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What Not To Eat After Kidney Transplant

Will I Have A Nutritional Plan To Follow

What You Should and Shouldnt Eat or Drink After Your Kidney Transplant

Yes. In order to monitor your weight gain after transplant surgery, a registered dietitian, a nutrition expert, will work with you to develop a nutritional plan. This plan will be determined by your weight, blood work results, kidney function, and medicines. The information in this handout describes some of the guidelines a dietitian might recommend for you. These guidelines cover only some of the changes that might take place in your diet. Your dietitian will plan a nutritional program to meet your personal needs.


As your new kidney begins to function, your body is able to rebuild bone mass that might have been lost during renal failure. While these hungry bones are busy gaining strength, your blood phosphorous level could drop quite low. Your dietitian will encourage you to eat foods high in phosphorous, such as low-fat dairy products. Your doctor might also order phosphorous pills.


Some transplant medicines might cause your potassium level to dramatically increase or decrease. This is a serious condition, but fortunately, it usually does not last long. In order to control your blood potassium level, make sure to eat the foods your dietitian recommends.

Sodium or salt


Diet After A Kidney Transplant

Before a kidney transplant, many children have restrictions on what they can eat and drink for example, much less of the minerals potassium and phosphate, which are found in many foods.

After a kidney transplant, most children can eat a diet that is much less restrictive and more varied. Your renal team will advise you on what your child can eat.

What Are The Different Kinds Of Kidney Transplants

There are two type of kidney transplant based on the type of donor: a living donor transplant and a deceased donor transplant. There are advantages and disadvantages to both types of kidney transplants.

Living Donor Transplant

A living donor transplant is a procedure where a person agrees to donate one of their two kidneys to the transplant patient. Surgeons perform a minimally invasive surgery to remove a living donors kidney and then insert that kidney into the abdomen of the kidney transplant patient.

Living donor transplant advantages include:

  • Shorter waiting period as patients do not spend long periods of time on a waiting list
  • Fewer complications
  • Living donor kidneys generally function longer than deceased donor kidneys
  • Surgery can be planned to suit the donor and patients schedule
  • A preemptive transplant can sometimes be scheduled avoiding the need for dialysis
  • Some research shows that an early kidney transplant, with little or no time spent on dialysis, can lead to better long-term health

Living donor transplant disadvantages are:

  • A healthy donor has to undergo an optional surgery to remove a healthy kidney
  • The donor will have a 6 week recovery period
  • FSGS and other glomerular diseases can return to attack the transplanted kidney

For more information on living donation, visit the American Transplant Foundation and check out the living donation resources at the bottom of this page.

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Diet And Nutrition Guidelines For After Your Surgery

Your dietician will develop a suitable nutritional program that is based on your personal needs and health condition. Your medical reports, weight, kidney function and prescribed medicines are all taken into consideration for developing a proper diet plan. This diet plan can be short-term or long-term, depending on how your health condition improves. Regardless of what your exact diet plan will be, here are some basic guidelines that are to be followed:

Stay Hydrated: You should drink plenty of water . It is very important for you to stay well-hydrated, so you should also limit your caffeine intake.

Proteins: Protein is important to help you regain any lost weight and muscle strength. Your dietician will be able to recommend how much protein intake is necessary for you.

Phosphorous: With a new kidney, the body starts rebuilding bone mass that is lost during renal failure. In case there has been a dip in your blood phosphorous levels, your dietician may recommend food that is high in phosphorous, such as low-fat dairy products.

Potassium: Often, transplant medicines may have an effect on the level of potassium in the body , which can in turn cause problems with muscle and heart function. You will be recommended food to help control your blood potassium levels as well.

Fats: For a healthy weight and a healthy heart, your dietician will recommend a low-fat diet.

What Is A Kidney Transplant

Foods to Avoid After a Kidney Transplant Handout in 2021

Kidneys are vital organs that filter blood to remove waste, extra fluid, and salt from the body. If they stop working, its called kidney failure. Someone with kidney failure must go on or get a kidney transplant.

A kidney transplant is an operation where doctors put a new kidney in the body of someone whose own kidneys no longer work. One healthy kidney will do the work of two failed kidneys.

Because people can survive with just one kidney, a living person can give a healthy kidney to someone with kidney failure. This is called being a donor. A kidney also can come from a donor who has recently died, but the wait for this kind of donated kidney can take a year or more.

Most kidney transplants are successful. People who have kidney transplants will take medicines for the rest of their lives to prevent the body from rejecting the kidney. Rejecting means that the bodys immune cells destroy the new kidney because they sense that its foreign.

But aside from that, many kids and teens who have kidney transplants go on to live normal, healthy lives after they recover from surgery.

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Risks Of Living Donation

Living donation is a major surgery, and all potential complications of major surgery apply. These complications may include:

  • potential need for blood transfusions
  • side effects associated with allergic reactions to the anesthesia

According to the National Kidney Foundation, living donors in studies report a boost in self-esteem, and 9 out of 10 say they would do it again. However, living donors may also experience negative psychological symptoms right after donation or later. The transplanted organ may not work right away. There is also the chance it will not work at all. Donors may feel sad, anxious, angry, or resentful after surgery. Donation may change the relationship between donor and recipient.

The best source of information about risks and expected donor outcomes is the transplant team. In addition, it is important to take an active role in learning more about these potential surgical risks and long-term complications.

Living donors must be made aware of the physical and psychological risks involved before they consent to donate an organ. Please discuss all feelings, questions and concerns with a transplant professional and/or social worker.

Can Stomach Bloating Be A Sign Of Kidney Failure

My husband was diagnosed in October with stage 3 chronic kidney disease and has not yet been seen by kidney doctor I was not aware of his chronic kidney disease because his doctor never discussed it with me he went to his doctor on March the 20th and I didnt realize he had chronic kidney disease until around March the 27th when I called about his blood work and thats when they told me he was diagnosed in October we went on April the 20th 2018 for blood work at the kidney doctor he has an appointment on May 3rd for the results of his blood work but he keeps talking about hurting it in his stomach both sides underneath his rib cage he had a colonoscopy done

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Why Do I Need To Avoid Certain Foods

After your kidney transplant, you will need to take special medicines, called immunosuppressive drugs or anti-rejection medicines. These medicines help lower the chances of your new kidney being rejected by your body. However, these medicines also weaken your bodys ability to fight infection. Taking these medicines increases your risk for getting sick from germs, such as bacteria.

Some germs cause bacterial infections. Some bacterial infections can be picked up from food. You can help lower your chances of infection from food by:

  • Handling foods safely, like washing your hands often, especially after touching raw chicken or eggs.
  • Being careful when eating out.
  • Avoiding certain high-risk foods because they are more likely to have bacteria that can cause an infection.

You may also need to take steroids, which can cause increased:

  • Appetite, causing unwanted weight gain
  • Increased blood fat levels
  • Increased blood sugar levels
  • Salt and fluid retention
  • It can also cause a breakdown in muscle and bone tissue

Due to unwanted weight gain, its important to make healthy food choices and stick to appropriate portion sizes. It may be good to avoid fatty foods and foods high in simple sugar. Check with your doctor before exercise. Most often, you may need to exercise 3-4 times a week for 20-30 minutes each time.

Food You Should Avoid After Your Kidney Transplant

What will recovery be like after a kidney transplant?

Based on the health of your kidney, medication, and reports, your dietician will also brief you about high-risk foods that can react with the medication and cause side effects. Some of the foods that people are generally asked to avoid after a kidney transplant are as follows:

Pomegranate and Grapefruit: Pomegranate and grapefruit, even as juice, can cause strong reactions with the immunosuppressant medication that is prescribed after the surgery and must be avoided.

Herbs: You should not be taking any herbs or herbal teas as they can react with post-transplant medication and cause complications.

Raw or Under-Cooked Food: Under cooked or raw food can put you at risk for severe intestinal illness due to your weakened immune system. So, it is recommended that you do not eat under-cooked meat, seafood, or poultry items.

Unpasteurized Dairy Products: Avoid items like cheeses, yogurts, etc. that are made from raw milk.

Sprouts: Sprouts like alfalfa or bean sprouts should also be avoided.

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What To Eat After Kidney Transplant Part 2

Diet ManagementFAQTagsdiabeteskidney transplantkidney transplant dietlow phosphorus

What to Eat after Kidney Transplant, Part 1, discussed the acute phase after kidney transplant. Now we will go into the long-term phase. In the long-term phase, transplant recipients have the same nutrition recommendations as a healthy person.1 Calorie and protein needs are no longer increased as in the acute post-transplant phase. The main goals are to maintain weight, normal blood sugar levels, blood lipids and blood pressure. The medications that transplant recipients take long term can increase the risk of health conditions, like obesity, new-onset diabetes after transplant, dyslipidemia and osteoporosis. Following a well-balanced diet and engaging in physical activity can help reduce your risk for these conditions.

Artificial Sweeteners May Worsen Bladder Symptoms

When youre trying to cut calories at every corner, artificial sweeteners may seem like a healthy replacement for sugar. But if youve got a urinary tract infection, its possible that your bladder infection symptoms may worsen if you use artificial sweeteners. While one study found that artificial sweeteners worsened bladder symptoms in people with chronic interstitial cystitis, theres no real proof they irritate the bladder when you have a simple UTI. But if these fake sweeteners bother you, skip them.

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What Can I Eat After My Transplant

There is no special diet after successful transplantation and most of the dialysis dietary restrictions are lifted. We would suggest that you follow a healthy and varied diet after transplantation with a low salt intake and more fruit and vegetables. You are able to drink alcohol after the transplant but only in moderation within the national guidelines of 14 units per week for women and 21 units per week for men. We ask you to avoid grapefruit juice, as this can affect the level of some immunosuppression tablets. If you need further advice, please ask your doctor or specialist nurse to refer you to a dietician.

British Columbia Specific Information

Kidney transplant process, procedure, cost, complications and recovery

Advance care planning is the process of thinking about and writing down your wishes or instructions for present or future health care treatment in the event you become incapable of deciding for yourself. The Ministry of Health encourages all capable adults to do advance care planning.

For more information on advance care planning in British Columbia, including how to get started making a plan, answers to frequently asked questions, resources for planning, links to the No CPR Form and more, see Advance Care Planning.

You may want to have a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctors recommendation. Either way, this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about them.

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What To Eat After Kidney Transplant Part 1

Diet ManagementFAQFeatured PostTagsdiabeteskidney transplantkidney transplant dietlow phosphoruspost-transplant dietpre-diabetes

People with chronic kidney disease and patients on dialysis must follow a special diet. But what happens after a kidney transplant? Is a special diet still needed? The short answer is yes, but it is often less restrictive than a CKD or dialysis diet.

How Can My Donor Heart Help

Heart transplants are lifesaving and lifegiving. Donors give years of life to heart recipients and their families. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, there is an 85% survival rate at one year post-surgery. To protect the health of the donor heart, transplant recipients take medications after transplant. The medications help reduce the risk of complications after transplant.

By signing up to become an organ, eye, and tissue donor, you can make a difference in the lives of more than 75 people. Keep your heart in the right place: Register here to become a donor.

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Complications Of Kidney Infections

Most kidney infections are treated successfully without complications, although some people may develop further problems.

Complications of a kidney infection are rare, but youre more likely to develop them if you:

  • rapid heartbeat

Blood poisoning is a medical emergency that usually requires admission to a hospital intensive care unit while antibiotics are used to fight the infection.

If youre taking certain medications for diabetes, such as metformin or angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, they may be temporarily withdrawn until you recover. This is because they can cause kidney damage during an episode of blood poisoning.

What Are Immunosuppressants

Living With Your Transplant – Post-Transplant Nutrition

Immunosuppressants refer to a class of drugs, which inhibit the ability of the immune system to function. For those with renal failure, immunosuppressants are commonly known as anti-rejection medication. These medications prevent the body from targeting the transplanted kidney as a source of infection. essentially, these medications are vital in ensuring a successful transplant.

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What Matters Most To You

Your personal feelings are just as important as the medical facts. Think about what matters most to you in this decision, and show how you feel about the following statements.

Reasons to stop kidney dialysis

Reasons to continue dialysis

Im ready to face my death and let my illness take its course.

Im not ready to die.

Im not happy with my quality of life.

I feel that my quality of life is okay right now.

Meeting my remaining life goals is not a priority for me.

I feel that dialysis can give me enough time to meet my remaining goals.

I dont want to keep relying on others for help with my dialysis treatments.

It doesnt bother me to rely on others for help.

Include Calcium And Vitamin D

Adequate calcium and vitamin D are most essential for healthy bones. Always keep in mind to have 3 to 4 portions of high calcium foods each day. Its just not about the after transplant diet, but you can also have as a normal routine diet. The kidney transplant patient should strictly add some calcium and vitamin D in their diet.

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Skip Citrusy Or Caffeinated Sodas Irritate The Bladder

Sodas in general have been found to irritate the bladder in people with chronic bladder inflammation, and they could aggravate symptoms in someone with a bladder infection. Citrus-flavored sodas and caffeinated sodas are the culprits when it comes to worsening urinary tract infection symptoms. So, when youre struggling to overcome a bladder infection, stick to water or cranberry juice as your drink of choice.

The Best Diet For Kidney Transplant Patient

Kidney Transplant Hospital Stay

Kidney transplant or renal transplantation, performed when the kidney disease is in the last stage. Patients should take special care of themselves after having a kidney transplant. Along with your living, food should also be taken special care of. You may get a new life after a kidney transplant, but one thing that should not be forgotten is dietary precautions. Yes, if you think that you can eat all kinds of things after a kidney transplant, then this is not true. Lets explore what diet for kidney patient requires.

Even after surgery, you should follow discipline regarding your food and drink. Actually, it may take up to 3-6 months for your body to recover completely after surgery. That is why kidney transplant patients should follow certain rules regarding their diet.

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Tips For Cutting Down On Sugar

  • Your child should eat more fruit instead of sugary foods it is so good for you!
  • Try plain or fruit buns, scones or teacakes instead of cake. Have plainer, semi-sweet biscuits.
  • Gradually cut down on sugar added to your childs cereal or in drinks.
  • Try not to give your child sugar-coated breakfast cereal, and choose the wholegrain types with added fruit.
  • Drink water and diluted fresh fruit juice or low sugar drinks.
  • Try different toast toppings such as mashed banana, reduced-fat cream cheeses and reduced-sugar jams and marmalades.
  • Try natural yoghurt or plain fromage frais with chopped or pureed fruit, instead of yoghurts that have added sugar.


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