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How Big Is Your Kidney

Kidney Pain Vs Back Pain

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Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish between kidney pain and back pain. Some muscular problems in the back or other diseases can mimic kidney pain. Dr. Davis goes on to explain that pain that comes from your kidneys is usually accompanied by other symptoms. For example, you may notice changes in your urination or you may have a fever.3

Usually, back pain is distinguished from kidney pain because it may get better or worse when moving the back muscles. Unlike kidney stone pain which comes on in sharp, painful waves, back pain is more constant and connected with movement.

In general, flank or kidney pain is usually higher in the back just under the ribs and the pain sensation is deeper. Back pain that is muscular is usually in the lower back.

Feeling Faint Dizzy Or Weak

Why this happens:

Anemia related to kidney failure means that your brain is not getting enough oxygen. This can lead to feeling faint, dizzy, or weak.

What patients said:

I was always tired and dizzy.

It got to the point, like, I used to be at work, and all of the sudden I’d start getting dizzy. So I was thinking maybe it was my blood pressure or else diabetes was going bad. That’s what was on my mind.

Your Kidney Is A Filter

Each of your kidneys contains about one million tiny filters called nephrons. The nephrons are made of a tuft of thin blood vessels in a spherical structure called the glomerulus which is connected to a series of tubules. Almost a quarter of the blood your heart pumps every second passes through the nephrons. Red blood cells, white blood cells, and large substances like proteins do not normally pass through, staying inside the glomerular blood vessels instead. The 180 liters of fluid that passes through the filters of your kidneys each day is made up of water, electrolytes and other small substances. Most of the fluid that passes through the glomerulus is modified and reabsorbed during transit through the tubules of the nephron. This leaves one to two liters as urine each day. The process of filtering and reclaiming fluid along the nephron enables normal kidneys to perfectly maintain your bodys fluid composition with electrolytes and blood pH regulated within a specific concentration or range. Your kidneys also filter and excrete waste products generated from your diet and body metabolism each day.

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Your Kidneys Are Vital

Your kidneys are located near the middle of your back, on either side of your backbone . They are protected from physical injury by a large layer of fat, along with your lower ribs and back muscles.

They are bean-shaped and each one is the size of an adult fist . Most people are born with two kidneys, but around one in every 750 people are born with just one. The good news is that you can still lead a healthy life with just one. One kidney alone can provide up to 75 per cent of normal kidney function.

The entire organ is not one big filter. Each kidney is made up of about one million tiny filters called nephrons. Blood enters your kidneys through the renal artery and goes back into your body by the renal vein.

Your kidneys have four incredible powers. They:

  • clean your blood and circulate a fresh supply around your body 12 times every hour. This works out to a total of around 200 litres of blood per day.
  • process excess fluid and unwanted chemicals and waste in your blood. The result is about one to two litres of urine that you pass each day, detoxifying your body.
  • keep your blood pressure regular by telling the blood vessels in your body when to expand and contract
  • manage your bodys production of Vitamin D, which is crucial for maintaining strong bones and producing red blood cells that carry oxygen around your body.
  • Read on to find out how to keep your kidneys healthy.

    What Is The Outlook

    Small kidney stones may go undetected as they dont cause ...

    The outlook is best in those whose cancer is diagnosed when it is still confined within a kidney and has not spread, and who are otherwise in general good health. Surgical removal of an affected kidney in this situation gives a good chance of cure. However, many people with kidney cancer are diagnosed when the cancer has already spread. In this situation a cure is less likely. However, treatment can often slow down the progression of the cancer.

    The response to treatment can also vary from case to case. This may be partly related to the exact subtype or grade of the cancer. Some kidney cancers, even some which are advanced and have spread, respond much better to immunotherapy than others.

    The treatment of cancer is a developing area of medicine. New treatments continue to be developed and the information on outlook above is very general. The specialist who knows your case can give more accurate information about your particular outlook, and how well your type of cancer and stage of cancer are likely to respond to treatment.

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    So Now Is The Time To Pamper Your Kidneys

    If youre experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above, you should see your health practitioner and have a check-up, including tests to assess your kidney function.

    And you should also make sure youre helping your kidneys stay in top shape by doing a thorough cleanse.

    Even if you dont have any of these signs, a systemic cleanse is like a spa day for your kidneys. It helps them get in top shape and avoid damage and disease. This is why OsteoCleanse, The 7 Day Bone Building Accelerator was developed in conjunction with the Osteoporosis Reversal Program.

    OsteoCleanse is not just about alkalizing your body, feeling younger and more energized, and removing osteoporosis drugs from your system. It does all of these things in just seven days, but at the heart of OsteoCleanses effectiveness are its kidney-boosting, liver-cleansing effects so youll strengthen and build your bones faster.

    Its always a good idea to heed early warning signs and treat your kidneys to a cleanse before damage occurs, and its particularly important to offset the effects of aging on your renal system.

    Assessing The Extent And Spread

    If you are found to have a kidney cancer then other tests are likely to be advised. These may include one or more of: a CT scan or magnetic resonance imaging scan of the abdomen and chest, a chest X-ray, kidney function blood tests and sometimes other tests. This assessment is called staging of the cancer.

    The aim of staging is to find out:

    • How much the tumour in the kidney has grown and whether it has grown to the edge, or through the outer part of the kidney.
    • Whether the cancer has spread to local lymph glands .
    • Whether the cancer has spread to other areas of the body .

    Finding out the stage of the cancer helps doctors to advise on the best treatment options. It also gives a reasonable indication of outlook . See the separate leaflet called Stages of Cancer for more details.

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    Kidney Pain Location And Sensation

    Most people tend to associate pain in the area between the ribs and hips as either digestive problems or muscular back pain. However, kidney pain isnt always felt in the same place as the kidneys location.

    Dr. Charles Patrick Davis on MedicineNet explains that renal or flank pain can be felt anywhere between the lowest rib and the buttocks. The pain may also radiate to the groin or abdominal area. Depending on the underlying cause of the kidney pain, you may feel the pain in just the left or right side of your back. However, sometimes kidney pain affects both sides of the back.3

    Kidney Cyst Size Chart

    Innocent Mistakes That Get Your Kidneys In Big Trouble | Kidney Stones | Silva Guide

    A simple kidney cyst is a round sac of fluid that forms in the kidneys or in the kidneys. Kidneys are two organs in the form of nuts, serve to make urine and filter waste from the blood. You can study kidney cyst size chart| What Size Kidney Cyst is Considered Large?

    There are four types of kidney cysts and the most common types are called non-cancerous cysts or simple kidney cysts. Simple kidney cysts rarely cause complications or kidney failure.

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    Interventions For Preventing Kidney Stone Recurrence

    Dietary interventions help prevent stone recurrence by altering concentrations of crystal-forming or crystal-inhibiting substances in urine. Certain dietary recommendation are:

    • Increasing water intake
    • Reducing dietary animal protein and other purines
    • Maintaining normal dietary calcium

    Pharmacological interventions may also be suggested to prevent stone recurrence in high risk patients, such as use of:

    • Thiazide diuretics

    How Is Kidney Failure Treated

    Kidney failure treatment is determined by the cause and extent of the problem. Treating your chronic medical condition can delay the progression of kidney disease. If your kidneys start losing their function gradually, your doctor may use one or more methods to track your health. By watching you closely, your doctor can help you maintain your kidneys function as long as possible.

    Your doctor may gauge your kidney function with:

    • Routine blood tests
    • Blood pressure checks
    • Medication

    Because the kidneys serve such an important purpose, people in kidney failure need treatment to keep them alive. The main treatments for kidney failure are:

    • Dialysis: This treatment helps the body filter the blood .
    • In hemodialysis, a machine regularly cleans your blood for you. People often receive this kidney failure treatment at a hospital or dialysis clinic, 3 or 4 days each week.
    • Peritoneal dialysis cleans the blood in a slightly different way using a dialysis solution and a catheter. Sometimes, people can do their treatment at home.
  • Kidney transplant: In kidney transplant surgery, doctors place a healthy kidney in your body to take over the job of your damaged organs. This healthy kidney, called a donor organ, may come from a deceased donor or a living donor, who may be a friend or family member. People can live well with one healthy kidney.
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    Food Tastes Like Metal

    Why this happens:

    A build-up of wastes in the blood can make food taste different and cause bad breath. You may also notice that you stop liking to eat meat, or that you are losing weight because you just don’t feel like eating.

    What patients said:

    Foul taste in your mouth. Almost like you’re drinking iron.

    I don’t have the appetite I had before I started dialysis, I must have lost about 10 pounds.

    What Percentage Of Kidney Masses Are Cancerous

    Below your ribs, the kidneys are located and they are of a ...

    The odds ratio for the association of malignancy with tumor size was 1.16 , indicating that each 1 cm increase in tumor size was associated with a 16% increase in the odds of malignancy. The percentage of benign tumors decreased from 37.5% for those less than 1 cm to 7.1% for tumors 7 cm or greater.

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    What Size Kidney Cyst Is Considered Large

    Usually depends on the size of the kidneys

    For healthy adults, the kidneys are 10-12 cm long, 5-6 cm wide, and 3-4 cm thick.

    Small ganglion cysts usually do not cause annoying symptoms or complaints. If the kidney cyst is still small, the only thing you need to do is develop a healthy diet and lifestyle. In addition, if the kidney cyst is too large, several treatments are needed that can help eliminate or shrink it.

    However, if the size is large up to more than 2.5 cm, ganglion cysts need to be treated immediately by a doctor because they can suppress the surrounding nerves and cause pain and disturbances in movement.

    Our kidneys have a strong compensatory ability that can still work normally with some small kidney cysts. However if one of the kidney cysts becomes too large it will cause tissue damage to kidney function. In this case, the kidney cyst is considered too large.

    Based on normal kidney size

    We can find out beyond the capacity of the kidneys if the kidney cyst is greater than 3 or 4 cm.

    Once a kidney cyst grows larger than this size, it is more likely to cause some symptoms and problems such as back pain, urinary tract infections, hematuria, etc. In addition, these symptoms are more likely to worsen, if a kidney cyst ruptures.

    How Do My Kidneys Work

    Each of your kidneys is made up of about a million filtering units called nephrons. Each nephron includes a filter, called the glomerulus, and a tubule. The nephrons work through a two-step process: the glomerulus filters your blood, and the tubule returns needed substances to your blood and removes wastes.

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    Do Kidney Cysts Need Surgery

    The answer is no. As long as they are small in size and do not cause symptoms or complaints, cysts usually do not need surgery or treatment. However, the doctor will still advise the patient to undergo regular examinations to monitor the condition of the cyst.

    Kidney cyst removal surgery usually only needs to be done if it has caused severe complaints or interfered with the functioning of the bodys organs. The doctor will determine whether or not the surgery is necessary taking into account the type, size, and growing location of the cyst, as well as whether the cyst is infected or not.

    Therefore, you are advised to check with your doctor if you notice a lump in the body that may be a cyst, especially if the lump causes pain or other complaints. Thus, treatment can be given immediately if necessary and the danger of cyst disease can be avoided.

    On the one hand, this therapy can help remove sac fluid out of the body through increased permeability of cystic walls and removing sac fluid out of the body through the circulatory system. On the other hand, this Osmotherapy can prevent the recurrence of kidney cysts and protect kidney function.

    Should I Cut Calcium Out Of My Diet If I Develop Calcium Oxalate Kidney Stones

    Top 5 KIDNEY KILLER Foods – Avoid Them to Keep Your Kidneys Healthy

    If you develop kidney stones composed of calcium, you may be tempted to stop eating foods that include calcium. However, this is the opposite of what you should do. If you have calcium oxalate stones, the most common type, its recommended that you have a diet higher in calcium and lower in oxalate.

    Foods that are high in calcium include:

    • Cows milk.

    Its also important to drink plenty of fluids to dilute the substances in your urine.

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    How Does The Size Of A Kidney Stone Affect Treatment

    Variations in sizes of kidney stones affect the following things: The size of kidney stones affect the treatment method required for their removal. Small-sized stones can easily pass through the kidney without any medical assistance but large-sized stones require medical intervention.

    Bottom line, the larger the stone, the less likely it will pass on its own. For reference, 6mm, 7mm and 8mm kidney stones are .23 inches, .27 inches and .31 inches in width respectively, making an 8mm kidney stone about the size of a small kernel of corn. Ultimately, the make-up, size, and location of the kidney stone will determine

    How Large Can A Kidney Cyst Grow

    Kidney Cyst Size varies from person to person. The smallest cyst I know is less than 5mm. And The largest one I see is more than 18cm. And I believe there exists larger and smaller one in the word. How large can a kidney cyst grow?

    There is no hard fact for how large can a kidney cyst grow. When it grows big enough, it will oppress renal nephrones and lead to a serious of renal injury and complications.

    In general situations, kidney cyst with 3cm dose not cause symptoms and damage to renal condition, there is no need of treatment. However, you need to take test regularly, including urine routine, urine culture, renal function test and Cer endogenous creatinine clearanee rate. As infection can be an important factor for deterioration, so youd better avoid the test which will cause urinary tract trauma. Unless, it is necessary.

    When kidney cyst grows up to more than 3cm, you need to take effective therapeutic method.

    If kidney cyst is larger than 3cm~5cm, puncture shows no effective output. It is easy to cause infection and relapse. After long tem observation, puncture can not delay the renal injury.

    Surgical resection also fails to take a remarkable effect. You may cut down the superficial kidney cyst, but you can move out the cyst part which is buries in the deep of kidneys.

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    What Is Renal Cell Carcinoma

    It’s the most common type of kidney cancer. Although itâs a serious disease, finding and treating it early makes it more likely that youâll be cured. No matter when youâre diagnosed, you can do certain things to ease your symptoms and feel better during your treatment.

    Most people who have renal cell carcinoma are older, usually between ages 50 and 70. It often starts as just one tumor in a kidney, but sometimes it begins as several tumors, or itâs found in both kidneys at once. You might also hear it called renal cell cancer.

    Doctors have different ways to treat renal cell carcinoma, and scientists are testing new ones, too. Youâll want to learn as much about your disease as you can and work with your doctor so you can choose the best treatment.


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