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Does Protein Powder Cause Kidney Failure

Protein Powder Is The Cause Of Diabetes And Kidney Failure

Protein Powder and kidney disease: Whey, Rice, Pea, Essential, Amino Acids Protein Powder For CKD

According to Prof.Dr.Mehmet Isbirs statement, as protein is an important nutrient for the human body, it can usually be taken directly from animal products or nutritional products.

The Girne American Universitys Faculty of Pharmacy, the Head of the Pharmacology Branch, Prof.Dr.Mehmet Isbir, mentioned some important points about those who do sports and frequently use protein powder to get more muscles in a short time, are damaging their body and is causing damages that can not be treated.

This is what Mr.Isbir said in his statement:

Plant Protein Causes A Lot Of Harm

Nowadays, we have 2 types of proteins what we call synthetic protein, which is vegetal or whey or casein protein.Both of these are produced from milk. We advise these proteins to the elderly. We advise these to those who has metabolism disorder, those who cant turn protein into amino acid. Recently, plant proteins came out and the harm they cause is very high.

Everything Is Poisonous. The Dose Separates The Difference

We have a famous saying, Everything is poisonous the dose separates the difference. It harms the digestive system, whey and casein proteins are produced from milk. If a persons body is lactose intolerance which this is hard for them to know, when they start using these their bowel, digestive system will not work properly. Things like throwing-up and diarrhea starts to happen.

Protein Powders Cause You to Gain Weight In An Unhealthy Way

Dietary Protein Intake In North Americans With And Without Chronic Kidney Disease

LPD as a means of slowing CKD progression is not largely prescribed in the current clinical setting in North America. Besides inconclusive data on the effectiveness of LPD and concerns about aggravation of protein-energy wasting , one of main obstacles to the implementation of LPD is the big gap in protein intake between the amount of recommendations from guidelines and what is consumed contemporarily in the USA. According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey between 2001 and 2008, average dietary protein intake was 1.34 g/kg ideal body weight per day or 1.09 g/kg actual body weight per day in the US general population, which is higher than the recommended protein intake for normal healthy adults . There were also variabilities in protein intake depending on CKD stages, and average protein intake was 1.04 g/kg·IBW/day or 0.81 g/kg·ABW/day in those with advanced stages of CKD.

Does Too Much Whey Protein Cause Side Effects

Whey protein is one of the most popular supplements on the planet.

But despite its many health benefits, theres some controversy surrounding its safety.

Some claim that too much whey protein can damage the kidneys and liver and even cause osteoporosis.

This article provides an evidence-based review of whey proteins safety and side effects.

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Sodium Intake Affects Urine Calcium Response To Acid

In a prior article I showed the urine calcium lowering effects of potassium citrate were independent of the effects of diet sodium. But those data, and trial data like it are observations. Suppose you give people an acid load so their urine calcium goes up as a result of what you did and also varied sodium intake a direct experiment, not observations.

I did that, and although others also may have done the same, my experiment was a good one and I like it.

Four people were studied during three control days points to the left on the graph. They had normal urine calcium excretions , normal serum PTH levels and normal serum total calcium and ionized calcium . That is what one expects from normal people.

I gave them ammonium chloride which is an acid load, and as you might expect by now their urine calcium should go up. But, I also lowered their sodium intake to 40 80 mEq daily and take a look urine calcium did not change.

Their blood became distinctly acidic you will have to look at the paper. The calcium ion rose and the total calcium fell because the acidity tends to liberate calcium ion from binding to blood proteins and from phosphate complexes.

I then raised the diet sodium to about 200 mEq and there was the urine calcium increase. Serum PTH went up, too, perhaps because the kidneys were losing calcium.

How Many Grams Of Protein A Day Is Too Much

Research Review: High

If there is a level of protein intake that is excessive and damaging to kidney health, we dont currently have evidence to show what this may be.

In other words, there is currently no such thing as too much protein regarding negatively impacting renal function.

Studies show that protein intake at up to 35% of total energy intake has no adverse effect on people with healthy kidneys.

The four studies mentioned in this article also consider all different people.

From resistance-trained individuals to pre-diabetics, people with abdominal obesity, and average healthy adults, no harm was found from increasing protein intake.

Of course, we should still be sensible, and we shouldnt overeat protein just for the sake of it. But overall, the data suggest that there would be no harm from consuming around 1 gram protein per pound of body weight.

Consuming more protein than this would likely be unnecessary for the majority of people.

Key Point:

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Topic: Whey Protein And Kidney Health

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What Foods Are Rich In Protein

Except for isolated fats and sugars, almost every food contains protein.

Among these, those with the highest protein density are predominantly animal foods.

While animal foods tend to be the best sources of protein, a few plant foods can be high in the macronutrient too .

The following foods are the most concentrated sources of dietary protein

  • Beans

Key Point:

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Higher Protein Intake Is Not Associated With Decreased Kidney Function In Pre

In this study, 355 pre-diabetic men and women were split into following two different dietary systems

  • A moderate protein diet: 15% of energy
  • A high protein diet: 25% of energy

The higher protein diet worked out at 1.6 grams protein per kilogram of body weight.

Throughout the study, lab tests demonstrated increased serum urea and urea excretion were consistent with increased protein intake.

After a 12-month period, there were no indications that the participants on higher protein diets had experienced any adverse effects on kidney function.

Interestingly, there was even a slight indication of improved kidney function with increasing protein intake.

In short, the study found no detrimental effects of a high protein diet on kidney health and no negative changes to any health markers.

Key Point:

Why Might I Need To Control Protein Sodium Phosphorus Calcium Or Potassium

Protein And Kidney Disease: Does protein cause kidney damage and is plant protein safer

Eating the right amount of protein, sodium, potassium or phosphorus may help control the buildup of waste and fluid in your blood. This means your kidneys do not have to work as hard to remove the extra waste and fluid.


Your body needs protein to help build muscle, repair tissue, and fight infection. If you have kidney disease, you may need to watch how much protein you eat. Having too much protein can cause waste to build up in your blood. Your kidneys may not be able to remove all the extra waste. It is important to eat the right amount of protein each day. The amount of protein you need is based on your body size, your kidney problem, and the amount of protein that may be in your urine. Protein intake should not be too low, or it may cause other problems. Your dietitian or healthcare provider can tell you how much protein you should eat.


Healthy kidneys control how much sodium is in your body. If your kidneys do not work well, too much sodium can cause fluid buildup, swelling, higher blood pressure, and strain on your heart. Your dietitian or healthcare provider can tell you the right amount of sodium you should have each day.



As kidney function gets lower, extra phosphorus can start building up in the blood. High phosphorus levels can cause bones to get weaker. Your dietitian or healthcare provider can tell you if you need to limit goods that are high in phosphorus.


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Whey Protein Powder And The Dialysis Diet

To some people, the mention of whey protein powder may conjure up images of body builders at the local gym. To others, a childs lullaby may come to mind . But for people with kidney disease who are on dialysis, whey happens to be a great source of high-quality protein. A diet rich in protein is vital for fighting infection, healing wounds and achieving a good nutritional status.

What is whey protein?

Whey protein is a by-product of the cheese-making process. It comes in powder form and can be easily mixed into food or beverages. Typically protein powder is available plain or flavored, such as vanilla, chocolate and strawberry.

Whey provides from 10 to 50 grams of protein per serving. Sometimes the manufacturer provides a measuring cup in the packaging to help scoop out the appropriate serving size. The size of the scoop and the amount of protein provided varies greatly from one product to the next, and your dietitian can help you decide which product is right for you and how much you should consume. Though some whey protein contains added phosphorus, it is typically lower in phosphorus compared to soy protein powders.

How to use whey protein powder in the kidney diet

For more ideas on how to use protein powder in your dialysis diet, check out these recipes:

What Causes Kidney Stones

Across the different types of kidney stones, there are several different causes, including :

  • Genetics
  • Sodium
  • Extreme diets
  • When we think about protein powder, most of those dont apply. Hydration, calcium, sodium, and extreme dieting are all separate aspects.

    Kidney stones can be caused my many lifestyle factors diet is only one. Protein powder can only potentially affect protein intake and oxalate intake.

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    What Is Whey Protein

    Whey protein is a popular fitness and dietary supplement.

    Its made from whey, which is the liquid that separates from milk during the cheese-making process. The whey is then filtered, refined and spray-dried into whey protein powder.

    There are three main types of whey protein. The key difference between them is how they are processed .

    • Whey protein concentrate: Contains roughly 7080% protein. Its the most common type of whey protein and has more lactose, fat and minerals from milk.
    • Whey protein isolate: Contains 90% protein or more. Its more refined and has less lactose and fat, but it also contains fewer beneficial minerals.
    • Whey protein hydrolysate: This form is pre-digested, allowing your body to absorb it faster.

    Whey protein is a popular choice among athletes, fitness enthusiasts and people wanting to build muscle or lose weight.

    Studies show it can help you recover from exercise, build muscle and strength and even lose weight by reducing your appetite and boosting your metabolism .

    Whey protein is also a complete source of protein, meaning it contains all the essential amino acids. Your body cannot make essential amino acids, so its important to get enough of them from your diet.

    You can take whey protein simply by mixing it with water or a liquid of your choice.

    Despite its health benefits, some people are concerned about its safety.

    That said, whey protein is safe for most people and a convenient way to increase your protein intake.

    Heart Palpitations And Kidney Failure

    The Real Truth About Protein Powders And Kidney Damage ...

    Meegan’s death sparked debate about the safety of protein supplements, but cases like hers are relatively uncommon. Dr Shackel said he saw far more problems caused by extra ingredients or impurities found in protein supplements.

    “Typically, they’re young men, going for a certain look. I’m assured they use any number of supplements and it’s worth of mouth how they’re promoted,” he said.

    “They say, a mate of mine took it and says this one’s good.They order it off the internet. The net result can be they’re taking something incredibly harmful to their body.

    He said he saw 3-5 people a year with a liver or kidney problem related to bodybuilding supplements. This multiplied by the number liver or kidney specialists at Sydney’s Liverpool Hospital, means the hospital sees about one case per month.

    “You’ve also got to realise that in a clinical practice such as mine, I see only the most advanced cases.

    It’s clearly the tip of the iceberg.”

    Dieticians have reported seeing similar cases. Gabrielle Matson, a Sydney-based dietician and spokesperson for Dietitians Australia, said she’d had clients who had taken too much creatine – a popular supplement used to put on muscle mass – and ended up in emergency for several days with acute kidney failure.

    “Other friends of mine, bodybuilders, ended up in the emergency department with heart palpitations and irregular heartbeat from the cocktail of stimulants like caffeine and creatine and also protein,” she said.

    ABC News

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    Illegal Bodybuilding And Sports Supplements

    UK drug regulator the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency has warned people to be wary of buying illegal sports supplements, as they might contain dangerous ingredients that could cause kidney failure, seizures and heart problems.

    An MHRA investigation found 84 illegal products, such as energy and “muscle-gain” products, were being sold containing dangerous ingredients such as steroids, stimulants and hormones.

    Among products that were taken off the market was a steroid product called Celtic Dragon. This product left 2 men hospitalised with severe jaundice and liver damage.

    David Carter, the MHRA’s manager of the borderline medicines section, says: “People need to be aware that buying illegal sports supplements can seriously damage your health.

    “The products may claim to boost your energy or muscle, but they could contain unapproved ingredients that can cause kidney failure, heart problems or seizures.”

    Even legal supplements can cause you harm. For example, if you’re taking any medicines as well as supplements, the supplements could stop the medicine working properly.

    Always read the label and, if in doubt, talk to your pharmacist.

    In addition, many health claims made about products, foods and medicines sold online aren’t proven.

    How Much Protein Is Needed In Each Stage Of Kidney Disease

    Below you will find three stages of protein requirements, related to the stage of kidney disease you are in. You will notice that stages one and two of kidney disease are essentially the same as what a normal healthy individual is recommend to eat, stages three and four protein requirements decrease by about 20%, and stages four to five decrease by about another 40% on top of that. Each of these recommendations is the daily allowance.

    Protein For Kidney Disease Stages 1 & 2 Protein 0.8 to 1 gram per kilo of body weight individual)

    Protein For Kidney Disease Stages 3 & 4 Protein 0.6 to 0.8 gram per kilo of body weight individual)

    Protein For Kidney Disease Stages 4 & 5 Protein Ideal 20 grams, Max 30 grams total**Amino acid supplementation is an important therapy to consider at this level of kidney disease and while only taking this much protein per day. Speak to your health professional about your treatment plan.

    As you can see a low protein diet in the final stages of kidney disease is the best protein strategy one can apply, of course protein is just one piece of the larger puzzle that makes up the a complete kidney healing program, but nonetheless, it is most certainly a crucial piece of that puzzle.

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    Can Too Much Protein Cause Kidney Damage

    Last Updated on November 13, 2019 by Michael Joseph

    It is easy to hear claims that too much protein damages our kidneys.

    However, many people contend this claim and believe that higher protein intake is beneficial.

    Many myths and controversies exist in the field of nutrition, and they often depend on a personal interpretation of observational studies.

    In this article, we will examine whether high protein diets are safe by looking at the best available evidence.

    The aim is to set the record straight, and to answer the question are high protein diets bad for the kidneys?

    Kidney Disease And Protein Powders: Whey Pea Rice Essential Amino Acids Protein Powder For Ckd

    Does A High Protein Diet Cause Kidney Damage or Stones (Clinical Evidence Included)

    Kidney Disease and Protein Powders: Whey, Pea, Rice, Essential Amino Acids Protein Powder For CKD

    Lets talk about protein powders andkidney disease. Coming from the Journal of the Applied Physiology Nutrition and MetabolismJanuary 2021titled Whey Protein Supplementation and Its potentially Adverse Effects on Health: A Systematic Review.

    So what did they say here? They werent even looking at people withkidney disease and instead lookedat people who take whey protein withoutany professional guidance and for anextended period of time. Itpotentially has the impact to damage thekidneys and the liver is what theymention.

    Now we know that if you have kidneydisease you do not want to take any wheyprotein powder because youre getting avery concentrated source of proteinthats going to have to be broken downby the body, processed by the kidney, cause more damage toyour kidney. Now even if you go to a doctor or dietitian and they see that you might have protein energy wasting, where youre notabsorbing protein and losing protein in the urine, they may recommend aprotein powder or a kidney protein shake. You dont want to use those, thats outdated information. Anybody whos really up on the researchin the last 10 years knows you dontwant to take protein powders for kidneydisease.

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