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HomeNewsIs Chronic Kidney Disease Hereditary

Is Chronic Kidney Disease Hereditary

What Tests To Perform

Discovering Genetic Determinants of Kidney Disease

ADPKD urine sample is usually bland, not significant for proteinuria or hematuria. Very low amounts of protein may be present on urine dipstick. Only 25% of adults and 32% of children have dipstick detectable proteinuria. Hematuria is atypical in ADPKD and when present it suggests hemorrhagic cyst, infection, uroepithelial lesion, or possible kidney stone. Further investigation, including imaging utilizing ultrasound or computed tomography may be necessary.

Twenty-four hour urine collections provide helpful information regarding protein intake by measuring urea excretion. Quantification of urinary protein excretion can also be established. Dietary constituents including sodium and potassium can be assessed.

Plasma or serum analyses

Complete blood count , platelets and comprehensive chemistry panels with phosphorus provide all biochemical information, such as electrolytes, creatinine, phosphate, and parathyroid hormone levels. 25-Vitamin D and 1,252-Vitamin D are also indicated for those with advanced renal insufficiency . All patients with underlying renal disease will need a lipid panel since they are at higher risk for cardiovascular disease.

Figure 2.

Coronal T2-weighted, single-shot fast spin echo magnetic resonance images from patients with ADPKD.

Figure 3.
Mutation screening
Molecular testing

Gene Identification Informs Diagnostics Therapy And Pathogenesis

A very important feature of monogenic diseases is the fact that the mutation in itself represents the primary cause of the disease. This provides the following opportunities for diagnostics, therapy, and insights into pathogenesis: i) Unequivocal molecular genetic diagnostics can be performed to avoid invasive procedures, e.g. the diagnosis of nephronophthisis can be made without the necessity for renal biopsy. ii) Prenatal diagnosis is possible, e.g. for diagnostics of the perinatal lethal Meckel-Gruber syndrome. iii) Specific prognostic outcomes can be delineated for specific mutations, e.g. in mutations of PKD1 or PKD2, which cause earlier or later onset of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, respectively. iv) Subgroups of diseases may be classified for differential therapy, e.g. in mutations in NPHS2, which convey resistance to steroid treatment in nephrotic syndrome. v) Disease mechanisms can be studied in related monogenic animal models, e.g. in cystic kidney diseases, in which mouse models offered the first insights into disease mechanisms of renal cystic ciliopathies. vi) New drugs can be developed, for example by studying knockout animal models.

Referral To A Nephrologist

Guidelines for referral to a nephrologist vary between countries. Most agree that nephrology referral is required by Stage 4 CKD .

It may also be useful at an earlier stage when urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio is more than 30 mg/mmol, when blood pressure is difficult to control, or when hematuria or other findings suggest either a primarily glomerular disorder or secondary disease amenable to specific treatment. Other benefits of early nephrology referral include proper education regarding options for kidney replacement therapy as well as pre-emptive transplantation, and timely workup and placement of an arteriovenous fistula in those people with chronic kidney disease opting for future hemodialysis.

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Can Dna Testing Detect Hidden Kidney Disease

While the current study shows the utility of DNA testing in people with kidney disease, another study led by Goldstein and Gharavi found that DNA testing in healthy individuals vastly overestimated the prevalence of kidney disease-associated genetic conditions.

Altogether, our research suggests that DNA testing may be most useful when balanced with clinical information, says Goldstein.

Autosomal Recessant Polycystic Kidney Disease


ARPKD is disease caused by a mutation in a kidney building block protein called fibrocystin. The gene for this is named PKHD1. It is the only gene known to cause this particular problem, and a mutation in this gene is found in up to 90% of people with ARPKD. The mutation causes abnormal fluid filled cysts to be formed in the kidney tissue. As these cysts grow in number and size, they press on other parts of the kidney, causing damage and scarring. Children can be born with severely enlarged kidneys and can have immediate kidney failure at birth, or the kidneys can be enlarged and working normally at birth, then progress over the next several years to worse kidney disease and kidney failure. Over half of children born with this will have kidney failure by the age of 10. High blood pressure is often a problem. Some children with particularly severe forms may be born with lungs that are too small for them to breath on there own. Some of these children may die in early infancy.

The disease also affects other parts of the body besides the kidney, most importantly the liver. Cysts and scarring of the liver may be a problem from early childhood, and may be the most severe problem in some children with ARPKD.

ARPKD is found in 1:20,000 1:40,000 newborns. Right now there are no specific cures for this disease.

How does genetic testing help?

Other information can be found at:

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What Is Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic kidney disease occurs from progressive damage to your kidneys. The damage occurs slowly, over time. Normal, healthy kidneys remove waste and extra water from the blood. Then, your body removes the waste in your urine. Kidneys help to control your blood pressure and make hormones. If you have CKD, your kidneys cannot remove waste from the blood as well as they should. Almost 20 million people in the United States have this disease.

Chronic Kidney Disease Of Unknown Aetiology

The cause of chronic kidney disease is in some cases not known it is referred to as chronic kidney disease of unknown aetiology . As of 2020 a rapidly progressive chronic kidney disease, unexplained by diabetes and hypertension, had increased dramatically in prevalence over a few decades in several regions in Central America and Mexico, a CKDu referred to as the Mesoamerican nephropathy . It was estimated in 2013 that at least 20,000 men had died prematurely, some in their 20s and 30s a figure of 40,000 per year was estimated in 2020. In some affected areas CKD mortality was five times the national rate. MeN primarily affects men working as sugarcane labourers. The cause is unknown, but in 2020 the science found a clearer connection between heavy labour in high temperatures and incidence of CKDu improvements such as regular access to water, rest and shade, can significantly decrease the potential CKDu incidence. CKDu also affects people in Sri Lanka where it is the 8th largest cause of in-hospital mortality.

Although CKDu was first documented among sugar cane workers in Costa Rica in the 1970s, it may well have affected plantation labourers since the introduction of sugar cane farming to the Caribbean in the 1600s. In colonial times the death records of slaves on sugar plantations was much higher than for slaves forced into other labour.

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What Are The Causes Of Kidney Disease In Children

Kidney disease in children can be caused by

  • birth defects
  • trauma
  • urine blockage or reflux

From birth to age 4, birth defects and hereditary diseases are the leading causes of kidney failure. Between ages 5 and 14, kidney failure is most commonly caused by hereditary diseases, nephrotic syndrome, and systemic diseases. Between ages 15 and 19, diseases that affect the glomeruli are the leading cause of kidney failure, and hereditary diseases become less common.1

Genetic Testing Can Improve Diagnosis And Treatment

KDIGO Genetics in CKD Webinar Series: Episode 1
Early detection and accurate diagnosis are critical to slowing the progression of chronic kidney disease .1,3-5 CKD often has no symptoms in stages 1-3 and can go undetected until the disease is advanced .
Recent advances in genetics have enabled greater clinical insights into the classification of inherited CKD. Beyond diagnostic confirmation, this deeper knowledge can provide insights into the natural progression of a patients diseases so you can make fully formed healthcare decisions.

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Hereditary Kidney Disease: All Family Members Are Affected

In families with hereditary kidney disease, it is common to refer to affected and unaffected family members, but in reality, all family members are affected. All face uncertainty about whether they have the disease or can pass it on, and whether to be tested. Those with the disease face a lifetime of hardship, and those without the disease must decide whether to become caretakers, kidney donors, or both. The effects on the family depend on many clinical factors, such as the pattern of heredity, the nature of the disease and its treatments, the age at onset of kidney failure, and the ease of detection. Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease has a penetrance of almost 100%, but the onset of kidney failure is generally not until age 5070 years old, creating some unique issues that, in our view, may not have received sufficient attention. We are uniquely positioned to offer this perspective as physicians who have been personally affected by the disease. R.M.F. is a patient with ADPKD, a retired practicing hematologist-oncologist, and a kidney transplant recipient. A.S.L. is a family member without the disease , an academic nephrologist, and a kidney transplant donor.

What Are The Kidneys And What Do They Do

The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs, each about the size of a fist. They are located just below the rib cage, one on each side of the spine. Every day, the two kidneys filter about 120 to 150 quarts of blood to produce about 1 to 2 quarts of urine, composed of wastes and extra fluid. Children produce less urine than adults and the amount produced depends on their age. The kidneys work around the clock a person does not control what they do. Ureters are the thin tubes of muscleone on each side of the bladderthat carry urine from each of the kidneys to the bladder. The bladder stores urine until the person finds an appropriate time and place to urinate.

The kidney is not one large filter. Each kidney is made up of about a million filtering units called nephrons. Each nephron filters a small amount of blood. The nephron includes a filter, called a glomerulus, and a tubule. The nephrons work through a two-step process. The glomerulus lets fluid and waste products pass through it however, it prevents blood cells and large molecules, mostly proteins, from passing. The filtered fluid then passes through the tubule, which changes the fluid by sending needed minerals back to the bloodstream and removing wastes. The final product becomes urine.

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Many Renal Tubular Disorders Allow Unequivocal Genetic Diagnostics

Renal tubular function governs reabsortion of water and solutes from the golmerular filtrate. An increasing number of tubulopathies are being recognized as caused by single-gene mutations . For some diseases, such as Bartter syndrome, similar disease phenotypes may be caused by mutations in different genes. The single-gene basis of renal tubulopathies allows for unequivocal molecular genetic diagnosis.

Genetic Causality And Predictive Power Of Mutation Analysis

(PDF) Genetic Susceptibility to Chronic Kidney Disease ...

In single-gene disorders, which are also known as monogenic diseases, a mutation of a single gene is sufficient to cause the disease. Conversely, in polygenic disorders mutations of multiple different genes are necessary to result in a disease. The degree of genetic causality varies with the mode of inheritance . At one end of the spectrum there is tight genotype-phenotype correlation in monogenic recessive diseases, where the disease phenotype is almost exclusively determined by the single-gene causative mutation in way of full penetrance with a very high predictive power of mutation analysis . Recessive diseases usually manifest prenatally, in childhood or in adolescence. Dominant diseases manifest typically in adults . Their tightness of genotype-phenotype correlation is somewhat reduced when compared to recessive diseases, because they may exhibit incomplete penetrance and variable expressivity , as for instance in glomerulocystic kidney disease .

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Hereditary Causes Of Kidney Stones And Chronic Kidney Disease

About 1 in 10 Australian adults has signs of chronic kidney disease.

damage caused by a medication, a physical injury to the kidney, kidney stones or.

The most common cause for loss of a kidney in this.

for renal injury in patients with stone disease is.

history of stones, chronic kidney disease , rickets or proteinuria may be sufficient to consider Dent disease, even in the absence of documented LMW proteinuria, and genetic testing could be.

India alone had 18,921 new cases of bladder cancer in 2020, with an incidence rate of 2.4 in males and 0.7 in females per.

Study associates kidney problems with long Covid experts share symptoms to look out for “People should get screened and look for percentage of kidney function eGFR and the amount of protein leakage in urine,” said.

18 apr. 2012.

But genes are partly to blame. A common genetic variation in a gene called claudin-14 recently has been linked to a substantial increase in risk.

In this form of the disease, if one of the parents carries the disease gene, the child has a 50/50 chance of inheriting the disease. Autosomal recessive PKD is.

A welcome step with the potential to reduce health inequalities The updated guidelines on chronic kidney disease from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence , published on 25.

1 maj 2014.

Kidney stone disease is a multifactorial disease caused by a.

Jain S, Mitra A Hereditary distal renal tubular acidosis: new.

It is caused by a defect in a gene for a protein in the.

What Is The Treatment For Polycystic Kidney Disease

The most common treatments for PKD include:

  • Blood pressure management: Your provider helps you control your blood pressure with medicine, diet and exercise. Keeping your blood pressure within a safe range reduces your risk of heart disease and stroke.
  • Breathing support: Infants with underdeveloped lungs and breathing problems may need mechanical ventilation.
  • Dialysis: If you have kidney failure, you may need dialysis . Hemodialysis uses a machine to filter blood outside the body. Peritoneal dialysis uses the lining of your belly and a special fluid to filter blood.
  • Growth therapy: Underweight or underdeveloped infants may need help growing. A healthcare provider may recommend nutritional therapy or human growth hormone.
  • Kidney transplant: You may need a kidney transplant if ADPKD progresses to end-stage renal failure. A transplant is surgery to replace a failing kidney with a donor kidney.
  • Pain management: Medicine can control pain caused by infections, kidney stones or burst cysts. Your healthcare provider should approve any pain medicines you take. Some medicines can make kidney damage worse.

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Researchers Unlock Genetic ‘treasure Map’ For Chronic Kidney Disease

by Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

Despite impacting an estimated 850 million people and being responsible for 1 in 60 deaths worldwide, few treatments are available for chronic kidney disease. Understanding the genetic variations associated with the disease represents an important step for drug development. Now, in one of the most comprehensive genome-wide association studies of its kind, researchers in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania have identified 182 genes likely responsible for kidney functionmany of which can be targeted with existing drugsand 88 genes for hypertension. Additionally, the research team has mapped the key cell types and mechanisms that are linked to disease. The findings were published Thursday in Nature Genetics.

The study provides one of the clearest pictures to date of the genetic underpinnings of chronic kidney disease. And it paves the way for the identification of potential treatments, which are critically needed, according to principal investigator Katalin Susztak, MD, Ph.D., a professor in the division of Renal-Electrolyte and Hypertension at Penn, who led the research with lead author Xin Sheng, Ph.D., a postdoctoral fellow at Penn.

“This is a key roadmap for understanding the mechanisms of chronic kidney disease,” Susztak said. “Fortunately, some of the genes we’ve identified for kidney disease can be targeted with existing drugs.”

Explore further

How To Utilize Team Care

Principle one: Genetics and Kidney Health
Specialty consultations

Genetic counseling: During the diagnosis procedure, a geneticist should explain to the family: linkage analysis of the disease which would require participation of other family members with and without the disease.

If ADPKD is diagnosed, the patient should receive counseling on family planning, understand the genetic risk for inheritance of an autosomal dominant disorder, and start to receive treatment if necessary. The patient should be told that each child of an affected person has a 50% chance of inheriting the disease gene. Each at-risk family member should be informed of the methods of diagnosis and of the availability of prenatal diagnosis. However, before a diagnostic test is performed, every subject also needs to be informed about the consequences of diagnostic screening, particularly regarding insurability, to permit informed judgment.


Nurses should help with performing blood pressure checking, remind patient to take the right dose of medication, and assist physician-patient communication. Home blood pressure monitoring is an important feature of management/administration of required subcutaneous and intravenous medications such as erythropoietin will be supported by nurses.


Dietitians should help individuals with ADPKD understand the role of renal diet in helping to preserve kidney function, reducing the amount of phosphate, protein, sodium and acid in the diet.


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Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms And Chronic Kidney Disease

Although GWAS have successfully identified SNPs associations for the different traits associated with CKD, most of them are common DNA variants of small effect size. The proportion of phenotypic variance of eGFR explained by the 24 novel loci and the 29 previously identified by Pattaro et al. was 3.22%, therefore of limited help in CKD prediction .

Next generation sequencing has an increasing role for both research and diagnosis of kidney disease. Recently, a NGS panel for a spectrum of genetic nephropathies, covering 301 genes, was designed and validated in a CLIA-approved laboratory . The assay showed excellent performance characteristics and was able to provide a specific molecular pathogenesis-based diagnosis in 46% of biopsies studied. An NGS panel covering all coding and regulatory regions of UMOD identified 119 genetic variants in 23 ESRD patients . Ninety of those variants were SNPs, 60 of them with minor allele frequency greater than 5%. Linkage disequilibrium allowed 20 SNPs to capture 100% of the alleles with a mean R2 of 0.97, providing a set of independent SNPs suitable for association analysis in larger cohorts .


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