What To Eat And What Not To
Food is not just the fuel that makes your body run. What you eat forms the building blocks for your cells. You really are what you eat. So, your food can, and does, affect your health. When you have CKD, one way to feel better and protect your kidneys is to take a fresh look at what you eat. See if you might want to make some changes to your diet. Your care team may give you some tips as well.
Foods that are close to nature like fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, beans and peas, whole grains, and lean meats are best for your body. Food that comes in a can, box, jar, or bag has been processed in a factory. Most processed foods have lots of chemicals, preservatives, and fillers . Some, like natural peanut butter, canned beans, or frozen vegetables, are good choices. How do you know which are good? READ LABELS. When a food has more than a few ingredients or a fresh food, like meat or fish, has an ingredient list at all be wary. Look for foods that have no more than five or six ingredients. You may want to make a fresh choice.
Most food cans in the U.S. are lined with bisphenol A . BPA has been linked with high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity. Many canned foods tend to be very high in salt or sugar and highly processed, too. Glass jars or shelf safe cartons dont have BPA.
Talk To Your Doctor Before Taking Any Over
Because CKD can change the way your body processes certain substances, its important to talk to your doctor about any over-the-counter medication, vitamins, or supplements that youre takingwhether its something new or something youve been taking regularly. Certain medications and even herbal substances can be harmful at any stage of CKD. Talking to your doctor can help ensure that youre protecting your kidney health.
The Analysis: Vitamin D For Kidney Disease
Palmer, Strippoli and their colleagues searched medical databases fromJanuary 1966 through July 2007 to find published studies of vitamin D compoundsfor chronic kidney disease. They selected 76 that met their criteria forinclusion. In all, 3,667 participants were in these 76 studies.
When they pooled the results and analyzed them, the researchers found thatthe vitamin D compounds did not consistently reduce the parathyroid hormonelevels or reduce the risk of death, bone pain, blood vessel calcification, or other problems.
When they compared the established vitamin D sterols with placebo, thevitamin D treatments were associated with a 2.3 times higher risk of highcalcium levels and a nearly two times higher risk of high phosphate in theblood. And the treatment didnt consistently reduce the parathyroid hormonelevels.
Newer types of vitamin D treatment did not perform better.
The analysis is published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.
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Thedrugs And Supplements That Should Cause Concern
The following drugs andsupplements can affect kidney function:
NSAIDs are very effectivemedications for multiple medical problems. But taking NSAIDS can affectthe kidneys, and can cause damage, especially if youre also takingdiuretics or ACE inhibitors.
NSAIDS include over-the-counterpainkillers like aspirin , ibuprofen , and naproxen .
They also includeprescription drugs like:
- Naproxen sodium .
- Naproxen/esomeprazole .
- Diclofenac .
Using these medications withcaffeine can further harm your kidneys. When taking these medications, be sureto check regularly with your doctor if you have impaired kidney function.
2. Antibiotics
Certain antibiotics areremoved from the body through the kidneys, so taking them can put extra strainon your kidneys. Penicillin, cephalosporins and sulfonamides in particular canbe harmful to your kidneys.
Long-term antibiotic use caninjure your kidneys, even if youre otherwise healthy. And for people whosekidneys arent functioning at 100% to begin with, antibiotics can build up inthe body and cause damage.
Despite this, its importantto keep in mind that antibiotics can be safely used if needed as long as thedose is adjusted for your bodys level of kidney function.
3. Dietary supplements
Certain herbs or nutritionalsupplements are associated with kidney injury, even among healthy people. Withsuch a wide variety of supplements available, the best way to know if asupplement is safe is to ask your doctor to review all the ingredients.
Vitamins And Chronic Kidney Disease
There is no single best vitamin for patients with CKD. However, there are some that are more commonly deficient than others. People with CKD often have a higher need of water-soluble vitamins and should be wary of taking excess amounts of fat-soluble vitamins, as overconsumption can cause toxicity in the body.
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The Effects Of Zinc On Kidney Functions
Kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs located near the middle of the back. They play an important role in removing wastes from the blood and in maintaining its chemical balance. Certain health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and kidney diseases reduce the functioning of the kidneys and lead to symptoms such as frequent urination, fatigue, loss of appetite, swelling in the extremities and muscle cramps. Treatment depends on the underlying cause and may include medications and surgery. Certain nutrients and minerals such as zinc play an important role in kidney function.
Video of the Day
How To Make The Best Low Potassium Potatoes
This garlicky mashed potato recipe is kidney-friendly and perfect for those looking to lower their potassium intake!
Kidney or renal nutrition recommendations can differ depending on your Chronic Kidney Disease stage and can make planning a kidney-friendly diet feel baffling. Since potassium is so widespread in food, it is important to be extra careful with foods that are traditionally high in potassium.
We want to ensure that you have a kidney-friendly recipe that will work for you at mealtimes and holidays in the future.
Keep on reading to learn more about a kidney-friendly diet and our low potassium potatoes.
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If You Have Kidney Disease Other Medications Can Be Harmful
If your kidneys are already damaged, certain drugs can make them worse or lead to kidney failure. Talk to your doctor before taking cholesterol or diabetes medication, antacid medicine for an upset stomach, or antimicrobial meds, like antifungal and antiviral drugs. In some cases, you may be able to take a smaller dose thats safer for you.
You also should talk to your doctor before having some kinds of imaging tests. With a magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography scan, doctors sometimes use a dye to help them see a specific area of your body better. In rare cases, this dye can cause serious conditions called contrast-induced nephropathy or nephrogenic systemic fibrosis . Ask your doctor about other tests you might have instead.
National Kidney Foundation: Contrast Dye and the Kidneys,How Your Kidneys Work,Oral Sodium Phosphate Safety Alerts,Pain Medicines ,Watch out for Your Kidneys When You Use Medicines for Pain,Which Drugs are Harmful to Your Kidneys?
MedShadow: 6 Medications That Can Harm the Kidneys.
Cleveland Clinic: Supplements, OTCs May Hurt Your Kidneys.
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Essential Vitamins For People With Chronic Kidney Disease
According to the Institute of Medicine, the human body needs at least 13 vitamins to function properly. Following a balanced diet is the preferred way to get the recommended amount of these vitamins, however people with chronic kidney disease often cannot get all the recommended vitamins for varying health reasons. People with CKD have greater requirements for some water soluble vitamins. Special renal vitamins are usually prescribed to provide extra water soluble vitamins needed. Renal vitamins contain vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, folic acid, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin and a small dose of vitamin C.
Below is an overview of the fat- and water-soluble vitamins your body cannot do without, and the dietary recommendations for people with CKD.
Fat-soluble vitamins
CKD Recommendations |
Promotes the growth of cells and tissues helps protect against infection. |
Levels are usually elevated supplementation not recommended. If needed, limit to the Daily Reference Intake 700-900 ug/day. |
2. Vitamin D
Role |
CKD Recommendations |
Helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus deposits these minerals in bones and teeth regulates parathyroid hormone . |
In CKD the kidney loses the ability to make vitamin D active. Supplementation with special active vitamin D is determined by calcium, phosphorus and PTH levels and available only by prescription. |
3. Vitamin E
4. Vitamin K
Water-soluble vitamins
6. Vitamin B2
7. Niacin
8. Vitamin B6
9. Folate
10. Vitamin B12
11. Vitamin C
12. Biotin
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Chronic Kidney Disease Causes And Risk Factors
There are several causes and risk factors for chronic kidney disease, including:
- Certain autoimmune conditions
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that approximately half of individuals with severely reduced kidney function who are not receiving dialysis are unaware they have CKD. Specific urine and blood tests that assess kidney damage and filtration rate are used to identify CKD.
CKD has been associated with certain health complications, such as anemia, depression, stroke, increased risk of infections, and imbalanced mineral levels in the blood. Individuals with CKD are also at an increased risk of premature mortality associated with cardiovascular disease and cancer, making it critical to address CKD as early as possible.
Megadosing Vitamin C May Injure Kidneys
The megavitamin movement of the 1970s suggested that taking large doses of common vitamins would benefit health. Unfortunately, the alleged benefits may come at a price. A November 2017 update in GeneReviews states that megadosing vitamin C may lead to kidney failure. Surprisingly, even juicing with certain fruits and vegetables may cause this damage.
Many Americans use nutritional supplements to improve their health. As with vitamins, using these dietary aids increases the risk of organ damage. In fact, 1 in 12 people in the U.S. take supplements known to cause kidney damage, according to a March 15 report in the American Journal of Public Health.
Despite these risks, the Food and Drug Administration continues to leave nutritional supplements unregulated. Thus, people must take the initiative and educate themselves about the potential benefits and risks of dietary aids.
A September 2017 review in Food and Chemical Toxicology offers a starting point. This article provides a brief summary of kidney-damaging supplements. The authors suggest avoiding such dietary aids and specifically recommend avoiding excess doses of vitamins A, C and D.
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Control Your Portion Sizes
Eating too much of anything, even healthy foods, can be a problem. The other part of a healthy eating plan is portion control, or watching how much you eat.
Good portion control is important in a kidney-friendly eating plan, because you may need to limit how much of certain things you eat and drink.
To help control your portion sizes:
- For packaged foods, check the nutrition facts label to learn the serving size and how much of each nutrient is in one serving. Many packages have more than one serving. For example, a 20-ounce bottle of soda is really two-and-a-half servings.
- For fresh foods that do not have nutrition facts labels, such as fruits and vegetables, ask your dietitian for a list of nutrition facts to measure the right portions.
- Eat slowly and stop eating when you are full. It takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain that you are full. If you eat too quickly, you may eat more than you need.
- Avoid eating while doing something else, such as watching TV or driving. When you are distracted, you may not realize how much you have eaten.
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Monitor Your Blood Pressure:
High blood pressure increases the strain on your kidneys especially when combined with other health issues like diabetes so you should take steps to keep your blood pressure within safe limits. According to the American Heart Association, normal blood pressure should be 120/80 or lower and readings of 140/90 and above could indicate hypertension, so consult your doctor if you consistently get blood pressure readings at this range.
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What Supplements Are Hard On Kidneys
The most common form of kidney damage is called acute renal failure . ARF is caused by a lack of adequate calcium and phosphorus in the blood. , which is a type of acidosis, is the most serious form. It can cause kidney failure and death. The kidneys are the largest organ in your body. They are responsible for removing waste products from the body, including waste from your urine. In addition, they are also responsible with the production of urine, blood, and other bodily fluids. When the kidneys fail, the fluid in these fluids cant be removed. This can lead to dehydration, kidney stones, or even death if not treated quickly. If you have kidney disease, you may need to take medications to help you get rid of the excess fluid. You may also need dialysis to remove the waste product from blood and urine and to prevent kidney stone formation.
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Staying Fit And Physically Active
Regular exercise has been shown to improve almost every aspect of health, from reducing blood pressure to improving mental health, but thankfully you dont have to run marathons to benefit: Even low-impact exercise like walking and dancing are good for your health, so find an activity that keeps you active and having fun and stop worrying about what vitamins are good for kidneys.
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How Diet Can Impact Kidney Health
The kidneys are filled with tiny blood vessels that help filter waste and extra water from your blood and remove them from your body. If you have CKD, your kidneys cant filter blood as well as they should, causing excess waste to build up in your body.
Diabetes and hypertension are the two leading causes of kidney disease. High blood sugar levels in uncontrolled diabetes and high blood pressure can damage the kidneys blood vessels, leaving them unable do their job properly, says Krista Maruschak, RD, a registered dietitian with Cleveland Clinics Center for Human Nutrition.
Untreated or uncontrolled diabetes and high blood pressure can have a significant effect on the development of CKD over time, says Maruschak.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 10 percent of the U.S. population has diabetes and over a third of adults have prediabetes, while about half of American adults age 20 and over have hypertension. These individuals are also at an increased risk of developing CKD.
A healthy diet can help you prevent or manage conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure, in part by helping you to maintain a healthy weight, says Maruschak. In turn, this supports your kidney health.
As part of a kidney-friendly diet, you may also need to limit certain foods to help prevent further kidney damage.
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Certain Herbal Supplements And Vitamins
Its important to consult with your doctor before taking any supplements, especially if you are living with chronic disease. Surprising to most, it is not recommended to take some types of herbal supplements and vitamins if youre living with diabetic kidney disease. Certain herbal supplements and vitamins can actually cause further damage to your kidneys. Herbal supplements that your healthcare provider may recommend avoiding include parsley root, astragalus, creatine, licorice root and stinging nettle, but there are many more. Vitamins to limit with DKD include vitamins A, E and K, as these vitamins may accumulate and damage the kidneys.
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Contact The Kidney And Hypertension Center
While vitamins may be beneficial to the body, vitamins should not be a replacement for medical treatment. If you are experiencing any symptoms of kidney disease or are struggling with hypertension, the experts at The Kidney and Hypertension Center may be able to help. Call 1-833-24RENAL or request an appointment and be on your way to better health today.
A Brief Overview Of The Kidneys Role In Preventing Bone Loss
As your kidneys filter out toxins and excess acid from the blood, they also put a buffer or acid neutralizer back into the bloodstream in the form of bicarbonate. This shows how crucial it is for your system to be alkaline, and its also why the kidneys get overworked when, for example, you take a lot of medications and/or eat an acid-forming diet.
And just as there are certain foods that help cleanse and alkalize the body and ease the load on the kidneys, there are also foods that are not only acidic, but actually damage these important organs.
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How To Leach Potassium From Fruits And Vegetables
If you can, swap canned fruits and vegetables for their fresh or frozen counterparts. The potassium in canned goods leaches into the water or juice in the can. If you use this juice in your meal or drink it, it can cause a spike in your potassium levels.
The juice usually has a high salt content, which will cause the body to hold onto water. This can lead to complications with your kidneys. This is also true of meat juice, so be sure to avoid this, too.
If you only have canned goods on hand, be sure to drain the juice and discard it. You should also rinse the canned food with water. This can reduce the amount of potassium you consume.
If youre cooking a dish that calls for a high-potassium vegetable and you dont wish to substitute, you can actually pull some of the potassium from the veggie.
The National Kidney Foundation advises the following approach to leaching potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, beets, winter squash, and rutabagas: