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HomeHealthCan Insulin Damage Your Kidneys

Can Insulin Damage Your Kidneys

Effect Of Insulin On Ace2 Activity And Kidney Function In The Non

Does insulin damage your kidney? – Dr. Vidyashankar Panchangam

Abstract We studied the non-obese diabetic mice model because it develops autoimmune diabetes that resembles human type 1 diabetes. In diabetic mice, urinary albumin excretion was ten-fold increased at an âearly stageâ of diabetes, and twenty-fold increased at a âlater stageâ as compared to non-obese resistant controls. In NOD Diabetic mice, glomerular enlargement, increased glomerular filtration rate and increased blood pressure were observed in the early stage. In the late stage, NOD Diabetic mice developed mesangial expansion and reduced podocyte number. Circulating and urine ACE2 activity were markedly increased both, early and late in Diabetic mice. Insulin administration prevented albuminuria, markedly reduced GFR, blood pressure, and glomerular enlargement in the early stage and prevented mesangial expansion and the reduced podocyte number in the late stage of diabetes. The increase in serum and urine ACE2 activity was normalized by insulin administration at the early and late stages of diabetes in Diabetic mice. We conclude that the Diabetic mice develops features of early kidney disease, including albuminuria and a marked increase in GFR. ACE2 activity is increased starting at an early stage in both serum and urine. Moreover, these alterations can be completely prevented by the chronic administration of insulin.Continue reading > >

Can Jardiance Cause Kidney Problems

Kidney problems have not been reported by the people using Jardiance however, in rare cases, people have reported sudden kidney injuries.

Kidney problems are very prevalent in people who have diabetes. If you have a history of kidney problems, you should inform your physician immediately before starting the treatment. Jardiance should not be taken if you have severe kidney problems or are on dialysis.

Vitamins That Can Damage Your Kidneys If Overdosed

Your kidneys regulate the daily balance between your intake of water and salt.

Getting sufficient nutrients from a healthy diet can help you improve kidney function, but you don’t typically need vitamin supplements for this purpose, according to a March 2014 review in Sports Medicine.

In fact, overloading your body with vitamins can damage your kidneys. Speak with your health care provider before using dietary supplements.

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More Time In Range Can Lower Your Risk Of Kidney Damage

Frida Velcani

Studies show that if you have diabetes, increasing your Time in Range can lower your risk of developing kidney disease. Learn how kidney disease is diagnosed, why A1C has limitations for people with CKD, and the link between your TIR and your risk for kidney disease.

Chronic kidney disease occurs when your kidneys cannot properly filter the fluids that pass through them. This can be caused by damage to the blood vessels in your kidneys that happen as a result of sustained high blood sugar levels.

There are several ways to reduce your risk for CKD including getting screened regularly, managing your blood pressure, exercising regularly, eating a well-balanced diet, and stopping smoking. However, one of the greatest things you can do is to manage your glucose levels by increasing your Time in Range. Studies show that there is a link between more Time in Range and a decreased risk for CKD. But before diving into this link and the importance of Time in Range, its important to understand how CKD is diagnosed to understand the research that shows Time in Range can have an impact on these diagnostic criteria.

For People With Type 2 Diabetes

What is Diabetic Nephropathy

At the time the diabetes is first diagnosed, about 1 in 8 people have microalbuminuria and 1 in 50 have proteinuria. This is not because diabetic kidney disease happens straightaway in some cases but because many people with type 2 diabetes do not have their diabetes diagnosed for quite some time after the disease had begun.

Of those people who do not have any kidney problem when their diabetes is diagnosed, microalbuminuria develops in about 1 in 7 people and proteinuria in 1 in 20 people, within five years.

Diabetic kidney disease is much more common in Asian and black people with diabetes than in white people.

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How Is Your Kidney Health

  • How long does it take for kidneys to become affected?Almost all patients with Type I diabetes develop some evidence of functional change in the kidneys within two to five years of the diagnosis. About 30 to 40 percent progress to more serious kidney disease, usually within about 10 to 30 years.The course of Type II diabetes is less well defined, but it is believed to follow a similar course, except that it occurs at an older age.
  • What can I do to prevent kidney disease?Careful control of glucose can help slow the progression, or perhaps prevent, kidney disease in people with diabetes. You should follow the advice of your doctor and other members of your healthcare team regarding diet and medicines to help control your glucose levels.
  • If my kidneys are already affected, can I keep them from getting worse?It may be possible to prevent or delay the progression of kidney disease. Since high blood pressure is one of the major factors that predict which diabetics will develop serious kidney disease, it is important to take your high blood pressure pills faithfully if you do have high blood pressure. Your doctor may also recommend that you follow a low-protein diet, which reduces the amount of work your kidneys have to do. You should also continue to follow your diabetic diet and to take all your prescribed medicines.
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    Can A Patient With Diabetes Have A Kidney Transplant

    Yes. Once you get a new kidney, you may need a higher dose of insulin. Your appetite will improve so your new kidney will break down insulin better than your injured one. You will use steroids to keep your body from rejecting your new kidney. If your new kidney fails, dialysis treatment can be started while you wait for another kidney. To learn more about kidney transplant .

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    Review Of Your Medication

    Certain medicines can affect the kidneys as a side-effect which can make diabetic kidney disease worse. For example, you should not take anti-inflammatory medicines unless advised to by a doctor. You may also need to adjust the dose of certain medicines that you may take if your kidney disease becomes worse.

    Be Careful About Using Over

    Diabetes and your kidneys – DiaBiteSize

    If you take OTC or prescription medicines for headaches, pain, fever, or colds, you may be taking a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug . NSAIDs include popular pain relievers and cold medicines that can damage your kidneys if you take them for a long time, or lead to acute kidney injury if you take them when you are dehydrated or your blood pressure is low.

    Ibuprofen and naproxen are NSAIDs. NSAIDs are sold under many different brand names, so ask your pharmacist or health care provider if the medicines you take are safe to use.

    You also can look for NSAIDs on Drug Facts labels like the one below.

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    How Will I Know If I Have Diabetes

    If your doctor suspects you may have diabetes, they will do a blood test called hemoglobin A1C to check your blood sugar levels. This test tells your doctor how your blood sugar levels have been over the last two or three months. You have diabetes if you have a result of 6.5% or higher on two A1C tests.

    Symptoms Of Kidney Failure

    For people with diabetes, kidney problems are usually picked up during a check-up by their doctor. Occasionally, a person can have type 2 diabetes without knowing it. This means their unchecked high blood sugar levels may be slowly damaging their kidneys. At first, the only sign is high protein levels in the urine, but this has no symptoms. It may be years before the kidneys are damaged severely enough to cause symptoms. Some of the symptoms may include:

    • Fluid retention
    • Fatigue
    • Vomiting.

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    Improving Your Insulin Sensitivity

    Insulin resistance is caused by both genetic and lifestyle factors. There are risk factors that have been associated with insulin resistance, which you should be aware of so you can prevent liver damage.


    Frequent infections or severe illnesses

    Steroid use

    Sleep problems


    If left untreated, you run the risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, as well as liver disease. Thankfully, there are natural ways to improve your insulin sensitivity once it has been determined that this is an issue.

    The Ketogenic Diet Can Improve Kidney Function In Diabetics

    Can Kidney Damage Be Reversed In Diabetics

    Diabetic nephropathy is a condition that occurs as a result of damaged kidneys due to diabetes. It is characterized damage to your glomeruli, the small units within the kidney where blood is filtered.

    In short, diabetic nephropathy means your kidneys arent able to filter your blood properly.

    Studies have shown that a properly formulated ketogenic diet can help reverse diabetic nephropathy.

    Keto can improve this condition due to two main reasons:

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    How Is Diabetic Kidney Disease Diagnosed And Assessed

    Diabetic kidney disease is diagnosed when the level of albumin in the urine is raised and there is no other obvious cause for this. Urine tests are part of the routine checks that are offered to people with diabetes from time to time. Urine tests can detect albumin and measure how much is present in the urine.

    The standard routine urine test is to compare the amount of albumin with the amount of creatinine in a urine sample. This is called the albumin:creatinine ratio . Creatinine is a breakdown product of muscle.

    A blood test can show how well the kidneys are working. The blood test measures the level of creatinine, which is normally cleared from the blood by the kidneys. If your kidneys are not working properly, the level of creatinine in the blood goes up. An estimate of how well your kidneys are working can be made by taking into account the blood level of creatinine, your age and your sex. This estimate of kidney function is called the estimated glomerular filtration rate .

    Insulin May Increase Cardiovascular Disease Rates Despite Good Glycemic Control But This Finding May Have Also Uncovered A Possible Treatment

    Sara Seitz 0

    Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of people living with long term type 1 diabetes.

    • This remains true despite huge advancements in blood sugar management technology, more effective insulins, and an increased focus on heart health.
    • The risk of developing heart disease remains high regardless of the individuals glycemic control.

    Why does the vascular system of diabetics continue to experience damage even after near-normal blood sugar control has been reached?

    Researchers in Europe may have found some answers.

    While their initial conclusions are troubling, their research also found a potential treatment for insulin-related vascular damage.

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    What Is The Role Of Obesity In Ckd/esrd Separate From That Of Insulin Resistance

    As described above, increased BMI and obesity are not only associated with incident CKD, but are also highly prevalent in ESRD. Considering this, there are data suggesting that the presence of obesity paradoxically confers a survival advantage in ESRD rather than being a risk factor for cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality in this population . Further, there are a number of population studies that indicate that a lower BMI is a consistently strong predictor of increased mortality, a relationship that is lost at higher BMIs . It is thought there may be significant residual confounding in these studies due to unmeasurable variables such as the lack of time-dependent assessment of nutritional indices, progressive malnutrition, protein energy wasting, uremic conditions, or the presence of residual renal function in the end-stage kidney that cannot be accounted for in these population-level studies. It is also important to note that these studies were done in ESRD populations and do not account for the impact of obesity on the development and progression of CKD.

    These collective data support the concept that obesity not only contributes to progressive loss of kidney function in those with established kidney disease, but also elicits loss of kidney function in healthy subjects independent of insulin resistance.

    What Are The Late Signs Of Kidney Disease In Patients With Diabetes

    Will insulin damage my kidneys? – Dr. Anantharaman Ramakrishnan

    As your kidneys fail, your blood urea nitrogen levels will rise as well as the level of creatinine in your blood. You may also experience nausea, vomiting, a loss of appetite, weakness, increasing fatigue, itching, muscle cramps and anemia . You may find you need less insulin. This is because diseased kidneys cause less breakdown of insulin. If you develop any of these signs, call your doctor.

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    What Is The Relationship Between Tir And Kidney Disease

    Experts in the field are conducting research on the value of continuous glucose monitoring in helping reduce the prevalence of diabetes-related complications. Evidence suggests that improvements in your Time in Range could lower your risk for developing kidney disease. CGM can also be a helpful tool for monitoring hypoglycemia, which can occur when the kidneys begin to fail and break down less of the insulin that one is either making or taking by injection, pump or inhalation.

    Some important findings from research on this subject include:

    • In one study that looked at the DCCT data set, researchers found that participants with type 1 diabetes who developed microalbuminuria had an average TIR of 32% ten percentage points lower than the average TIR for those who did not develop kidney disease .

    • In this same study, the risk for developing microalbuminuria increased by 40% for every 10% decrease in TIR.

  • In another study in people with type 1 diabetes, researchers found that a persons uACR by 19% for every 10% increase in TIR in people with type 1 diabetes.

  • Similar results could also be found in those with type 2 diabetes. In a population of 866 people with type 2 diabetes, their albuminuria risk was 6% lower for every 10% increase in TIR.

  • The researchers also found that more time spent in hyperglycemia and severe hyperglycemia was also found to lead to a higher risk of developing albuminuria.

  • Hearing Smell And Taste

    Your vision isnt the only sense thats at risk. Diabetes doubles your chances for hearing loss. Prediabetes ups your chances by 30%. Experts arent sure why. The reason could be nerve damage, but more research is needed to know for sure.

    You may lose your hearing slowly so that you arent even aware. If you ask people to repeat themselves a lot, get your hearing checked.

    Diabetes even affects the nerves that handle these senses. If you take insulin, you may be more likely to have trouble noticing scents. This may make food taste off. You may even catch a whiff of something thats not there.

    Experts suspect it could stem from nerve damage or a glitch that starts in the brain. It may be an early sign of trouble with thinking skills. People who have Alzheimers disease or dementia often report problems with their sense of smell before their diagnosis.

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    Symptoms Of Type 2 Diabetes:

    In type 2 diabetes, symptoms happen slowly. Many people don’t notice any symptoms at all until their blood sugar has been too high for a long time. When they happen, symptoms include the general symptoms listed above and:

    • Tingling, pain or feeling numb in your hands and feet
    • Getting infections over and over

    What Your Kidneys Do

    Iga Nephropathy Kidney Disease How Long Can You Live With ...

    The kidneys are two fist-sized, bean-shaped organs located on either side of the spine. Their main purpose is to filter your blood to remove wastes and maintain fluid and electrolyte balance. The kidneys also release hormones that regulate body systems such as blood pressure.

    Your kidneys filter your body’s entire blood volume about 30 times per day. Blood is filtered several times while in the kidneys, which returns about 99% of the water in your blood back into the circulation system. The remaining water and any waste products are carried away through the production of urine.

    The other vital function of the kidneys is to maintain fluid levels. Electrolytes like sodium and hormones like antidiuretic hormone , aldosterone, and atrial natriuretic peptide play a role in this. These hormones respond to the body’s needs to increase or decrease fluid volume, maintaining blood pressure and the body’s overall homeostasis .

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    Brain And Nervous System

    When you have diabetes, your cells must work harder to use glucose. That may tire your muscles and leave you feeling spent.

    Studies tie diabetes to proteins in your brain that are linked to dementia. Because of narrowed, hardened arteries, your chances of stroke are also higher. Your brain needs sugar to do its job. Repeated bouts of low blood sugar can damage the brain.

    Nerve damage happens to almost everyone with diabetes. Some parts of your body may go numb or have other problems. All organs, including your heart, rely on healthy nerves. Pain in your feet and legs is a common sign that something isnt right.

    You may not notice small cuts or sores at first. Those small injuries can grow into big wounds.

    Since diabetes affects your blood flow and immune system, a small sore may not get what it needs to heal. In severe cases, doctors may need to amputate a foot or other affected areas.

    Factors That Can Add Up To Cause Harm

    When you get sick from something like the flu or diarrhea, or have trouble drinking enough fluids, the blood pressure in your body may decrease. As a result, the pressure in your kidneys can be low, too.

    In most cases, healthy kidneys can protect themselves. However, if you keep taking your blood pressure medicines when youre dehydrated or have low blood pressure, your kidneys might have a hard time protecting themselves. The pressure within your kidneys might drop so low that your kidneys wont filter normally.

    If youre dehydrated, NSAIDs can also keep your kidneys from protecting themselves. As a result, taking NSAIDs when youre sick and dehydrated can cause kidney injury.

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