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Can Kidney Pain Be A Sign Of Pregnancy

Simple Home Remedies To Cure Kidney Infection

Kidney (Renal) Disease Signs & Symptoms (ex. Peripheral Edema, Fatigue, Itchiness)

While you do need medical attention to take care of the infection, there are certain home remedies that you can try.

The following remedies are to be used only after discussing with your doctor, as each remedy has its own properties and mechanism and places of action.

  • Drinking cranberry juice will make the urine more acidic and help flush out and kill the harmful bacteria.
  • Yoghurt is not only an excellent source of antioxidants, but it also hosts a whole plethora of good bacteria which will then proceed to kill and inhibit the growth of the bad bacteria causing the infection.
  • You must incorporate foods that are rich in Vitamin C into your diet. This includes citrus fruits, potatoes, and strawberries.
  • Juice a bunch of parsley and have it every day in the morning to help flush out the bacteria.
  • If you are prone to UTIs then you must consume some amount of apple cider vinegar every day as it neutralizes infections as well as restores the pH levels in the body. Please note- Only pasteurized apple cider vinegar is to be taken during pregnancy.
  • Another great diuretic is garlic.
  • Echinacea reduces the swelling of the urethra and will make urinating less painful.
  • Celery seeds are well known for their antibacterial and antifungal properties.

About Utis And Kidney Infections While Pregnant

A urinary tract infection is a very common medical complication of pregnancy. Unless treated, a UTI can cause serious problems in pregnancy. Normal urine is sterile. It contains fluids, salts, and waste products, but is free of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. The tissues of the bladder are isolated from urine and toxic substances by a coating that discourages bacteria from attaching and growing on the bladder wall.

The main parts of the urinary tract are:

  • Two kidneys. A pair of purplish-brown organs located below the ribs toward the middle of the back.

  • Two ureters. Narrow tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder.

  • Bladder. A triangle-shaped, hollow organ located in the lower abdomen.

  • Two sphincter muscles. Circular muscles that help keep urine from leaking by closing tightly like a rubber band around the opening of the bladder.

  • Urethra. The tube that allows urine to pass outside the body.

Other Warning Signs In Pregnancy

  • Blurry or impaired vision this can be a sign of preeclampsia which is high blood pressure and protein in the urine
  • Severe or persistent abdominal pain or tenderness this can be preeclampsia, gallbladder disease or appendicitis
  • Excessive vomiting and diarrhea if you are losing weight, cant keep any fluids or food down, feel weak
  • Fever over 101 degrees F or chills
  • Increase in vaginal discharge or a change in type of discharge
  • Trauma to the abdomen abdominal trauma from a car accident, fall or hit
  • Fainting, frequent dizziness, rapid heartbeat
  • Chest pain
  • Coughing up blood
  • Severe itching of your abdomen, palms, soles of your feet
  • Exposure to someone with known flu or if you have flu symptoms symptoms of the flu include fever, sore throat, cough, runny or stuffy nose, fatigue, body aches and chills
  • Exposure to someone with chicken pox if you are not immune

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Prevention Of Kidney Infection

There are many steps you can take in order to avoid a kidney infection during pregnancy. Some of them include:

  • Keeping yourself well hydrated by drinking 8-10 glasses of water every day. This will ensure that your kidneys work at the optimum level.
  • Practising good hygiene especially around the genital area.
  • With the opening of the urethra so close to the anus, it is important to clean the area well.
  • Use soaps and other products that are mild and hypoallergenic.
  • If you do have an infection, then avoid coffee and alcohol.

When To See A Doctor Immediately

Kidney Discomfort While Pregnant

Particularly if you’re a first-time mother, you should contact your doctor when you experience pain during your pregnancy. In most cases, your doctor is going to reassure you. However, if you are experiencing the following, you should consider seeing a doctor immediately via an urgent care facility or your local women’s hospital.

  • Cramping with bleeding
  • Inability to keep foods down due to nausea
  • Pain during urination

If you have additional symptoms accompanying what may otherwise be normal pain, contact your doctor immediately. Aside from the obvious risk of miscarriage, or chemical or ectopic pregnancy, another risk you need to be wary of is a urinary tract infection. A simple urine test can confirm a UTI and you will be prescribed a pregnancy-safe antibiotic.

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Food Cravings And Aversions

These are common throughout pregnancy, and they may result from hormonal and physical changes, rather than shifting nutritional requirements.

The underlying cause of food cravings and aversions is still unclear. Different people seek out and avoid different foods.

Regardless, it is important to take in the right amounts of nutrients and calories.

Do Utis Differ By Trimester

At week 6, UTI risk starts to go up, with two-fifths of UTIs occurring during the first trimester. Because of the likelihood of getting a UTI during the first trimester, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends that pregnant women have a urinalysis and urine culture at their first prenatal visit whether they have UTI symptoms or not. In the second trimester, about half as many pregnant women are diagnosed with a UTI as in the first trimester, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and that number is almost halved again for the third trimester. However, 80 to 90 percent of acute kidney infections in pregnancy occur in the second and third trimesters, according to data published in the Archives of Medical Science, so pregnant women should have a repeat urine culture during the third trimester.


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How To Treat A Kidney Infection

If you are diagnosed with acute pyelonephritis during pregnancy, then you will be admitted to the hospital where the first round of treatment is IV antibiotics. If you do not respond to this treatment, then you will be given stronger antibiotics in order to kill the infection.

However, if the infection is caused due to an obstruction such as kidney stones, then the treatment will aim to ease the pressure on the kidneys.

Once you are discharged from the hospital, you will have to continue to take oral antibiotics for ten days. There will be around 23% chance of recurrence during and post-pregnancy, so you will be monitored regularly.

Can A Uti Cause Contractions During Pregnancy

Pyelonephritis (Kidney Infection) | Causes, Pathophysiology, Signs & Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Urinary tract infections are not associated with preterm labor, according to research published in the Journal of the Chinese Medical Association. However, if a urinary tract infection is left untreated, it can progress to a kidney infection. And a kidney infection during pregnancy can modestly increase your chances of early contractions and delivery. Research published in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology notes that women diagnosed with acute pyelonephritis in pregnancy have a 10.3 percent chance of preterm delivery compared with the 7.9 percent chance among women without a kidney infection during pregnancy.

RELATED: Common Types of Vaginal Infections

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Is Kidney Pain Always An Early Sign Of Pregnancy

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More Hungry Or More Thirsty

While some mums-to-be suddenly can’t bear the thought of eating, others suddenly find theyre so ravenous, eating is all they can think about.

For forum mum MsDodger, her appetite went through the roof. “I eat a lot normally but this it was a massive leap,” she says. “I could not stop snacking all day and eating large meals.”

And this ravenous urge can apply to drinking as well, as eating, as bleurgh discovered. “Thirst! I wondered how much I could actually drink before drowning myself. Even my hubby said he nearly asked if I was drinking for two before I tested.”

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Be Sure Youre Taking Your Vitamins

Ideally, youve already been taking a daily multivitamin, even before conception. However, make sure your vitamin of choice has folic acid. If it doesnt, start taking a folic acid supplement. A prenatal vitamin or multivitamin with folate can help prevent birth defects of the brain, spine or spinal cord.

Vaginal Discharge During Pregnancy

What Do Kidney Stones Feel Like Pregnant

Normal vaginal secretions increase during pregnancy due to greater blood supply and hormones. Normal vaginal discharge is white or clear, isn’t irritating, is odorless, and may look yellow when dry on your underwear or panty liners.


  • Choose cotton underwear or brands made from natural fibers.
  • Avoid tight-fitting jeans or pants.
  • Do not douche. Douching can introduce air into your circulatory system or break your bag of waters in later pregnancy.
  • Clean the vaginal area often with soap and water.
  • Wipe yourself from front to back.
  • Contact your health care provider if you have burning, itching, irritation or swelling, bad odor, bloody discharge, or bright yellow or green discharge .

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Pregnancy And Urinary Tract Infections

During pregnancy, there are normal changes in the function and anatomy of the urinary tract. These include kidney enlargement, and compression of the ureters and bladder by the growing uterus. During pregnancy, the bladder does not empty as well. The urine is not as acidic and it contains more sugars, protein, and hormones. All of these factors can contribute to an increased susceptibility to UTI.

Types of UTI in pregnancy include the following:

  • Asymptomatic bacteriuria. A silent infection often caused by bacteria present in the woman’s system before pregnancy. This type of infection occurs in about 5 to 10 percent of pregnant women. Asymptomatic bacteriuria may lead to acute bladder infection or kidney infection if left untreated.

  • Acute urethritis or cystitis. A urethral or bladder infection that causes symptoms including pain or burning with urination, frequent urination, feeling of needing to urinate, and fever.

  • Pyelonephritis. A kidney infection. Symptoms of pyelonephritis may include those of acute cystitis plus flank pain. Pyelonephritis may lead to preterm labor, severe infection, and adult respiratory distress syndrome.

The most common organism that causes UTI is Escherichia coli , a normal organism of the vagina and rectal area. Other organisms may also cause UTI, including group B streptococcus, and sexually transmitted gonorrhea and chlamydia.

Most Back Pain During Pregnancy Is Nothing More Than A Nuisance But Sometimes An Immediate Call To The Doctor Is In Order

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If you have a baby on the way, it’s normal to find yourself wondering when you should worry about back pain. Doctors say at least half of pregnant women will experience it at some point during their pregnancy. The pain, while definitely a source of distress, is usually not a sign of any danger to either you or Baby. But there are some symptoms that are important to get checked out.

First and foremost, you should always have an open line of communication with your doctor. If you’re worried about back pain , don’t be shy about bringing it to their attention. “This is what your OB is there for,” says Mary Rosser, M.D., Ph.D., an OB-GYN at the Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx, New York. “If you have any doubt, give them a call.” At the very least, you might get some tips on how to relieve your painand the reassurance that you’re not suffering alone.

Are you wondering, “When should I worry about back pain in pregnancy?” Read on for several circumstances that warrant a visit to the doctor.

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How Can I Tell The Difference Between Normal Pain And Worrisome Pain

During pregnancy, you become extraordinarily aware of every twinge, cramp, and kick you may feel. Pregnancy may bring hip and joint issues, abdominal pain and cramping, aching in your lower back, and leg pain. Many of these aches and pains are perfectly normal. However, it’s so hard to know which pain is normal and which is something to worry about.

Increased Sensitivity To Smells

Kidney Infection, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

This is a big early sign for lots of our forum mums. Can you suddenly smell damp? Does your pet have a new whiff about them? And have you started thinking your partner could do with a good wash and a splash of cologne?

Oh yes, your sense of smell may be so heightened that you can smell things that you didnt even know had a smell, as MadForNO5 experienced: Seven days after ovulating, I started to get a strong sense of smell. I could smell absolutely everything!”

The downside? The slightest odour can make you feel queasy.

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Pain With Urinating Or One

Frequent urinating is common in pregnancy but you should not feel pain when urinating or feel back pain on one side. These could be signs of a bladder or kidney infection. Bacteria in the bladder or kidney can result in a serious blood infection and preterm labor.

You have pain with urinating or one-sided lower back pain.

Can A Woman Who Is On Dialysis Have A Baby

Some changes in your body make it hard to become pregnant. For example, most women on dialysis have anemia and hormone changes. This may keep them from having regular menstrual periods.

Women with kidney failure are usually advised against becoming pregnant. The rate of complications is very high. Risks to both the mother and developing baby are high. If you are thinking of becoming pregnant, talk to your healthcare provider. If you become pregnant, you will need close medical supervision, changes in medicine, and more dialysis to have a healthy baby.

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Changes In Vaginal Discharge

Your cervical mucus can get thinner or thicker depending on where you are in your menstrual cycle. These changes in consistency can help you gauge fertility and pregnancy status. Its a thin and watery discharge before you ovulate, says Dr. Jhaveri. Then it becomes thicker after you ovulate and then it gets even thicker if youre pregnant. It just stays that way.

Dr. Jhaveri stresses that this is completely normal and not something to worry about. People say to me, Why am I having this discharge? I must have an infection. Im worried about the baby. But, no its normal to have increased discharge.

Vaginal Bleeding After 12 Weeks Gestation

Kidney Pain While Pregnant

Light spotting is normal before eight weeks as the embryo is implanting. Some spotting can also occur after sex or with a cervical infection. Bleeding with pelvic pain can mean an ectopic pregnancy. Bleeding after 12 weeks can also mean the cervix is shortening or dilating which can lead to preterm birth or miscarriage.

Consult with a specialist:Maternal fetal medicine from Sanford Health

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Cramping And Spotting During Early Pregnancy

From weeks 1 to 4, everything is still happening on a cellular level. The fertilized egg creates a blastocyst that will develop into the fetuss organs and body parts.

About 10 to 14 days after conception, the blastocyst will implant in the endometrium, which is the lining of the uterus. This can cause implantation bleeding, which may be mistaken for a light period. It does not occur for everyone. If it does occur, it will usually happen around the time you expect your period.

Here are some signs of implantation bleeding:

  • Color. The color of each episode may be pink, red, or brown.
  • Bleeding. Implantation bleeding is usually much less than your usual period. Its often described as light bleeding that never turns into a flow or enough to need a tampon.
  • Pain. Pain is usually milder than your usual menstrual pain. It may involve some cramping. It can be moderate or severe, but its most often mild.
  • Episodes. Implantation bleeding is likely to last less than 3 days and does not require treatment. It can sometimes last only a few hours.

So I’ve Got Some Of These Symptoms Am I Definitely Pregnant

Frustratingly, as we’ve already explained, many of the signs and symptoms of early pregnancy we’ve details above are the same as, or can be easily confused with, the signs and symptoms of PMS or the signs and symptoms that your period’s on its way.

Some of the signs nausea, breast tenderness, mood swings, and a frequent need to wee are, anecdotally, more common signs of pregnancy than others. But you could be pregnant without experiencing any of them. And you may not be pregnant even if you experience them all.

“We will all experience the first signs of pregnancy in completely different ways,” says Dr Amin Gorgy. There is no specific way that you should feel. We are all individuals.”

As wise forum mum gazsgirl says, “Everyone is different and most symptoms are so like period ones, its always hard to know until you see the line.”

Time to take a test if you havent already…

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Tender Tingly Darker More ‘sticky Out’ Nipples

Your nipples may also change significantly during the early weeks of pregnancy. “Your nipples may begin to ache, tingle or protrude more than usual,” says midwife Ellie. “The areoles the dark circle around your nipple may also become even darker and larger.”

Tender nipples were the first sign for Tamarabell on our forum. “I started to get a feeling I was pregnant about 1.5 weeks before I was due on, so pretty early,” she says. “I had really tender nipples and sort of butterflies in my tummy for a few days. My test came up positive the week before I was due. The doctor didnt believe it and made me do another one. I just sort of knew that something was different!”

“Who’d have thought we’d ever get excited about sore/dark nipples!” adds lynz_81, who’s been pregnant before. “Be warned: they will only get bigger and darker now!”


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