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HomeInfectionWhat Antibiotic Is Good For Kidney Infection

What Antibiotic Is Good For Kidney Infection

How Do You Know If Youre Dealing With A Standard Uti Or Severe Kidney Infection

What happens if you don’t take antibiotics for a kidney and urinary tract infection?

Both are technically forms of UTIs. A standard UTI, though, typically just means youre dealing with cystitis, or inflammation of the bladder. That inflammation causes those typical UTI symptoms like painful or burning urination and urgent or frequent urination, explains Dr. Mueller.

But a kidney infection, also known as pyelonephritis, is caused by the same bacteria and oftentimes results from an untreated bladder infection. These symptoms are typically much more severe.

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What Are Potential Side Effects Of Antibiotics For Uti

In addition to the notable side effects weve already covered, there are a few more potential antibiotic side effects youll want to know about.

Most antibiotics can cause some degree of stomach upset like nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea. If you have severe diarrhea or diarrhea that lasts for 2 or more days, let your healthcare provider know. Diarrhea is a common side effect while taking antibiotics and just after finishing them. But in some cases, diarrhea from antibiotics can be a sign of a more serious infection caused by Clostridium difficile bacteria.

Some people are also sensitive to antibiotics, which could result in a minor reaction like a rash or a more serious reaction like anaphylaxis. If you notice difficulty breathing or major skin changes after taking an antibiotic, get medical help right away.

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Can Online Doctors Write Prescriptions For Kidney Infections

Yes, our doctors write prescriptions for kidney infections for patients who qualify. Antibiotics are the first line of kidney infection treatment. Common antibiotics for kidney infection that our doctors may prescribe if you qualify include: Amoxicillin, Bactrim, Cephalexin, Cipro, and Clindamycin.

Request medicine for kidney infection through an online medical consultation with a doctor here.

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Can I Treat A Uti Without Antibiotics

UTI treatment without antibiotics is NOT usually recommended. An early UTI, such as a bladder infection , can worsen over time, leading to a more severe kidney infection . However, a small study has suggested early, mild UTIs might clear up on their own. Its always best to check with your doctor if you are having UTI symptoms.

Pregnant women should always see a doctor as soon as possible if they suspect they might have a UTI, as this can lead to a greater risk of delivering a low birth weight or premature infant.

Before Taking This Medicine

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You should not use this medicine if you are allergic to clindamycin or lincomycin.

To make sure clindamycin is safe for you, tell your doctor if you have ever had:

  • colitis, Crohns disease, or other intestinal disorder

  • eczema, or allergic skin reaction

  • asthma or a severe allergic reaction to aspirin

  • an allergy to yellow food dye.

Animal studies have not shown any harm during pregnancy, but in humans, it is not known whether clindamycin will harm an unborn baby. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant during treatment.

Clindamycin does pass into breast milk and may cause side effects in the nursing baby. If you are breastfeeding while taking this medicine, call your doctor if your baby has diaper rash, redness or white patches in the mouth or throat, stomach discomfort, or diarrhea that is watery or bloody. Let your doctor know if you are breastfeeding before taking clindamycin.

Clindamycin injection may contain an ingredient that can cause serious side effects or death in very young or premature babies. Do not give this medicine to a child without medical advice.

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When Should You Call Your Doctor

if painful urination or other symptoms of a urinary tract infection occur with:

  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Fever and chills.
  • Pain in the flank, which is felt just below the rib cage and above the waist on one or both sides of the back, or lower belly pain.

if you are pregnant and have symptoms of a UTI .

    • Have had UTI symptoms previously and have those symptoms again.
    • Have minor symptoms of a UTI that do not clear up in 1 to 2 days, such as pain or burning when you urinate, foul-smelling urine, or the urge to urinate frequently while passing only small amounts of urine.
    • Notice blood or pus in your urine.
    • Have symptoms of a UTI and you have diabetes.
    • Have been taking antibiotics for a UTI but your symptoms do not improve after 48 hours or they come back after improving temporarily.

What Are The Causes Of Kidney Infections

Normally, bacteria are flushed out by the flow of urine. However, several problems can increase the risk of a kidney infection. These problems can include:

  • Structural abnormalities blocking urine flow.
  • An enlarged prostate gland compressing the urethra.
  • Backflow of urine from the bladder to the kidneys.
  • If your immune system is affected .
  • Pregnancy, during which time the enlarging uterus can squeeze the ureters and reduce the flow of urine, allowing the bacteria to migrate to the kidneys.
  • Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus.

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Diagnosis Of Kidney Infection

Imaging tests Imaging Tests of the Urinary Tract There are a variety of tests that can be used in the evaluation of a suspected kidney or urinary tract disorder. X-rays are usually not helpful in evaluating… read more are done in people who have intense back pain typical of renal colic, in those who do not respond to antibiotic treatment within 72 hours, in those whose symptoms return shortly after antibiotic treatment is finished, in those with long-standing or recurring pyelonephritis, in those whose blood test results indicate kidney damage, and in men . Ultrasonography or helical computed tomography studies done in these situations may reveal kidney stones, Stones in the Urinary Tract Stones are hard masses that form in the urinary tract and may cause pain, bleeding, or an infection or block of the flow of urine. Tiny stones may cause no symptoms, but larger stones… read more structural abnormalities, or other causes of urinary obstruction.

How Should This Medicine Be Used

Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments for Kidney Infection

Meropenem and vaborbactam injection comes as a powder to be mixed with liquid and injected intravenously . It is infused intravenously over a period of 3 hours every 8 hours for up to 14 days. The length of treatment depends on your general health and how well you respond to the medication. Your doctor will tell you how long to use meropenem and vaborbactam injection. After your condition improves, your doctor may switch you to another antibiotic that you can take by mouth to complete your treatment.

You may receive meropenem and vaborbactam injection in a hospital, or you may administer the medication at home. If you will be receiving meropenem and vaborbactam injection at home, your healthcare provider will show you how to use the medication. Be sure that you understand these directions and ask your healthcare provider if you have any questions.

You should begin to feel better during the first few days of treatment with meropenem and vaborbactam injection. If your symptoms do not improve or if they get worse, call your doctor.

Use meropenem and vaborbactam injection until you finish the prescription, even if you feel better. If you stop using meropenem and vaborbactam injection too soon or if you skip doses, your infection may not be completely treated and the bacteria may become resistant to antibiotics.

Ask your pharmacist or doctor for a copy of the manufacturers information for the patient.

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Antibiotics For Kidney Infection

If you need information about the various antibiotics for treating kidney infections, you need not look any further. This article will provide you an overview of the same.

If you need information about the various antibiotics for treating kidney infections, you need not look any further. This article will provide you an overview of the same.

Kidney infection, which is also known as Pyelonephritis, is only treatable with antibiotics. Its a bacterial infection that can infect kidneys by spreading upwards from the urinary tract. It needs immediate attention and treatment as delay will cause permanent damage to your kidney and cause the infection to spread into bloodstream.

Is Clindamycin Good For Treating A Uti

Is the antibiotic clindamycin effective against a urinary tract infection?

Andrew Weil, M.D. | July 27, 2021

Clindamycin belongs to a class of drugs called lincosamides, which are broad-spectrum antibiotics. This means they target many different types of bacteria, including beneficial microbes in the gut. Wiping out those good bacteria may cause digestive distress and even pave the way for more serious intestinal infections. Powerful broad-spectrum antibiotics are needed for life-threatening infections that dont respond to penicillin, which is less likely to cause digestive upset. But although clindamycin may cure a UTI, its probably more than is required in most instances and may do more harm than good.

Given the potential for harm, and considering the availability of other treatments with lower risk, I dont recommend clindamycin for a typical UTI. Largely due to the overuse of antibiotic therapy, some strains of E. coli have developed resistance to many first-line antibiotics, so it is more important than ever to prevent infections and use natural treatments for them when possible. Warding off an infection before it starts is easier than curing one, so I suggest a few prudent and practical preventive measures:

Andrew Weil, M.D.

Tadesse DA, Zhao S, Tong E, et al. Antimicrobial Drug Resistance in Escherichia coli from Humans and Food Animals, United States, 19502002. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2012 18:741-749. doi:10.3201/eid1805.111153.

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What If The Infection Does Not Clear Up With Treatment

Most infections clear up with treatment. However, if an infection does not clear up, or if you have repeated infections, you may be given some special tests such as:

  • a type of x-ray called an intravenous pyleogram , which involves injecting a dye into a vein and taking pictures of your kidney and bladder

  • an ultrasound exam, which gives a picture of your kidneys and bladder using sound waves

  • a cytoscopic exam, which uses a hollow tube with special lenses to look inside the bladder.

What Is The Difference Between A Bladder Infection And A Kidney Infection

Kidney Infection Treatment Antibiotics Amoxicillin

Kidney and bladder infections are both considered urinary tract infections. Although they share similar symptoms, there are differences between the two. A kidney infections signs and symptoms vary significantly from person to person and normally develop within a day or as fast as a few hours.

Understanding the difference between a bladder and kidney infection can ensure you take the proper steps towards healing and speeding up doctor consultation sessions.

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What Antibiotics Are Commonly Used To Treat Urinary Tract Infections

A handful of antibiotics are used to treat the most common urinary tract infections . In 75-95% of these cases, the infection is caused by bacteria called Escherichia coli , so experts know which antibiotics work well against the infection. These antibiotics are called first-line antibiotics.

They are given orally and include:

Amoxicillin and ampicillin are no longer used because of a high level of antibiotic resistance.

Related Resources For Kidney Infection

* Prescription savings vary by prescription and by pharmacy, and may reach up to 80% off cash price.

Pharmacy names, logos, brands, and other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

This article is not medical advice. It is intended for general informational purposes and is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your physician or dial 911.

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Take Green Tea Extract Or Drink Green Tea

A 2013 study in the journal Frontiers in Microbiology suggests that taking green tea extract may have an antibacterial effect on common bacteria strains known to cause UTIs.

The researchers took green tea extracts and applied them to bacterial cultures in a laboratory. Over time, they found the green tea inhibited bacterial growth.

Because the study was in a laboratory and involved samples, it is hard to know if the results would be the same in humans. However, the possibility remains that green tea could have potential health benefits when a person has a UTI.

Green tea extract is available to purchase in stores and online.

What Bacteria Causes Kidney Infections

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The most common bacterium that causes urinary tract infections is Escherichia coli, which you might know better as simply E. coli. Responsible for about 90 percent of all uncomplicated urinary tract infections, E. coli can be found in the colons of humans and animals and in their fecal waste. Bacteria can develop in the urinary tract through the urethra and move into the kidneys, which may lead to kidney infections.

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Impaired Kidney Function May Not Justify Avoidance Of Nitrofurantoin

Urinary anti-infective agents

Bobjgalindo / Wikimedia Commons

Nitrofurantoin is commonly used to treat urinary tract infections but is not recommended in patients with an estimated kidney glomerular filtration rate below 60ml/min/1.73m2. This advice is controversial, however, and new research suggests it may be unfounded.

Investigators led by Amit Garg from Western University, Ontario, performed a population-based study of nearly 200,000 women who had been prescribed one of four antibiotics for a UTI. The analysis in CMAJ

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Urinary Tract Infection Treatment

If you are a healthy adult man or a woman who is not pregnant, a few days of antibiotic pills will usually cure your urinary tract infection. If you are pregnant, your doctor will prescribe a medicine that is safe for you and the baby. Usually, symptoms of the infection go away 1 to 2 days after you start taking the medicine. Its important that you follow your doctors instructions for taking the medicine, even if you start to feel better. Skipping pills could make the treatment less effective.

Your doctor may also suggest a medicine to numb your urinary tract and make you feel better while the antibiotic starts to work. The medicine makes your urine turn bright orange, so dont be alarmed by the color when you urinate.


  • Vabomere is a combination carbapenem antibiotic and beta-lactamase inhibitor. Vabomere was first approved in August of 2017.
  • Vabomere is used for the treatment of adult patients with complicated urinary tract infections due to susceptible Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter cloacae species complex.
  • Vabomere is given as an intravenous infusion every 8 hours. Dosage adjustments are required in patients with varying degrees of kidney impairment.


See also: Treatment Options for UTIs

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How Soon Will It Start Working

Once you start taking clindamycin, youll likely notice an improvement in your symptoms after a day or two. If your symptoms arent improving at all or seem to be getting worse after taking clindamycin for a few days, follow up with your healthcare provider.


Make sure you take the full course of antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor, even if you start to feel better before finishing them. Otherwise, you may not kill all of the bacteria, which can lead to recurring infections and antibiotic resistance.

Allergic reactions to clindamycin are rare. If you develop any kind of rash while taking clindamycin, contact your healthcare provider this may be a sign of a drug allergy.

In rare cases, its possible to have a potentially life-threatening reaction called anaphylaxis.

Symptoms typically appear within 30 minutes of taking a drug and can include:

  • itchy hives and welts
  • swollen throat, which can cause wheezing and trouble with breathing or swallowing
  • chest tightness

Symptoms of C. diff to watch for include:

  • watery diarrhea up to 15 times per day that may contain blood or pus
  • severe abdominal pain

Do I Need To See A Doctor

Kidney Infection Antibiotics Z Pack

Yes. Painful urination can be a symptom of a more serious problem. You should tell your doctor about your symptoms and how long youve had them. Tell your doctor about any medical conditions you have, such as diabetes mellitus or AIDS, because these could affect your bodys response to infection. Tell your doctor about any known abnormality in your urinary tract, and if you are or might be pregnant. Tell your doctor if youve had any procedures or surgeries on your urinary tract. He or she also need to know if you were recently hospitalized or stayed in a nursing home.

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What Are The Common Side Effects Of Kidney Infection Medications

Most antibiotics cause gastrointestinal problems including upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and loss of appetite. All antibiotics can cause a serious secondary diarrheal infection due to a bacteria known as Clostridium difficile. The most serious side effects of fluoroquinolones are psychiatric disorders, heart problems, and tendon problems.

Analgesics like acetaminophen are relatively safe when taken as directed. The most common side effects are gastrointestinal: nausea, stomach pain, and loss of appetite. Acetaminophen, however, can be toxic in excess. Acetaminophen overdose damages the liver and could require emergency treatment and hospitalization.

Side effects will vary based on the medication. This is not a complete list, and you should consult with a healthcare professional for possible side effects and drug interactions based on your specific situation.


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