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HomeMust ReadCan Someone With A Horseshoe Kidney Donate

Can Someone With A Horseshoe Kidney Donate

What Is A Horseshoe Kidney

How to Become a Living Donor for Kidney Transplants

Horseshoe kidney, also called renal fusion, is when two kidneys are fused or joined together. They form a shape like a horseshoe. A horseshoe kidney is also in a different location compared to two typical kidneys. Its located lower in the pelvis and closer to the front of your body.

Horseshoe kidney occurs as a baby develops before birth. In all babies, kidneys first form in the lower belly. Then kidneys typically move up from the pelvic area and toward the back.

With horseshoe kidney, instead of moving into the usual position on either side of the spine, kidneys become attached at their lower end. When they fuse, they form a U shape.

Is A Horseshoe Kidney A Disability

Horseshoe kidney, also known as ren arcuatus , renal fusion or super kidney, is a congenital disease affecting approximately 1 in 500 people that is more common in men, often asymptomatic, and usually diagnosed fortuitously.


What are the disadvantages of having a kidney?

Most people with one kidney lead normal lives without developing any long- or short-term problems. However, the risk of developing mild high blood pressure, water retention and proteinuria is slightly higher if you have one kidney instead of two.

When does a baby have a horseshoe kidney?

Horseshoe kidney, also called renal fusion, is a condition that begins before the birth of a child. As a baby grows in the womb, their kidneys are positioned just above the waist one on each side of the body. But sometimes it doesnt turn out the way it should.

Is there a cure for a horseshoe kidney?

She may also suggest other tests, such as: Kidney ultrasound, a test that uses sound waves to make an image of the organ. This can help the doctor see kidney stones, cysts, or tumors. There is no cure for horseshoe kidney. Once the kidneys fuse into a horseshoe shape, they stay that way.

When Does Horseshoe Kidney Occur

As a baby develops in the womb, their kidneys move into position just above the waist — one on each side of the body. But sometimes that doesn’t happen as it should. Instead, the kidneys fuse together at their base, forming a U or horseshoe shape. It usually happens between weeks 7 and 9 of the pregnancy.

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Does The Horseshoe Kidney Affect Fertility

Finally, it should be noted that a horseshoe kidney will not affect pregnancy and childbirth, if your daughter wants to have children when she grows up.

Can kidney stones prevent pregnancy?

Most kidney stones pass through the body, especially if they are smaller. Larger stones may require treatment. If left untreated, kidney stones can lead to premature labor or interfere with normal labor, which could pose a threat to the babys health.

Preference Of The Left Kidney In Transplantation

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As implicated in the above discussion, the left kidney has a relatively longvein and the right kidney has a relatively longartery . Veins are more difficult to suture securely because their walls are thinner and contain less smooth muscle than arteries. All else being equal, a surgeon would thus prefer to have more vein than artery, and that is the reason left donor kidneys are preferred.

During this procedure leftadrenalvein and leftgonadalvein, both of which are tributaries of the left renal vein, are ligated and cut. However, left adrenal gland and left ovary or testis do not suffer any significant pathological consequences due to collateral circulations.

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How Can I Help My Child Live With Horseshoe Kidney

A child with horseshoe kidney is more at risk for kidney injury. This is because the fused kidneys often sit lower down and closer to the front of the body. A child with horseshoe kidney may not be able to play contact sports. Your childs healthcare provider may also advise that your child wear a medical alert bracelet.

Case Reporttransplantation Of A Horseshoe Kidney From A Living Donor: Case Report Long Term Outcome And Donor Safety

Horseshoe kidney is the most common urinary congenital abnormality.

We describe a successful transplantation of a horseshoe kidney from a living donor.

We emphasized the absence of other abnormalities and establish a low surgical risk.

Good long term donor and recipients outcomes have been described.

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Renal Transplantation From A Living Donor With A Horseshoe Kidney

J. CHOI, J. Jung, J. Kim, H. Kwon, S. Shin, Y. Kim, D. Han

Division of Kidney & Pancreas Transplantation, Department of Surgery, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea, Republic of

Presentation Time: 6:00pm-7:00pm

Location: Hall C & D

*Purpose: Horseshoe kidney is one of the most common urinary congenital abnormalities, with an incidence of 1 in 400 to 800. Because of complexity, the use of a horseshoe kidney in renal transplant remains controversial. Several deceased donor kidney transplantation already has been performed and the recent reports showed good long term results in the recipients from living donors with horseshoe kidney.

*Methods: This case reports our experience of a successful transplantation of a horse kidney from living donor for the first time in our country.

*Conclusions: In renal transplantation, there are only several horseshoe kidney reports around the world from living donor. However, if we performed detailed preoperative evaluation and selection, we may consider the use of horseshoe kidneys from living donors.

Are Horseshoe Kidneys Fatal

What Is a Kidney Transplant?

About 1 out of 3 of children with horseshoe kidney will have a problem with the heart and blood vessels, nervous system, or genitourinary system. The condition cant be changed or cured. But a child with no symptoms may not need any treatment.

Is horseshoe kidney genetic?

Despite cases of familial clustering, no clear genetic cause has been described for horseshoe kidneys, although several etiological factors may contribute to their development .

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Is Horseshoe Kidney Dangerous

Horseshoe kidney, in itself, is typically not dangerous. It does not usually affect how the kidneys work. However, it does raise the risk of certain complications.

Fused kidneys tend to be positioned more toward the front of the body than unfused kidneys, which makes the chances of a kidney injury more likely if a person gets hurt.

The positions of blood vessels can also differ from unfused kidneys. This means horeshoe kidney is to treat if the person has an accident.

To mitigate these risks, a doctor may recommend:

  • wearing a medical alert bracelet
  • avoiding contact sports

of certain complications. These include:

  • vesicoureteral reflux, which is when urine flows backward from the bladder and into the kidneys
  • ureteropelvic junction obstruction, which is when kidney and urine drainage becomes partially blocked
  • hydronephrosis, which is when the kidneys swell due to urine collecting inside
  • polycystic kidney disease, which is when benign, noncancerous cysts form in the kidneys
  • renal hypertension, which is when the arteries carrying blood to the kidneys become narrow, causing high blood pressure

Although kidney cancer is more likely in people with renal fusion, researchers estimate that only 5.2 out of every 100,000 people with horseshoe kidney ever develop this complication.

Doctors may treat these issues using medications or surgery.

Below are answers to some frequently asked questions about horseshoe kidney.

What Is Horseshoe Kidney

Horseshoe kidney occurs in about one in 500 children. It occurs during fetal development as the kidneys move into their normal position in the flank area . With a horseshoe kidney, however, as the kidneys of the fetus rise from the pelvic area, they fuse together at the lower end or base and usually lay positioned lower in the abdomen than normal. By fusing, they form a U shape, which gives it the name horseshoe. Horseshoe kidney can occur alone or in combination with other disorders. About one-third of children will have no symptoms. A horseshoe kidney typically does not affect life expectancy.

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Enhancing Healthcare Team Outcomes

Horseshoe kidneys are the most common fusion defect of the kidneys, but this still amounts to only about 0.25% of the population. Many professionals are not aware of the condition, its evaluation, or treatment. Due to its rarity, this condition is best evaluated and treated by an interprofessional team of specialty trained clinicians and nurses, and radiologists to achieve the best patient outcomes. The nursing urology specialty nurse should assist the clinician in educating the patient and family.

Is Passing A Kidney Stone As Painful As Giving Birth

Pin on Organ Donation

There is only intense, sharp pain for a long period of time as the stone pushes its way through the body. One of the reasons kidney stones are often considered worse than labor pains is that there is no epidural or spinal block available to stop the pain of a passing stone.

Can kidney stones lead to pregnancy complications?

During pregnancy, kidney stones can lead to significant complications, ranging from preeclampsia and urinary tract infections to premature labor/delivery and pregnancy loss. And diagnosing and treating kidney stones during pregnancy can be difficult, Rule said.

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Can You Live With A Horseshoe Kidney

About 1 in 3 children with a horseshoe kidney will have a problem with the heart and blood vessels, nervous system, or genitourinary system. The condition cannot be changed or cured. But a child who has no symptoms may not need treatment. If your child has symptoms or related problems, these will be treated.

Does having a kidney affect pregnancy?

Pregnancy affects the kidneys and having only one kidney means you will need to be watched carefully for any problems. You are at a slightly higher risk of having protein in the urine and high blood pressure during pregnancy after kidney donation.

How rare is a horseshoe kidney?

How common is the horseshoe kidney? Horseshoe kidney is a common congenital condition. This happens in one in 500 babies.

Can a person with a horseshoe kidney donate a kidney?

Kidney transplantation from a living donor with a horseshoe kidney is possible.

What Are The Treatments

In a child without symptoms, treatment may not be necessary. If your child has complications, he or she may require supportive treatment, which means his or her symptoms will be treated.

Specific treatment will be determined by the childs doctor based on:

  • The childs age, overall health, and medical history
  • The extent of the disorder
  • The childs tolerance for specific medications, procedures or therapies
  • Expectations for the course of the disorder
  • The familys opinion or preference

Most children may need ultrasounds to help monitor the kidney, especially if they have another urinary tract condition such as hydronephrosis or VUR. Most children will not need to have continual treatment.

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What You Can Expect

In paired-organ donation, living donors and their recipients aren’t compatible for a transplant. However, the donor of each pair is compatible with the recipient of the other pair. If both donors and recipients are willing, doctors may consider a paired-organ donation.

Living-donor kidney transplant usually involves a donated kidney from someone you know, such as a family member, friend or co-worker. Genetically related family members are most likely to be compatible living kidney donors.

A living kidney donor may also be someone you don’t know, a non-directed living kidney donor.

Both you and your living kidney donor will be evaluated to determine if the donor’s organ is a good match for you. In general, your blood and tissue types need to be compatible with the donor.

However, even if your donor isn’t a match, in some cases a successful transplant may still be possible with additional medical treatment before and after transplant to desensitize your immune system and reduce the risk of rejection.

If your living kidney donor isn’t compatible with you, your transplant center may offer you and your donor the chance to participate in the paired donation program. In paired living-organ donation, your donor gives a kidney to someone else who is compatible. Then you receive a compatible kidney from that recipient’s donor.

Whats The Outlook For People With Horseshoe Kidney

Can I donate a kidney if I’m not related to the recipient?

Horseshoe kidney usually does not cause serious health problems. You or your child may need ongoing care to manage symptoms, but you can live a full, active life with horseshoe kidney. Horseshoe kidney usually does not affect life expectancy.

People with horseshoe kidney may be at higher risk for kidney cancer. Keep an eye out for symptoms, and talk to your healthcare provider about steps you should take to stay on top of your kidney health.

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Transplantation Of Horseshoe Kidney From Living Genetically Unrelated Donor

Kazuro Kikkawa

1Department of Urology, Wakayama Medical University, 811-1 Kimiidera, Wakayama 641-0012, Japan


We report a case of renal transplantation using a horseshoe kidney from a living, genetically unrelated donor. The recipient was a 60-year-old man with diabetic nephropathy, and the donor was the 63-year-old wife of the recipient with a horseshoe kidney free of complications. Computed tomography showed two renal arteries and one renal vein on the left side, and the isthmus was perfused by several accessory arteries and veins. To demarcate the boundary of the isthmus, the left renal artery was ligated and cannulated for in situ perfusion. Furthermore, the isthmus was clamped, and the boundary of the isthmus was confirmed. The kidney was divided at the left margin of the perfused boundary. The cut ends of the isthmus were closed by sutures. The left kidney was transplanted into the right iliac fossa of the recipient. Asymptomatic fluid collection occurred on the cut surface at the isthmus of the donor, and this fluid decreased in due course. On the other hand, the recipient experienced no surgical complication or rejection, while maintaining serum creatinine levels of 2.002.20mg/dL over a 22-month follow-up period. Horseshoe kidneys may be used for transplantation in selected cases after a detailed preoperative evaluation.

1. Introduction

2. Case Report

3. Discussion

Conflict of Interests

How Can I Take Care Of Myself If I Have Horseshoe Kidney

A horseshoe kidney is closer to the front of the body than a typical kidney. Theres a higher chance it can be damaged in an accident, while playing sports or due to another physical injury. You may want to:

  • Wear a medical alert bracelet: A medical alert bracelet lets emergency responders know to be aware of possible kidney damage in the event of an accident or other trauma.
  • Avoid contact sports: This is especially important for children with horseshoe kidney. Contact sports, such as tackle football, could injure the kidney.

Because this condition is so rare, your care team should work together to help educate you, your child and your family about how to live safely with horseshoe kidney. Your care team should include:

  • Pediatrician.

What else should I ask my healthcare provider?

If you or your child has horseshoe kidney, ask your healthcare provider:

  • What treatment do you recommend?
  • Should I get a medical alert bracelet?
  • Will I need surgery?
  • Should I get screened for kidney cancer?
  • Do I need other preventive tests?
  • How else can I keep my kidney healthy?

A note from Cleveland Clinic

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How Do We Treat Horseshoe Kidney

There is no known cure for a horseshoe kidney, but if your child has complications, her symptoms will be treated. Treatment approaches may include:

  • antibiotics
  • surgical intervention

If your child has no symptoms, she may not need to be treated.

If your child has hydronephrosis, your doctor may want to discuss several other non-surgical or surgical treatment options.

Can You Still Drink Alcohol After Donating A Kidney

Fundraiser by Orla Donworth : Punchestown Kidney Research Fund

About 2 weeks after the surgery, recipients should start feeling much better. However, the total length of time to fully recover from the surgery is 6 months. Can kidney donors drink alcohol? Yes, kidney donors can eventually drink 1-2 alcoholic drinks but should abstain in the weeks following the transplant.

Can a horseshoe kidney cause high blood pressure?

We report a case of hypertension in which regional renal renin elevation and a stenotic lesion of an artery supplying a segment of a solitary horseshoe kidney appeared to be responsible for the observed elevation of blood pressure.

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How Is Horseshoe Kidney Diagnosed

Many times, healthcare providers notice horseshoe kidney while diagnosing or treating another condition.

If you see your healthcare provider because of kidney-related symptoms, your provider will do a physical exam. You may also have urinalysis to check for blood or other elements in your urine.

Kidney function tests can see how well your kidneys are working. These may include:

  • Estimated glomerular filtration rate , a blood test to check how much blood your kidneys filter every minute.

Renal Vessels And Their Locations

Theoretically, each kidney receives a single artery directly from the aorta, but in many cases, the kidneys receive more than a single artery. Similarly, each kidney is typically drained by a single vein that drains into the inferior vena cava . The right renalartery passes posterior to the inferior vena cava and the left renal vein passes anterior to the aorta. This relationship is very useful for obtaining orientation in radiologic imaging, especially CT and ultrasound images.

Learn more about the kidney and related structures through these great resources!

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Should People With Horseshoe Kidney Follow A Special Diet

Doctors do not recommend a specific diet for people with horseshoe kidney, but as diet affects kidney health in general, it is advisable to follow a balanced diet.

The of a healthy diet include:

  • a variety of vegetables and fruits
  • grains, especially whole grains
  • dairy and fortified, plant-based dairy alternatives
  • protein, such as lean meat, poultry, eggs, seafood, beans, peas, lentils, nuts, seeds, and soy
  • healthy fats, such as those from oily fish and nuts

Limit added sugars, saturated fat, sodium, and alcohol.

Horseshoe kidney is a condition that develops during fetal development in the uterus. It causes the kidneys to fuse together, forming one horseshoe-shaped organ.

Researchers do not know the exact cause of horseshoe kidney, but the condition


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