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Can Not Drinking Enough Water Make Your Kidneys Hurt

Alcohol And Kidney Disease

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Drinking alcohol heavily can have several long-term health consequences including type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. These conditions commonly lead to kidney disease. Excessive drinking is considered to be more than four drinks per day. This doubles your risk of developing chronic kidney disease or long-term kidney damage. The risk increases if youre a smoker.

Kidneys that have been overworked due to excess alcohol consumption dont function properly. This makes them less able to filter blood and maintain the correct water balance in the body. The hormones that control kidney function can also be adversely affected.

Heavy drinking can also cause liver disease, which makes your kidneys have to work harder. When you have liver disease, your body doesnt balance the flow and filtering of blood as well as it should. This has a harmful effect on your overall health and can increase the chance of complications.

Your Body Is Struggling With Big Evening Meals

There are other reasons for sweating during the night besides menopause and a heavy duvet. If you are overweight you may find that you sweat a lot during the night, and as a result wake up dehydrated and achy.

Eating large, stodgy meals in the evening will force your body to work harder to metabolise your foods. On top of this, eating shortly before bed means that your body will be working hard and sweating while you sleep, which once again will leave you dehydrated come morning.

A similar process will take place after drinking alcohol: 6 pints on a Saturday night, for example, will push your body into overdrive and make it work hard while you sleep. Not only does alcohol act as a diuretic and make you pee more during a night out, metabolising excess amounts of alcohol overnight will also put pressure on your system and cause you to sweat.

Top tip: Aim to stop eating a couple of hours before you go to bed, to avoid forcing your body to work overtime to metabolise large amounts of food while you sleep. This will help you to avoid discomfort and sweating during the night, which in turn will ensure that your body isnt dehydrated come the morning.

How Much Water Should You Drink

The recommended amount of water to be drunk per day varies from person to person, depending on factors such as how active they are and how much they sweat. There is no universally agreed upon amount of water that must be consumed daily, but there is a general level of consensus as to what a healthy amount is. According to the Institute of Medicine , an adequate intake for men is approximately 13 cups a day. For women, an adequate intake is around 9 cups .

Many people will have heard the phrase, “drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day,” which works out at around 1.9 liters and is close to the IOM’s recommendation for women. Drinking “8 by 8” is an easy-to-remember amount that can put people on the right track regarding water consumption. Remember, all non-alcoholic fluid counts towards this recommendation.

Water also helps dissolve minerals and nutrients so that they are more accessible to the body, as well as helping transport waste products out of the body. It is these two functions that make water so vital to the kidneys.

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If You’re Always Getting Sick You May Not Be Drinking Enough Water

Advice to drink a glass of orange juice or eat chicken noodle soup to help recover from a cold may have less to do with the nutrients in these homeopathic remedies and more to do with the fact that both contain a significant amount of water. Nutritionist Lisa Richards told Health Digest, “Drinking enough water is vital to eliminating toxins from the body by fueling the organs with necessary liquid to aid in filtering waste. Dehydration causes an accumulation of toxins in the body, resulting in increased susceptibility to illness and taking longer to recover.”

Houston Methodist Hospital highlighted how important proper hydration is to a well-functioning immune system, writing, “A fluid in your circulatory system called lymph, which carries important infection-fighting immune cells around your body, is largely made up of water. Being dehydrated slows down the movement of lymph, sometimes leading to an impaired immune system.”

According to WebMD, the lymphatic system acts as a filter for the body, removing waste products from cells and trapping foreign invaders like bacteria and viruses in specialized tissue known as lymph nodes. It also produces lymphocytes, a type of infection-fighting white blood cell.

If You’re Having Heart Trouble You May Not Be Drinking Enough Water

11 Reasons Dehydration Is Making You Sick And Fat

Not drinking enough water can have major consequences for your cardiovascular health. According to The Heart Foundation, “When you are dehydrated your blood volume, or the amount of blood circulating through your body, decreases. To compensate, your heart beats faster, increasing your heart rate and your blood pressure.” Your blood also retains more sodium when you’re dehydrated, thus thickening your blood and making it more difficult to circulate through your body.

ScienceDaily noted that dehydration increased individuals’ risk for cardiac disease and arteriosclerosis , even among young, otherwise healthy individuals. In the article, Stavros Kavouras, associate professor and coordinator of the Exercise Science Program at the University of Arkansas, argued that when it comes to heart health, dehydration is as bad for the body as smoking a cigarette.

Alarmingly, even very mild dehydration can be bad for your heart. Kavouras explained, “The degree of dehydration when these changes occur is at less than 2 percent dehydration, which is around the threshold when people start feeling thirsty.” Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, and while there are many contributing factors, dehydration is an easily preventable one.

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Spend Time To Avoid Pain

I can hear you saying now I dont have enough time in the day to spend it in the washroom.

This is a legitimate response and one I have heard many times throughout my career. I will not lie. You will spend more time in the bathroom, but you will get accustomed to your more frequent bathroom visits. The bigger picture is the one to focus on. Better hydration means you will be less likely to form more stones this means that water can reduce ER and doctor visits, and lost time away from work. What is going to the bathroom a few more times a day compared to all of the pain, suffering, and expense you will endure if you dont drink more water?

Does The Us Drink Enough Water

A study carried out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2013 analyzed data from the National Cancer Institute’s 2007 Food Attitudes and Behaviors Survey.

Out of a sample of 3,397 adults, the researchers found the following:

7 percent of adults reported no daily consumption of drinking water 36 percent of adults reported drinking 1-3 cups of drinking water a day 35 percent of adults reported drinking 4-7 cups of drinking water a day 22 percent of adults reported drinking 8 cups or more a day

People were more likely to drink less than 4 cups of drinking water daily if they consumed 1 cup or less of fruits or vegetables a day.The study only measured the intake of drinking water and, of course, fluid can be gained from other beverages.

However, water is the ideal source of fluid because it is calorie-free, caffeine-free, and alcohol-free.Because 7 percent of respondents reported drinking no water at all daily, and those who drank a low volume of water also consumed less fruit and vegetables, it suggests that there is a certain number of people who are risking their health by not getting enough fluid.

Even if the respondents reporting low levels of water intake were obtaining enough fluid, it is likely that they would be obtaining it from sources that could potentially compromise their health in other ways.

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Drinking Alcohol In Excess

Regular heavy drinking more than four drinks a day has been found to double the risk chronic kidney disease. Heavy drinkers who also smoke have an even higher risk of kidney problems. Smokers who are heavy drinkers have about five times the chance of developing chronic kidney disease than people who dont smoke or drink alcohol to excess.

If You Have Dry Skin You May Not Be Drinking Enough Water

8 Habits that can Seriously Damage your Kidneys

Oftentimes, our skin is a reflection of what’s going on inside of our bodies and dehydration is no exception. In fact, skin turgor is often used to determine whether or not someone is dehydrated. As BBC Future explained, ” is a measure of how fast it takes the skin to return to normal if you pinch some skin and lift it up. If you are dehydrated your skin will take longer to get its shape back.”

“Normal skin owes its soft, pliable texture to its water content,” according to the Merck Manual. When water is lost, it becomes irritated, rough, and scaly and may peel or itch. Although dry air is a common cause of dry skin, avoiding dehydration is also an important part of supporting skin health from the inside out.

In an interview with Harper’s Bazaar, dermatologist Justine Hextall explained that well-hydrated skin appears plump and reflects light better, giving it a glowing appearance, while dehydrated skin is less elastic and appears “dull and lifeless.” She cautioned that for those with naturally dry or sensitive skin, dehydration can be particularly damaging.

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Eating Too Many Foods High In Sugar

Sugar contributes to obesity which increases your risk of developing high blood pressure and diabetes, two of the leading causes of kidney disease. In addition to desserts, sugar is often added to foods and drinks that you may not consider sweet. Avoid condiments, breakfast cereals, and white bread which are all sneaky sources of processed sugar. Pay attention to the ingredients when buying packaged goods to avoid added sugar in your diet.

Effects On Other Organs

Of course, it is not just the kidneys that are affected by a lack of water below is a small sample of the other negative consequences dehydration can bring:

Blood is more than 90 percent water, therefore, if water is in short supply, blood can become thicker and increase blood pressure.

When dehydrated, airways are restricted by the body in an effort to minimize water loss, potentially making asthma and allergies worse.

The skin can become more vulnerable to skin disorders and premature wrinkling.

The bowel needs water to function correctly. If dehydrated, digestive problems and constipation can become an issue. Dehydration can lead to an overly acidic stomach which makes heartburn more common and can encourage the development of stomach ulcers.

Cartilage, found in joints and the disks of the spine, contain around 80 percent water. If dehydration is ongoing, joints can become less good at shock absorption, which leads to joint pain.

Dehydration can affect brain structure and function. If dehydration is prolonged, cognitive ability is impaired.

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You’re Not Drinking Enough Water

This leads me to my first point: not drinking enough water is the most obvious cause of dehydration and, thus, painful kidneys. If were getting the full 8 hours of sleep every night, obviously our bodies will become dehydrated. This long interval between drinking might be even longer if you avoid drinking too close to bedtime because you worry about needing the loo during the night.

So, its important to rehydrate your body as soon as you wake up in the morning. However, water isnt usually the first thing on our minds when we wake up on a dark Monday morning with a full week of work ahead. A strong coffee or tea is usually our first point of call! This means that your kidneys could be suffering for a long time if you dont think about drinking water until later on in the morning, or even lunch time.

Your lower back pain might be bad enough on an average weekday morning, but a long lie on the weekend can exacerbate the issue even more, as your body is waiting even longer for that precious liquid. Plus, alcohol consumed the night before wont help matters, as this will increase the rate at which you pee while drinking, and can leave you even more dehydrated the next morning.

What Your Kidneys Do And Why Its So Important To Keep Them Healthy

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Your kidneys are a remarkable biological machine. And just like any machine, when its doing its job well, its all too easy to forget that its even there at all. Your kidneys work hard for you all day every day but you might not even know their function, how they work and why its so important to keep them healthy.

Until a kidney stone or a Urinary Tract Infection comes along and you realize that you shouldve been taking better care of your kidneys.

What do your kidneys do?

Kidneys are essentially your bodys water regulators. These smart little organs know exactly how much water your body needs and will expel excess water as urine when there is too much. When your water stores are low they will also help your body to retain as much water as possible to allow your body to function. As well as ridding your body of excess water, they also filter out toxins, dispelling them from your body in your urine.

Kidneys also produce important hormones that help to regulate the production of red blood cells, keep your blood pressure under control and maintain just the right balance of calcium in your body.

Drink lots of water every day and your kidneys will reap the benefits which means the rest of your body will, too!

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If You’re Not Drinking Enough Water You May Experience Weight Gain

If you’re not sure why you’ve put on a few extra pounds, it could be because you’re not drinking enough water. As registered dietitian Megan Wong of AlgaeCal told Health Digest, “Drinking water increases feelings of satiety, meaning a feeling of fullness. This could be why researchers have found a link between obesity and inadequate hydration.”

One study, for example, led by Dr. Tammy Chang and published in the Annals of Family Medicine in 2016, examined the health habits of over 18,000 adults and found that those who weren’t well hydrated were more likely to have an elevated body mass index .

One reason for the connection between hydration and BMI may be the fact that people often misinterpret thirst as hunger, thus filling up on calories when what they really need is fluids. According to the Polycystic Kidney Disease Foundation, 37 percent of individuals mistake thirst for hunger. Registered dietitian Trista Best explained that this mix-up in signals can cause “late-night binge eating, overeating at meal times, and chronic snacking.” The next time you think you’re hungry, Wong suggested drinking a glass of water before immediately reaching for a snack.

Want To Know More About Keeping Your Kidneys Happy And Healthy Get In Touch Today

Hopefully, this post has helped you to realize all the amazing things that your kidneys do for you and why its so important to keep them healthy. Staying well-hydrated is a great way to keep your kidneys well maintained and flush out the bacteria which can cause infections. However, when it comes to comprehensive kidney care, good hydration is the tip of the iceberg. Take care of your kidneys and you go a long way towards safeguarding your health for life.

Were here to make taking care of your kidneys easier.

South Texas Renal Care Group is steadfastly committed to providing you with comprehensive kidney care. By looking after your kidneys, we help you to help keep the rest of your body as healthy as possible.

If you are in need of leading-edge kidney care treatments, or simply want to know more about what you can do to look after your kidneys, contact us today at 212-8622. We cant wait to hear from you!

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You Are Finding Simple Exercises Hard To Do

Physical performance is affected when dehydration hits around 1-3% of body weight, so water should be your most important accessory in the gym, says Dr Ruxton.

When exercising for short periods or at low intensities, a bottle of tap water will do.

Longer periods of exercise, around 40-60 minutes, tend to cause losses of salts as well as fluid so a sports drink would be a better option.

You Often Have Muscle Cramps Or Spasms

7 Warning Signs You Are Not Drinking Enough Water

When we sweat, particularly during vigorous exercise, it can lead to a drop in sodium levels. During a high-intensity sweat session, there’s only so much fluid to go around once we start to lose water. As a result, the body has to prioritize where the remaining fluid in the body should go. Most often, our circulatory system wins, which means our muscles have to take a backseat. If the muscles arent surrounded by enough water and sodium, they become extremely sensitive, causing involuntary muscle contractions or spasms.

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Who Is At Risk Of Dehydration

Anyone can become dehydrated, but some groups are particularly at risk. These include:

  • babies and infants they have a low body weight and are sensitive to even small amounts of fluid loss
  • older people they may be less aware that they are becoming dehydrated and need to keep drinking fluids
  • people with a long-term health condition such as diabetes or alcoholism
  • athletes they can lose a large amount of body fluid through sweat when exercising for long periods

Good hydration is important for all age groups and is something for everyone to consider.


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