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HomeHealthCan Kidney Stones Cause Rectal Pain

Can Kidney Stones Cause Rectal Pain

Can Kidney Problems Cause Hemorrhoids

Can a kidney stone cause stomach problems like nausea & constipation? – Dr. Vidyashankar Panchangam

What Are Hemorrhoids?Hemorrhoids, also known as piles are dilated veins in the lower rectum and anal region. Sometimes, due to excess pressure on the rectal tissue, the wall of the blood vessel in that region gets thin causing the vein to bulge out. Hemorrhoids are of two types, external and internal and also may vary in size. External piles form outside, in the surrounding region of the anus while internal piles are present with in the anal canal and are covered with a very thin layer of tissue called anal mucosa. Hemorrhoids are categorized into four grades:

  • Grade-I hemorrhoidsThey are not visible to the eye. They are small in size and are formed inside the lining of the anus.
  • Grade-II hemorrhoidsLike grade-I piles, they also remain inside the anus but they are slightly bigger in size. They may prolapse outside, but reduce spontaneously.
  • Grade-III hemorrhoidsThey are very big in size and constantly protrude outside the anal canal. Grade-III piles may require manual reduction.
  • Grade-IV hemorrhoidsThey are also known as prolapsed internal hemorrhoids. They cant be reduced manually. They require proper medical attention and sometimes surgical means may also be required in their treatment.
  • Signs and SymptomsIn most cases, symptoms associated with hemorrhoids are not very serious and go away on their own. Some of the symptoms that a person with hemorrhoids may experience are:

    What Causes Hemorrhoids?Certain conditions and activities that may cause piles are:

    What Are Kidney Stone Symptoms In Women

    Although kidney stones are more common in men, women do suffer from this condition. Kidney stone symptoms in women are usually very similar to, or the same as, kidney stone symptoms in men. Pain, problems urinating, and flu-like symptoms are the most common symptoms. Because they are very similar to the symptoms experienced before a woman’s menstrual cycle, these may be ignored at times.

    Pain is one of the most common kidney stone symptoms in women. It often starts out as a mild to moderate cramping, usually located in a woman’s side or lower back. This area is roughly where the kidney is located.

    As the kidney stone moves down the urinary tract, the pain may worsen, becoming sharper and more intense. It will also usually be felt in the lower region of the abdomen, or in the pelvic or groin area. Pain while urinating is another kidney stone symptom in women.

    Additionally, other problems with urination are also kidney stone symptoms. Frequently feeling the need to urinate is another common symptom. Women with kidney stones who feel this usually do not actually have to urinate. This sensation occurs when the kidney stone passes into the duct that carries urine outside of the body, known as the ureter. When the stone pushes on the walls of this duct, a person may feel like she needs to urinate.

    When To Seek Urgent Medical Attention

    You should seek urgent medical attention if:

    • you have a high temperature of 38C or over and symptoms of kidney infection/a kidney stone
    • you have an episode of shivering or shaking and symptoms of kidney infection/a kidney stone
    • the pain gets worse, particularly if its a sudden, severe pain

    Contact your GP immediately if you experience any of the symptoms above. If your GP isnt available, contact the GP out of hours service.

    You may be admitted to the hospital if:

    • you are dehydrated and cannot take fluids due to vomiting
    • there is uncertainty about the diagnosis
    • you dont respond to treatment within one hour , or there is sudden and recurring severe pain

    If you dont need admission to hospital, you will likely be referred to a urologist for investigation, to be seen as soon as possible.

    This is so investigations can be done to confirm the diagnosis and to assess the likelihood of your body passing it when you go to the toilet .

    A urologist is a specialist in treating urinary problems.

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    Causes Of Testicular Pain

    Sometimes the cause of testicular pain is the condition of the kidney stone or the stone itself. However, it could also be due to your diet, especially if you have kidney stones. If a stone cant be moved out of the kidneys, it will cause pain even if it falls between the urine.

    It can be a combination of three different conditions in a single kidney stone. In case of kidney stone from a larger size , it is more difficult to move the stone out because of the swelling, swelling and pain. In case of kidney stone from an extra small kidney stone, it is harder to move the stone out. The stone would be harder to move out because the pain would be the same as with the big kidney stone.

    The causes of the pain that results from urine stone can include the following:

    Stone size

    The urine stone might be large, small or extra small. The larger the stone, the more serious the pain is. The amount of stone in the urine can cause a strong pain in the testis.

    Fluid consumption

    The urine stone might cause fluid loss when peeing. Usually the amount of urine lost will be less than the amount of stones in the urine. In such case, a weak urine may cause a very severe pain. The same amount of fluid loss will also cause a great pain.

    Urinary tract obstruction

    This condition is when the stone falls under the urinary tract. If the blockage is caused by kidney stones, then it might cause very severe pain. The blockage is usually in the left kidney, the right kidney, the bladder or both kidneys.

    Constipation Kidney Disease May Be Linked

    Kidney Stones Cause Blood In Stool

    Treating constipation a common condition could help prevent kidney damage, experts say

    HealthDay Reporter

    THURSDAY, Nov. 10, 2016 People with constipation are more likely to develop kidney disease, a new study finds.

    The discovery suggests kidney problems might be prevented or treated by managing constipation, according to researchers at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center and Memphis VA Medical Center.

    They studied the medical records of 3.5 million U.S. veterans with normal kidney function. They were tracked from 2004 to 2006, and followed through 2013.

    Those with constipation were 13 percent more likely than patients without constipation to develop chronic kidney disease and 9 percent more likely to experience kidney failure. The risk was even higher for those whose constipation was more severe.

    The study did not prove that constipation causes kidney disease or failure, however.

    Instead, Our findings highlight the plausible link between the gut and the kidneys and provide additional insights into the possible causes of kidney disease, said study co-author Dr. Csaba Kovesdy, a professor of medicine in nephrology at the university.

    Our results suggest the need for careful observation of kidney function trajectory in patients with constipation, particularly among those with more severe constipation, he added in an American Society of Nephrology news release.

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    When To See Your Healthcare Provider

    If you have any of the symptoms mentioned above, it’s important to see your healthcare provider. Most of the symptoms of kidney cancer have many potential causes, but there are other serious reasons you could be having these symptoms as well.

    Kidney Cancer Doctor Discussion Guide

    Get our printable guide for your next healthcare provider’s appointment to help you ask the right questions.

    Symptoms are our body’s way of signaling that something is wrong. Rather than fearing and ignoring them, take action to find out why they’re occurring so that you can obtain appropriate and timely treatment. Talk to your healthcare provider and ask questions. If you still don’t have answers, consider getting a second opinion.

    Kidney Health And Kidney Disease Basics

    What is kidney disease?

    The kidneys are a pair of fist-sized organs located at the bottom of the rib cage. There is one kidney on each side of the spine.

    Kidneys are essential to having a healthy body. They are mainly responsible for filtering waste products, excess water, and other impurities out of the blood. These toxins are stored in the bladder and then removed during urination. The kidneys also regulate pH, salt, and potassium levels in the body. They produce hormones that regulate blood pressure and control the production of red blood cells. The kidneys even activate a form of vitamin D that helps the body absorb calcium.

    Kidney disease affects approximately 26 million American adults. It occurs when your kidneys become damaged and cant perform their function. Damage may be caused by diabetes, high blood pressure, and various other chronic conditions. Kidney disease can lead to other health problems, including weak bones, nerve damage, and malnutrition.

    If the disease gets worse over time, your kidneys may stop working completely. This means that dialysis will be required to perform the function of the kidneys. Dialysis is a treatment that filters and purifies the blood using a machine. It cant cure kidney disease, but it can prolong your life.

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    Eating Diet And Nutrition

    Researchers have not found that eating, diet, and nutrition play a role in causing or preventing prostatitis. During treatment of bacterial prostatitis, urologists may recommend increasing intake of liquids and avoiding or reducing intake of substances that irritate the bladder. Men should talk with a health care provider or dietitian about what diet is right for them.

    Kidney Stone With Pain

    Why do stents cause some kidney stone patients pain?

    The sharp cramping pain on either side of your lower back and nausea or vomiting that you have are because of a small stone that has formed in the kidney. Its now passing down a narrow tube on its way to your bladder. Once the stone reaches your bladder, the pain will often stop. But it may come back as the stone continues to pass out of the bladder and through the urethra. The stone may pass in your urine stream in one piece. The size may be 1/16 inch to 1/4 inch . Or, the stone may break up into sandy fragments that you may not even notice.

    Once you have had a kidney stone, you are at risk of getting another one in the future. There are 4 types of kidney stones. Eighty percent are calcium stonesmostly calcium oxalate but also some with calcium phosphate. The other 3 types include uric acid stones, struvite stones , and rarely, cystine stones.

    Most stones will pass on their own, but may take from a few hours to a few days. Sometimes the stone is too large to pass by itself. In that case, the healthcare provider will need to use other ways to remove the stone. These techniques include:

    • Lithotripsy. This uses ultrasound waves to break up the stone.

    • Ureteroscopy. This pushes a basket-like instrument through the urethra and bladder and into the ureter to pull out the stone.

    • Surgery. You may need surgery to remove the stone.

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    Treatment Of The Sand In The Kidneys

    Complex treatment of sand in the kidneys includes drug therapy, diet therapy and drinking regimen. Physiotherapy treatment is indicated in the presence of concrements.

    Drugs for removing sand from the kidneys are prescribed in the absence of large stones, otherwise the stone will close the lumen of the ureter and urgent surgical intervention will be required.

  • Cyston with sand in the kidneys removes inflammation and has a diuretic effect. The drug improves renal circulation, relieves spasms of blood vessels, promotes the excretion of calcium salts, oxalic acid and hydroxyproline. Cyston softens the kidney stones by affecting the substance that holds the crystals together. Other active ingredients act against pathogenic Gram-negative microorganisms. Produced in the form of tablets, adults and children over 14 are given 2 tablets 3 times a day after meals. Children under 14 years of age have 1 or 0.5 tablets, depending on the condition of the child and the doctor’s recommendations. The course of treatment is 1-2 months. The drug is well tolerated and does not cause adverse reactions. With individual intolerance, an allergic reaction may occur.
  • Furamag is an antimicrobial agent derived from nitrofurans. The drug does not affect the pH of urine, has a wide range of antibacterial effects.
  • Avoiding Recurrence Of Kidney Stones

    If you have had one kidney stone, some tips that may help to prevent a second stone forming include:

    • Talk to your doctor about the cause of the previous stone.
    • Ask your doctor to check whether the medications you are on could be causing your stones. Do not stop your medications without talking to your doctor.
    • Get quick and proper treatment of urinary infections.
    • Avoid dehydration. Drink enough fluids to keep your urine volume at or above two litres a day. This can halve your risk of getting a second stone by lowering the concentration of stone-forming chemicals in your urine.
    • Avoid drinking too much tea or coffee. Juices may reduce the risk of some stones, particularly orange, grapefruit and cranberry. Ask your doctor for advice.
    • Reduce your salt intake to lower the risk of calcium-containing stones. Dont add salt while cooking and leave the saltshaker off the table. Choose low- or no-salt processed foods.
    • Avoid drinking more than one litre per week of drinks that contain phosphoric acid, which is used to flavour carbonated drinks such as cola and beer.
    • Always talk to your doctor before making changes to your diet.

    Drinking mineral water is fine it cannot cause kidney stones because it contains only trace elements of minerals.

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    Frequently Asked Questions About Kidney Stones

    Is It Possible To Prevent Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections With A Vaccine

    Kidney Stones Rectal Bleeding

    Currently, there are no commercially available vaccines for UTIs, either recurrent or first-time infections. One of the problems in developing a vaccine is that so many different organisms can cause infection a single vaccine would be difficult to synthesize to cover them all. Even with E. coli causing about most infections, the subtle changes in antigenic structures that vary from strain to strain further complicates vaccine development even for E. coli. Researchers are still investigating ways to overcome the problems in UTI vaccine development.

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    Identify The Pain Location In The Abdomen

    Many times the location of the pain in your stomach can determine the potential cause:

    • Upper right: Gallstones, cholecystitis, stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer, hepatitis
    • Upper center: Heartburn/indigestion, hiatal hernia, epigastric hernia, stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer, hepatitis
    • Upper left: Functional dyspepsia, stomach ulcer, gastritis, pancreatitis
    • Middle right: Kidney stones, kidney infection, inflammatory bowel disease, constipation
    • Middle center: Umbilical hernia, appendicitis, stomach ulcer, inflammatory bowel disease, pancreatitis
    • Middle left: Kidney stones, kidney infection, inflammatory bowel disease, constipation
    • Lower right: Appendicitis, inflammatory bowel disease, constipation, pelvic pain
    • Lower center: Bladder infection, prostatitis, inflammatory bowel disease, inguinal hernia, pelvic pain
    • Lower left: Constipation, diverticulitis, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, pelvic pain, inguinal hernia

    What Is A Kidney Stone

    Kidney stones result after calcium deposits harden inside of the kidneys. Most stones pass through the digestive system on their own.

    They pass through the bladder. Sometimes the stone is unable to continue with the process of passing the kidney stone and becomes stuck at the ureter. When this happens, bladder spasms are far more likely to result.

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    Damage And Bladder Spasms

    Bladder spasms themselves are usually not painful but you might find it difficult to make it to the bathroom on time. People with bladder spasms have sudden urges to urinate that may contract without their help, causing the urinary consistency.

    It is possible for a kidney stone to cause damage to your bladder if left untreated. It can cause frequent, involuntary muscle spasms for a prolonged period of time.

    There may be pain associated with this damage and there is no question that youll need to visit your doctor in order to treat these conditions.

    Treating Renal Colic And Pain Management

    Kidney Infection, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

    See your doctor if you have symptoms of renal colic or urinary stones. Your doctor can do tests to look for increased levels of substances that form stones in your blood or urine. A CT scan can look for stones in your kidneys and other urinary organs.

    If you have a large stone, your doctor can do one of these procedures to remove it and relieve renal colic:

    • Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy : This procedure uses shock waves aimed at your kidneys to break up the stones into very small pieces. You then pass the stone fragments in your urine.
    • Ureteroscopy: Your doctor inserts a thin, lighted scope up through your urethra and bladder to remove the stone.
    • Percutaneous nephrolithotomy: This procedure uses tiny instruments inserted through a small cut in your back to remove a stone. You will be asleep during this procedure.

    In the short term, your doctor will give you medicines to relieve the pain of renal colic. Options include:

    • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen
    • drugs to prevent muscle spasms
    • opioid medicines

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