Diet Sodas May Hurt Kidneys
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Watch your kidneys, folks.
Researchers analyzing the health habits of thousands of nurses found that women who drank two or more diet sodas daily had a two-fold increase in the risk of a significantly faster drop in their kidneys’ ability to filter blood compared with those who drank one or none.
Another analysis by the same pair of Harvard researchers found that eating a lot of salt also hurt kidney’s filtering power over time.
“While more study is needed, our research suggests that higher sodium and artificially sweetened beverages are associated with a greater rate of decline in kidney function,” Dr. , a kidney specialist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, said in a statement.
The analysis relied on data from a long-running project called the Nurses’ Health Study that gathered all sorts of information about health and food consumption. The study shows an association between diet beverage consumption and decreased kidney function over 11 years but doesn’t prove causation.
Still, the data were analyzed to account for other factors–such as high blood pressure, diabetes and physical activity–that could explain the difference. And consumption of sodas sweetened with sugar, juices, punch and iced tea wasn’t associated with any unusual decrease in kidney function.
Is Sparkling Water Bad For Your Kidneys
A glass of occasional sparkling water isnt going to be detrimental to your health or kidneys, its all about how much you have. Try and cut down on cola beverages for kidney and bone health. If you want information on dental health and sparkling waters, see your dentist for more advice.
Beside this, Can sparkling water cause kidney problems?
Carbonated beverage consumption has been linked with diabetes, hypertension, and kidney stones, all risk factors for chronic kidney disease. Cola beverages, in particular, contain phosphoric acid and have been associated with urinary changes that promote kidney stones.
Likewise, Is LaCroix bad for kidneys?
LaCroix in fact contains ingredients that have been identified by the Food and Drug Administration as synthetic. These chemicals include limonene, which can cause kidney toxicity and tumors linalool propionate, which is used to treat cancer and linalool, which is used in cockroach insecticide.
Also, Are sparkling ice drinks bad for you?
This Sparkling Water May Be Worse for You Than Diet Soda. First the news drops that sipping seltzer destroys your teeth and now this? The Wall Street Journal reported that despite Sparking Ice branding itself as a good-for-you soda alternative, it isnt actually healthy at all.
Can diabetics drink sparkling ice?
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Can Baking Soda Damage Your Kidneys
Sodas. According to the American Kidney Fund, a recent study suggests that drinking two or more carbonated sodas, diet or regular, each day may increase your risk for chronic kidney disease. Carbonated and energy drinks have both been linked to the formation of kidney stones.
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Effects Of Substance Abuse On The Renal System
**The information in this article is designed for educational purposes and should not be used for diagnostic purposes. If anyone believes they have a problem with the functioning of their kidneys or a substance use disorder, they should contact a licensed medical professional. For substance abuse rehabilitation please call our toll free number at
Is Tonic Water Safe To Drink
Quinine, when found in small doses in tonic water, is safe to consume. The first tonic waters contained powdered quinine, sugar, and soda water. Today, people sometimes drink tonic water to treat nighttime leg cramps associated with circulatory or nervous system problems. However, this treatment is not recommended.
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Diet Soda: Good Or Bad
Diet sodas are popular beverages all over the world, especially among people who want to reduce their sugar or calorie intake.
Instead of sugar, artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame, cyclamates, saccharin, acesulfame-k, or sucralose, are used to sweeten them.
Almost every popular sugar-sweetened beverage on the market has a light or a diet version Diet Coke, Coke Zero, Pepsi Max, Sprite Zero, etc.
Diet sodas were first introduced in the 1950s for people with diabetes, though they were later marketed to people trying to control their weight or reduce their sugar intake.
Despite being free of sugar and calories, the health effects of diet drinks and artificial sweeteners are controversial.
What Is Carbonated Water
Carbonated water is water that has been infused with carbon dioxide gas under pressure.
This produces a bubbly drink thats also known as sparkling water, club soda, soda water, seltzer water, and fizzy water.
Apart from seltzer water, carbonated waters usually have salt added to improve their taste. Sometimes small amounts of other minerals are included.
Natural sparkling mineral waters, such as Perrier and San Pellegrino, are different.
These waters are captured from a mineral spring and tend to contain minerals and sulfur compounds. They are often carbonated as well.
Tonic water is a form of carbonated water that contains a bitter compound called quinine, along with sugar or high-fructose corn syrup.
The pH of carbonated water is 34, which means its slightly acidic.
However, drinking an acidic beverage like carbonated water does not make your body more acidic.
Your kidneys and lungs remove excess carbon dioxide. This keeps your blood at a slightly alkaline pH of 7.357.45 regardless of what you eat or drink.
Carbonated water is acidic, but your body should maintain a stable, slightly alkaline pH no matter what you consume.
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How Soda Affects Your Kidneys
By MatheaW
Soda, Pop, Coke, Cola Whatever you call it, it has a big impact on your health. Drinking soda can cause you to gain weight, retain fluid, and put you at risk for major health problems. Obesity, diabetes, and many other major health problems are associated with drinking soda regularly.
Your kidneys are especially affected by drinking soda. It is no wonder, considering that every drop of everything you eat and drink eventually gets processed through your kidneys. Especially because they taste delicious and seem so innocent, most people do not realize just how dangerous soda can be.
Effects Similar To Heroin
Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the cola. This caffeine causes the pupils to dilate and the blood pressure to increase. By this point, the Coca-Cola has blocked the adenosine receptors in the brain, preventing drowsiness.
Just 5 minutes later, the production of dopamine has increased. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way that Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin. It triggers a persons urge to drink another can.
An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. The body will have cleared the water from the cola, along with vital nutrients, in the urine.
According to Naik, the infographic applies not only to Coca-Cola but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine, writes Naik on his blog, The Renegade Pharmacist.
Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. However, a small amount now and then wont do any major harm. The key is moderation!
In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says that the beverage is perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle.
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Some Studies Link Diet Soda To Diabetes And Heart Disease
Although diet soda has no calories, sugar, or fat, it has been linked to the development of type 2 diabetes and heart disease in several studies.
Research has found that just one serving of an artificially sweetened drink per day is associated with an 813% higher risk of type 2 diabetes (
35 ).
More direct experimental research is needed to determine whether theres any true causal relationship between diet soda and increased blood sugar or blood pressure.
Observational studies have linked diet soda to type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and an increased risk of stroke. However, theres a lack of research on the possible causes of these results. They may be due to preexisting risk factors like obesity.
Does Diet Coke Damage The Kidneys
According to researchers from the prominent Nurses’ Health Study, renal function in women who drank several diet sodas per day decreased over a two-decade period. In fact, compared to women who did not consume diet soda, soda-drinking women experienced a 30% higher decrease in renal function over a 20-year period. The study also found that women who drank more than three cans of soda per day had significantly lower kidney function than those who did not drink any.
The research was published in the April 1, 2010, issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. It looked at how much sugar different beverages contained and used equations to estimate their impact on blood glucose levels. Based on these calculations, the authors concluded that people who drank many diet drinks daily would likely experience significant drops in their renal function over time.
In addition to the study findings, other research has shown that consuming large amounts of sugar can lead to metabolic syndrome, which is a group of symptoms that include high blood pressure, abdominal obesity, and abnormal cholesterol levels. Metabolic syndrome increases your risk for heart disease and diabetes development later in life.
Finally, drinking soda regularly may cause your body to produce more renin, a hormone that controls blood pressure. As we know, increased production of renin means that you are losing muscle mass due to its constant need to balance salt in your body.
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The Function Of The Urinary Tract
The urinary tract is the bodys drainage or excretory, system for removing urine, which is composed of wastes and extra fluid. Located just below the rib cage, on each side of the body, the kidneys are responsible for filtering and removing waste from the body. The kidneys work around the clock and are responsible for filtering blood in order to produce urine. The bladder is located between the pelvic bones that expands as it fills with filtered urine from the kidneys. The kidneys and the bladder work together to stabilize electrolytes in the blood and prevent fluid and waste buildup in the system. The majority of drugs ingested by an individual are eventually excreted through this process.
The urinary tract can be affected by numerous factors that influence their ability to filter waste such as:
- The physical condition of the kidneys and bladder age, physical/medical conditions
- How acidic an individuals urine is.
- Circulation through the kidneys and physical condition of the bladder
- Exposure to numerous and excessive amounts of toxins such as substance abuse affect the function of the entire urinary tract.
May Increase Feelings Of Fullness
Carbonated water may also extend feelings of fullness after meals to a greater extent than plain water.
Sparkling water may help food remain in your stomach longer, which can trigger a greater sensation of fullness .
In a controlled study in 19 healthy young women, fullness scores were higher after the participants drank 8 ounces of soda water, compared with after drinking still water (
However, larger studies are needed to confirm these results.
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Its Linked To Preterm Delivery And Childhood Obesity
Drinking diet soda while pregnant has been linked to some negative outcomes, including preterm delivery and childhood obesity.
A Norwegian study in 60,761 pregnant women found that intake of artificially sweetened and sugar-containing drinks was associated with an 11% higher risk of preterm delivery .
Earlier Danish research supports these findings. A study in almost 60,000 women found that women who consumed one serving of diet soda per day were 1.4 times more likely to deliver preterm than those who did not .
However, recent research in 8,914 women in England did not find any association between diet cola and preterm delivery. However, the authors admitted that the study may not have been big enough and had been limited to diet cola .
Its important to note that these studies were only observational and offer no explanation of exactly how diet soda may contribute to preterm birth.
Furthermore, consuming artificially sweetened drinks while pregnant is significantly associated with an increased risk of childhood obesity .
One study found that the daily consumption of diet drinks during pregnancy doubled the risk of a baby being overweight at 1 year of age .
Further research is needed to analyze the potential biological causes and long-term health risks for children exposed to artificially sweetened sodas in the womb.
Cola Drinks Are Not A Proven Remedy
Phosphoric Acid as a Stone Dissolver
Phosphoric acid, mixed with nitric acid, is used as a cleaner in the beer industry to remove beerstone from beer kegs. It is also used in home cleaning solutions, as an industrial etchant, and as a rust remover. This leads to the false impression that drinking acid phosphates in beverages will create conditions in the kidneys like those in the beer kegs.
In beer kegs, and when you clean your floor with cleaners, high concentrations of a strong acid are applied directly to the unwanted material.
You Cant Get Phosphoric Acid into the Urine
But when the small quantities of phosphoric acid found in dark colas are ingested, the first thing that will happen is that calcium and magnesium binding will occur in the gastrointestinal tract. By the time the remaining phosphoric acid is absorbed, additional buffering will occur in the blood and bone, so essentially neutral not acid phosphate will be delivered to site of the stone. In studies of a neutral phosphates effect on crystal inhibition and dissolution, no evidence of crystal dissolution has been noted.
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Frequently Asked Questions About Kidney Diets
1. What do the dietitians do?2. Do I need to be on a special diet? Do I need to watch how much fluid I drink?3. Will dialysis cause me to lose weight?4. Can I still go out to eat?5. Can I still drink pop? Energy drinks? Alcoholic beverages?6. Can I still take my vitamin, mineral, and/or herbal supplements?7. I am vegetarian. Will this be ok for me when I start dialysis?8. I am diabetic. Will my blood sugar be difficult to control when on dialysis?9. Why do I have a bad taste in my mouth?10. Why is my hair falling out?
What Kind Of Scientific Study Was This
This randomised controlled trial investigated the effects of bicarbonate supplementation for people with chronic kidney disease and metabolic acidosis.
Metabolic acidosis is a condition where there is an acid-alkali imbalance in the blood, that results in high blood acidity and low plasma bicarbonate levels. Several conditions can lead to metabolic acidosis, including heart failure, drugs or toxins, kidney failure or diabetic ketoacidosis . It is a common complication in people with advanced chronic kidney disease, and it can interfere with protein metabolism and may lead to stunted growth and loss of bone and muscle.
The study looked at 134 patients with chronic kidney disease and low blood bicarbonate levels . The patients were randomly allocated to either sodium bicarbonate supplements, 600mg taken orally three times a day , or to usual care for two years.
The researchers defined rapid progression as a reduction of creatinine clearance of more than three ml/min per 1.73m2 per year.
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How Do The Carbonated Beverages Help In The Formation Of These Stones
Soda is made out of many chemicals including high levels of processed bleached sugar, caffeine, high fructose corn syrup, and phosphoric acid. These ingredients can be extremely harmful, especially when consumed in large amounts. High fructose corn syrup can metabolize into oxalate and increase the secretion of uric acid and combination. This encourages kidney stone formation. Phosphoric acid, on the other hand, creates an acidic environment in your kidney tract enabling kidney stones to form more easily.
Caffeine is a diuretic that encourages chronic dehydration which is the most common risk factor for kidney stone formation.
The Amount Of Coffee You Drink
First thing to consider is the nutritional content of coffee. An 8 oz. cup of black coffee has 116 mg of potassium3. This is considered a low potassium food. However, many people drink more than one cup of coffee each day. Three to four cups of coffee a day is considered high in potassium and could raise your potassium levels. Adding creamers or milk can further raise your coffees potassium content. Drinking less than three cups of coffee/day is generally considered safe. Phosphorus, sodium, calories, carbohydrates and protein are minimal in black coffee and not of nutritional consideration.
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Does Diet Coke Hurt Your Bones
Diet sodas erode our bones and have been related to renal disease, obesity, and diabetes. Furthermore, a study of older persons found that those who drank diet soda on a regular basis had a 43% greater chance of having a heart attack or stroke compared to those who never drank diet soda. Researchers think the artificial sweeteners in diet drinks may increase acidity in the body, which can lead to more cardiovascular problems.
Kidney Health Risk Factors
The kidneys can be affected by numerous factors that can influence their ability to expel waste products. These include:
- The physical condition of kidneys, which can be affected by a persons age, physical or medical conditions, and other factors
- How acidic ones urine is
- Circulation through the kidneys
- Exposure to numerous toxins can affect the function of the kidneys
Some of the significant health conditions that can affect the functioning of the kidneys include infections, diabetes, high blood pressure, and kidney stones . Drug abuse can also impact the functioning of the kidneys. If the kidneys are not functioning properly, the effects of drug use can be amplified, and this can lead to further issues with the kidneys. For instance, individuals who develop tolerance to alcohol or drugs often significantly increase the amount of the substances they use, and this can contribute to problems with toxicity and kidney functioning over time.
Chronic abuse of drugs or alcohol can lead to severe kidney damage and even to kidney failure. Substance abuse may directly damage the kidneys or may indirectly damage them through some other process, such as increased body temperature or rhabdomyolysis .
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