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What Does It Mean If Your Kidneys Hurt

Watch Out For Signs Of Kidney Disease

Kidney Pain Causes – If Your Back Hurts, It Could Be One Of These Kidney Problems

A person with kidney disease has progressive loss of function of their kidneys. Kidney disease is sometimes called a silent disease because it often doesnt cause symptoms until the disease has progressed significantly. Its not uncommon for people to have lost up to 90% of their kidney function before experiencing symptoms of kidney disease.

Keep an eye out for the below signs and symptoms of kidney disease, and if you have any concerns, see your doctor.

Signs of reduced kidney function can include:

  • high blood pressure
  • change in how often you need to go to the toilet and how much urine you produce
  • changes to your urine for example frothy or foaming urine
  • blood in your urine
  • increased puffiness around your legs, ankles or eyes
  • pain in the kidney area
  • tiredness and fatigue

Are Your Kidneys Weak

There are many factors in modern day life that can weaken a persons kidneys, even though that person might not have a diagnosable kidney disorder.

Your kidneys are made of delicate filters called nephrons, the tiny functional units of the kidneys. The nephrons filter and clean the blood. If the blood pressure or blood sugar is too high, though, these filters can be damaged and thus cant perform the kidneys duties.

Certain lifestyle habits can damage the nephrons of the kidneys by producing oxidative stress, inflammation, or high blood pressure.

If your kidneys are not as strong as they should be, there are clues that your body gives you. You just have to look for them.

Dandelion Tea To Relieve Kidney Pain

Dandelion herb has diuretic properties meaning it can increase your urine output. Thus it can flush your kidneys to relieve you of the pain as well as stone. Not only this, dandelion tea can also stimulate blood circulation in kidneys.

Make dandelion to get rid of kidney pain

Get this:

  • Dried dandelion leaves herb- 1-2 tsp
  • Hot water- 1 cup
  • Place the watermelon seeds in a vessel.
  • Pour the hot boiling water over the watermelon seeds.
  • Allow the tea to cool down.
  • Strain and drink the tea.
  • Drink this tea once a day for three days a week.

Its recommended to make fresh watermelon seeds tea whenever you want to drink it.

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Urinary Or Renal Infection

A urinary infection can evolve to a renal infection or kidney stones, which need to be treated with bladder probes or several other treatments that can lead t renal infection. Both cases share similar symptoms:

  • Pain in the groin, side or lumbar area. In the case of urinary tract infections, this pain is present when the infection has reached the kidneys.
  • Frequent urination with scarce urination.
  • Pain and burning sensation when urinating.
  • Dark colored urine with a strong smell or, in some cases, blood.
  • Fever, nausea and vomit.

What Does Kidney Pain Feel Like

Kidney Pain and What It Can Mean

Your kidneys are fist-sized organs shaped like beans that are located at the back of the middle of your trunk, in the area called your flank. They are under the lower part of your ribcage on the right and left sides of your backbone.

Their main job is to filter waste out of your blood and produce urine to remove that waste along with extra fluid from your body.

When your kidney hurts, it usually means theres something wrong with it. Its important to determine whether your pain is coming from your kidney and or from somewhere else so that you receive the right treatment.

Because there are muscles, bones, and other organs around your kidney, its sometimes hard to tell if its your kidney or something else causing your pain. However, the type and location of the pain and other symptoms you are having can help point to your kidney as the source of your pain.

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How Long Do Kidney Stone Symptoms Last

As mentioned, the time frame for these symptoms can be as short as a week or up to a month and beyond. So, even if it feels like your kidney stone pain has subsided, it’s important to reach out to your doctor since sporadic pain is common with this condition.

“While some kidney stones pass on their own, others require treatment such as medications or procedures to help break up the stone or even surgical removal. Your doctor can perform the tests needed to determine whether the stone is likely to pass on its own or if you might need treatment. In addition, your doctor can help you manage the pain associated with passing the stone,” adds Dr. Kannady.

Related Questions Answered On Yanswers

If your a girl and your kidneys hurt what does that mean?
A: Are you drinking too many sodas? Not enough water? If so that could be a reason.
What does it mean when your Kidney starts to hurt or you just start to feel pain in that area?
Q: Everytime Im at school, the pain comes then goes. But when I start to eat the pain goes away. This has been happening for 3 days straight.
A: Any kind of kidney pain is a bad sign. As mentioned above me, if the pain is severe and it moves then its a stone. If it stays in that area and you have signs of an infection such as fever, burning during urination, frequency etc. You need to go to the ER immediatly. This is very serious and potentially fatal if left untreated. Good luck!

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How Is Kidney Disease Diagnosed

If you might have a kidney condition, you’ll probably visit a pediatric nephrologist , a doctor who specializes in treating kidney diseases. The doctor will ask you about any concerns and symptoms you have, your past health, your family’s health, any medicines you’re taking, any allergies you have, and other issues. This is called your .

The doctor will want to do urine tests and blood tests to look for signs of structural issues, an infection, glomerulonephritis, or nephrotic syndrome, and to check how well your kidneys are working.

One test commonly used to detect kidney conditions is a renal ultrasound. This picture of the kidneys is made using sound waves. It shows how big the kidney is, its shape, and whether there is anything unusual, such as blockage of the urine flow or swelling. An ultrasound is safe and painless.

Sometimes doctors order a test called a renal scan. A dye is injected into the veins and then pictures are taken that show how blood flows through the kidneys. This tells a doctor whether pee is being made normally. In another test, called a kidney biopsy, the doctor uses a special needle to remove a tiny piece of the kidney to check under a microscope.

When Should Call A Doctor For Kidney Pain

How Do You Know If Your Kidneys Are Hurting?

Individuals should not postpone seeing a doctor about kidney pain or flank pain. Although flank pain is often seen in underlying problems with the kidney, there are many other diseases that can mimic kidney pain, and a physician can help with an accurate diagnosis of underlying problems that result in kidney or flank pain. Any acute onset of intense kidney or flank pain should be evaluated immediately.

Warning signs that kidney disease is present and may result in kidney pain or flank pain are the following:

  • Swelling of the hands and feet and/or puffiness around the eyes
  • Testing that shows an abnormal creatinine, blood urea nitrogen , or glomerular filtration rate less than 60

In addition, if an individual has diabetes or any of the congenital problems that lead to kidney dysfunction, the individual should be routinely checked for the onset of kidney dysfunction or kidney failure by their physician.

Also Check: Is Grape Juice Good For Kidney Stones

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Questions To Ask Your Doctor About Adpkd

  • How will this disease make me feel?
  • Do I need any more tests?
  • Do I need to see a specialist?
  • What are my treatment options?
  • Do the treatments have side effects?
  • What do you expect for my case?
  • What can I do to keep my kidneys working?
  • If I have children, will they get the disease?
  • Do my children need to get a genetic test?

How Do You Know If You Have Kidney Pain

Kidney pain, or renal pain, is usually felt in your back . It can spread to other areas, like the sides, upper abdomen or groin. If you have a kidney stone, you usually feel the pain in your back, side, lower belly or groin.

Back pain due to muscle problems is usually in your lower back. Pain due to kidney problems is usually deeper and higher in your back, under your ribs.

Signs that it is a kidney problem can also include fever, vomiting, pain in your sides or painful urination.

Also Check: Constipation With Kidney Stone

What Does It Mean If Your Kidneys Hurt

Health related question in topics ConditionsIllness .We found some answers as below for this question What does it mean if your kidneys hurt,you can compare them.

What does it mean if your kidneys hurt

What Does It Mean When Your Kidneys Hurt And You Cant Breathe??
I had that and i had a kidney infectioin. You need to go to the doctor.
What does passing a kidney stone mean and does it hurt??
Kidney stone pain is extremely painful. The pain stops as soon as the stone is passed. It hurts worse than having a baby and you dont have anything to show for it.
What does it mean if your right kidney hurts alot?
You probably need to see a doctor. Could be stones or an infection. Neither is a good thing!

What Causes Hydronephrosis

Kidney cancer symptoms warning: Signs of the disease could ...

Hydronephrosis diagnosed in pregnancy is usually mild. It’s thought to be caused by an increase in the amount of urine your baby produces in the later stages of pregnancy.

In more severe cases, it may be caused by a blockage in the flow of urine from the kidneys to the bladder, backflow of urine from the bladder to the kidneys, or a blockage in the flow of urine out of the bladder.

In adults, hydronephrosis is commonly caused by:

Read more about the causes of hydronephrosis.

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Symptoms Of Kidney Disease

Knowing the symptoms of kidney disease can help people detect it early enough to get treatment. Symptoms can include:

Healthy kidneys function to remove extra water and wastes, help control blood pressure, keep body chemicals in balance, keep bones strong, tell your body to make red blood cells and help children grow normally. Chronic kidney disease occurs when kidneys are no longer able to clean toxins and waste product from the blood and perform their functions to full capacity. This can happen all of a sudden or over time.

What is acute renal failure?

“Renal” means related to the kidneys. “Acute” means sudden. So acute renal failure means the kidneys have failed suddenly, often due to a toxin or severe blood loss or trauma. Dialysis is used to clean the blood and give the kidneys a rest. If the cause is treated, the kidneys may be able to recover some or all of their function.

What are kidney stones?

A kidney stone occurs when substances in the urine form crystals. Kidney stones can be large or small. Large ones can damage the kidneys small ones may be able to pass in the urine. Because crystals have sharp edges, passing even small stones can be very painful. Treatment depends on what the stones are made of.

What is PTH?

Parathyroid hormone is produced by several small, bean-like parathyroid glands in your neck. Its “job” is to tell your bones to release calcium into your bloodstream. Too much PTH can become a problem in people with kidney disease.

When To Seek Medical Advice

Contact your GP if you have a high temperature, persistent pain, or if you notice a change to your usual pattern of urination. Contact your GP immediately if you think your child may have a kidney infection.

If you have blood in your urine, you should always see your GP so the cause can be investigated.

Kidney infections require prompt treatment with antibiotics to help relieve symptoms and prevent complications developing.

Your GP can carry out some simple tests to help diagnose a kidney infection.

See diagnosing kidney infections for more information

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When To See A Gp

See a GP if you feel feverish and have pain that will not go away in your tummy, lower back or genitals.

You should also see a GP if you have symptoms of a UTI that have not improved after a few days, or if you have blood in your pee.

Contact a GP immediately if you think your child may have a kidney infection.

If you cannot get a GP appointment and need urgent medical attention, go to your nearest urgent care centre .

If you do not have a local UCC, go to your nearest A& E.

How Low Is Low

What Does Pain In The Kidney Area Mean?

A healthy kidney filters wastes from the blood at a rate of 90 milliliters per minute or more. This is known as the glomerular filtration rate, or GFR. With time, many men’s kidneys start to slip, but function must decline quite a lot before you start to really feel the impact. You feel fine up to the point that kidney function is almost gone, which means you can lead a normal life with reduced kidney function.

On the other hand, lack of early warning from symptoms can deny you the chance to slow the slide. Most people don’t start feeling really ill until kidney function is under 10%.

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Uva Ursi To Relieve Kidney Pain

Uva ursi, also known as bearberry, is a herb that has been traditionally used by Native Americans to cure urinary problems like bladder infections which acts as a diuretic. Uva ursi is particularly beneficial for infections caused by E. coli, a bacterium found in the intestines causing bladder and kidney infections. If you decide to use this herb for your kidney diseases, consult a herbalist as it is indicated only for chronic conditions and is not meant to be used for longer periods.

Make Uva ursi tea for kidney pain

Get this:

  • Add uva ursi leaves with water.
  • Simmer the mixture for about 30-40 minutes till when it is reduced to one cup.
  • Drink half cup of this tea twice a day.

Warning: Pregnant women should avoid taking uva ursi herb.

Who’s Most Likely To Get A Kidney Infection

Women and children are most at risk of developing a kidney infection, as well as other urinary tract infections such as cystitis.

In women, the urethra is closer to the anus than in men, making it easier for bacteria from the anus to enter the urethra accidentally. The female urethra is also much shorter than the male urethra . This makes it easier for bacteria to reach the bladder and move into the kidneys.

Other factors can also put you more at risk of developing a kidney infection, including:

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Fatigue Being Tired All Of The Time

Why this happens:

Healthy kidneys make a hormone called erythropoietin , or EPO, that tells your body to make oxygen-carrying red blood cells. As the kidneys fail, they make less EPO. With fewer red blood cells to carry oxygen, your muscles and brain tire very quickly. This is anemia, and it can be treated.

What patients said:

I was constantly exhausted and didnt have any pep or anything.

I would sleep a lot. Id come home from work and get right in that bed.

What Are The Symptoms Of Omicron

Kidney Transplant from Living HIV

While there are subtle differences between the latest coronavirus strain and previous ones, so far the signs of infection look pretty similar.

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With cases of Omicron rising throughout the United States, Americans are scrambling to distinguish the symptoms of this new variant from those of other coronavirus variants, including Delta.

Most P.C.R. and rapid antigen tests can detect Omicron the Food and Drug Administration has noted there are only a few tests that dont but results do not indicate to the user which variant they are infected with, leaving people to guess.

Some symptom differences have emerged from preliminary data, but experts are not certain they are meaningful. Data released last week from South Africas largest private health insurer, for instance, suggest that South Africans with Omicron often develop a scratchy or sore throat along with nasal congestion, a dry cough and muscle pain, especially low back pain.

Its likely that the symptoms of Omicron will resemble Deltas more than they differ.

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Renal Tumors Or Cysts

Renal tumors or cysts do not typically cause pain unless the growth is advanced or the disbursement is extensive. The three most common growth abnormalities include:

  • Renal adenoma: A type of benign tumor that can grow to a substantial size
  • Renal cell carcinoma : A type of cancer that usually begins in the tubules of the kidneys
  • Polycystic kidney disease : An inherited disorder in which benign, fluid-filled cysts proliferate throughout the kidneys

The pain would most often be unilateral and accompanied by hematuria, either visible or invisible .

If cancer is involved, persistent malaise and unexplained weight loss are telltale signs suggestive of an advanced malignancy.

PKD may also be symptom-free until such time as the formation of cysts causes structural damage to the kidney. In addition to flank pain, usually bilateral, PKD may cause progressively worsening symptoms, including headaches, high blood pressure, hematuria, abdominal pain and swelling, recurrent kidney stones, recurrent UTIs, and renal failure.

As opposed to many of the other renal conditions, PKD is associated with excessive urination rather than impaired urination. The most common form of PKD, known as autosomal dominant PKD, manifests with symptoms when patients are in their 30s and 40s. Around 10% will advance to renal failure.


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