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What Does A White Spot On Your Kidney Mean

Specialized Evaluation And Prenatal Care

7 Warning Signs That Your Kidneys Are Toxic

If echogenic kidneys are diagnosed during pregnancy, you may be referred to a fetal center for further evaluation and additional testing.

At Texas Childrens Fetal Center, we arrange for you to visit as quickly as possible for a comprehensive assessment by a team of specialists experienced in evaluating echogenic kidneys and diagnosing and treating congenital kidney conditions. Team members include maternal-fetal medicine physicians , fetal imaging experts, pediatric nephrologists and urologists, geneticists and genetic counselors, and neonatologists.

Additional testing may include:

Following this thorough evaluation, our specialists will meet with you about the results and answer any questions your family has, to help you make the most informed decisions regarding your babys care and treatment.

A diagnosis of echogenic kidneys during pregnancy enables your family and your healthcare team to plan ahead for the specialized treatment and expertise your baby may need at birth, optimizing outcomes.

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Kidney Cancer: Symptoms And Signs

ON THIS PAGE: You will find out more about changes and other things that can signal a problem that may need medical care. Use the menu to see other pages.

Often, kidney cancer is found when a person has an imaging test, such as ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging , or computed tomography scan , for another reason. In its earliest stages, kidney cancer causes no pain. Therefore, symptoms of the disease usually appear when the tumor grows large and begins to affect nearby organs.

People with kidney cancer may experience the following symptoms or signs. Symptoms are changes that you can feel in your body. Signs are changes in something measured, like by taking your blood pressure or doing a lab test. Together, symptoms and signs can help describe a medical problem. Sometimes, people with kidney cancer do not have any of the symptoms and signs described below. In other cases, the cause of a symptom or sign may be a medical condition that is not cancer.

  • Blood in the urine

  • Unexplained weight loss

  • Fever that keeps coming back and is not from a cold, flu, or other infection

  • In the testicles, a rapid development of a cluster of enlarged veins, known as a varicocele, around a testicle, particularly the right testicle, may indicate that a large kidney tumor may be present

Diagnosis For Lung Cancer

If your doctor believes a pulmonary nodule is cancerous, they may order more tests. Diagnostic testing used to confirm or rule out cancer includes:

  • Positron emission tomography scan:These imaging tests use radioactive glucose molecules to determine if the cells that make up the nodule are dividing rapidly.
  • Biopsy: Your doctor may order a biopsy, especially if the results of the PET scan are inconclusive. During this procedure, a tissue sample is removed from the nodule. Its then examined for cancer cells using a microscope.

Sometimes this is done by a needle biopsy thats inserted near the edge of your lung through the chest wall. Another option is a bronchoscopy where your doctor inserts a scope through the mouth or nose and passes it through your large airways to collect cells.

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Rare Types Of Kidney Cancer

Rare kidney cancers occur most frequently in children, teenagers, and young adults.

Papillary renal cell carcinoma

  • 15% of all renal cell carcinomas
  • Tumor located in the kidney tubes
  • Type 1 PRCC is more common and grows slowly
  • Type 2 PRCC is more aggressive and grows more quickly

Translocation renal cell carcinoma

  • Accounts for 1% to 5% of all renal cell carcinomas and 20% of childhood caces
  • Tumor located in the kidney
  • In children, TRCC usually grows slowly often without any symptoms
  • In adults, TRCC tends to be agressive and fast-growing

Are There Early Warning Signs Of Kidney Cancer

Do you have white marks on your fingernails? This is what they mean ...

Many people with kidney cancer dont notice any early signs or symptoms until the cancers later stages, or until the tumor is large. Research suggests, in fact, that over half of all people diagnosed with RCC have no symptoms at the time of diagnosis.

Some of the earliest symptoms you might notice include:

  • blood in your urine
  • loss of appetite
  • unexplained weight loss

Its always a good idea to make an appointment with a doctor or other HCP if you feel generally unwell and:

  • your feelings of illness or fatigue last for more than 2 weeks
  • your symptoms get worse over time

Some people have a greater chance of developing kidney cancer than others. Risk factors include:

  • taking acetaminophen only as directed, without exceeding the recommended dose
  • avoiding frequent exposure to harmful carcinogenic substances, like trichloroethylene

Letting your physician know if you have a personal or family history of cancer can help them better determine your specific risk factors for developing RCC.

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Symptoms Of A Pulmonary Nodule

Pulmonary nodules dont cause symptoms. You may have a nodule on your lungs for years and never know it.

If a spot on your lungs is cancerous, you may have symptoms related to the specific type of cancer. For example, growths caused by lung cancer may cause a persistent cough or breathing difficulties.

What Causes Protein In The Urine

Healthy kidneys remove extra fluid and waste from your blood and transform it into urine. Healthy kidneys do not remove proteins and other important nutrients, which pass through and return to your blood. But when your kidneys are damaged, they may let this protein leak into your urine. This causes high levels of protein in your urine.

Anyone can have protein in their urine. You may be more likely to have protein in your urine if you have one or more of the risk factors for kidney disease. There are health problems that can cause long-lasting protein in the urine, and some that can cause short-term protein in the urine.

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When Should You Visit A Doctor

If a person has the following symptoms, they should get medical help:

  • Symptoms That Are Severe Or Persistent
  • Symptoms That Could Indicate Recurring Strep Throat Infections
  • A Temperature Exceeding 101°f
  • Any Other Worries Concerning White Patches On The Throat Hoarseness Lasting More Than 2 Weeks
  • Phlegm or Blood In Saliva
  • Earache From A Bump In The Neck

In order to provide prompt and convenient care, KingwoodER has expert physicians, a caring team, and state-of-the-art equipment.

If you have a medical condition that needs to be addressed at any time of the day or night, you can count on us to be there for you.

How Can I Prevent Kidney Stones

Kidney Disease and Dialysis | Health | Biology | FuseSchool

Here are a few steps you can take to prevent kidney stones:

  • Drink enough fluids every day. Eight to twelve cups of fluid per day is enough for most people. If you have kidney disease and need to limit fluids, ask your doctor how much fluid you should have each day.
  • Limit your sodium and animal protein such as meat and eggs. If your doctor can find out what your kidney stone is made of, they may give you a specific eating plan to help prevent future kidney stones.
  • Take all of your prescription medicines as your doctor tells you to treat health problems that may make kidney stones more likely for you.

Never start or stop any new medicines or an eating plan without talking to your doctor.

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How Do I Know If I Have Kidney Cancer

Maybe youve had kidney cancer symptoms such as pain in your side, weight loss, or extreme fatigue. Or maybe your doctor has found a lump in your side during a routine exam or a sign of kidney cancer during a test for another disease. Regardless, to confirm a diagnosis of kidney cancer, you will need a thorough physical exam, health history, and tests.

Your doctor will feel your abdomen and side for lumps and check for fever and high blood pressure, among other things. You will also answer questions about your health habits, any past illnesses, and types of treatment. To make a diagnosis of kidney cancer, your doctor will also order one or more tests like these:

Unlike with many other cancers, your doctor may be pretty certain about a diagnosis of kidney cancer without a biopsy. Sometimes, a biopsy will be done to confirm the diagnosis. A doctor may use a needle biopsy to remove a sample of tissue, which is then examined under a microscope for cancer cells. The biopsy may also tell the grade of the cancer how aggressive the cancer is likely to be. Often the surgeon will simply remove the entire tumor and then have a sample of tissue examined.

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White Spotted Kidney In A Bovine

This pictures are characteristic of a subacute interstitial nephritis, also known as white spotted kidney.

This lesion is characterized by irregular whitish areas, of up to 1 cm in diameter in the renal cortex which do not normally protrude towards the renal capsule, extrend into the parenchyma and are non suppurative. When the lesion is more chronic the kidney surface becomes rugous and even shows areas of parenchymal retraction. This is a fairly nonspecific lesion but has been associated with infections by Escherichia coli, Leptospira spp. or other bacteria.

A similar lesion was published a couple of years ago in sheep.

Kidney with whitish spots of miliary distribution.

View of the other side of the organ.

Lesion detail.

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A Mass Or Lump Around Your Abdomen

A mass or lump in the abdomen, side, or back can also be a sign of kidney cancer. You might feel a hard thickening or bulging bump under your skin.

But kidney lumps are hard to feel, especially in the early stages. Thats because the kidneys sit deep in the abdomen. You may not even see or feel the lump as the tumor grows.

If you do discover a lump, a doctor or other HCP will likely order diagnostic tests, such as an ultrasound or a CT scan. These tests may help determine the cause of the lump. Youll typically need a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.

Keep in mind that not all lumps are cancer. If youre concerned about a lump around your abdomen, a doctor or other HCP can offer guidance and information about next steps.

Whats Causing The White Pus Patches In Your Throat

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The only way to know for sure whats causing the white patches to your throat is to visit our San Jose, California office for an evaluation. Depending on your symptoms and the results of your physical exam, we may order a rapid strep test to rule out or confirm if strep is the culprit.

Depending on what your diagnosis is, treatments for the white patches can vary from antibiotics to antifungals.

If your throat hurts and youre concerned about white pus patches, dont wait to schedule an appointment. Receiving an accurate diagnosis and getting started on a treatment plan can help you feel better quicker. You can also call us at 408-207-4637. We also welcome walk-ins.

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How Serious Is A Tumor On The Kidney

It depends. Some kidney tumors are benign . These tumors are generally smaller than cancerous tumors and dont spread to other parts of your body. Surgical removal is the most common treatment for noncancerous kidney tumors.

Whether your kidney tumor is cancerous or noncancerous, you should move forward with treatment as soon as possible to avoid complications.

Findings In The Normal Kidney

In the longitudinal scan plane, the kidney has the characteristic oval bean-shape. The right kidney is often found more caudally and is slimmer than the left kidney, which may have a so-called dromedary hump due to its proximity to the spleen . The kidney is surrounded by a capsule separating the kidney from the echogenic perirenal fat, which is seen as a thin linear structure .

The kidney is divided into parenchyma and renal sinus. The renal sinus is hyperechoic and is composed of calyces, the renal pelvis, fat and the major intrarenal vessels. In the normal kidney, the urinary collecting system in the renal sinus is not visible, but it creates a heteroechoic appearance with the interposed fat and vessels. The parenchyma is more hypoechoic and homogenous and is divided into the outermost cortex and the innermost and slightly less echogenic medullary pyramids . Between the pyramids are the cortical infoldings, called columns of Bertin . In the pediatric patient, it is easier to differentiate the hypoechoic medullar pyramids from the more echogenic peripheral zone of the cortex in the parenchyma rim, as well as the columns of Bertin .

Normal pediatric kidney. * Column of Bertin ** pyramid *** cortex **** sinus.

Measures of the kidney. L = length. P = parenchymal thickness. C = cortical thickness.

Knowing your risk

By Alpha Med Physicians Group

  • Filter waste from your blood
  • Control blood pressure
  • Create red blood cells

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Does A Shadow Or Dark Spot On My Kidney Mean Cancer

The possible significance of light/dark spots in a scan of the kidneys varies widely depending on the imaging technique. When a dye is used during a scan, such as a computed tomography scan or magnetic resonance imaging , both dark and light spots on the kidneys could potentially indicate cancer. In these scans, the dye accumulates and shows up as a bright spot in places that may contain cancer. If the dye is blocked from reaching certain parts of the kidney, those areas may appear as dark spots in the images.

This technique helps differentiate between tumors and cysts. The dye doesnt collect in a cyst and only builds up in a tumor.

The meaning of black vs. white spots on an ultrasound is different because the technique uses sound waves to reveal the density of any structures inside. Usually, cancerous tumors in the kidneys are solid, which means that cancer will appear as a lighter spot on an ultrasound image because the sound waves bounce off more solid structures. Benign cysts in the kidneys tend to appear as black spots on an ultrasound because the waves pass through them and dont bounce back.

Your doctor can explain the potential implications of any light or dark spots revealed by an imaging scan. The findings of an imaging test alone, particularly an ultrasound, may not be enough to make a definitive diagnosis.

Expert cancer care

What Are Kidney Cysts

Kidney (Renal) Disease Signs & Symptoms (ex. Peripheral Edema, Fatigue, Itchiness)

The kidneys remove waste from your blood. They do this by filtering the blood and making urine. As people get older, sacs filled with fluid can form in the kidneys. These sacs are called cysts. They are usually small, oval or round thin-walled sacs with watery fluid in them.

Kidney cysts are almost always benign . Usually, the cysts dont cause any problems. In fact, people can go through life without even knowing that they have them.

Some people have kidney cysts caused by an inherited disease called polycystic kidney disease . This disease can cause symptoms such as high blood pressure, pain in the back and side, blood in the urine, or frequent kidney infections. Not all people who have PKD will have these symptoms.

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Living With Kidney Cysts

If you are over 50 years old, there is a good chance you have kidney cysts and dont realize it. You may never realize it because you may never have symptoms. And most kidney cysts do not cause any problems.

If you do have symptoms , see your doctor. He or she can advise you on a treatment or ways to help relieve your symptoms.

Oral Herpes And Cold Sores

Oral herpes can also cause white spots in your throat. If cold sores form blisters, these white spots can become white and pus-filled. You might suspect youre dealing with a cold sore if the blister bursts, turns red, turns crusty and dries up over the next seven to ten days. Additionally, cold sores dont cause sore throats.

Cold sore treatments include antiviral medications and topical medications.

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What Is An Ultrasound

An ultrasound scan is a medical test that uses high-frequency sound waves to create live images from the inside the body. Also called a sonogram or sonography, ultrasounds let doctors see the bodys soft tissues, which X-rays cant do.

Doctors order ultrasounds for many reasons, such as to look for the causes of pain, swelling, and infection. Ultrasound scans are safe and painless.

What Are The Types Of Kidney Stones


There are four types of kidney stones:

Calcium stones

Calcium stones are the most common type of kidney stones. They form when calcium mixes with oxalate in your urine. These form when you are not getting enough fluids or calcium.

Uric stones

Uric stones are also a common type of kidney stone. High levels of a natural chemical called purine in your body can cause a high level of a chemical called urate that can create these kidney stones. This type of kidney stone tends to run in families.

Struvite stones

Struvite stones are less common than calcium and uric stones. Struvite stones can happen when bacteria from upper urinary tract infections get into your urinary tract.

Cystine stones

Cystine stones are caused by a rare condition called cystinuria that is passed down in families. Cystinuria causes a natural chemical called cystine to leak into your urine. When there is too much cystine in your urine, kidney stones can form. These stones can get stuck in your kidneys, bladder or anywhere in your urinary tract. Most people with cystinuria will get many stones in their life. It is a lifelong condition that can be treated but not cured.

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