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HomeMust ReadHow To Reverse Kidney Damage From Diabetes

How To Reverse Kidney Damage From Diabetes

Maintain Your Blood Glucose Levels In The Optimum Range

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Your doctor will advise you to monitor your sugar levels after meals, exercising, and also how often you should track your blood glucose level to test whether your insulin is working. She will also advise you to get a regular A1C test. This is a blood test that shows your average blood glucose level over the past three months. The A1C is also one of the best tests to see if your blood sugar levels are controlled. A high A1C number shows that your blood glucose levels have been high during the past three months, which can be a problem for your kidneys.

Ask your healthcare practitioner what your A1C test score should be and maintain your blood sugar levels within range to protect your kidney health. Most type 2 diabetes patients are advised to keep their A1C below seven percent. Ask your doctor how much your score should be. Remember, reaching your A1C goal numbers will help you protect your kidneys.

The Cause Of Diabetes

Diabetes is an illness related to elevated blood sugar levels. When you stop releasing and responding to normal amounts of insulin after eating foods with carbohydrates, sugar and fats, you have diabetes. Insulin, a hormone thats broken down and transported to cells to be used as energy, is released by the pancreas to help with the storage of sugar and fats. But people with diabetes dont respond to insulin properly, which causes high blood sugar levels and diabetes symptoms.

Its important to note that theres a difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Heres an explanation of the two types of diabetes and what causes these conditions:

Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is commonly called juvenile diabetes because it tends to develop at a younger age, typically before a person turns 20 years old. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease where the immune system attacks the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas.

The damage to the pancreatic cells leads to a reduced ability or complete inability to create insulin. Some of the common causes that trigger this autoimmune response may include a virus, genetically modified organisms, heavy metals, or foods like wheat, cows milk and soy.

The reason foods like wheat and cows milk have been linked to diabetes is because they contain the proteins gluten and A1 casein. These proteins can cause leaky gut, which in turn causes systemic inflammation throughout the body and over time can lead to autoimmune disease.

Meditation Positive Energy And Breathing

De-Stress Meditation-This guided meditation takes you through an energetic cleansing. It leads you into a deep rejuvenating and regenerating sleep. Even people who believe they cant meditate or visualize can do this easily and effortlessly under Julies expert guidance and with fantastic results.

Morning Yoga Flow-World renowned yogini Antonella Milo will take you through a 30-minute morning yoga flow. It will energize you for the day and help restore kidney health. Antonella Milo is on set in the rich jungle overlooking the blue ocean of tropical Thailand. She brings her gentle approach, mindful movement, breathing & meditation, to create a yoga flow specific for kidney health.

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I Have Diabetes How Do I Know If My Kidneys Are Affected

In the early stages, there may not be any symptoms. As kidney function decreases further, toxic wastes build up, and patients often feel sick to their stomachs and throw up, lose their appetites, have hiccups and gain weight due to fluid retention. If left untreated, patients can also develop heart failure and fluid in their lungs.

What Causes Kidney Disease

Can Kidney Damage Be Reversed In Diabetics

One of the main jobs of your kidneys is to filter your blood. They get rid of extra fluid and waste products from your body through your urine.

High blood glucose levels can damage the small blood vessels and tiny filters in your kidneys. High blood pressure can also do this too. This can cause them to leak and not work as well. When this happens, abnormal amounts of protein from the blood can leave your body in your urine. This is often an early sign of kidney disease.

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What Causes Kidney Damage

Think of your kidneys act as a natural blood filtration system. Twenty four hours a day, theyre filtering your blood for waste metabolites, which means that your diet can play a large role in their long-term health.

There are three main categories of risk factors for kidney injury:

  • An unhealthy diet

Well touch on a few of the most common below.

Our Thoughts On The 5 Supplements

We believe that you should try to consume some of these supplements if you suffer from kidney disease. We do advise that you contact your physician to make sure that it is okay to take these supplements.

They are typically safe as a proactive measure for general health. Please take care of your kidneys!

Reverse Kidney Disease

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How Long Does It Take For Kidneys To Become Affected

Almost all patients with Type I diabetes develop some evidence of functional change in the kidneys within two to five years of the diagnosis. About 30 to 40 percent progress to more serious kidney disease, usually within about 10 to 30 years.

The course of Type II diabetes is less well defined, but it is believed to follow a similar course, except that it occurs at an older age.

Tips To Prevent Kidney Damage From Neuropathy

How to REVERSE Kidney Damage from Diabetes Naturally | Mastering Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the primary causes of kidney damage and kidney failure. Here are some tips that can prevent kidney damage from diabetic neuropathy:

  • Manage your blood sugar levels: There are fewer chances of neuropathy when your blood sugar levels are under control. Hence, the chances of kidney damage also get lower.
  • Maintain a healthy weight: Obesity is a common cause of many health problems. It increases your blood pressure as well as blood sugar levels. These ultimately increase the chances of developing neuropathy hence kidney problems. Keep your weight healthy.
  • Increase water intake: Drinking plenty of water in a day keeps you away from many health problems. When you drink enough water in a day, your body hydrates well and promotes better blood flow in the body. Dehydration reduces the blood flow to your kidneys and damages them.
  • Avoid alcohol: Alcohol increases your calorie intake and leads to weight gain. It impacts the health of your kidneys and may result in kidney damage or failure.
  • Quit smoking: When you smoke a cigarette, it obstructs the blood flow in your body. Thus, reduced blood flow in the kidneys results in kidney damage.
  • Summary

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    Reduce Consuming Certain Pills

    If youre taking Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , it leads to kidney damage. Remember, for kidneys to work well, they require blood to flow normally in the body. And by taking NSAIDS, the blood flow from and to the kidneys is disrupted.

    Of course, NSAIDs can take years to cause CKD. Even so, your kidney condition can worsen if you already have CKD and are taking NSAIDs.

    Here, the general recommendation is to consult your doctor to know about your treatment options for pain relief that does not damage your kidneys.

    Regular Exercises Keep Kidneys Healthy

    Exercising is the best way to maintain overall health. If you have diabetes, uneven blood pressure, PCOD, or obesity, regular exercises help you reduce the effects of these health problems. You can do any form of exercise, including low-intensity exercise or high-intensity exercise. Swimming, yoga, walking, and running are the best exercises for people with kidney damage from neuropathy. Regular exercise slows down the progression of kidney damage.

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    What Are Diabetic Kidney Disease Stages

    As mentioned above, DMK progresses slowly over the years. Whether kidney disease is a result of diabetes or not, it is divided into 5 stages. Medical experts measure estimated glomerular filtration rate to check the kidney function level and determine these stages.

    Stage 1: Normal kidney function

    Stage 2: Mild loss of kidney function

    Stage 3: Mild to a severe loss of kidney function

    Stage 4: Severe loss of kidney function

    Stage 5: Kidney failure

    Is It Possible To Reverse Kidney Disease Once It Happens

    Can Kidney Damage Be Reversed In Diabetics

    It is believed that kidney disease cannot be reversed. Its progression can only be stopped or delayed through good blood sugar and blood pressure control, and medications. Thats why it is important to have your kidney function tested regularly. The earlier the diagnosis, the better able you and your healthcare team will be able to manage diabetic kidney disease.

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    Kidney Damage From Diabetes

    Kidney damage from diabetes can occur in people with type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, prediabetes, or any other condition that can cause hyperglycemia .

    When poorly managed, these conditions can lead to consistently high blood glucose levels, which in turn can damage the blood vessels and nephrons in your kidneys.

    Interesting Facts About Kidney Disease

    Most of the interesting facts about kidney disease are unknown. Understanding these factors will encourage people to become more proactive in reversing kidney disease.

    • Kidney disease causes more deaths than breast cancer or prostate cancer.
    • 2 out of 5 adults with severe kidney disease dont know they have it.
    • Kidney disease affects 37 million people in the United States
    • 90 % of people with kidney disease dont know that they have it
    • Kidney disease is more common in women than men.
    • 1 in 2 people with low kidney function dont know that they have kidney disease.
    • 1 in 3 adults with diabetes and 1 in 5 adults with high blood pressure have kidney disease.
    • There are natural alternatives that can reverse kidney disease or improve kidney function regardless of what stage you are at.
    • Thousands of people have benefitted from natural alternatives and have reversed kidney disease or reduced the frequency of dialysis treatments.

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    Stages Of Kidney Problems

    The stages of kidney diseases are divided based on their percentage of effective functionality. The stages of kidney diseases are:

    • Stage 1: When your GFR is 90% or above, kidney damage is present, but kidneys can function correctly.
    • Stage 2: GFR percentage is between 60% and 89% in stage 2. It indicates kidney damage with some loss of function.
    • 3rd Stage: Kidney loses mild to severe function, and the GFR is 30% to 59%.
    • Stage 4: The GFR percentage reaches 15%-29%, and there is a severe loss in kidney functions.
    • Stage 5: The GFR percentage gets under 15%. In this stage, kidney failure occurs.

    Medical Therapy In Dialysis And Post

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    There are a few oral agents that can be used safely in patients on dialysis, particularly if the diabetes is fairly mild. Most others, however, will need insulin for glycemic control.

    Patients receiving hemodialysis can have different clearance rates of insulin that may be affected by the timing of dialysis. We have done continuous glucose monitoring on patients undergoing HD and found that patients glycemic responses during HD are quite idiosyncratic and their insulin regimens need to be individualized to avoid both hyper-and hypoglycemia during and after HD. Patients who are on peritoneal dialysis have exposure to large amounts of glucose in the dialysate that can lead to uncontrolled hyperglycemia. In patients receiving PD continuously, a standard basal/bolus insulin regimen is best. However, with overnight PD using a cycler, coverage of the increased glucose load may best be accomplished using a fixed mixture insulin combination, such as 70/30 or 75/25 insulins, given at the onset of PD. The nephrologist prescribing the PD will often change the glucose concentration of the dialysate because of the need for more or less fluid removal and such changes need to be discussed with the endocrinologist so that the insulin doses may be appropriately changed.

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    Pay More Attention To Your Nutrition

    The only foolproof way to preserve kidney health if you are diabetic is to watch your diet like a hawk. Having a low glycemic index diet is critical. We suggest you consult a dietitian about developing a structured meal plan for keeping your blood sugar levels stable.

    Eat foods low in salt. Dont add salt to meals to manage high blood pressure, as this can damage the sensitive glomeruli in the kidneys.

    Follow your doctors recommendations of eating a low-fat, low-protein diet as having too much animal protein can easily lead to kidney stones. As a diabetic, your urine may already be too acidic, increasing your chances of getting kidney stones. By drinking lots of fluids every day, you can effectively prevent the formation of kidney stones. Maintain at least eight glasses of water intake a day.

    What Is Chronic Kidney Disease

    Your kidneys are important because they keep the rest of your body in balance. They:

    • Remove waste products from the body
    • Balance the bodys fluids
    • Help keep blood pressure under control
    • Keep bones healthy
    • Help make red blood cells.

    When you have kidney disease, it means that the kidneys have been damaged. Kidneys can get damaged from a disease like diabetes. Once your kidneys are damaged, they cannot filter your blood nor do other jobs as well as they should.

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    Lose Weight If Youre Overweight

    Make exercise a part of your routine and lose weight as this will make you more sensitive to insulin and also prevent kidney damage. Maintaining a healthy weight is critical, too, as obesity is linked with kidney disease. Most type 2 diabetics are already overweight. As their weight increases, they become more insulin insensitive, and this escalates their chances of diabetic nephropathy.

    Lowering The Level Of Cholesterol In The Body

    [How to] Reverse Kidney Damage from Diabetes

    Both HDL and LDL cholesterol requires monitoring for better functioning of the body. High level of LDL cholesterol and diabetic in the body affects the operation of the kidney and thus leading to diabetic kidney disease. Steroids aid in fat loss in the body. One can buy top quality drugs from reliable sources that are efficient in fat loss thus facilitates in lowering cholesterol in the body.

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    Kidney Damage From Ibuprofen

    Ibuprofen, as well as similar over-the-counter pain relievers like naproxen and aspirin, tend to be safe when taken in small doses.

    However, the chemical process of these pain killers places a stress on your kidneys, and when taken in high doses or over an extended period of time can cause kidney damage.

    We highly recommend following the safety information on these medications carefully, or with the guidance of a doctor.

    Hypertension Or High Blood Pressure

    High blood pressure or hypertension is the second leading cause of kidney failure. High blood pressure causes weakening, narrowing, and hardening of the blood vessels , leading to the insufficient blood supply to the kidney. It leads to the damaging and weakening of the nephrons, resulting in malfunctioning of the kidneys.

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    Tests Term And Symptom Guidance

    • Symptom Tracker-This is the perfect companion for those that like to track their treatment progress. Within this resource youll be given a very detailed checklist of symptoms. You can monitor your kidney health and take control. With this in your hands, you dont have to wait until your next doctors visit to get an understanding of how your kidneys are progressing. Your health is much more than just your blood test results.
    • Kidney Information and Term Guide The Kidney Diet Essentials Fast-Track Guide explains everything you need to know about your personal diet and kidney. This guide uses easy-to-understand terms. It also covers topics like potassium, protein, phosphorus, and sodium levels of common foods. You will know exactly what youre eating every time.
    • Kidney Test Results-There are various blood tests that your doctor uses to assess your kidney health. Unfortunately your doctor rarely has the time to explain what they mean and how you can use them. You do not have insight on how to track your progress. This guide will help with your blood test readings. This valuable resource will help you decode the kidney tests fast and give you tips to use them for your benefit.

    Medical Therapy In Diabetic Nephropathy

    Can I reverse kidney disease? Is there a cure?

    Medical therapy for diabetes is continually changing as new therapies become available for use and new updates are available that add to our knowledge of the safety profile of available medications. Please refer to Table for adjustments in dosing for diabetes medications used in CKD.

    Table 1 Dose adjustment for insulin compounds and medications for diabetes in CKD

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    Are There Any New Treatments That Can Help Me

    Yes. Some studies suggest that a group of high blood pressure medicines called ACE inhibitors may help to prevent or delay the progression of diabetic kidney disease. These drugs reduce blood pressure in your body, and they may lower the pressure within the kidney’s filtering apparatus . They also seem to have beneficial effects that are unrelated to changes in blood pressure. Patients who take these medicines may have less protein in their urine. SGLT2 inhibitors are a newer class of medicines, some of which can also help reduce the risk of heart or kidney disease in people with diabetic kidney disease. SGLT2 inhibitors can also reduce hospitalization risk from heart failure. Other medicines, such as GLP-1 agonists and MRAs, are also being studied for risk reduction of heart and kidney disease in people with diabetic kidney disease. You may want to speak to your doctor or another member of your healthcare team, to see if these medicines could help you


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