What Should I Expect During A Kidney Ultrasound Procedure
Kidney ultrasounds are performed in both inpatient and outpatient settings. The following steps apply:
- Youll prepare for the procedure by removing your street clothes and any jewelry that youre wearing. A hospital gown will be provided for you to change into.
- You will be positioned on your stomach in the examination area.
- A gel will be applied on the skin where the transducer goes. This substance serves to heighten contact between the transducer and your skin, improving sound wave transmission into the body.
- The transducer emits sound waves into the body. These waves will reflect off the kidney and other internal structures and, on being captured by a computer, will provide the data it needs to create an image of your organs.
- The images created by the ultrasound will go into digital storage, for future reference.
- Multiple images of your bladder, both before and after urination, will be taken. This will assist your physician in interpreting the ultrasound data, because of the close working relationship between the kidneys and bladder.
How Do The Kidneys Work
The body takes nutrients from food and converts them to energy. Afterthe body has taken the food that it needs, waste products are leftbehind in the bowel and in the blood.
The kidneys and urinary system keep chemicals, such as potassium andsodium, and water in balance, and remove a type of waste, called urea,from the blood. Urea is produced when foods containing protein, such asmeat, poultry, and certain vegetables, are broken down in the body.Urea is carried in the bloodstream to the kidneys.
Two kidneys, a pair of purplish-brown organs, are located below theribs toward the middle of the back. Their function is to:
Remove liquid waste from the blood in the form of urine
Keep a stable balance of salts and other substances in the blood
Produce erythropoietin, a hormone that aids the formation of red blood cells
Regulate blood pressure
The kidneys remove urea from the blood through tiny filtering unitscalled nephrons. Each nephron consists of a ball formed of small bloodcapillaries, called a glomerulus, and a small tube called a renaltubule.
Urea, together with water and other waste substances, forms the urineas it passes through the nephrons and down the renal tubules of thekidney.
Renal Ultrasound In The Emergency Room
In the emergency room situation, in a patient with renal colic, the finding of kidney stone on ultrasound as well as hydronephrosis is diagnostic. A new randomized control study published in New England Journal of Medicine compared CT scan to ultrasound in evaluation of patients with symptoms of renal colic. This study found no significant difference in terms of diagnostic efficacy and more importantly ultrasound did not miss significantly more dangerous diagnosis then did CT scan. These patients had a very low risk of having another diagnosis that was dangerous.
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How Ultrasound Helps Defeat Kidney Stones
Kidney stones are very common and generally harmless, but sometimes a kidney stone can become stuck on its way out of your body. When this happens, it can be important for your doctor to pinpoint the location of the stone so that it can be helped on its way. This is usually done using imaging methods such as an abdominal ultrasound at the London clinic.
Why Do Kidney Stones Get Stuck?
Kidney stones are small accumulations of waste materials that can form inside your kidneys. They are most likely to happen if you arent drinking enough, if you are on certain kinds of medication, or if you have high levels of the waste products due to a kidney condition. The stones are usually very small, so they simply make their way down the ureter to your bladder. From here they can pass out of your body via the urethra. However, if a stone is more than about 6mm in diameter, it may be too big to fit through these narrow tubes. A blockage in these tubes could also put you at risk of developing a urinary tract infection, which might require treatment with antibiotics. You may therefore need an abdominal ultrasound in London to check on a stone that is causing pain or seems to be stuck.
Treating Stuck Kidney Stones
Tips For Seeing Your Doctor About A Kidney Stone
If you suspect you have a kidney stone, here are some ways to prepare for your doctors appointment:
- Write down your symptoms and questions you want to ask your doctor.
- Be prepared to talk about any underlying medical conditions you have, as well as your medical history and medication youre taking, says Shidham.
- Keep track of how much you drink throughout the day, says Daniel Marchalik, MD, a urologist and director of ambulatory urologic surgery at MedStar Washington Hospital Center in Washington, DC.
- Send or bring prior medical reports, including results of imaging tests and laboratory work, says Prakash N. Maniam, MD, a urologist at Poinciana Medical Center in Kissimmee, Florida.
- Drink some water so youre ready to give urine sample for your doctor to examine, says Dr. Maniam.
- If you pass a kidney stone, keep it and bring it to the appointment so doctors can analyze it and identify what kind it is, says Marchalik.
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Symptoms Of Kidney Stones
Small kidney stones can usually pass on their own. Larger stones can get stuck in the ureters, which leads to intense discomfort. Your ureters are the tubes that send urine from your kidneys to your bladder. When a stone gets stuck in a ureter, it blocks the flow of urine and causes severe pain. However, kidney stones can cause discomfort in different locations as they move through your urinary tract.
If a kidney stone blocks your urinary tract, you might need to see a doctor for help. You may experience the following symptoms:
- Feeling the need to urinate frequently
- Urinating in small amounts
- Cloudy or odorous urine
Kidney Cyst : : Blood In My Urine On And Off For 2 Years
I have had blood in my urine on and off for 2 years. I have chronic kidney discomfort, have been told that I have 3 cysts on my kidney and one on my liver. I develop low grade fevers from time to time, and seem to always have UTIs. I once had a large kidney stone.. Monday I had a headache so bad I went to the dr she told me it was a migraine. As a precaution she ordered blood work. Can someone please help me understand these values. eGF non African American > 59 Creatinine×1.8×1.7 cm left parapelvi lesion which appears to have a thin septation which is traversing blood vessel. Precontrast density of the cystic portion was 7 hounsfield units and postcontrast density of the cystic portion was 4 hounsfield units. Precontrast density of the septations was 14 Hounsfield units and post contrast CT density of the septation was 37 hounsfield units.
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How Does The Procedure Work
X-rays are a form of radiation like light or radio waves. X-rays pass through most objects, including the body. The technologist carefully aims the x-ray beam at the area of interest. The machine produces a small burst of radiation that passes through your body. The radiation records an image on photographic film or a special detector.
Different parts of the body absorb the x-rays in varying degrees. Dense bone absorbs much of the radiation while soft tissue allow more of the x-rays to pass through them. As a result, bones appear white on the x-ray, soft tissue shows up in shades of gray, and air appears black.
Most x-ray images are electronically stored digital files. Your doctor can easily access these stored images to diagnose and manage your condition.
How Does The Urinary System Work
The body takes nutrients from food and converts them to energy. Afterthe body has taken the food components that it needs, waste productsare left behind in the bowel and in the blood.
The urinary system helps the body to eliminate liquid waste in theblood called urea, and keeps chemicals, such as potassium and sodium,and water in balance. Urea is produced when foods containing protein,such as meat, poultry, and certain vegetables, are broken down in thebody. Urea is carried in the bloodstream to the kidneys, where it isremoved along with water and other wastes in the form of urine.
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For People At Increased Risk Of Kidney Cancer
People who have certain inherited conditions, such as von Hippel-Lindau disease, have a higher risk of kidney cancer. Doctors often recommend that these people get regular imaging tests such as CT, MRI, or ultrasound scans at younger ages, to look for kidney tumors. Kidney cancers that are found early with these tests can often be cured.
It is important to tell your doctor if any of your family members has or had kidney cancer, especially at a younger age, or if they have been diagnosed with an inherited condition linked to this cancer, such as von Hippel-Lindau disease. Your doctor may recommend that you consider genetic counseling and testing to see if you have the condition.
Before having genetic tests, its important to talk with a genetic counselor so that you understand what the tests can and cant tell you, and what any results would mean. Genetic tests look for the gene mutations that cause these conditions in your DNA. They are used to diagnose these inherited conditions, not kidney cancer itself. Your risk may be increased if you have one of these conditions, but it does not mean that you have kidney cancer. For more information on genetic testing, see Genetics and Cancer.
Some doctors also recommend that people with kidney diseases treated by long-term dialysis or those who have had radiation to their kidney in the past have regular tests to look for kidney cancer.
What Are Kidney And Bladder Stones
Kidney or bladder stones are solid build-ups of crystals made from minerals and proteins found in urine. Bladder diverticulum, enlarged prostate, neurogenic bladder and urinary tract infection can cause an individual to have a greater chance of developing bladder stones.
If a kidney stone becomes lodged in the ureter or urethra, it can cause constant severe pain in the back or side, vomiting, hematuria , fever, or chills.
If bladder stones are small enough, they can pass on their own with no noticeable symptoms. However, once they become larger, bladder stones can cause frequent urges to urinate, painful or difficult urination and hematuria.
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A Word About Minimizing Radiation Exposure
Doctors take special care during x-ray exams to use the lowest radiation dose possible while producing the best images for evaluation. National and international radiology protection organizations continually review and update the technique standards radiology professionals use.
Modern x-ray systems minimize stray radiation by using controlled x-ray beams and dose control methods. This ensures that the areas of your body not being imaged receive minimal radiation exposure.
What Happens During A Kidney Ultrasound
A kidney ultrasound may be performed on an outpatient basis or as part ofyour stay in a hospital. Although each facility may have differentprotocols in place, generally an ultrasound procedure follows this process:
You will be asked to remove any clothing, jewelry, or other objects that may interfere with the scan.
If asked to remove clothing, you will be given a gown to wear.
You will lie on an examination table on your stomach.
Ultrasound gel is placed on the area of the body that will undergo the ultrasound examination.
Using a transducer, a device that sends out the ultrasound waves, the ultrasound wave will be sent through that patient’s body.
The sound will be reflected off structures inside the body, and the ultrasound machine will analyze the information from the sound waves.
The ultrasound machine will create images of these structures on a monitor. These images will be stored digitally.
If the bladder is examined, you will be asked to empty your bladder after scans of the full bladder have been completed. Additional scans will be made of the empty bladder.
There are no confirmed adverse biological effects on patients or instrumentoperators caused by exposures to ultrasound at the intensity levels used indiagnostic ultrasound.
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Is A Ct Scan Necessary For Kidney Stones
A CT scan of the kidney may be performed to assess the kidneys for tumors and other lesions, obstructions such as kidney stones , abscesses, polycystic kidney disease , and congenital anomalies, particularly when another type of examination, such as X-rays or physical examination, is not conclusive.
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Kidney Stones : : Blood In Urine
It all started a little over a week ago, when I discovered blood in my urine late in the evening, thought nothing of it until i carried on peeing blood for the whole of the following day, day 3 was the day when I started getting extremely excruciating pains in my left side which caused me to roll around on the floor in agony and that pain would come and go in little or loads of pain, so I went to the doctors and he said kidney stones and gave me dicloflex and to drink lots of water to hopefully pass them, I also have a ct scan In a week but the pain in my sides has stopped, like its barely noticeable now, and because Ive been drinking so much water the blood has stopped too, but I bet there are still blood cells in the urine not visible to the human eye? If I stop drinking water will the blood return? Basically will the ct scan come up with anything or will it find anything else? As the pain and blood has apparently stopped for the past two days, also I am certain I havent passed anything, Ive kept a close eye and seen or felt nothing, Ive had the odd bottle of lemonade because that apparently helps, maybe its dissolved the stones?Thanks for your time
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Kidney Stones Small Black Bits In My Urine
I am a 53 year old female. Ive been suffering with some stomach discomfort for the last few months. About two weeks ago I got some really bad pains in the left side of my stomach, a few days later I had some seriously stong pains down below and couldnt pass urine. Several times during the night I went to the bathroom with a feeling one needing to pass urine but just got this really strong pain and couldnt pass anything then when I finally did it was just a drizzle. the next day I went okay, and there were small black bits in my urine, about five in total. Were these kidney stones? they were very small. whats worrying me is that a couple of days ago i got the pain in the left side of my abdomen again, it was quite bad and kept coming and going over a day or two but nothing since.
Diagnostic Imaging Centers In South Florida
Abdominal ultrasound is a wonderful tool for diagnosing many conditions and diseases. If you or your health care provider has concerns regarding symptoms youve been experiencing, and images are warranted, then Independent Imaging is prepared to conduct your noninvasive procedure.
Call us today at 795-5558 for more information or to request an appointment, or fill out our simple appointment request form now. Were here to provide a comfortable, accurate screening to help foster optimum health for you.
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What Other Treatment Choices Are Available
About 90 percent of stones pass through the urinary system without treatment. In cases where this does not occur, treatment to remove stones may be needed. Some stones may be dissolved by medicines. In other cases, one of the following methods of stone removal may be needed:
Percutaneous Stone RemovalWhen stones are quite large or in a location that does not allow effective lithotripsy, a technique called percutaneous stone removal may be used. In this method, the surgeon makes a small incision in the back and creates a tunnel directly into the kidney. A tube is inserted and the stone is removed through this tube.
Ureteroscopic Stone RemovalFor stones found in the lower part of the urinary tract, the doctor may pass a ureteroscope up into the bladder and ureter. A basket-like device may be passed through the tube to grasp and withdraw the stone.
When Urinalysis And Other Urine Tests Help In Kidney Stone Diagnosis
In addition to imaging tests, doctors usually order urine tests to help determine what type of stone you may have and why you are developing stones. This information can help your doctor better advise you about how to prevent future kidney stones, says Naim Maalouf, MD, an associate professor of internal medicine at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. At least 31 percent of people diagnosed with kidney stones develop another one within 10 years.
Kidney stones are made of minerals and other substances that can be found in the urine that can be identified with testing. Types of kidney stones include calcium stones , uric acid stones, struvite stones, and cystine stones.
Notably, a urinalysis test and urine culture can also tell doctors whether you also have an infection, which is a potentially life-threatening complication in combination with a kidney stone, says Seth K. Bechis, MD, an assistant professor of urology at UC San Diego Health in California. If urine is trapped behind an obstructing stone in the ureter, urine can become infected. This scenario can cause an infection of the kidney tissue or spread to the bloodstream.
Doctors may perform the following urine tests in kidney stone diagnosis:
A urinalysis with microscopy can also help doctors find evidence of bleeding or infection, says Dr. Maalouf.
From this urine sample, doctors can tell whether people are predisposed to stone formation. We call it a stone risk profile, says Maalouf.
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