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HomeHealthDoes Enlarged Prostate Cause Kidney Failure

Does Enlarged Prostate Cause Kidney Failure

What Are The Treatments For Ureteral Obstruction

Enlarged Prostate Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

The treatment you receive depends on the reason for the blockage. First, your doctor will perform a procedure to allow the urine to drain from your body. These procedures include:

  • Inserting a ureteral stent: Doctors insert a thin tube in the ureter that holds the ureter open so urine can drain freely.
  • Placing a catheter in the kidney: In this procedure, doctors create an opening, called a nephrostomy, in the skin near the kidney. They insert a catheter into the opening and drain urine directly from the kidney.
  • Placing a catheter in the urinary bladder: This procedure is usedif the blockage is at the outflow of urine from the bladder.
  • After draining the urine, your doctor will address the reason for the blockage. Your doctors approach will depend on what caused the obstruction and the severity of the blockage.

Common treatments for ureteral obstruction are:

  • Medication: If an enlarged prostate is causing the blockage, doctors may prescribe:
  • An alpha-blocker to relax the muscles of the prostate.
  • A medicine called finasteride that causes the prostate to shrink.
  • Surgery: If the blockage is due to a birth defect or tumor, doctors can often perform surgery to remove the obstruction.
  • Stent: Doctors can insert a stent into the ureter to keep it open and allow urine to flow.
  • What Causes Kidney Disease

    Your kidneys help filter waste and excess fluid from your body. They are critical to your well-being and health, but, unfortunately, they arent invincible. For some people, kidney function can decrease, which allows electrolytes, excess fluids, and waste to accumulate in the blood. In more serious cases, patients may need to look into kidney transplants or dialysis.

    As such, issues with the kidneys should be taken very seriously. Here are the causes of kidney disease that you should be on the lookout for.

    How To Get Rid Of Swollen Feet In Kidney Failure

    A kidney failure patient becomes a target of various health complications and symptoms that makes it more critical for the patient to survive the disease. Symptoms and complications of kidney failure complicate the journey of the renal failure patient to procure good health and vitality of the kidneys.

    One of the common symptoms that occur in episodes of every kidney harming disease is Edema. Edema is a condition that depicts swelling within any part of the human body. When kidney failure occurs, kidneys become unable to filter liquid waste out of the body due to insufficient filtration. Excess fluids accumulate in the body tissues leading to pain and inflammation in various parts of the body.

    According to Ayurveda, the human body is a combination of three vital doshas- Vata, pitta, and Kapha. Edema is known as Shotha in Ayurveda, and it is stated as a Kapha type of disorder.

    Kidney failure treatment in Ayurveda can help reduce the inflammation in the body using natural healing capabilities. The amalgamation of authentic kidney-friendly herbs reduces the rate of accumulation of excess fluids in the tissues.

    However, underlying ayurvedic herbal medicines provided in kidney failure treatment in Ayurveda can help reduce swelling in the affected parts of the body.

    • Arjuna.
    • Shunthi.
    • Haridra.

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    What Are The Symptoms Of Bph And Renal Failure

    The most common complaint of men with BPH is the need to get up during the night to urinate. It might feel like your bladder is full, even if you urinated recently. There might be a sense of urgency, but the stream may be weak. You may have to strain to urinate. If it gets bad enough, you may find it difficult to urinate at all.

    Symptoms of renal failure include:

    • diminished urine volume

    Enlarged Prostate Treatment And Prevention

    Urologist in Chennai  Chennai

    Depending on the size of the prostate and the symptoms associated with it, there are many different treatment options available, for example:

    • Medications
    • Surgery
    • Transurethral resection of the prostate a scope removes the center of the prostate only leaving the outside
    • Transurethral incision of the prostate cuts are made in the prostate gland to allow easier urination
    • Transurethral microwave thermotherapy electrodes destroy the inner part of the prostate, shrinking it and improving urination
    • Transurethral needle ablation radio waves destroy excess prostate tissue that block urine flow
    • Laser therapy
    • Prostate lift

    Although you may not be able to prevent your prostate from becoming enlarged, sticking with these habits can help ease symptoms and improve prostate health.

    • Reduce beverage consumption in the evening to minimize urge to urinate at night
    • Limit caffeine and alcohol

    New technology could help your bladderWe all love movies it seems like the next big blockbuster is being released every weekend and there are endless lineups just to catch the first glimpse. Although movies can be a great form of entertainment, or a fun date-night idea, they can wreak havoc on your bladder. Continue reading

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    Aging Changes In The Kidneys And Bladder

    The kidneys filter the blood and help remove wastes and extra fluid from the body. The kidneys also help control the body’s chemical balance.

    The kidneys are part of the urinary system, which includes the ureters, bladder, and urethra.

    Muscle changes and changes in the reproductive system can affect bladder control.


    As you age, your kidneys and bladder change. This can affect their function.

    Changes in the kidneys that occur with age:

    • Amount of kidney tissue decreases and kidney function diminishes.
    • Number of filtering units decreases. Nephrons filter waste material from the blood.
    • Blood vessels supplying the kidneys can become hardened. This causes the kidneys to filter blood more slowly.

    Changes in the bladder:

    • The bladder wall changes. The elastic tissue becomes stiffer and the bladder becomes less stretchy. The bladder cannot hold as much urine as before.
    • The bladder muscles weaken.
    • The urethra can become partially or totally blocked. In women, this can be due to weakened muscles that cause the bladder or vagina to fall out of position . In men, the urethra can become blocked by an enlarged prostate gland.

    In a healthy aging person, kidney function declines very slowly. Illness, medicines, and other conditions can significantly degrade kidney function.


    Aging increases the risk of kidney and bladder problems such as:

    Treatment For Urinary Problems

    If your urinary problems are caused by infection or enlargement of the prostate gland, treatment may include:

    • a long course of antibacterial medication because infection is difficult to get rid of, the antibacterial medication will need to be taken for many weeks
    • medication to improve urine flow and other symptoms
    • surgical procedures the type of surgery required depends on the size of the prostate and the condition of the urethra. Types of procedures include:
    • transurethral resection of the prostate
    • transurethral incision of the prostate
    • laser resection of the prostate
    • open surgery prostatectomy
    • removal of prostate tissue using water jets or steam
  • UroLift® for men for whom medication has not been successful but their prostates are not so enlarged that they need more invasive surgery. This procedure involves the transurethral insertion of staples to separate the lobes of the prostate. It has minimal side effects and preserves ejaculatory and erectile function
  • a number of other procedures that have been developed to reduce urinary symptoms. Talk to your doctor about your options.
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    Causes And Symptoms Of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

    Changes in hormones that occur through aging are what contribute to BPH. Genetics, too, can be a possible cause for BPH. The prostate continues to grow from the age of 25, but when the prostate becomes too enlarged it can cause complications in older men.

    Symptoms of BPH include:

    • Dribbling at end of urination
    • Straining while urinating
    • Control your portion size.

    Enlarged Prostate Raises Chronic Kidney Disease Risk In Men

    Causes for an Enlarged Kidney|Kidney deseases| Very Well

    Written byMohan GarikiparithiPublished onNovember 27, 2015

    Benign prostatic hyperplasia enlarged prostate can raise the risk of chronic kidney disease . BPH is an enlarged prostate that is not cancerous. In males, the prostate goes through two growth periods, once during early puberty and again around the age of 25. As the prostate enlarges the gland can press and pinch the urethra and the bladder walls become thicker. Over time the bladder can become weaker and lose its ability to fully empty. If the urethra continues to narrow and the bladder maintains the inability to fully empty, it can lead to complications associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia.

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    What Is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

    Benign prostatic hyperplasia , or benign prostatic hypertrophy, is an enlargement of the prostate, a walnut-sized gland that forms part of the male reproductive system. During ejaculation, the prostate secretes fluid into the urethra, the narrow tube that runs through the center of the prostate. When a man urinates, the bladder squeezes urine out through the urethra.

    As a man ages, the prostate can become enlarged. Because it surrounds the urethra right at the bladder exit, the prostate may squeeze or pinch the urethra as it gets larger over time. This may cause difficulty with urination such as a slow stream, the need to strain, increased frequency, urgency to urinate, incomplete emptying of the bladder, and intermittent flow or dribbling.

    BPH is the most common disorder of the prostate gland and the most common diagnosis by urologists for males between the ages of 45 and 74. More than half of men in their sixties and as many as 90 percent in their seventies and eighties have some symptoms of BPH.

    Although research has yet to pinpoint a specific cause for BPH, theories focus on hormones and related substances like dihydrotestosterone , a testosterone derivative in the prostate that may encourage the growth of cells.

    About Half Of Men Older Than 50 Have An Enlarged Prostate Here Are Some Of The Basic Facts You Need To Know About This Common Condition

    As men age, many experience prostate gland enlargement. This condition is known as benign prostatic hyperplasia .

    The prostate gland surrounds the urethra, the hollow tube that carries urine out of the body. When the prostate gets bigger, it can squeeze or partially block the urethra, which leads to problems urinating.

    BPH is quite common in older men. In fact, the condition impacts about 50% of men between the ages of 51 and 60. For men 80 and older, the prevalence of BPH is approximately 90%, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

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    Bph And Kidney Failure

    When you are born in the prostate is relatively small at that time, but at the time you hit puberty, then it gets double in size. The around the age of 25, the prostate starts growing again, but at the time, it grows at a prolonged rate. The thing is that if it grows larger, then it can give pressure on the urethra, and it can lead to difficulty in urinating, weak steam, etc. Have a look at the points mentioned below to know more about the BPH and kidney failure.

    How exactly does the BPH cause kidney failure?

    You might not be aware of the fact that anything which comes in the way of urine when it is leaving the body then it can lead to acute kidney failure. Kidney stones or blood clots are the leading causes of it. However, prostate cancer or BPH can also cause kidney failure.

    The symptoms of the BPH get worse over time, and in most cases, the BPH can also lead to bladder damage, kidney damage, or infection in the body. This is not at all common, but BOH can genuinely lead to kidney failure. This is the reason that it is essential for you to seek treatment for the BPH before it starts to cause damage to your kidney.

    Get to know about the symptoms of BPH and kidney failure!

    What can you do to reduce the risk of kidney failure due to BPH?

    When the medications dont work effectively, then your doctor may also prescribe you for the surgery in which they remove some of the prostate tissue.

    Various Studies Link Benign Prostate Hyperplasia To Chronic Kidney Disease

    Tallahassee Archives

    Numerous studies have linked BPH with an increased risk of kidney disease. Much research has revealed complications associated with BPH obstruction as well as chronic kidney disease. Andrew Rule, M.D., specialist at the Mayo Clinic, said, Several studies show men with chronic kidney disease have increased chance of death, hospitalization and cardiovascular events.

    Epidemiologist Dr. Steven Jacobsen added, We were surprised at how much kidney disease can be attributed to BPH. An obstruction on the urethra is like a dam on a river men can still void, but the constant build-up and pressure will ultimately cause damage. BPH affects 90 percent of males in their 70s and 80s.

    Other research that analyzed the relationship between BPH and kidney disease revealed an enlarged prostate will almost always contribute to bladder obstruction, which impairs the function of the kidneys. The link comes from the residual urine that remains in the body when the bladder cannot be fully emptied.

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    How Common Is Ureteral Obstruction

    Ureteral obstructions are fairly common. They are more common in men over 60 because the prostate becomes enlarged as men age. The enlarged prostate can block the flow of urine and result in buildup of urine in the bladder. It can also push up against the ureter and cause a blockage. Another form of bladder outflow blockage is by buildup of pressure in the urinary bladder because of an injury to the nerves or weak muscleswhich makes it more difficult for the ureters to empty.

    Other causes of blockages can include:

    • Kidney stones: This form of blockage is very common and can happen to both men and women. Kidney stones can affect young and old patients.
    • Scarring: When the tube that transfers urine from the kidney to the bladder is scarred on the inside, you can experience a blockage. This can also be caused by a birth defect.
    • Pressure from outside structures: You can also have a blockage when something outside of the ureter presses on it. This could be caused by a tumor or another nearby organ.

    Who Should I See If I Have A Prostate Problem

    You should first see your regular doctor for this problem. Your doctor may refer you to a special doctor called a urologist for further evaluation and treatment. Urologists have additional training in treating problems of the urinary tract. Prostate gland problems are the most common disorders treated by urologists.

    If you would like more information, please contact us.

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    Time To Do Something About Your Enlarged Prostate

    Most men put up with an enlarged prostate for months, even years, before seeing a doctor, says Slawin. “When they’re getting up several times a night, and have trouble falling asleep again, that’s when they come in,” he tells WebMD.

    It’s not always obvious what’s going on, Slawin adds. “When men start having urinary problems, it’s hard to know the reason. They should see a doctor when anything changes, because there can be bladder cancer, stones, prostate cancer. BPH is often a diagnosis of exclusion ⦠after we make sure nothing more serious is going on.”

    Urologists use the BPH Impact Index, a symptom questionnaire developed by the American Urological Association to determine if a man’s symptoms from BPH require treatment. “It helps us understand how severe the problem is,” says Slawin. Higher scores indicate more severe symptoms.

    Prostate growth — and the trouble it causes — varies greatly from person to person, says O. Lenaine Westney, MD, division director of urology at The University of Texas Medical School at Houston. “Some people have more growth than others. Some people with very large prostates don’t have trouble with voiding. It’s a very individual thing.”

    What Is Renal Failure

    Diabetes Symptoms & Treatments : Why Does Diabetes Cause Kidney Failure?

    Renal failure, or kidney failure, is when your kidneys can no longer do their job of fluid filtration and excretion. There are five different stages of kidney failure. In the most advanced stage, you must have ongoing dialysis or a kidney transplant to survive.

    Common causes of kidney failure include diabetes and certain autoimmune or genetic diseases. Certain drugs, high blood pressure, dehydration, infections, or obstruction to the outflow of urine can also hurt your kidneys.

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    What Are Prostate Problems

    For men under 50, the most common prostate problem is prostatitis.

    For men over 50, the most common prostate problem is prostate enlargement. This condition is also called benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH. Older men are at risk for prostate cancer as well, but this disease is much less common than BPH.

    Inflammation Of The Prostate Gland

    Bacteria sometimes cause prostatitis . More commonly, the underlying cause is uncertain. Consult your doctor promptly if you experience:

    • fever
    • pain in the groin
    • urgent and frequent urination.

    Treatment with antibiotics is essential for acute bacterial prostatitis. Admission to hospital is often necessary and, as with chronic bacterial prostatitis, specific antibacterial drugs are required for a long time.

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    Symptoms Of Enlarged Prostate

    Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, or BPH, is the enlargement of the prostate gland. About half of men over age 75 will experience symptoms of BPH. BPH is a very minor condition and is not related to prostate cancer. However, symptoms can cause discomfort and be inconvenient.


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