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How To Save Kidneys Naturally

What Can I Do To Keep My Kidneys Healthy

7 Ways to Detox and Cleanse Your Kidneys Naturally

You can protect your kidneys bypreventing or managing health conditions that cause kidney damage, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. The steps described below may help keep your whole body healthy, including your kidneys.

During your next medical visit, you may want to ask your health care provider about your kidney health. Early kidney disease may not have any symptoms, so getting tested may be the only way to know your kidneys are healthy. Your health care provider will help decide how often you should be tested.

See a provider right away if you develop a urinary tract infection , which can cause kidney damage if left untreated.

Functionality Of The Kidneys

Western physiology and anatomy limits its description of the kidney to the actual organ itself, whereas Chinese medicine sees and defines the kidneys not just as an organ but a group of functions, as well as being the root of energy for the entire body. The emphasis of Chinese physiological theory is more in terms of function rather than form.

In Chinese medicine the Kidney is important as it is the source of the bodys constitutional or inherited energy and is regarded as the organ-meridian system that governs the structural integrity and function not only of the kidneys themselves but also the adrenal glands, ovaries, testes, brain, spinal cord, skeletal structure , teeth, anus, urethra and inner ear. The Kidney system also governs hormones and other substances produced by the kidneys, adrenals and sex glands, as well as reproduction, growth and the faculty of will power.

Monitor Weight And Eat A Healthy Diet

People who are overweight or obese are at risk for a number of health conditions that can damage the kidneys. These include diabetes, heart disease, and kidney disease.

A healthy diet thats low in sodium, processed meats, and other kidney-damaging foods may help reduce the risk of kidney damage. Focus on eating fresh ingredients that are naturally low-sodium, such as cauliflower, blueberries, fish, whole grains, and more.

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Ways To Keep Your Kidneys Healthy


Your kidneys are fist-sized organs located at the bottom of your rib cage, on both sides of your spine. They perform several functions.

Most importantly, they filter waste products, excess water, and other impurities from your blood. These waste products are stored in your bladder and later expelled through urine.

In addition, your kidneys regulate pH, salt, and potassium levels in your body. They also produce hormones that regulate blood pressure and control the production of red blood cells.

Your kidneys are also responsible for activating a form of vitamin D that helps your body absorb calcium for building bones and regulating muscle function.

Maintaining kidney health is important to your overall health and general well-being. By keeping your kidneys healthy, your body will filter and expel waste properly and produce hormones to help your body function properly.

Here are some tips to help keep your kidneys healthy.

Monitor Your Diabetes Blood Pressure And Cholesterol Levels

What Foods, Natural Supplements to Keep the Kidneys ...

In the United States, diabetes and high blood pressure are the leading causes of kidney failure.

Diabetes is vastly driven by obesity, which can cause high blood pressure and cholesterol, Peev says. And diabetic kidney disease is the No. 1 reason for developing end-stage CKD, so its important that you have it under control.

Further, a study by the National Kidney Foundation found that people with high cholesterol are twice as likely to develop CKD.

If you are overweight and can lose weight through changes in your diet and activity level, Peev says you can significantly reduce your risk of CKD.

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Keeping Your Kidneys Healthy

There are a number of things you can do to keep your kidneys healthy, including:

  • If you have diabetes, make sure that your blood sugar control is excellent. Follow your doctors advice about insulin injections, medicines, diet, physical activity and monitoring your blood sugar.
  • Control high blood pressure. Have your blood pressure checked regularly. Medications used to lower blood pressure , such as ACE inhibitors or angiotensin blockers, can slow the development of kidney disease.
  • If you have one of the risk factors for kidney disease, have a kidney health check at least every two years .
  • Treat urinary tract infections immediately.
  • Control blood cholesterol levels with diet and medications if necessary.
  • Drink plenty of water and choose foods that are low in sugar, fat and salt, but high in fibre. Stick to moderate serving sizes.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Drink alcohol in moderation only.
  • Stay at a healthy weight for your height and age.
  • Try to exercise moderately for at least 30 minutes a day.

What Is A Kidney Cleanse

If you consume adequate fluids, which can take the form of foods such as fruits and vegetables as well as water and other liquids, the kidneys are self-cleansing.

A number of products, foods, or specialized diets claim to detoxify the kidneys in order to promote healthy kidney function and prevent kidney stones. Kidney cleanses are also purported to help keep blood pressure in check, improve the functioning of the urinary tract and bladder, boost immunity, and clear toxins from the entire body.

Although the individual components of a kidney cleanse may offer health benefits, there’s no scientific evidence to support their use in cleansing the kidneys or preventing kidney stones or infection.

If you’re interested in taking natural approaches to enhance your kidney health, talk with your doctor and consider consulting a qualified alternative or complementary health professional.

Kidney cleanses vary in approach. Here’s a look at some of the most common types of kidney cleanses:

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Berries Natural Kidney Cleanse

Cranberries strawberries blueberries raspberries you name it, theyre good for your kidney.

  • Berries are a great source of Vitamin C as well as fiber, antioxidants.
  • They are low in potassium, so those with CKD and on a potassium limited diet can consume them in moderation.
  • Berries can reduce blood pressure in those suffering from CKD.
  • Raspberry helps dialysis patients by reducing joint inflammation.

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Mushrooms Helps Regulate Kidney Function

16 Easy Ways To Save Your Kidneys And Lower Creatinine Levels Naturally

The Poria fungus has been used over 2000 years ago in Asian medicine in China and Japan, as it has excellent effects on the kidney. Even today, it is prescribed in traditional Chinese patent medicines, being described as a diuretic and tonic.

  • Mushrooms help in the functioning of kidneys by regulating the body fluid levels.
  • It also helps in balance water throughout the body.
  • Mushroom is also anti inflammatory and an antioxidant and can be considered a scavenger of free radicals.
  • It reduces oxidative stress, thereby holding out hope for those with chronic kidney disease.

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Carrots Good Food For Kidneys

  • Carrots contain Vitamin A in the form of Beta carotene, which is soluble in water. It helps the kidneys in filtering the toxins from the blood.
  • Beta carotene also helps in repairing any damage present in the tubules, which are the filtering structures present in the kidneys.
  • It also works at the gene level inhibiting genes that promote kidney inflammations.

If selecting canned carrots, make sure that there is no additional sugar or syrups and its best to opt for a low sodium version as well while youre at it.

Change The Face Of Kidney Disease

  • How long does it take for kidneys to become affected?Almost all patients with Type I diabetes develop some evidence of functional change in the kidneys within two to five years of the diagnosis. About 30 to 40 percent progress to more serious kidney disease, usually within about 10 to 30 years.The course of Type II diabetes is less well defined, but it is believed to follow a similar course, except that it occurs at an older age.
  • What can I do to prevent kidney disease?There is evidence that careful control of glucose helps to prevent kidney disease in people with diabetes. You should follow your doctor’s orders carefully regarding diet and-medicines to help control your glucose levels.
  • If my kidneys are already affected, can I keep them from getting worse?It may be possible to prevent or delay the progression of kidney disease. Since high blood pressure is one of the major factors that predict which diabetics will develop serious kidney disease, it is important to take your high blood pressure pills faithfully if you do have high blood pressure. Your doctor may also recommend that you follow a low-protein diet, which reduces the amount of work your kidneys have to do. You should also continue to follow your diabetic diet and to take all your prescribed medicines.
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    Make Healthy Food Choices

    Choose foods that are healthy for your heart and your entire body: fresh fruits, fresh or frozen vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat or fat-free dairy products. Eat healthy meals, and cut back on salt and added sugars. Aim for less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium each day. Try to have less than 10 percent of your daily calories come from added sugars.

    Tips for making healthy food choices

    • Cook with a mix of spices instead of salt.
    • Choose veggie toppings such as spinach, broccoli, and peppers for your pizza.
    • Try baking or broiling meat, chicken, and fish instead of frying.
    • Serve foods without gravy or added fats.
    • Try to choose foods with little or no added sugar.
    • Gradually work your way down from whole milk to 2 percent milk until youre drinking and cooking with fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products.
    • Eat foods made from whole grainssuch as whole wheat, brown rice, oats, and whole-grain cornevery day. Use whole-grain bread for toast and sandwiches substitute brown rice for white rice for home-cooked meals and when dining out.
    • Read food labels. Choose foods low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt , and added sugars.
    • Slow down at snack time. Eating a bag of low-fat popcorn takes longer than eating a slice of cake. Peel and eat an orange instead of drinking orange juice.
    • Try keeping a written record of what you eat for a week. It can help you see when you tend to overeat or eat foods high in fat or calories.

    How To Cleanse Kidneys Fast And Naturally Effective Home Remedies And Natural Techniques

    Pass Kidney Stones Quickly With This Natural Remedies

    Without kidney, your body can not remove the waste and toxin. These waste and excess fluids can be flushed out from your body through urine. The process of urine production which involves excretion and re-absorption is necessary in order to help you maintain the overall health as well as the stable balance of chemicals in your body. The hormone produced by kidney may affect the functions of other systems and organs in your body. Specifically, a hormone will boost the blood cell production while other hormones keep the blood pressure and calcium metabolism under the control. Beside the functions of removing the waste and toxins from your body, balancing the fluids, releasing hormones which regulate the other organs functions, the kidney also produces vitamin D which is good for healthy and strong bones. If the kidneys do not function well or too much toxins are accumulated in your body, it will lead to some kidney diseases such as kidney stones, urinary tract infection, or congenital infection. The common causes of kidney diseases include diabetes, high blood pressure, accumulated drugs and toxins. In order to have healthy kidneys and maintain the overall health, cleansing the kidneys is the important process. Fortunately, this process is very simple and does not need any complicated steps. You can do it at home with some effective home remedies and techniques on how to cleanse kidneys fast and naturally I would like to introduce to the readers of

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    Ways To Boost Your Kidney Health

    Our kidneys work extremely hard to dispose of all the excess salt and water we consume.

    During this process, they also eliminate toxins that would otherwise accumulate and negatively affect our bodies.

    In addition, our kidneys control blood acidity and blood pressure levels.

    When kidneys fail, the body is literally overwhelmed by excess water, salt and toxins, which defeat every other organ and body system, says Association for Dietetics in South Africa spokesperson and dietitian Abby Courtenay.

    The job of the kidneys may not be glamorous or poetic, like the heart, but it is every bit as important.

    Here nine ways to boost your kidney health:

    1. Eat more antioxidants

    Cecile Verseput, dietitian and ADSA spokesperson, says that researchers are discovering more links between chronic diseases, including chronic kidney disease and the role foods play by forming free radicals or protecting against chronic inflammation through antioxidants.

    Chronic inflammation results in permanent damage, for instance in blood vessels in the heart and kidneys, that causes damage, she explains. Antioxidants found in fresh fruit and vegetables can be seen as the firemen putting out the harmful flames of inflammation caused by these free radicals.

    All fresh fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants.

    2. Cut back on fatty red meat and dairy

    Swap fatty meats and full cream dairy firstly for legumes, tofu and nuts, or alternatively for fresh/unprocessed fish or poultry.

    3. Lose the weight

    Kale Food Good For Kidneys

    Kale is a curly, green veggie that is considered to be the healthiest vegetable in the world, perfectly suitable for those detected with kidney disease symptoms.

    • Kale contains 45 flavonoids and is a powerful antioxidant as well as anti inflammatory source, which is important for those with kidney disease, chronic inflammation and cardiovascular diseases.
    • Kale contains high amount of antioxidants that zap free radicals and can help in detoxification of the kidneys or kidney flush.

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    What Are The Ways To Make A Kidney

    If you have diabetes along with kidney disease, you need to control your blood sugar to prevent more damage to your kidneys. A diabetic diet and a kidney-friendly diet share a lot of the same food items, but there are some important differences. There are some ways your kidney-friendly diet and diabetic diet can work together. Below are a few food items that are good for you, if youre diagnosed with both diabetes and kidney disease.

    • Fruits: Berries, papaya, cherries, apples and plums
    • Vegetables: Cauliflower, onions and spinach
    • Proteins: Lean meats , eggs and unsalted seafood
    • Carbohydrates: Whole-wheat breads, sandwich buns, unsalted crackers and pasta
    • Fluids: Water, clear soups and unsweetened tea
    • If you drink orange juice to treat low blood sugar, switch to kidney-friendly apple juice. It will provide the same blood sugar boost with a lot less potassium.
  • Late-stage disease: Your blood sugar levels get better with late-stage kidney disease, possibly because of changes in how the body uses insulin.
  • Dialysis: If you are on dialysis, your blood sugar can increase because the fluid used to filter your blood contains a high blood sugar level. Your doctor will monitor you closely and decide whether you will need insulin and other diabetes medicines.
  • Your doctor and/or dietician will help you to create a meal plan that helps you control your blood sugar level while limiting sodium, phosphorus, potassium and fluids in the body.

    Magnesium And Kidney Disease

    Top 10 Ways to Detox and Cleanse Your Kidneys Naturally

    I wrote a lot about the kidneys in my book Transdermal Magnesium Therapy. As we age, our kidneys lose their efficiency in regulation of magnesium. Magnesium absorption decreases with age. Around the age of 70 it becomes two-thirds of what it usually is at around the age of 30.

    The kidneys are dumping from the blood excess nutrients that the body does not need or cannot process in the moment. Magnesium-deficiency studies on the kidneys have shown intraluminal calcareous deposits in the corticomedullary area and damage to the tubular epithelium. Damage to the kidneys from magnesium deficiency creates a negative feedback loop that intensifies magnesium deficits.

    Micropuncture studies have shown that most active renal tubular reabsorption of magnesium occurs at sites that are potentially damaged by magnesium deficiencies, meaning these conditions can cause renal tubular magnesium wasting.

    When you introduce magnesium into a human body calcium dissolves it becomes more water-soluble. The same thing happens in your bloodstream, heart, brain, kidneys, and all the tissues in your body. If you do not have enough magnesium to help keep calcium dissolved, you may end up with calcium-excess muscle spasms, fibromyalgia, hardening of the arteries, and even dental cavities. Another scenario plays out in the kidneys. If there is too much calcium in the kidneys and not enough magnesium to dissolve it, you can get kidney stones.

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    Aim For A Healthy Weight

    The NIH Body Weight Planner is an online tool to help you tailor your calorie and physical activity plans to achieve and stay at a healthy weight.

    If you are overweight or have obesity, work with your health care provider or dietitian to create a realistic weight-loss plan. View more weight control and physical activity resources to help you get and stay motivated.

    What Causes Kidney Disease

    As mentioned earlier, some diseases can serve as a predisposition for kidney disease.

    According to medical journal of Renal Injury Prevention, diabetes and high blood pressure issues are the top causes of kidney disease.

    If you have a high blood pressure stay mindful of the possibility of kidney problems in the future. When you visit the doctor keep a close watch over your blood sugar and blood pressure levels and ask the physician if they are normal.

    According to medical studies, kidney disease can also be passed on through genetic issues.

    If your family has a history of autoimmune disease or polycystic kidney disease you are more vulnerable to kidney problems in the future.

    Birth defects and improper use of medication can cause kidney damage and renal disorders.

    Harmful habits like drinking, smoking, poor diet, and lack of exercise are also a major cause of kidney disease.

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