There are many causes of chronic kidney disease. The kidneys may be affected by diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Some kidney conditions are inherited .
Others are congenital that is, individuals may be born with an abnormality that can affect their kidneys. The following are some of the most common types and causes of kidney damage.
Diabetes is a disease in which your body does not make enough insulin or cannot use normal amounts of insulin properly. This results in a high blood sugar level, which can cause problems in many parts of your body. Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney disease.
High blood pressure is another common cause of kidney disease and other complications such as heart attacks and strokes. High blood pressure occurs when the force of blood against your artery walls increases. When high blood pressure is controlled, the risk of complications such as chronic kidney disease is decreased.
Glomerulonephritis is a disease that causes inflammation of the kidney’s tiny filtering units called the glomeruli. Glomerulonephritis may happen suddenly, for example, after a strep throat, and the individual may get well again.However, the disease may develop slowly over several years and it may cause progressive loss of kidney function.
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What Are The Kidneys
The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs that filter your blood. Your kidneys are part of your urinary system.
Your kidneys filter about 200 quarts of fluid every day enough to fill a large bathtub. During this process, your kidneys remove waste, which leaves your body as urine . Most people pee about two quarts daily. Your body re-uses the other 198 quarts of fluid.
Your kidneys also help balance your bodys fluids and electrolytes. Electrolytes are essential minerals that include sodium and potassium.
How Will I Know If My Child Has Arpkd
Signs and symptoms of ARPKD are often noticeable even before a baby is born. Pregnant women receiving prenatal care have regular ultrasounds. The ultrasound images can show that the unborn babys kidneys are larger than they should be, which can be a sign of ARPKD.
Another sign of ARPKD is a lack of amniotic fluid in the womb. Amniotic fluid is the liquid that surrounds and protects the baby in the mothers womb. In the early months of pregnancy, the mothers body makes the amniotic fluid. In the middle to later months of pregnancy, when the babys kidneys begin to work, they make the amniotic fluid. Some babies with ARPKD have badly damaged kidneys, even before birth, and their kidneys cannot make enough amniotic fluid. Ultrasound images can show that there is not enough amniotic fluid around the baby.
If a baby is born with ARPKD, signs of the disease at birth may include:
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What Are Common Tests To Check The Health Of My Kidneys
Healthcare providers use several tests to measure kidney function and diagnose kidney problems. Your provider may recommend:
- Advanced imaging: An X-ray, CT scan, MRI, ultrasound or nuclear medicine image can show kidney abnormalities or obstructions .
- Blood tests: Blood tests show how well your glomeruli filter your blood.
- Kidney biopsy: During a kidney biopsy, your healthcare provider removes a small amount of your kidney tissue to examine it under a microscope.
- Ureteroscopy: Your healthcare provider passes a tube through your urethra into your bladder and ureters to look for abnormalities.
- Urinalysis: A urinalysis analyzes your pee. It measures specific substances, such as protein or blood.