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HomeStoneWill Ejaculation Help Pass A Kidney Stone

Will Ejaculation Help Pass A Kidney Stone

Other Beliefs About Masturbation

Observation: Non-surgical Approach to Kidney Stones

Aside from the myth that masturbation harms the kidneys, some people believe the practice can lead to prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer death¹ in men in the US. In fact, about one in 41 men will die from prostate cancer, and one in eight will be diagnosed. Transwomen¹¹ who are receiving gender-affirming care have a lower risk.

So, can masturbation increase your risk of developing prostate cancer?

A study¹² updated in 2016 indicated the opposite was true: men who masturbated more frequently were less likely to develop prostate cancer. The study found that ejaculating more than 20 times per month could lower the risk by about 20%.

However, other studies have produced conflicting results,¹³ so more research needs to be done.

Other myths include that masturbation can cause:

These beliefs are all false.

What Can You Do To Help Pass A Kidney Stone Faster

The best home remedy to encourage the stone to pass is to drink lots of fluids, especially plain water and citrus juices such as orange or grapefruit. The extra fluid causes you urinate more, which helps the stone move and keeps it from growing. You should aim for at least 2 to 3 quarts of water per day.

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Do Kidney Stones Pass Through The Prostate

Stones cause trouble when they block or obstruct the ureter. Based on the degree of obstruction, the pain will vary. If the pebble-like object is sitting in the ureter but doesnt cause blockage, there could be little to no pain.

But, if they were to turn even a bit, then there is a chance of full or partial blockage. Kidney stones typically get stuck in the last segment of the ureter. This part runs through the bladder wall. In cases such as these, the stone can trigger urinary symptoms.

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What Is A Stone

A stone is a hard, solid mass that can form in the gallbladder, bladder, and kidneys. These types of stones have different causes and are treated in different ways.This section discusses kidney and ureteral stones. These develop in the kidney and either stay there or move to the ureter .Kidney stones form when minerals or acid salts in your urine crystalize. Most stones leave your body while you urinate. However, sometimes stones get stuck in the ureter, block the normal flow of urine, and cause symptoms. Stones can also be too big to leave the kidney. In both cases you may need treatment to remove the stone.

Fig. 1: The urinary tract.

Frequent And Painful Urination

Kidney Stones: Symptoms, Diagnosis &  Treatment

One of the earliest and most common warning signs that you may have kidney stones is a sudden and unexplained increase in the frequency and urgency of urination. You will notice an intense urge to urinate, even when you havent been drinking water unusually large quantities of fluid. However, you may find that very little urine comes out when you urinate given that your body doesnt actually have much liquid to expel. Yous may also feel intense pain when urinating.

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Measuring The Kidney Stone Size

To successfully pass a kidney stone through your system, it is essential to have a gauge of size to know if exterior intervention is necessary.

Typically, any stone 4 millimeters or less in length will pass on its own within 31 days. Between 4 mm and 6 mm, only 60 percent will pass without medical intervention, and on average take 45 days to exit your body naturally. Anything bigger than 6 mm will almost always need medical care to help remove the stone. If passed without care of a urologist, the severe pain can last upwards of a year.

Dissolving Uric Acid Stones

Uric acid stones are the only type of kidney stones that can sometimes be dissolved with the help of medication. Alkaline citrate salts or sodium bicarbonate are considered for this purpose, and sometimes allopurinol. Alkaline citrate salts and sodium bicarbonate increase the pH level of the urine, and allopurinol lowers the level of uric acid. Drinking a lot of water helps to increase the effect of the medication: The more urine there is, the better the uric acids can dissolve. If you have a urinary tract infection , it isnt possible to treat the uric acid stones with medication.

If the treatment is successful, surgery isnt needed to remove the stones. But its not clear how effectively medication can dissolve uric acid stones. There hasnt been any high-quality research on this.

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What You Need To Know About Kidney Stones

Most people know kidney stones reputation for being painful, but what exactly are they, and how can your urologist treat them? Watch this video to find out.

Kidney stones occur when certain minerals build up in your urine and form clumps that then must be passed out of your body via your urinary tract. They can cause severe pain in the back and abdomen as they move around, particularly if they are large or have jagged edges. In some cases, kidney stone treatment may revolve around pain medication and drinking extra water, but for large stones, your urologist may recommend surgery or another method of breaking up the stone.

At Urology Associates, P.C., our doctors offer care for kidney stones, UTIs, erectile dysfunction, and a long list of other conditions affecting the urinary system and sexual health. To make an appointment with a urologist in Tennessee, call .

How Are Kidney Stones Diagnosed

Kidney Stone Treatments

People with silent kidney stones, or stones that dont cause symptoms, typically dont realize anything is wrong. Oftentimes, this type of kidney stone shows up during routine X-rays.

The team at Skyline Urology offers diagnostic imaging services, including ultrasound and CT scans, for the quick and accurate identification of kidney stones.

If you experience blood in your urine, pain during urination, or sudden, excruciating pain, its important to seek professional medical help right away.

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Is There A Link Between An Enlarged Prostate And Kidney Stones

An enlarged prostate and kidney stones can have a serious impact on the body. Men with a long-standing history of an enlarged prostate can develop kidney damage, urinary stones, and UTIs.

Urinary retention, for example, adds pressure to the bladder that can directly damage the kidneys. This pressure could also let infection reach the kidneys.

What kidney stones and enlarged prostate have in common are the symptoms. For instance, when the kidney stone moves, it can cause dribbling urine. Dribbling or slowness of the urinary stream is also present in BPH patients.

The hard masses can make it difficult to urinate, especially if they cause pain. Other kidney stone symptoms that are quite like that of an enlarged prostate include frequent urination, an urgency to urinate, and funny smelling urine.

The urine can also take a different color. But, if the kidney stones are affecting the gastrointestinal tract, then patients can experience vomiting, nausea, and general stomach discomfort.

If you notice any of these symptoms, contact a doctor as soon as possible. Even if small kidney stones may not need treatment, its best to get checked.

Kidney stones that fail to leave the body can cause a range of health issues. This is especially true if you avoid treatment for a very long time.

These objects can cause infections, amplified risk of kidney disease, urine build-up , and narrowing or hindering of the ureters.

Removing Stones Through An Endoscopic Procedure

There are two common methods for removing stones through a surgical procedure: ureterorenoscopy and percutaneous nephrolithotripsy .

  • Ureterorenoscopy : In this method, tiny instruments are moved through the urethra and bladder with the help of an , and pushed up into the ureter where the stone is. There the stone is either broken up mechanically or using a laser so that the pieces can be flushed out in the urine or removed using the endoscope. URS is used for stones that are bigger than 10 millimeters in diameter and are in the middle or lower third of the ureter. Kidney stones up to 20 millimeters in diameter are often removed using URS.
  • Percutaneous nephrolithotripsy : In this method, an is moved into the renal pelvis or the kidney through a small cut made on your back. There the stones can also be either broken up mechanically or with a laser. Tiny forceps are used to remove the pieces of the kidney stones. This method is mainly used to treat kidney stones greater than 10 millimeters in diameter.

General anesthesia and a short hospital stay are necessary for both of these approaches.

Nowadays, more major surgery is only very rarely needed to remove kidney stones.

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To treat kidney stones, try sex its doctors orders.

Other than drinking water and waiting, researchers have revealed a much more pleasurable way to rid yourself of kidney stones: by having sex or masturbating three to four times per week.

Kidney stones are an unfortunate reality for many one-tenth of Brits and Americans suffer from them.

Typically, those with small kidney stones are told to drink lots of fluids and take medications that relax muscles in the urinary tract, such as Flomax, to speed up the passing process.

If a stone gets too big, surgery is usually required to either manually remove them or break it into smaller pieces to be passed.

Now, theres a much less invasive and uncomfortable approach to passing them as quickly as possible.

Performing sexual intercourse or masturbation for three to four times a week is beneficial for promoting spontaneous expulsion of distal ureteral stones, according to the report, titled Pleasurable ways to spontaneously expulse distal ureteral stones, in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

Turns out, making whoopee worked. The results showed that the rate of kidneys passing stones was 5.7 higher and expelled faster in the group that was sexually active.

Sex also helped mitigate the discomfort caused by kidney stones, with 62% fewer participants in that group requiring pain relief. Moreover, those who wouldve needed to undergo a procedure to break up the kidney stones dropped by 20%.

Let Kidney Stones Pass

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Stones typically take several weeks to a few months to pass, depending on the number of stones and their size. Over-the-counter pain medications, like ibuprofen , acetaminophen , or naproxen , can help you endure the discomfort until the stones pass. Your doctor also may prescribe an alpha blocker, which relaxes the muscles in your ureter and helps pass stones quicker and with less pain.

If the pain becomes too severe, or if they are too large to pass, they can be surgically removed with a procedure called a ureteroscopy. Here, a small endoscope is passed into the bladder and up the ureter while you are under general anesthesia. A laser breaks up the stones, and then the fragments are removed.

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How To Avoid Kidney Stones

The consensus of medical professionals is the best way to prevent the majority of kidney stones is by drinking enough fluids daily. That is eight to 12 cups of liquids every day. Other items to consider including in your prevention regimen are limiting the amount of sodium you add to your food and to minimize the amount of animal protein like eggs and meat you include in your diet. If kidney stones are present check with your doctor for dietary recommendations for your particular overall health condition. As always, before starting a specific protocol or diet, check with your doctor to ensure there will be a maximum of benefit with a minimum of harm.

Here at Uromedix we offer the latest diagnostic and treatment options for our patients in Aventura, Hialeah and Pembroke Pines. We utilize state-of-the-art technology combined with tried and true treatments, providing our patients solutions to kidney stone problems

From detection and diagnosis, to treatment and follow up, our goal is to have every patient live their healthiest and most enjoyable life. Contact us today to find out how the experience of our doctors and staff can be of assistance to you.


Take Steps To Bypass Kidney Stones

Even though kidney stones can be common and recur once youve had them, there are simple ways to help prevent them. Here are some strategies that can help:

1. Drink enough water. A 2015 meta-analysis from the National Kidney Foundation found that people who produced 2 to 2.5 liters of urine daily were 50% less likely to develop kidney stones than those who produced less. It takes about 8 to 10 8-ounce glasses of water daily to produce that amount.

2. Eat more calcium-rich plant foods.Good sources include yogurt, soy products, beans, lentils and seeds. Dietary calcium binds oxalate in the intestines, so less gets absorbed and lower concentrations end up in urine.

3. Enjoy some lemons. Citrate, a salt in citric acid, binds to calcium and helps block stone formation. “Studies have shown that drinking ½ cup of lemon juice concentrate diluted in water each day, or the juice of two lemons, can increase urine citrate and likely reduce kidney stone risk,” says Dr. Eisner.

4. Watch the sodium. A high-sodium diet can trigger kidney stones because it increases the amount of calcium in your urine. Federal guidelines suggest limiting total daily sodium intake to 2,300 milligrams .

5. Cut back on animal protein. Eating too much animal protein, such as meat, eggs, and seafood, boosts can increase the risk of forming stones. If youre prone to kidney stones, limit your daily meat intake to a quantity that is no bigger than a pack of playing cards.

Image: bhofack2/Getty Images

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How Is Lithotripsy Performed

Lithotripsy procedures are typically done as an outpatient procedure. Urology San Antonio performs most outpatient procedures at the Pasteur Plaza Surgery Center .

Patients will be given a sedative or undergo general anesthesia for the procedure. Even though there are no incisions, the procedure could cause discomfort. Its important for the patient to remain still and comfortable during the procedure, so some type of anesthesia is generally used.

The patient will lay on a procedure table where cushion filled with water will be placed near the area being treated. The body will be positioned so the device can deliver precise shockwaves to the appropriate area. It may take a couple thousand shockwaves to break up stones, so the process may take around an hour to complete.

Following the procedure, patients will usually spend a few hours in the recovery room at the surgery center before being released home.

Kidney Stones : Symptoms Treatment And Prevention

Kidney Stones (Nephrolithiasis) Signs & Symptoms | & Why They Occur

Kidney stones are a common problem that I treat daily. Kidney stones are often related to our dietary habits, the amount of fluids that we drink, and our weight.

If you have ever suffered with a kidney stone, you know what excruciating pain is. Many women who have experienced both passage of a kidney stone and natural childbirth without any anesthesia will report that the childbirth was the less painful of the two!

Stones are a common condition that have occurred in humans since ancient times kidney stones have even been found in an Egyptian mummy dated 7000 years old. The good news is that most of them will pass spontaneously without the necessity for surgical intervention. If surgery is required, it is minimally invasive .

How do kidney stones form?

Kidney stones form when minerals that are normally dissolved in the urine precipitate out of their dissolved state to form solid crystals. This crystal formation often occurs after meals or during periods of dehydration. Most kidney stones manifest themselves during sleep, at a time of maximal dehydration.

Dehydration is also why kidney stones occur much more commonly during hot summer days than during the winter. Anything that promotes dehydration can help bring upon a stone, including exercise, saunas, hot yoga, diarrhea, vomiting, being on bowel prep for colonoscopy, etc.

What are the symptoms?

What are the risk factors?

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How To Treat Kidney Stones

A kidney stone is a solid piece of material that forms in the kidney from substances in the urine. It may be as small as a grain of sand or as large as a pearl. Most kidney stones pass out of the body without help from a doctor. But sometimes a stone will not go away. It may get stuck in the urinary tract, block the flow of urine and cause great pain. There are urine, blood and even imaging tests to determine if there is a kidney stone that wont pass and determine a course of treatment.

Treatments normally include passing high energy shock waves through the body to break up the stones called extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy or more commonly as ESWL or stone blasting. In addition, Ureterostomy may be required which is the insertion of a scope through the urethra. For large stones , irregular shaped stones or stones that cant be broken up, there are other procedures involving small incisions in the back such as percutaneous nephrolithotomy.

What Is The Difference Between Kidney Stones And Prostate Stones

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Kidney stones are solid stones made of minerals that form within the kidneys when your body is having difficulty filtering excess water and waste. Kidney stones affect both men and women and can result in sudden, severe pain in the abdomen, side, or lower back, a burning sensation when you urinate, and problems with urination.

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