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HomeHealthAre Protein Bars Bad For Kidneys

Are Protein Bars Bad For Kidneys

Do Meal Replacement Shakes Help You Lose Weight

Is a High Protein Diet BAD for your Kidneys?

The reason most people choose to consume meal replacement shakes is that they want to lose weight effectively. And these drinks really can help people lose weight.

It is particularly effective for people who have been cursed with bad genetics that makes it harder for them to lose weight. Meal replacement shakes are designed to make you feel full. And it does so by putting in no more than 200-250 calories into your body.

If you compare this to the average snack or a meal, you would otherwise consume to fill the craving, you will start to notice how effective these drinks really can be.

A lot of people, however, seem to confuse these drinks with protein shakes. In the next section, we will help you differentiate between the two.

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Does Too Much Whey Protein Cause Side Effects

Whey protein is one of the most popular supplements on the planet.

But despite its many health benefits, theres some controversy surrounding its safety.

Some claim that too much whey protein can damage the kidneys and liver and even cause osteoporosis.

This article provides an evidence-based review of whey proteins safety and side effects.

What’s The Best Way To Get Daily Protein

“There are no ‘bad’ protein sources, but keep an eye on the saturated fat and calorie content of your protein sources to optimize heart health,” Fear said.

In addition, be wary of protein supplements, including bars and shakes, as they can contain a lot of additives. Some brands have more than 20 grams of sugar per serving or contain artificial sweeteners that may be just as bad for your health in the long term.

If you do decide to supplement, find a brand you trust, read the label and ingredient list carefully, stick to the recommended serving size, and use in moderation.

There’s no ideal time to eat protein, so long as you get enough, experts say, but spreading your intake out throughout the day can be helpful.

“Balancing protein in meals throughout the day has shown to be beneficial for muscle protein synthesis and maintenance of lean body mass,” Knott said.

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When Too Much Protein Might Be Harmful

Eating too much protein can lead to harmful side effects if you have existing kidney problems, or a family history of renal disease or kidney stones.

Some symptoms can indicate possible kidney disease or failure, a serious and potentially dangerous health problem, according to the National Kidney Foundation.

See a doctor if you experience some combination of the following symptoms of kidney problems:

  • Fatigue
  • Blood or foam present in your urine
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Swollen legs or ankles

Protein Bars Have Heavy Metals But Not The Kind You Can Headbang To

A nutrition bar is a transportable quick meal or snack that you can eat ...

As odd as it sounds, our bodies actually need a certain amount of metal to function. Iron is required for our bodies to make hemoglobin and myoglobin, both of which transport oxygen to out various parts. Zinc aids our immune systems and repairs DNA. There are also heavy metals that our bodies can’t use and are harmed by, such as arsenic, mercury, and lead. Potentially harmful levels of heavy metals have been found in some protein bars.

There’s a lot to unpack with that fact, though. Heavy metals are found in Earth’s soil and water, which are absorbed by plants, and then passed on to the animals that eat the plants. That means everything from a fresh carrot to a beef burger can have heavy metals present. As the FDA explains heavy metal consumption, “People’s exposure comes from many different foods containing these metals.”

This one is tough because heavy metals are an inescapable part of our planet, and even the healthiest foods may contain trace amounts. Like all things in life, it’s a balancing act.

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Whats Considered A Healthy Snack

When it comes to choosing a heathy snack , the goal is to prevent hunger between meals as well as blood sugar highs, crashes and mood swings while providing long-lasting energy. On top of that, the snack needs to be low enough in calories to help achieve or maintain that flat-belly! And of course, it needs to be nutrient-packed to fuel the body and to make sure its functioning at its bestincluding that efficient, fat-burning metabolism. There are key factors that are needed for a snack to pull off this feat, which weve been discussing for a long time, and if youve read our first book, Fire Up Your Metabolism, you know we also discuss this there.

Note: Depending on your personal needs, a healthy snack may also need to be gluten-free, dairy-free or free of other allergens. Thats why we created our No-bake Chocolate Protein Bar recipe with gluten-free, dairy-free and vegan options!

High Amount Of Sodium Intake

Another very common reason for getting kidney stones is the high amount of sodium intake.

The modern diet is heavy on sodium. Each time you consume something salty, you are putting sodium in your body. And the nature of the modern diet can make it difficult to track just how much sodium we are putting in our bodies. And the result is we consume more than the body needs.

In response to this excess of sodium, the kidney pulls in more calcium as a substitute for it. This eventually leads to an excessive accumulation of calcium in the kidney, which can, in turn, lead to the formation of calcium stones.

Furthermore, if an excess of oxalate or phosphate accompanies this excess of sodium, it can lead to more complications. Hence, the careful monitoring of sodium intake is a necessity to prevent kidney stones.

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What Happens To Your Poop When You Eat Too Much Protein

You may get a bad case of diarrhea.

On the flipside, too much protein can lead to diarrhea, according to Livestrong. This can cause you to have loose stool. Experts recommend trying to cut back slightly on protein and to make sure that its coming from high-quality sources.

How much protein should a 60 year old woman?

For women over 50, experts recommend 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of weight . If you weigh 140 pounds, for instance, you would need at least 63 grams of protein a day.

What foods are full of protein? Protein foods

  • lean meats beef, lamb, veal, pork, kangaroo.
  • poultry chicken, turkey, duck, emu, goose, bush birds.
  • fish and seafood fish, prawns, crab, lobster, mussels, oysters, scallops, clams.
  • eggs.
  • dairy products milk, yoghurt , cheese

Which vitamin is necessary with protein intake? DIETARY PROTEIN AND VITAMIN BE REQUIREMENTS

Dietary protein increases the vitamin B, requirement, but may also favor retention of the vitamin in the liver when intake of the vitamin is high.

Read The Fine Print On Protein Bar Labels

Protein DAMAGES KIDNEYS & LONGEVITY? How Much Protein Should You Eat? Dr. Ted Naiman & PROTEIN FACTS

Often the word protein is written in large, bold font on a protein bar’s package. It’s important to always read the fine print, which in this case, means the ingredients. Usually written in a tiny font, hidden under the flap on the back of the wrapper, the ingredient list may be long and filled with things that aren’t as good for you, including additives and preservatives.

BHA and BHT are common preservatives that are also highly controversial. Studies show conflicting information about the safety of these preservatives. In the foods and makeups that use them, BHA and BHT are usually only found in small doses. However the more preserved foods you eat, the higher the dosage you are consuming.

We know it’s best to eat fresh foods and avoid processing and preservatives. Despite the presence of protein or other healthy nutrients in protein bars, there are always other ingredients and additives to consider. Not all protein bars contain BHT or BHA, but consumers should read all the ingredients to get a complete picture of what they are eating.

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Why Do You Need Protein And Fiber In A Healthy Snack

For a long-lasting energy boost that fills you up without filling you out, protein and fiber in combination are the key thats why our No-Bake Chocolate Protein bar contains decent amounts of them both .

Both fiber and protein take time to digest i.e., they help to promote a gradual release of energy from carbs and prevent blood sugar spikes from sugar. Protein takes 4- 6 hours to digest, while carbs, even the wholesome ones, like oats in this recipe, digest in only 1-4 hours. This fast digestion of carbs is great when you want quick energy, but when you want it to last, you have to add some protein to slow the digestion and to extend the boost from the carbs. Otherwise, a bar without protein and fiber, even if its not loaded with sugar, may leave you feeling more like you took a straight shot glass of sugar, simply because there wasnt any protein or fiber to slow the release of energy and fight the crash that comes when your body quickly digests carbs!

All Fiber Is Not Created Equal

Fiber is an important part of a balanced diet, not least of all to keep things moving smoothly in the bathroom. Fiber is supposed to help lower blood sugar and may even prevent cancers and help you live longer. Some protein bars use a special fiber called IMO which is made from rice starch, so that’s good, right?

Unfortunately, it turns out that not all fiber may actually be … well … fiber. A 2017 study suggests that, based on how the body reacts to it, IMO fiber is not actually a dietary fiber, but a slow-digesting carbohydrate. IMO raised both the blood glucose and insulin levels of the test subjects, opposite to what fiber should do. What matters with ingredients is not what they’re called, but how your body responds to them. If your body doesn’t react to IMO like a fiber, it doesn’t matter what it’s called. It might not be helping your body in the way you expected it to.

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Protein Does Not Cause Osteoporosis

Some people believe that a high protein intake can contribute to osteoporosis.

The theory is that protein increases the acid load of your body, which then causes the body to take calcium out of the bones to neutralize the acid .

Even though there are some studies showing increased short-term calcium excretion, this effect does not persist over the long term .

In fact, longer-term studies do not support this idea. In one 9-week study, replacing carbohydrates with meat did not affect calcium excretion and improved some hormones known to promote bone health, like IGF-1 .

A review published in 2017 concluded that increased protein intake does not harm the bones. If anything, the evidence pointed to a higher protein intake improving bone health .

Multiple other studies show that a higher protein intake is a good thing when it comes to your bone health.

For example, it may improve your bone density and lower the risk of fractures. It also increases IGF-1 and lean mass, both known to promote bone health .

There are plenty of other potentially helpful nutritional strategies. If you want to learn more, check out this article on 10 natural ways to build healthy bones.


Long-term studies show that a high protein intake may improve your bone health. It does not cause osteoporosis.

Why Would Possibly I Would Like To Manage Protein Sodium Phosphorus Calcium Or Potassium

Nutrition Bars You Can Eat On A Renal Diet

Consuming the correct quantity of protein, sodium, potassium or phosphorus could assist management the buildup of waste and fluid in your blood. This implies your kidneys dont have to work as laborious to take away the additional waste and fluid.


Your physique wants protein to assist construct muscle, restore tissue, and struggle an infection. When youve got kidney illness, chances are youll want to observe how a lot protein you eat. Having an excessive amount of protein may cause waste to construct up in your blood. Your kidneys could not be capable of take away all the additional waste. It is very important eat the correct quantity of protein every day. The quantity of protein you want is predicated in your physique dimension, your kidney drawback, and the quantity of protein that could be in your urine. Protein consumption shouldnt be too low, or it might trigger different issues. Your dietitian or healthcare supplier can let you know how a lot protein it is best to eat.


Wholesome kidneys management how a lot sodium is in your physique. In case your kidneys dont work nicely, an excessive amount of sodium may cause fluid buildup, swelling, larger blood strain, and pressure in your coronary heart. Your dietitian or healthcare supplier can let you know the correct quantity of sodium it is best to have every day.




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Pcdaas Table Of Protein Sources

Protein Source

When factoring in digestibility, eggs rank the highest. Milk comes in second place. Soy and beef are tied with similar scores.

Based on the digestibility, a vegetarian diet may be a good option for someone on dialysis that requires additional protein. However, soy is also highly digestible. Because of this, soy can be the only protein source so long as a person consumes at least 0.6 g/kg of body weight.

The protein efficiency ratio looks at the quality of the protein. A study in 1996 found that a mixture of animal and plant proteins had just as high PER compared to a diet with only animal protein.

Its also interesting to know that egg whites have virtually no phosphorus but are high in protein, making them dialysis-friendly.

The point of reviewing this is to show that different protein sources are possible for those on dialysis. There is no evidence that a certain type of protein must be included in a dialysis diet.

Potassium Is Not Bad In A Plant

One of the first recommendations a physician may give someone with kidney disease is stop eating potassium.

However, what studies are now showing is that even those with later-stages of kidney disease can benefit in not having such a significant restriction, especially if following a plant-based diet.

Potassium can help with blood pressure control, which is very helpful for your kidneys as high blood pressure is one of the top causes of kidney disease.

The highest sources of potassium in our diet come from fruit and vegetables. When following a plant-based diet, the goal is to have a base including fruits and vegetables.

A study in 2013 found that after one year of increased intakes of fruits and vegetables in those with stage 4 CKD found no impact on potassium levels, but did result in improved metabolic acidosis and better kidney health.

If your doctor has told you to limit potassium, it does not mean you cannot follow a plant-based diet. Work with a dietitian to learn your best potassium needs and goals to keep your kidneys healthy. Learn more about the low potassium diet here.

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How Much Protein Is Too Much

The body is in a constant state of flux, constantly breaking down and rebuilding its own tissues.

Under certain circumstances, our need for protein can increase. This includes periods of sickness or increased physical activity.

We need to consume enough protein for these processes to occur.

However, if we eat more than we need, the excess protein will be broken down and used for energy.

Even though a relatively high protein intake is healthy and safe, eating massive amounts of protein is unnatural and may cause harm. Traditional populations got most of their calories from fat or carbs, not protein.

Exactly how much protein is harmful is unclear and likely varies between people.

One study in healthy, strength-training men showed that eating around 1.4 grams per pound of body weight every day for a year didnt have any adverse health effects .

Even eating 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight for 2 months did not appear to cause any side effects (

Pea Protein For Kidney Health

How much PROTEIN is SAFE for your Kidneys?

Several types of researches have been carried out to prove that plant-based protein is highly beneficial to people suffering from Chronic Kidney Diseases. Its also known to reduce the risk of having kidney diseases. High blood pressure is a common risk factor for persons with chronic kidney diseases. However, recent research has shown that pea protein powder can improve blood pressure. This could be attributed to the fact that pea protein powder is rich in soluble fiber which has some heart benefits. Also, pea protein is rich in amino acid arginine which to an extent lowers blood pressure. Pea protein has also been proven to help people who already have kidney disease to maintain normal blood pressure which can help them live longer.

You may wonder why stable blood pressure is significant for people with kidney disease. This is because most of the time, kidney disease patients die fromcardiovascular complications which starts as a result of high blood pressure. This is a great development seeing that13% of American adults suffer from chronic kidney disease. Its not a cure but its a very important discovery seeing that it can keep such patients alive longer.

Pea protein is beneficial to the kidney for the reasons stated above. You dont have to be a vegetarian to enjoy pea protein powder seeing that it has so many benefits. It mixes well with any diet youre following so you should consider turning to pea protein for its nutritional and health benefits.

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