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HomeNewsWhy Is Left Kidney Taken For Transplant

Why Is Left Kidney Taken For Transplant

What Addition Information Should Women Know About The Recovery Process

Why are kidney transplant wait-lists so long?

Although fertility is not a problem, rejection or high blood pressure are both complications a woman might experience for at least one year after transplant surgery. Therefore, it is important to prevent a pregnancy during this time by using birth control.

Women who have a kidney transplant can have a healthy pregnancy later. Talk to the Transplant Team about the timing of your pregnancy after your transplant. Also, know the risks and make sure your obstetric provider is experienced in dealing with transplant patients.

A female transplant patient who becomes a new mother should not breastfeed her baby. The immunosuppressive medicines prescribed after transplantation can be passed through the mothers breast milk and can cause harm to the baby.

Female transplant patients should be sure to have a yearly Pap test and a mammogram. Immunosuppressive medicines could cause increased susceptibility to various types of cancer. Pap tests and mammograms are preventive measures that can help your healthcare providers detect any problems.

How Soon Can I Take A Vacation

You may travel after 12 weeks when you are feeling better, but always let the Transplant Team know when you plan to go, and provide a phone number where you can be reached. By remembering these traveling tips, your vacation will be worry free:

  • Always take all of your medicines with you and make sure you have enough medicines to last throughout your trip.
  • If you are traveling by plane, carry your medicines with you. Never check them with your luggage.
  • Make sure you have the phone number for the transplant center where you have been treated.
  • Check to see if there is a medical lab or transplant center nearby where you can have your blood work completed. This lab will need to report your results to the transplant office.

What Is The Process For Getting A Kidney Transplant

If you want a kidney transplant, the process includes these steps:

  • Tell your doctor or nurse you want to have a kidney transplant.
  • Your doctor will refer you to a transplant center for tests to see if youre healthy enough to receive a transplant. Living donors need to be tested to make sure theyre healthy enough to donate a kidney.
  • If you dont have a living donor, youll be placed on a waiting list to receive a kidney. Youll have monthly blood tests while you wait for a kidney.
  • You must go to the hospital to have your transplant as soon as you learn a kidney is available. If you have a living donor, you can schedule the transplant in advance.

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Some Things That Might Happen During Your Kidney Transplant Surgery

If you have a peritoneal dialysis catheter, the surgical team will tell you when this will be removed.

When youre asleep, youll have plastic tubes inserted into your neck, arms and bladder. Before the operation, the surgical and anaesthetic teams will explain where the tubes will be placed.

What are the tubes for?

Small tubes are inserted into your arms to enable fluid and medications to be given to you during and after the surgery.

For most kidney transplant operations, youll also have a tube inserted into the veins in your neck so that stronger medications can be given, if needed. This also lets the team looking after you give you extra fluid, if needed.

A tube will be inserted into your bladder via the urethra. Most kidney transplant surgeons will also insert a larger plastic tube into the area around the kidney transplant to drain away any tissue fluid after the surgery.


Inserting tubes into you can lead to bleeding, infection, or damage to other structures such as blood vessels or nerves. These complications are very rare.

If the surgeon is happy with the blood flow through the kidney, they will then make a join between the tube that carries urine from the kidney to your bladder. Usually, a short piece of soft plastic tubing is placed inside the ureter, to help this small join to heal. This is taken out several weeks after the surgery using a simple procedure. After this, your groin and tummy muscles and skin are stitched back together.




How Long Do Kidney Transplants Last

Why is a transplanted kidney placed in the pelvis or lower ...

There are a number of factors which affect how long a transplanted kidney lasts.

These include whether or not the kidney came from a living donor, how well the kidney is matched in terms of blood group and tissue type, and the age and overall health of the person receiving the donation.

If you have a kidney transplant that fails, you can usually be put on the waiting list for another transplant. You may need dialysis in the meantime.

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An Example Of A Kidney Transplant Technique

After you have been put to sleep under anaesthetic, the surgery will begin.

Your own kidneys will usually be left where they are, unless they’re causing problems such as pain or infection. First, an incision is made in your lower abdomen , through which the donated kidney is put into place.

A kidney is usually transplanted into the right or left groin.

The blood vessels in your groin will be found, and joins will be made between the blood vessels of the kidney and your blood vessels. There is usually one join for the vein, and one join for the artery.

Blood flow through these vessels will be temporarily stopped while the stitching is being done.

Once the blood vessels have been stitched together, blood will be allowed to flow through the kidney and to your legs.

If the surgeon is happy with the blood flow, they will then make a join between the tube that carries urine from the kidney to your bladder. Usually, a short piece of soft plastic tubing is placed inside the ureter to help the connection to heal. The stent will be taken out several weeks after the surgery, which is a simple procedure.

After this, your groin and tummy muscles and skin are stitched back together.

More information

Living Donor Kidney Transplantation

Living donor kidney transplants are the best option for many patients for several reasons.

  • Better long-term results
  • No need to wait on the transplant waiting list for a kidney from a deceased donor
  • Surgery can be planned at a time convenient for both the donor and recipient
  • Lower risks of complications or rejection, and better early function of the transplanted kidney

Any healthy person can donate a kidney. When a living person donates a kidney the remaining kidney will enlarge slightly as it takes over the work of two kidneys. Donors do not need medication or special diets once they recover from surgery. As with any major operation, there is a chance of complications, but kidney donors have the same life expectancy, general health, and kidney function as most other people. The kidney loss does not interfere with a woman’s ability to have children.

Potential Barriers to Living Donation

  • Age < 18 years unless an emancipated minor
  • Uncontrollable hypertension
  • Bilateral or recurrent nephrolithiasis
  • Chronic Kidney Disease stage 3 or less
  • Proteinuria > 300 mg/d excluding postural proteinuria
  • HIV infection
  • Shorter recovery time in the hospital
  • Quicker return to normal activities
  • Very low complication rate

The operation takes 2-3 hours. Recovery time in the hospital is typically 1-3 days. Donors often are able to return to work as soon as 2-3 weeks after the procedure.

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Why Is The Left Kidney Is Preferred For Donation

The very reason why the left kidney is preferred during kidney donation is that it is a lot more convenient to work with. The left kidney is much more capable of surviving without dying during the transfer of the said organ from the donor to the recipient.

Digging deeper, both right and left can be an option for kidney donation, but the left is much more recommended because it has anatomy thats more favorable than the right.

The left kidney is known to have a renal vein thats longer than the right one. And that gives the advantage in the implantation to be more accessible. If the left kidney is being worked with, no additional steps or processes must be done. But then, if you are choosing the right one, it will probably add a step or two to the process. It is also considered superior among the two kidneys due to the larger space and bigger chances of access towards it. The liver is slightly more prominent on the right side of your body which is why the right kidney is somewhat intact, causing harder implantation and removing of the said organ on that side.

Pediatric Renal Transplant Biopsy

Deceased Kidney Transplant Donors with Acute Kidney Injury

The renal transplant biopsy procedure is very easy and safe when conscious sedation and ultrasound guidance are used. Data evaluating renal transplant biopsies, including some in intraperitoneal kidneys and many performed during the first week posttransplantation, have demonstrated a very low risk for major complications.82-84 A major factor in reducing postbiopsy bleeding is the use of an automated biopsy device using a small rather than a standard needle. Biopsies should be performed in pediatric renal transplant recipients whenever the diagnosis of rejection is in doubt.

Corinne Deurdulian, Hisham Tchelepi, in, 2017

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What Are The Side Effects Of Anti

Some anti-rejection medicines may change your appearance. Your face may get fuller, you may gain weight, or you may develop acne or facial hair. Not all people have these side effects.

Anti-rejection medicines weaken your immune system, which can lead to infections. In some people over long periods of time, a weakened immune system can increase their risk of developing cancer. Some anti-rejection medicines cause cataracts, diabetes, extra stomach acid, high blood pressure, and bone disease.

When used over time, these medicines may also cause liver or kidney damage in some people. Your transplant team will order regular tests to monitor the levels of anti-rejection medicines in your blood and to measure your liver and kidney function.

Anxiety Depression And Mental Health

Getting a transplant is usually an exciting event, but because it is also a major life change, its normal to have all kinds of emotions afterward. If youre experiencing feelings of anxiety, depression or guilt, please know that you are not alone many transplant patients experience these feelings at first, for many reasons.

  • Mood changes may be a side effect of the immunosuppressant medicines you are taking.
  • You may feel stressed or anxious about your new lifestyle.
  • You may feel guilty about getting a kidney from a living or deceased donor.
  • If you have been on dialysis for a long time, you may feel guilty about leaving other dialysis patients behind once you get your transplant.
  • Your family members may also have emotional changes as they adjust to your new lifestyle.

You do not have to deal with these feelings alone. Getting a kidney transplant is a major life change, and it is normal to feel stressed and anxious about big life changes.

Reach out to your family and friends for support. Also, let your transplant team know about your emotional changes so they can help support you and adjust your medicines if needed. Your transplant team can also refer you to a mental health specialist.

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Keeping Your New Kidney Healthy

To keep yourself healthy, and to make sure your new kidney works well, the following are extremely important:

  • Take your immunosuppressants and other medicines exactly how your doctor told you.
  • Know the signs of infection or possible kidney rejection, then contact your transplant team right away if this ever happens.
  • Avoid being around people who are sick.
  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
  • Eat foods low in salt, fat, and cholesterol.
  • After you are cleared by your doctor, start an exercise routine such as walking, or biking.

Why Is The Left Kidney Preferred For Donation Awesome Facts You Must Know

Kidney transplant

Why is the left kidney preferred for donation? Kidney donation has become more popular lately. A lot of people are now needing kidney transplants due to excessive damages to their kidneys. We will go further about why a person needs kidney donation and transplant as we go along.

Of course, we have two kidneys, the left and the right, and according to studies, one person can live with just one kidney. Thats amazing and quite impressive, but some reasons can enlighten you more on why this is so.

Doctors would often say that the left kidney is much more compatible and favorable when one is donating. This is not just because they decided it to be that way but because there are studies and deep reasons why the left kidney is a better option. There is so much to know about this topic, so read further!

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    What Is Kidney Donation How To Be Eligible For A Donor

    Kidney donation involves a living kidney donor and a recipient. But then again, it is an arduous process, and it needs to be done in quite a period because it has a lot of screenings and assurances to go through. Being a kidney donor means a lot. One should have to be healthy and have a healthy kidney also. A human has two kidneys, but one can survive having only one kidney in the body. Usually, kidney donation is made when it is essential, and a patient experiences kidney failure.

    That is indeed very dangerous. It is advised that the donor must be living to ensure that upon the transfer of the kidney, it will survive and not lose oxygen. Theres more to know about kidney donation.

    You may want to read about what are the benefits of organ donation.

    What Happens After A Kidney Transplant

    After kidney transplant surgery, your child will spend a few days in the hospital to recover. The health care team will watch closely to make sure there are no complications from the surgery, such as bleeding or infection.

    You and your child will learn about the medicines needed to keep the body from rejecting the new kidney. These are called immunosuppressants. Taking them can make your child more likely to get infections, especially in the days right after surgery. So keep your child away from sick people, and have everyone at home wash their hands well and often.

    For the first couple of months after surgery, you’ll see the doctor often to make sure the new kidney is working well. If your child gets a fever or soreness in the area of the transplant, tell a doctor right away. These could be signs that the body isn’t accepting the new kidney or that your child has an infection.

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    What Should I Eat Or Avoid Eating With A Kidney Transplant

    You have more choices about what to eat after you receive a kidney transplant than you would if you were on dialysis. However, you will need to work with a dietitian to develop an eating plan that can change in response to your medicines, test results, weight, and blood pressure.

    Read more about kidney failure and eating, diet, and nutrition.

    How Does Kidney Transplant Work

    Why my Kidney Transplant is taking time || Kidney Failure || Rashmi Singh || My Journey

    The kidney transplant procedure, performed under general anesthesia, typically takes three to five hours. Many kidney transplants are done using a minimally invasive approach, resulting in less pain, lower bleeding risk, and a faster healing and recovery. After the surgery, a patient typically stays in the hospital for two days and is back to normal life one month after the surgery.

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    Who Is On My Transplant Team

    A successful transplant involves working closely with your transplant team. Members of the team include:

    • Youyou are an important part of your transplant team.
    • Your family membersthis may include your spouse, parents, children or any other family member you would like to involve.
    • Transplant surgeonthe doctor who places the kidney in your body.
    • Nephrologista doctor who specializes in kidney health and may work closely with a nurse practitioner or a physicians assistant.
    • Transplant coordinatora specially trained nurse who will be your point of contact, arrange your appointments, and teach you what to do before and after the transplant.
    • Pharmacista person who tells you about all your medicines, fills your prescriptions, and helps you avoid unsafe medicine combinations and side effects.
    • Social workera person trained to help you solve problems in your daily life and coordinate care needs after your transplant.
    • Dietitianan expert in food and nutrition who teaches you about the foods you should eat and avoid, and how to plan healthy meals.

    Your transplant team will be able to provide the support and encouragement you need throughout the transplant process.

    Can It Be Prevented

    Atrophic kidney cant always be prevented. But there are some measures you can take to keep your kidneys as healthy as possible.

    First, try to prevent those conditions that can damage your kidneys, such as high blood pressure and diabetes. If you already have such a condition, work to keep it under good control.

    Your diet should be rich in:

    • fruits and vegetables
    • low-fat or fat-free dairy products

    Limit your intake of:

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    Blockage Of Blood To The Kidney

    A blockage of blood to the kidney is called a renal infarction or a renal vein thrombosis. This happens when the blood supply to and from the kidney is suddenly slowed or stopped. There are several causes, including a blood clot.

    Blood flow blockages to the kidney typically happens on one side. Symptoms include:

    • severe side or flank pain
    • lower back pain or ache
    • stomach tenderness
    • blood in the urine


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