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How Long Does It Take To Get A Kidney Transplant

What Is Involved In Kidney Transplant Surgery

How long does it take to get a kidney transplant?

Once an organ becomes available to your child, you and your child will be immediately called to the hospital. This call can occur at any time. So you should always be prepared to go to the hospital, if needed. Once at the hospital, your child will have some more final blood work and tests to confirm the organ is a match.

Your child will then go to the operating room. The transplant surgery may take several hours. But this will vary greatly depending on each individual case. During the surgery, a member of the transplant team will keep you informed on how the surgery is going.

When Should I Call A Doctor

Having a kidney transplant puts you at risk for health problems like high blood pressure and diabetes. Youâre also more likely to get infections. This could occur at the site of your incision. Or, it could be a yeast infection or a virus that affects your whole body, like shingles.

Thereâs also a chance your body could start to attack the donor kidney. If so, you could experience:

Answers To Common Questions

The team looking after you is not able to contact living donors on your behalf. If you would like a kidney transplant from a living donor, you will need to talk to family and friends and ask if they are interested in giving you a kidney.

Your doctor can advise on ways to do this.

  • Living donors are often blood relatives. But they can also be a friend, family member, or partner
  • They do not need to be the same age, blood group or tissue type as you
  • Living donors must be aged 18 years or older, and be in good health

Yes. If you have a living donor but they have not yet finished all their tests , you can join the transplant waiting list for a deceased donor kidney.

However, usually once you have been given a date for your transplant operation from the living donor your name will be taken off the national waiting list.

If you are offered a deceased donor kidney but you have a potential living kidney donor who is close to completing their tests, you will need to discuss your options with your kidney transplant team. They will advise you on the best thing to do.

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How Will I Pay For A Transplant

Medicare covers about 80% of the costs associated with an evaluation, transplant operation, follow-up care, and anti-rejection medicines. Private insurance through your job and state insurance programs may cover some costs as well. However, your post-transplant expenses may only be covered for a limited number of years. Its important to discuss insurance coverage with your social worker and the transplant financial coordinator, who can answer your questions or direct you to others who can help.

The Nhs Organ Donor Register

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In the UK, consent is required before organs can be donated. A person can give their consent to become an organ donor after death by joining the NHS Organ Donor Register or by discussing their wishes with loved ones.

Alternatively, a persons organs can be donated if consent is obtained after their death from an authorised person, such as a relative or friend.

Joining the NHS Organ Donor Register is quick and simple, and will only take a few minutes of your time. You can remove yourself from the register at any time, and you can specify what youre willing to donate.

Page last reviewed: 20 August 2018 Next review due: 20 August 2021

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What Is The National Transplant Waiting List

The national transplant waiting list is a list of all the people in the United States who need an organ transplant and want to be matched with an organ from a deceased donor . The list is managed by the United Network for Organ Sharing , a private, nonprofit agency that works under contract with the federal government.

There are more than 106,000 people on the national transplant waiting list with 92,000 waiting for a kidney.

What Can The Donor Expect After Surgery

If the kidney donor has had an open nephrectomy, the donor will have a larger incision than if he/she has laparoscopic surgery. Pain medication after surgery will help with the discomfort. The nurses will remind the patient to breathe deeply and cough frequently. This helps prevent pneumonia. The donor will be getting out of bed soon after surgery to help prevent lung or other problems.

To make sure that the donor receives adequate fluids and nourishment, intravenous fluids will be given until normal oral intake is established.

A catheter will be placed in the bladder for 24 hours following the surgery.

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How Long Is Surgery To Remove A Kidney

It is possible that the treatment will take three or more hours. Simple nephrectomy vs. open kidney removal: Which is better? Which is superior? Youâll be laying on your back. Your surgeon will make an incision that is up to 12 inches 30 centimeters long. He or she will cut away part of your stomach and colon to get at your kidney. The blood vessels responsible for supplying the kidney will be tied off so that it does not bleed during removal.

Your surgeon will then lift the kidney out through this incision. To avoid hurting the nerve that runs along with the artery that supplies blood to the kidney, he or she will try to keep the vertebrae intact above and below the injured kidney. This will allow the kidney to be removed in one piece.

After surgery, the bladder will be closed with stitches or a clamp. If you do not have any other organs damaged, your surgeon will let you go home after this stage of surgery.

The hospital stay usually follows surgery. You may need blood tests and radiographs while recovering from surgery. Most patients are able to walk out of the hospital after surgery and return to normal activities within two weeks.

Nephrectomy is generally considered safe for people of all ages. However, it is important to follow your surgeonâs instructions and stay in bed rest for several days after surgery.

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Q Is There A Difference Between A Living Or Deceased Donor Transplant

How long until I get a kidney transplant?
  • There are subtle differences between a transplant from a living owner and a deceased donor. In case of a living donor transplant, you get a healthy kidney from a person who is alive. In case of a deceased donor transplant, you get the kidney from a person who is dead. Living donor kidneys last longer in comparison to deceased donor kidneys. Moreover, they also work better since they are outside the recipients body for a lesser time than the deceased donor. You can get a living donor kidney transplant even before youre on dialysis.
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    Could You Volunteer To Be A Living Kidney Donor

    Healthy people who wish to help a loved one or stranger with kidney disease may volunteer to give a kidney. Volunteer is the key word this must be something that you choose to do and feel comfortable doing.

    Anyone volunteering will be asked to undertake a series of tests so that the medical team can be absolutely sure that you are suitable to donate. Your health and safety is of primary concern and it is important to be aware from the start that, even if you want to be a donor, not everyone is suitable and you may be unable to donate. It is also important to remember that even if you do volunteer, you can change your mind at any point in the process right up to the time of surgery.

    Wait List For Kidney Transplant

    Once youve been approved for transplant, well place you on the national waitlist for a deceased-donor kidney. All U.S. candidates are listed in a national donor computer system through UNOS. HonorBridge works with UNOS to coordinate transplants in this area.

    Multiple Listing for Kidney TransplantYou can register for a kidney transplant at more than one center. This is important because wait times can vary from one section of a state to another, depending on the number of candidates on the list in that area. In our area, we share our list with Wake Forest Baptist, Vidant and UNC. Listing at two of those offers no benefit since you are already on the list. However, if you are on a list outside of our area, you can list with us as well because multiple listing can help you get a kidney faster. You can ask your dialysis center or nephrologist to send a referral to us.

    If you are interested in making an appointment for an evaluation, please ask your nephrologist to submit a referral.

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    How Long Does A Kidney Transplant Take

    The kidney transplant operation takes about four to six hours. The doctor first removes a kidney from the donors body. The patients own kidneys are generally left in the body in the transplant surgery if they are not causing problems such as in the case of active infection.

    The surgeon then places the donated kidney into the lower abdomen and connects it to the blood vessels that supply it, as well as the ureter that carries urine to the bladder. Putting the new kidney in your abdomen also makes it easier to take care of any problems that might come up. The surgery can be done with an open or laparoscopic approach.

    Most surgeries, nowadays, are performed via the laparoscopic method, as it is a less invasive approach that involves smaller incisions than open surgery. It offers the advantages of faster recovery and less trauma to the tissues, which reduces the duration of hospitalization and the risk of complications.

    Why Is A Kidney Transplant Recommended

    Stage Three Kidney Disease Diet 114952

    A kidney transplant is recommended for children who have serious kidney problems and will die without dialysis or a transplant. Some of the kidney diseases in children that may require a transplant include the following:

    • Birth defects and heredity diseases. These are the most common causes of kidney failure in children from birth to age 4.

    • Hereditary diseases, nephrotic syndrome, and systemic diseases. These are the most common cause of kidney failure in children between ages 5 and 15.

    • Diseases that affect the blood vessels in the kidneys. The most common cause of kidney failure in children between ages 15 and 19.

    Not all children with these diseases will need a kidney transplant. Always see your child’s healthcare provider for a diagnosis.

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    Can A Transplanted Kidney Last Forever

    Can a transplanted kidney last forever? Why do kidney transplants only last 10 years? How long does a live kidney transplant last?

    In the literature, there are transplantation kidneys that have worked for more than 30 years, as well as patients who lost their kidneys in the first year after transplantation. Success rates reported after live donor kidney transplantation are in the range of 93-98 percent. Due to the high success rates, kidney transplant has become the gold standard treatment. However, it should not be forgotten that ultimately kidney transplant is a treatment method. Therefore, it is not a treatment that promises 100 percent success. There are many factors that determine success. Many factors affect the patients general health, social habits , the experience of the team to perform the treatment, taking the patients medication after the treatment according to the doctors recommendations, and compliance with the outpatient clinic controls.

    Renal rejection can occur when a patient who has had a long period after kidney transplantation without any problems discontinues their medication without consulting their doctor. Therefore, a person who is a candidate for kidney transplant will be told in detail that he will use drugs after transplantation and will come to regular polyclinic controls.

    MORE information about Kidney Transplant

    How Long Will It Take To Get A New Kidney

    There is no definite answer to this question. If there is a matching and healthy living donor, your child may be able to get a transplant in a few weeks or months. If no living related donor is available, it may take months or years on the waiting list before a suitable donor organ is available. During this time, your child will receive close follow-up with his or her healthcare providers and the transplant team. Many support groups are also available to help you during this waiting time.

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    How Does The Evaluation Process Work

    The evaluation process for a transplant is very thorough. Your healthcare team will need to know a lot about you to help themand youdecide if a transplant is right for you. Medical professionals will give you a complete physical exam, review your health records, and order a series of tests and X-rays to learn about your overall health. Everything that can affect how well you can handle a transplant will be checked.

    One thing you can do to speed the process is to get all the testing done as quickly as possible and stay in close contact with the transplant team. If youre told you might not be right for a transplant, dont be afraid to ask why. You can also consider doing an evaluation at another center if one center says no. Remember, being active in your own care is one of the best ways to stay healthy.

    If someone you know would like to donate a kidney to you, that person will also need to go through a screening evaluation to find out if he or she is healthy enough to donate.

    If its your child who has kidney disease, transplant can be the best treatment for them. Transplantation allows children and young adults to develop in as normal a way as possible in their formative years. If your child has kidney disease, youll want to give serious thought to getting a transplant evaluation for him or her.

    If the evaluation process shows that a transplant is right for you or your child, the next step is getting a suitable kidney.

    What Are The Benefits Of Kidney Transplantation

    An Introduction to Kidney Transplant

    A successful kidney transplant gives you increased strength, stamina, and energy. After transplantation, you should be able to return to a more normal lifestyle and have more control over your daily living. You can have a normal diet and more normal fluid intake.

    If you were dependent on dialysis before the transplant, youll have more freedom because you wont be bound to your dialysis schedules.

    Anemia, a common problem with kidney failure, might be corrected after transplantation. If you have hypertension , you could be on fewer blood pressure medications after transplantation.

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    Can You Live A Normal Life With A Kidney Transplant

    Studies report that people with a kidney transplant live longer and have a better quality of life than those who continue dialysis.

    With a successful kidney transplant, you may be able to live a normal life with fewer restrictions than you had while suffering from kidney disease or being on dialysis.

    However, you will need to follow a healthy diet recommended by your doctor according to your medications, test results, weight, and blood pressure.

    Q How Long Does The Kidney Transplant Surgery Take Can I Eat Or Drink Before The Surgery

  • Kidney transplant surgery takes two to three hours as it has to be done with the patient under general anaesthesia. You should not eat or drink anything including water after midnight the day before the renal transplant procedure. Avoid heavy meals the evening before surgery. Your doctor will give you detailed instructions on how to prepare for the surgery and what you can eat or drink.
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    Get Onto The Waiting List For A Deceased Donor Transplant

    If the transplant team decides you are healthy enough for surgery, you may be approved to get on the waiting list for a deceased donor kidney.

    Most people wait for three to five years for a kidney transplant from a deceased donor. Your wait time may be shorter or longer than this.

    Your wait time may depend on things such as:

    • If a matching kidney is available in your area
    • How long you have been on dialysis

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    Who Is The Best Match

    Kidney Disease Diet Menu 115843

    The UNOS computer system considers these things about the donor and the person who gets the kidney :

    • The age of the recipient
    • Blood type of the donor and recipient
    • The size of the donor kidney compared to the size of the recipient’s body
    • How urgent it is for the recipient to get a kidney
    • How long the recipient has been waiting for a kidney
    • The distance of the recipient from the donor kidney

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    What To Expect: Support Before During And After Transplant

    We try to make evaluation and appointments as thorough and convenient as possible for you and your loved ones. Transplant Surgeons and Nephrologists participate in your transplant evaluation, as well as a Transplant Social worker, Dietician and Coordinator. These experts will work with you from diagnosis through discharge.

    Our post-transplant protocols will help you return home as soon as possible after transplant. Our dedicated physicians and providers often continue to care for you for years to come. If you and your physician prefer, we will help your referring physician provide your follow-up care and get any needed answers. Our transplant recipients are part of the UCLA family, and we are available to care for them at any time.

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