Importance Of Kidney Disease Screenings
Kidney disease screening from Life Line Screening uses a simple finger-stick test to assess how well your kidneys are functioning. It uses an FDA-approved device adopted by more than 250 hospitals across the country.
Common risk factors for kidney disease include increased age, family history, race and ethnicity , diabetes, high blood pressure, hereditary factors, and abnormally elevated creatinine levels or decreasing glomerular filtration rates .
If you have any of the above risk factors, or if you’re over the age of 60, you should seriously consider a kidney disease screening. Learn more now or contact us with any questions you might have.
Life Line Screening 2021 update
Learn more or schedule a screening today at lifelinescreening.comâ or give us a call at . We’d love to help.
Drink Plenty Of Fluids
Theres no magic behind the cliché advice to drink eight glasses of water a day, but its a good goal precisely because it encourages you to stay hydrated. Regular, consistent water intake is healthy for your kidneys.
Water helps clear sodium and toxins from your kidneys. It also lowers your risk of chronic kidney disease.
Aim for at least 1.5 to 2 liters in a day. Exactly how much water you need depends largely on your health and lifestyle. Factors like climate, exercise, gender, overall health, and whether or not youre pregnant or breastfeeding are important to consider when planning your daily water intake.
People who have previously had kidney stones should drink a bit more water to help prevent stone deposits in the future.
Plan Ahead To Manage Pain Flu Or Other Illness
Almost everyone gets sick once in a while. Your doctor or pharmacist can help you plan ahead to keep your kidneys safe until you get well. Prepare in advance so you know what to do if you have pain or a fever, diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting, which can lead to dehydration.
Before you get sick, ask your health care provider or pharmacist the following questions
- If I get sick, are there medicines I should not take while Im sick?
- If I need to stop medicines when Im sick, when can I restart them?
- What can I take or do to relieve a headache or other pain?
- What can I take to relieve a fever?
- If I have diarrhea or am vomiting, do I need to change how or when I take my blood pressure medicine?
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The Recommended Food And Fluid
Either you are suffering from chronic kidney diseases or not, you need to be cautious about your diet. Here we are giving some of the names of recommended foods and drinks:
- Water: Water helps to drain out all the toxins that could be harmful to our body as well as kidney. So, take 1.5-2 litre water. And if you work hard, you need to uptake more.
- Cranberrie and Cranberry Juice: Choose 100% organic and sugar-free cranberry juice to flush out your kidneys. Fresh cranberries help to develop acidity in the urine to protect from bacteria.
- Apple: Apple are actually a good choice. This fruit reduces cholesterol, prevent constipation and high in fibre.
- Mushrooms:Vitamin-D riches in mushrooms and it regulates the kidney functions properly.
- Kale: High in vitamin -A and c, iron. And it protects the kidney from inflammation.
- Cauliflower: It contains vitamin C, folate and fibre.
So, eat a lot of veggie, iron-rich foods and keep yourself away from excessive salt and potassium.
Natural Ways To Take Care Of Kidneys: Symptoms Of Kidney Disease
We all know the importance of kidney in our body and its contribution to overall health. Just like heart and liver, kidney is a vital organ. Its main function is to excrete the waste products from the blood, and regulate the fluid balance in the body.
If your kidney does not function to its optimum, your general health is compromised, and it can lead to serious complications as time passes. In this perspective it is important to take care of your kidney for overall well being and longevity.
There are two bean shaped kidneys located just below the ribs on either side of your back.
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First Signs Of Kidney Disease
The causes of kidney disease can have several origins and the first step for its detection is to observe changes in the urine, that is, the quantity, the color, and the frequency and quantity.
Changes detected in blood tests, such as creatinine, urea, mineral salts or anemia without an apparent cause, may indicate a change in the kidneys. Swelling in the feet, hands and eyes, as well as back pain or increased blood pressure can also be warning signs. Risk factors for kidney disease are hypertension, diabetes, age over 60, family history of kidney disease or heart or cardiovascular disease.
When the kidneys are no longer functioning properly, dialysis is required. If the patient is unable to get a kidney transplant, he or she may have to undergo treatment for the rest of his life.
How To Take Care Of Kidney Or Ways To Keep Kidney Healthy
Symptoms of kidney related problems are not felt in the beginning. Therefore, for kidney to be healthy, it is important to be self-aware. Do we have any kind of kidney infection? The answer to this question can be found from the urine test. People in the high risk group should keep getting urine tested at all times. People with diabetes and high blood pressure are 10 times more likely to have kidney failure than other people. If you have problems like obesity, smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure, above 50 years of age, kidney stones, obstruction in urine, etc., then you come in the high risk group. Usually, the problem is detected only when the kidney has been damaged by more than 65 percent. The kidney is located near the waist on both the right and left sides. Its main function is to flush out the toxic elements of the body with urine. Along with this, 20 percent of the blood pumped by the heart comes to the kidney, which it filters and separates the toxic elements and purifies the blood.
Kidney disease of 17 out of 100: According to an estimate, the kidney of 17 out of 100 people is unhealthy. Due to diabetes, 30-40 percent of people suffer from kidney failure, while 15 percent of people fall prey to it due to high blood pressure. Every year about two lakh people are in the line of kidney transplant, but only three thousand patients get this facility.
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Put Your Health First
References1What’s a Standard Drink? National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Accessed October 28, 2021. 2 Jewell, Tim. Does Alcohol Dehydrate You? Healthline. Healthline Media, May 23, 2019. .3 Alcohol and Your Kidneys. National Kidney Foundation, October 20, 2021. .
Causes And Symptoms Of Chronic Kidney Failure
Chronic kidney failure occurs when both kidneys stop working properly. According to the National Kidney Foundation, having kidney failure means the loss of 85 to 90 percent of your kidney function. The foundation also estimates that 1 in 3 Americans are at risk for chronic kidney failure, also called chronic kidney disease.
The kidneys, located on either side of the spine, filter wastes and excess fluids from the blood and excretes them into the urine. Besides filtering wastes, the kidneys also regulate blood pressure.
When the kidneys stop functioning properly, the fluids and wastes that build up in the body can place a person at risk for kidney failure.
The National Kidney Foundation reports that diabetes and high blood pressure are common causes of kidney failure. Both health conditions are treated with medications. And, when used regularly on a long-term basis, prescription medications, such as diuretics to treat high blood pressure, can damage kidney cells. Over-the-counter medications, such as aspirin or ibuprofen, can also cause kidneys to malfunction when taken routinely over time.
People suffering from kidney failure exhibit such signs or symptoms as:
- Swollen ankles and feet due to fluid retention
- Chest pain due to fluid build-up around the heart
- Lack of energy and weakness
- Weak immune system
There is no cure for chronic kidney failure. In some cases, people in the advanced stage of kidney failure turn to in-home caregivers for support.
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Advice On How To Take Care Of Your Kidneys Step To Health
How to take care of your kidneys. Kidney failure is a pathology that affects the kidneys and reduces their effectiveness for the functions previously detailed. Some of its direct consequences are anemia, alterations in the bodys acid balance, and increased risk of cardiovascular disease or infection, according to a study published in 2015.
When Your Child Has A Chronic Kidney Disease
Parents of kids who are diagnosed with a chronic kidney disease have many questions about what might happen next, how their child might feel, and what treatments are likely to be involved.
Four major areas of concern are blood pressure, diet, anemia , and growth. Kids may feel sick at times, need to take medicines, and watch what they eat and drink.
Read on to learn about treatments for kidney disease and what parents can do to help.
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Diet And Uric Acid Stones
Avoid these foods if you have uric acid stones:
- Alcohol
- Legumes
- Mushrooms
- Organ meats
- Sardines
Other suggestions for your diet include:
- Do not eat more than 3 ounces of meat at each meal.
- Avoid fatty foods such as salad dressings, ice cream, and fried foods.
- Eat enough carbohydrates.
- Eat more lemons and oranges, and drink lemonade because the citrate in these foods stops stones from forming.
- Drink plenty of fluids, particularly water.
If you are losing weight, lose it slowly. Quick weight loss may cause uric acid stones to form.
Be Careful With Alcohol
If youâre healthy, a drink or two isnât likely to hurt your kidneys. But binge drinking can cause sudden, serious damage and possibly lead to long-term problems. And alcohol often can dehydrate you, which can keep your kidneys from working well and lead to weight gain, liver disease, high blood pressure, and other conditions that put more stress on them.
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Control Your Cholesterol Levels
According to a study published in Clinical Nephrology, a relationship has been found between high levels of LDL cholesterol the bad one and proteinuria, which is an excess of protein in the urine. This symptom is usually an indicator of chronic kidney disease.
People who have problems with high cholesterol are more likely to have kidney issues. In view of this, its important not to overload the kidney with fatty foods.
Trans fats are abundant in foods such as junk food, candy, and other refined products. Its preferable to avoid them or at least reduce their consumption.
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Vitamin D And Kidney Health
Vitamin D is often called the sunshine vitamin because it can be produced in your skin from a response to sunlight. The kidneys play a key role in converting vitamin D into a useful nutrient for the body. People acquire vitamin D from two places: exposure to the suns ultraviolet B radiation and from their dietfood and supplements.
The kidneys pull vitamin D out of the blood, which is then sent to the skeletal system. But vitamin D is important for many reasons. An example is how it helps to regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in your body to maintain healthy, normal levels. Specifically, vitamin D helps support healthy calcium absorption from the intestines. And when your body has optimal levels of calcium, it can maintain healthy bones, teeth, and muscles.
Through vitamin D, you can see why learning how to take care of your kidneys benefits other key organs and systems in your body, as well.
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Most Common Kidney And Bladder Problems
The most common kidney and bladder problems are:
- Infections
- Difficulty filtering the blood
- Bladder control problems: incontinence or retention deficits
- Changes in the wall of the bladder
Each of these problems has different health consequences and requires early diagnosis and treatment, to prevent the patients situation from worsening and being more complicated to handle.
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Five Tips To Taking Care Of Your Kidneys
Your kidneys are in charge of cleaning the blood. They play a vital role in excreting the waste products and toxins out of your body and this perhaps is reason enough to take good care of them.
A failure to keep your kidneys healthy may result in kidney complications and diseases. Trust us when we say that kidney diseases are silent killers, which can badly affect the quality of your life.
Fortunately, you can ensure proper functioning of your kidneys by making a few easy lifestyle changes.
The following are the five golden rules that you need to follow to keep your kidneys healthy.
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The Main Function Of The Kidneys Is To Filter The Blood And Kidney Disease Compromises This Function Several Actions Can Be Taken To Prevent Kidney Disease
The kidneys are two beans-shaped organs that are located on the back, with the last ribs having the function of protecting them. A large amount of blood circulates through them through the renal arteries daily, eliminating all undesirable substances through the urine.
Urine is the liquid formed by water that the body does not need and that is why it is eliminated together with salts and other products that should not be accumulated in the blood.
During a day about 1200 to 2000 liters of blood pass through the kidneys and about 1.2 to 1.5 liters of urine are formed. Therefore, to maintain adequate kidney function, it is important to always be well hydrated. Remember that feeling thirsty is already a sign of dehydration. The average water you should drink per day is 2 to 3 liters per day, or 0.03L per kilogram of weight.
In addition to drinking water, we need to stay away from diseases like diabetes and hypertension that increase the risk of kidney disease. But obesity, cigarette smoking, and the use of toxic drugs can also affect kidney health.
How Is Ckd Treated
Damage to your kidneys is usually permanent. Although the damage cannot be fixed, you can take steps to keep your kidneys as healthy as possible for as long as possible. You may even be able to stop the damage from getting worse.
- Control your blood sugar if you have diabetes.
- Keep a healthy blood pressure.
- Follow a low-salt, low-fat diet.
- Exercise at least 30 minutes on most days of the week.
- Keep a healthy weight.
- Do not smoke or use tobacco.
- Limit alcohol.
- Talk to your doctor about medicines that can help protect your kidneys.
If you catch kidney disease early, you may be able to prevent kidney failure. If your kidneys fail, you will need dialysis or a kidney transplant to survive.
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How To Take Care Of Your Kidney Healthy Mind
Taking good care of them is our duty. If we take proper care of our kidneys, then they will take care of us. Many of us are suffering from various kidney disease. These disease are like silent killers, which will largely affect our quality of life. There are several ways to reduce the risk of developing kidney disease.
Being Kind To Your Kidneys
There are lots of ways you can look after your kidneys. Avoiding smoking, keeping your weight to healthy levels and exercising regularly will all protect them. So will reducing your intake of salt, including processed foods which are often high in hidden salt.
Some medicines can damage your kidneys. Others are filtered out of the body by your kidneys. This means if you have CKD, the levels might build up to dangerous levels. Your doctor will keep an eye on your tablets and may drop the dose or change some tablets if your kidney function drops. Most people dont come to harm with anti-inflammatory drugs like naproxen and ibuprofen, but in some people theyre toxic to the kidneys. If youve been taking anti-inflammatory drugs for some time and your doctor suggests you should stop them, this may be why.
Keeping hydrated is also key. As a rule of thumb, healthy urine should be a pale straw colour. If its much darker, you may be dehydrated. Being thirsty and a dry mouth are early warning signs to drink more. You can also suffer headaches, tiredness, dizziness and difficulty in concentrating. Older people may not feel as thirsty if theyre dehydrated so its extra important to look out for warning signs.
If the weathers hot, or youre exercising or feverish, youll need more. If you have a tummy bug, you also need to replace all the fluid youre losing from diarrhoea and vomiting, on top of these six to eight glasses.
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Guidelines For Caring For Your Kidneys And Bladder
Taking care of your diet is essential in order to maintain the health of the kidneys and bladder in good condition. For this reason, you shouldnt ignore this aspect if you have a problem in the renal system.
Below, well share some guidelines that you can include in your routine, as long as your doctor authorizes it. Remember that not all people are the same and the things that benefit some may not work for others.
If you have any questions, consult your doctor.