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HomeMust ReadIs Protein Hard On The Kidneys

Is Protein Hard On The Kidneys

Protein And Body Weight Reduction

My Personal Story With Kidney Damage And A High Protein Diet – part 2

Oftentimes, clients looking for weight loss will consider a low-carb, high-protein diet. When successful, people sometimes think its the absence of carbs from the daily calories that achieved the results. However, meeting the right protein requirements is beneficial in two ways. The first is that protein consumption reduces clients appetite. This is because calories from protein take longer to breakdown than most carbs and fats. Consequently, clients will feel fuller longer when eating a diet consisting of high-quality proteins. This result of appetite reduction is commonly called spontaneous reduction in calorie intake. All it means to your client is theyll be feeling fuller longer and therefore less likely to eat and snack at unnecessary times.

We already mentioned the need for protein to support the maintenance and growth of lean mass. Clients who have more muscle tissue have a higher resting metabolic rate because muscle burns more calories than fat to survive. A higher resting metabolic rate means more calories burned each day. Basic weight loss principles tell us more calories burned means more weight lost. So, this is the second reason why daily protein intake is important for body fat reduction.

You likely already know some of this, but you need to be able to convince your clients and people who ask you for fitness and nutrition advice. Tell them why getting enough high-quality protein is so important:

What About People With Existing Kidney Conditions

If a person with a severe kidney condition stops eating protein, then the kidneys could be saved is a common misconception. Eating protein plays a major role in keeping a person healthy and there are chances of malnutrition and more illnesses when protein is cut off. So, the solution is to eat enough protein for maintaining health. The protein requirement of people suffering from kidney disease varies from person to person a person undergoing dialysis has greater protein requirements than a person who is at a different stage of kidney disease. As the protein requirement varies from person to person, finding the best nephrologist and consulting him/her would be the wisest choice. However protein foods that are rich in phosphorous are best avoided.

The Bottom Line

In healthy adults, increased protein intake does not strain the kidneys much. However, it is always advisable to get in touch with a dietician or nutritionist before starting any dietary regime. With an existing kidney condition, consulting a doctor is the best way to determine protein intake.

Can Eating Too Much Protein Affect Your Kidneys

While no major studies link high protein intake to kidney disease in healthy people, excess protein does force your kidneys to work harder and can cause problems for people with existing medical conditions. Kidney disease aside, the healthiest diet is a varied one that contains a balance of nutrients. Women only need about 46 grams of protein per day, while men need about 56 grams — but most Americans consume more, notes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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How Many Grams Of Protein A Day Is Too Much

If there is a level of protein intake that is excessive and damaging to kidney health, we dont currently have evidence to show what this may be.

In other words, there is currently no such thing as too much protein regarding negatively impacting renal function.

Studies show that protein intake at up to 35% of total energy intake has no adverse effect on people with healthy kidneys.

The four studies mentioned in this article also consider all different people.

From resistance-trained individuals to pre-diabetics, people with abdominal obesity, and average healthy adults, no harm was found from increasing protein intake.

Of course, we should still be sensible, and we shouldnt overeat protein just for the sake of it. But overall, the data suggest that there would be no harm from consuming around 1 gram protein per pound of body weight.

Consuming more protein than this would likely be unnecessary for the majority of people.

Key Point:

How Can You Protect Your Kidneys And Lose Weight Too

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For weight loss that wont compromise your kidneys, its all about balance.

Dont get your calories from one source combine protein with more fruits and vegetables, Dr. Calle recommends. If you dont have any major medical conditions, the most effective diet is usually decreasing the amount of calories you consume and eating a more balanced, low-sodium diet.

Andbuyer beware when it comes to the healthfadsthat show up on social media. Your favorite Instagram celebrity may lookamazing after following some new grapefruit shake diet, but stick with yourdoctor, nutritionist or dietitian for reliable eating advice.

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How Many Calories Do I Need

Every person is different. Calories are like fuel. If you dont eat enough calories, you body will use protein for energy. This protein comes from your muscles. This can make you weak and may also cause damage to the kidneys. It is important to make sure you are getting the right amount of calories. The right amounts of calories are important to:

  • Help you stay at a healthy weight
  • Give you energy to do your daily tasks
  • Help your body use the protein in food to build muscle and tissues.

Too many calories can cause extra weight gain which can be a burden on the kidney. If you are overweight, some weight loss may be beneficial. If weight loss is desired or you have diabetes, you should meet with a dietitian to set up a plan based on your kidney blood tests, current food choices and daily activities.

Should I be taking any vitamin and mineral supplements?

Most people get enough vitamins and minerals to stay healthy by eating a variety of foods each day. You need to limit some foods because you have kidney disease that would have given you vitamins and minerals. If so, you may need to take special vitamins or minerals. You should only take the vitamins and minerals your dietitian or healthcare provider tells you to take because some may be harmful to people with kidney disease.

Where can I get more information?

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Researchers at Brigham and Womens Hospital have found that high-protein diets may be associated with kidney function decline in women who already have mildly reduced kidney function. On further analysis, the risk was only significant for animal proteins, indicating that the source of protein may be an important factor. Researchers observed no association between high protein intake and decline in kidney function in women with normally functioning kidneys. These findings appear in the March 18 issue of Annals of Internal Medicine.

The potential impact of protein consumption on renal function has important public health implications given the prevalence of high-protein diets and use of protein supplements, said Eric C. Knight, BWH researcher. We found that among women with mildly reduced kidney function about 25 percent of individuals in our study a higher-protein diet may lead to accelerated decline in kidney function compared with a lower-protein diet.

Importantly, however, we also demonstrated that for women with normal renal function, high-protein diets appeared to have no adverse impact on their kidney function.

Approximately 20 million people suffer from chronic kidney disease and more than 20 million others are at increased risk. If the disease progresses to what is known as end-stage renal disease , dialysis or transplantation is required for survival.

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Will I Need To Change My Diet If I Have Kidney Disease

Your kidneys help to keep the right balance of nutrients and minerals in your body. But if you have kidney disease, your kidneys may not be able to do this job very well. You may need to make some changes to your diet.

Ask your doctor about meeting with a Registered Dietitian with special training in kidney disease. A dietitian can teach you to make the best food choices based on your lab tests and personal lifestyle. Making changes in your diet to better control diabetes and high blood pressure can also help to keep kidney disease from getting worse. Meeting with a dietitian is a covered service by Medicare. The service may also be a covered benefit by other types of insurance. You may need to call your insurance provider to find out if meeting with a dietitian is covered by your plan.

Looking for nutrition guidance? Contact a CKD dietitian in your area.

The Rise In Popularity Of High

Can Whey Protein Damage Your Kidneys

The estimated average requirement for protein intake is 0.6 g of protein per kilogram of ideal body weight per day, which corresponds to the amount of protein required to avoid negative nitrogen balance and to meet half of a populations requirements. The recommended daily allowance for protein intake is 0.83 g/kg per day and is calculated to meet the requirements of 97%98% of the population . Although there is a lack of consensus regarding the formal definition of a high-protein diet, most definitions set a threshold between 1.2 and 2.0 g/kg per day. Within this range, protein consumption > 1.5 g/kg per day is generally considered to be a high-protein diet. Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey show that the current average consumption of protein in the United States is estimated to be approximately 1.21.4 g/kg per day, which is higher than the recommended amount. Popular weight-loss diets encourage higher amounts of protein while restricting the amount of carbohydrates, based on the assumption that all carbohydrates are undesirablean assumption that has been refuted in the literature. Although such diets vary, these weight-loss strategies typically recommend that 25%35% of calories consumed should be from protein and < 45% of calories should be from carbohydrates . In extreme cases, such as the ketogenic diet, < 5%10% of calories are from carbohydrates.

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Benefits Of Whey Protein

The amino acids in the whey protein prove to be essential for the growth of healthy muscles and connective tissue. It improves body composition and enhances athletic performance. Whey protein works to repair and grow muscle tissue, especially after working out. Consumption of whey protein helps prevent bone loss in the elderly. Whey protein is highly recommended for people with cardiovascular complications. It is also very important for cancer patients who undergo chemotherapy and radiation treatments and have difficulty supplying the body’s nutritional requirements due to appetite loss, nausea and fatigue.

How Much Protein Is Too Much

The body is in a constant state of flux, constantly breaking down and rebuilding its own tissues.

Under certain circumstances, our need for protein can increase. This includes periods of sickness or increased physical activity.

We need to consume enough protein for these processes to occur.

However, if we eat more than we need, the excess protein will be broken down and used for energy.

Even though a relatively high protein intake is healthy and safe, eating massive amounts of protein is unnatural and may cause harm. Traditional populations got most of their calories from fat or carbs, not protein.

Exactly how much protein is harmful is unclear and likely varies between people.

One study in healthy, strength-training men showed that eating around 1.4 grams per pound of body weight every day for a year didnt have any adverse health effects .

Even eating 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight for 2 months did not appear to cause any side effects (

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How Much Protein Do I Need Heres The Answer

Now that you explained to the naysayers that more protein is better, how much should you recommend?

Currently the FDA recommendation for a daily protein intake is 50 grams for both men and women. This is a very general recommendation and isnt accurate for highly active clients.

For people who work out, for athletes and trainers, more protein is necessary to build muscle and aid in recovery.

At this point, there arent any studies showing that 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight is harmful – although theres still ongoing research in this area.

For clients who are moderately to extremely active, 2 to 3 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight is a good general guideline.

This means that for an athlete who weighs 175 pounds , protein in the range of 160 to 240 grams per day is reasonable, much more than the FDA recommendation.

While helping a client figure out how much protein to eat, it is important to keep in mind that too much protein can be harmful for anyone with kidney disease or kidney damage. For clients with kidney damage, a recommended intake is about 0.6 grams per kilogram. 6

Unfortunately, chronic kidney disease is known as a silent disease. Symptoms are hard to detect, but you can get some simple tests done at your doctors office to find out if you have any issues with your kidneys.

What Is Whey Protein

3 foods that are actually damaging your kidney

Whey protein is a popular fitness and dietary supplement.

Its made from whey, which is the liquid that separates from milk during the cheese-making process. The whey is then filtered, refined and spray-dried into whey protein powder.

There are three main types of whey protein. The key difference between them is how they are processed .

  • Whey protein concentrate: Contains roughly 7080% protein. Its the most common type of whey protein and has more lactose, fat and minerals from milk.
  • Whey protein isolate: Contains 90% protein or more. Its more refined and has less lactose and fat, but it also contains fewer beneficial minerals.
  • Whey protein hydrolysate: This form is pre-digested, allowing your body to absorb it faster.

Whey protein is a popular choice among athletes, fitness enthusiasts and people wanting to build muscle or lose weight.

Studies show it can help you recover from exercise, build muscle and strength and even lose weight by reducing your appetite and boosting your metabolism .

Whey protein is also a complete source of protein, meaning it contains all the essential amino acids. Your body cannot make essential amino acids, so its important to get enough of them from your diet.

You can take whey protein simply by mixing it with water or a liquid of your choice.

Despite its health benefits, some people are concerned about its safety.

That said, whey protein is safe for most people and a convenient way to increase your protein intake.

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More Research & Education

Designs for Health has been dedicated to being the most trusted source for superior quality, science-based nutritional products for nearly three decades. Were committed to maximizing successful health outcomes by providing healthcare practitioners with comprehensive support through our extensive product line, ongoing clinical education, and practice development programs. The blogs we publish here cover a range of topics, including new and original approaches to diet and healthcare, analyses of the latest cutting-edge research, deep-dives into specific nutrients, botanicals, nutraceuticals and more, all fully referenced for those who want to dig deeper into the primary literature.

Foods That Are Actually Damaging Your Kidneys

Do you think you take adequate care of your kidney health? If you are a religious yoga practitioner, you must remember the instructions of breathing in deeply so you can feel the air fill up your kidneys, and even though we all know it hardly makes any sense, we can still feel the potency of breathing into our kidneys, right?

You see, the kidneys are the most essential organs within the body and they have an extremely important job of filtering the bloodstream clean of all waste products. The kidneys are tucked right underneath the rib cage, on either sides of the spine, and they are no larger than the size of your fists.

Research reveals that our kidneys filter nearly 200 quarts of blood every single day, along with filtering out 2 quarts of waste products. The kidneys filter out the waste products, from there, the waste products and water travel to the balder, from where they get excreted in the form of urine. This is extremely detrimental process, and if the kidneys fail to perform this function adequately, it can lead to a great many ailments and haywires across the body.

Unluckily, there are countless foods that can cause harm to the kidneys, lead to the developments of kidney stones and even cause kidney failure. Weâve picked out the 7 most harmful foods for the kidneys so you can reduce their intake or eliminate them entirely. Here, take a look:

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Protein And Kidney Disease

If you have chronic kidney disease, kidney function is already decreased. Because of this, you have to be extra careful with how much work you make your kidneys do. Healthy kidneys can handle the extra load of excess protein, but damaged kidneys can’t. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, eating more protein than you need makes your kidneys work harder, and this can speed up the progression of kidney disease.

On the other hand, a March 2018 report in Chronic Diseases and Translational Medicine notes that a low-protein diet may slow the progression of kidney damage in those with moderate to advanced kidney disease or failure. Another report published in PLOS One in November 2018 had the same findings. Researchers also concluded that eating less protein can help improve heart health in those with chronic kidney disease.

Path To Improved Health

Do High Protein Diets Damage Your Kidneys?

Some of the waste that can build up in your blood comes from nutrients in the food you eat. Your body needs most of these nutrients for its day-to-day functions. When your kidneys arent working well, the following nutrients can become a problem.

Phosphorous. Phosphorous is a mineral that keeps bones healthy and strong. But, even in early stages of chronic kidney disease, the level of phosphorous in your blood can become too high. A high level of phosphorous can cause itchy skin. It can also cause your bones to lose calcium. If this happens, your bones will get weaker and more brittle. You also have a greater risk of developing osteoporosis.

Foods high in phosphorous include:

  • Dairy products, such as milk, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream.
  • Dried beans and peas, such as kidney beans, split peas, and lentils.
  • Nuts and peanut butter.
  • Drinks like beer, cola, and hot cocoa.

If your phosphorous level is too high even after you change your diet, your doctor may prescribe medicine to lower it.

Calcium. You need calcium to build strong bones. Unfortunately, foods that contain calcium often also contain phosphorous. If you have chronic kidney disease, you may need to take calcium supplements that are phosphorous-free. Your doctor may also prescribe a special type of vitamin D. This will help your body absorb calcium.

Protein. You need protein to build and maintain healthy muscles, bones, skin, and blood. Protein also helps your body fight infection and heal wounds.

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