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HomeNewsHow To Reduce Kidney Inflammation Naturally

How To Reduce Kidney Inflammation Naturally

When To See Your Urologist

[Kidney Repair] Foods and Remedies to Reduce INFLAMMATION Fast & Naturally

While it would be nice to avoid the doctors office for kidney pain, its not always possible. Sometimes, the pain is not treatable using an at-home remedy and youll need to see your doctor or urologist to get relief. It should also be noted that just because you experience pain relief, doesnt mean that your infection is gone. To make sure that the infection doesnt spread to other parts of your body and cause further complications, you need to get a proper diagnosis and treat the problem. If you have a high fever, blood in your urine, vomiting, or chills, see your doctor immediately.1 If you experience back, groin, or abdominal pain, see your doctor.3 always better to seek medical treatment early to treat any serious infections and reduce the risks of complications or severe problems.

If you have kidney stones, but the pain is persistent and youre unable to pass them on your own, your urologist will recommend additional treatments. There are a number of different things that can be done to reduce the size of kidney stones and make them easier to pass naturally. Call your doctor if the pain persists and youre unable to pass kidney stones on your own.

Why Reducing Inflammation Is So Important

I always try to address inflammation as a foundational strategy with all of my patients. If you think of your body as a series of radios communicating to each other in order to maintain optimal health, inflammation is like radio interference. By addressing inflammation first and clearing up the static, the body has a much better ability to communicate and heal itself.

Because the body relies so heavily on complex communication processes to maintain health, every step must be taken to ensure those communication processes are running uninhibited.

How To Reduce Kidney Inflammation For Lupus Patients

Lupus Nephritis is an inflammation of the kidneys caused by Lupus. How to reduce kidney inflammation for lupus patients? To know the answer can help you prevent further kidney damage.

-Steroids or immunosuppressants

They are the most commonly used treatment for Lupus, which can suppress immune system so as to reduce inflammatory reaction in kidneys. In short-term, they are helpful for you to control the illness, but in the long run, their disadvantages outweigh their advantages. Because they can bring you a series of side effects, such as weight gain, mood swing, depression, bone disease, diabetes, etc. What is worse, they can make you catch infections easily. In some severe cases, you may die of infections.

Toxin-Removing Treatment

We all know that Lupus is an autoimmune disease. To treat it, we need to regulate the immune system. Toxin-Removing Treatment is a systemic Chinese medicine treatment, which has been practiced in our hospital for years. It proves to be effective in lupus nephritis treatment.

How to reduce kidney inflammation for lupus patients? If there is not very effective treatment in the local, welcome to Shijiazhuang Hetaiheng Hospital. We can help you do it. For more information on our hospital and our treatment, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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Take Green Tea Extract Or Drink Green Tea

A 2013 study in the journal Frontiers in Microbiology suggests that taking green tea extract may have an antibacterial effect on common bacteria strains known to cause UTIs.

The researchers took green tea extracts and applied them to bacterial cultures in a laboratory. Over time, they found the green tea inhibited bacterial growth.

Because the study was in a laboratory and involved samples, it is hard to know if the results would be the same in humans. However, the possibility remains that green tea could have potential health benefits when a person has a UTI.

Green tea extract is available to purchase in stores and online.

Natural Remedies For Chronic Kidney Disease

Home remedy for kidney pain

Chukwuma Muanya, Assistant Editor

Garlic and ginger the most potent herbal medicine combination ever

Ahead of the World Kidney Day tomorrow, March 10, 2017, scientists have identified diabetes and high blood pressure as the leading causes of poor kidney health, which in turn are caused by a poor diet, lifestyle and obesity.

Several studies recommend that the only real long-term solution to kidney disease is to drink more clean water, get more exercise and, most importantly, to reject processed and unhealthy foods in favour of natural whole foods.

Also, researchers have identified foods that can treat kidney disease and boost renal function. Top on the list is garlic, ginger and watermelon.

How garlic, ginger, onions, others prevent renal damageResearchers have found that eating meals rich in ginger , onion and garlic could be the novel preventive and therapeutic diet or drug against the menace.

A recent study published in Journal of Renal Nutrition concluded: This study concludes that alcohol-induced nephro-toxicity was attenuated by ginger extract treatment, thus ginger can be used as a regular nutrient to protect the renal cells.

The study investigated the nephro-protective effect of ginger against chronic alcohol-induced oxidative stress and tissue damage. Results of another study published in World Journal of Life Science and Medical Research revealed that Allium cepa has renal protective effects in diabetic rabbits.

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Not All Kidney Pain Is Treatable With At

While these solutions may help relieve, or in some cases eliminate, mild kidney pain, they will not stop infections from spreading. When left untreated, even the occasional UTI can turn into something more severe, which is why its always in your best interest to contact your urologist when you are experiencing any type of pain in your kidneys.

Based on your symptoms, an in-office visit may not be required. Talk to your urologist and ask questions about the type of pain you are experiencing. They will be able to tell you if at-home remedies are possible, or if you need to schedule an appointment.

As always, feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. And dont forget to download our Nutrition & Lifestyle Guide before you go for more health and wellness tips from our urological experts!

The Symptoms Of Hypoglycemia:

– Shaking

Its an awful feeling!

It has been estimated that approximately 100 million Americans experience a mild to severe form of hypoglycemia.

Many medical authorities believe that some forms of hypoglycemia can be evidence of a predisposition to diabetes.

Americans lead the world in the number of diabetics. We have 100 million with pre-diabetes. Diabetes can affect the heart, kidneys, and circulation to the legs and eyes. Its the leading cause of amputations and blindness in America.

Many times type 2 diabetes can be reversed or prevented by diet and exercise.

Preventing this horrible disease should be a priority for every person.

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Ways To Reduce Inflammation Quickly

Chronic inflammation is one of the most insidious causes of disease in modern society. Certain lifestyle factors increase inflammation and as a result our cells lose the capacity to function at peak performance. The result is the slow deterioration of health that often leads to full-blown diseases like autoimmunity and cancer. In this article, you will discover 5 ways to reduce inflammation quickly!

Inflammation is a necessary biological process that signals our immune system to pay attention to certain tissues in the body. When something is not right, the immune system will do what it can to remove the offender. When inflammation is chronically high due to things like poor diet and stress, the immune system quickly becomes overwhelmed.

Kidney Failure Symptoms Causes & Treatments

How to Effectively Treat a Kidney Infection at Home naturally!!!

By Jillian Levy, CHHC

When kidneys work the way they should, they play an important role in keeping the whole body clean, strong, well-fueled and functioning properly. Conversely, kidney failure puts the body at risk, allowing waste to accumulate and wreak havoc, which is why its a good idea to do a kidney cleanse from time to time.

Healthy people normally have two kidneys, which are both about the size of a fist and located near the waste at either side of the spine. The kidneys sit just below the rib cage and have the primary role of helping the body with detoxification by getting rid of waste products.

Waste products that the kidneys filter include extra fluids, particles left behind in the digestive system, sodium/salt or other electrolytes, and various other substances found in the blood. Not only do the kidneys pass waste out from the body in the form of urine, but they also help control blood pressure, remove drugs or toxins, regulate hormones, and maintain a strong skeletal system . Kidney failure, therefore, can be a very serious condition requiring a high level of intervention, including dialysis treatments in order to do the filtering work the kidneys are no longer able to.

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Acute Vs Chronic Inflammation

Unlike acute inflammation in which the immune system responds to infection or injury by activating inflammatory chemicals that combat foreign substances, chronic inflammation isn’t beneficial for the body.

Often resulting from lifestyle factors like stress and poor diet, chronic inflammation occurs when the immune system continually releases those inflammatory chemicals, even when there are no foreign invaders to fight off. By working to reduce chronic inflammation, you may be able to protect against a number of conditions shown to be inflammation-related, including:

Here’s a look at several approaches to reducing inflammation naturally.

Tips To Protect Your Kidneys And Keep Them Healthy

Every thirty minutes, your kidneys filter all of the blood in your body, removing toxins from the blood, excreting them in urine, and preventing damage to all of your organs. Your kidneys also regulate the alkaline/acid balance in your body, preventing you from becoming dangerously acidic.

Regulating acid and toxins is dangerous work. Your kidneys are vulnerable to toxic overload if you dont protect them.

There are three types of serious kidney disease acute renal failure, chronic kidney disease, and end stage renal disease.

Acute renal failure is when your kidneys abruptly stop working because of an injury or ingesting toxic substances. ARF may respond well to treatment, if the kidneys are not severely damaged.

When kidneys gradually lose the ability to function, it is typically due to chronic kidney disease or CKD, the most common type of kidney ailment. Often, there are no symptoms of CKD until the condition has advanced. Then patients may experience numbness or swelling in the hands and feet, frequent urination, nausea, anemia, and poor appetite.

Finally, end stage renal disease is a serious condition in which there is no or very little kidney function remaining, and the damage to the kidney is permanent. At this point, a patient is looking at daily dialysis sessions or a kidney transplant.

Ready for some good news? Kidney diseases are largely preventable. And there are ten steps you can take to keep your kidneys healthy and strong.

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World Kidney Day: Following Are Some Natural Remedies To Keep Your Kidneys Healthy And Prevent Onset Of Chronic Kidney Disease:

1. Water: You must make the attempt of drinking lots of water every day as it helps in flushing bacteria from the body. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water every day can promote healthy kidneys.

2. Avoid alcohol, coffee: Sedentary lifestyle is the primary culprit behind poor functioning of kidneys. The main function of kidneys is to filter out harmful toxins and alcohol and caffeine require extra from the kidneys.

Also read: 5 Effective Ways To Remove Kidney Stones Without Surgery

3. Vitamin C:Vitamin C works as a powerful antioxidant that protects tissues in the body with oxidative stress. This promoted better kidney health. Foods rich in vitamin c include citrus fruits, bell peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, broccoli and sprouts to name a few.

4. Parsley juice: This nutrient-dense juice can be great for your kidneys. It can increase frequency of urination, thereby helping kidneys to flush out toxins effectively.

Also read: Yet Another Reason To Avoid Sugar-Sweetened Beverages! It Could Lead To Kidney Disease

5. Cranberry juice:Cranberry juice can do wonders to your kidney health. It is also an effective remedy for urinary tract infections.

6. Apples: High-acid content in apples helps kidneys to maintain acidity in urine, thus preventing growth of further bacteria. Anti-inflammatory properties in apples help the kidneys heal effectively after kidney infection.

Home Remedies For Kidney Inflammation

Effective Natural Remedies For Kidney Stones

The kidneys are mainly responsible for filtering blood and removing excess fluid and unwanted chemicals from the body. One or more kidneys can become compromised causing a handful of issues to arise. To ease symptoms and prevent complications, you should familiarize yourself with home remedies for kidney inflammation.

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How To Relieve Kidney Pain At Home

Dealing with kidney pain can be debilitating and is far from fun. If the pain is severe, it will interrupt your life and cause excessive levels of discomfort from day-to-day. Knowing how to relieve kidney pain at home will help you stay comfortable and safe while youre treating the underlying problem. Try out the following home remedies and always talk to your doctor if you have any questions or serious concerns.

How To Diagnose Kidney Disease:

  • Blood tests are done to check the levels of blood urea nitrogen , creatinine, and glomerular filtration rate . In kidney disease, BUN and creatinines blood levels are high, whereas there is a substantial decrease in GFR.
  • Urine tests are also done to check the level of protein and electrolytes and abnormal cells presence. In case a person is suffering from kidney disease, microscopic analysis of the urine would reveal unwanted clumping of red and white blood cells.

    Comparing electrolyte levels in the blood and urine is used to decide whether the kidneys normally monitor and filter the blood.

  • Ultrasound of the abdomen is done to check the size and any obstruction in the kidneys.
  • A kidney biopsy is conducted for microscopic analysis of kidney tissues.
  • GFR below 60 mL/min/1.73m2 for three or more months indicates chronic kidney disease.

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    Home Remedies For Bladder Stones In Dogs

    Bladder stones in your dog can be a scary problem. Because your conventional vet will probably tell you the best option is surgery.

    Sometimes that may be true, if your dog has a severe case. Other times your vet may offer some more conservative options. You can read about all the conventional treatments in Bladder Stones In Dogs: Is Surgery The Only Option?

    But there are cases where you can use diet and home remedies to manage your dogs bladder stones.

    Read on to learn how you can avoid surgery and prevent your dog from getting bladder stones again.

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    Kidney Failure Facts And Figures

    Kidney & Bladder Health : How to Treat a Kidney Infection
    • Experts report that there are five primary complications associated with chronic kidney diseases and damage: anemia, hyperlipidemia, poor nutrition, cardiovascular disease risk factors and osteodystrophy .
    • Patients with chronic kidney problems and high risk for kidney failure experience much higher rates of the diseases mentioned above, especially heart complications and anemia. For example, the overall prevalence of kidney disease-associated anemia is approximately 50 percent, and cardiovascular disease mortality rates are 10- to 100-fold higher among dialysis patients than healthy patients of the same age.
    • Many patients with kidney failure visit a hospital due to sudden symptoms, and this is where their diagnoses take place. If a patient ends up in intensive care, acute kidney failure is associated with between 50 percent to 80 percent chance of mortality.
    • Chronic kidney disease is recognized as a major risk factor for kidney failure, and currently a significant global health problem. In the U.S., about 13 percent of the adult population has some sort of kidney disease, and this number is expected to rise with the growing elderly population.
    • Dialysis is one treatment option for those with kidney failure, which is needed when a patient has only 10 percent to 15 percent of normal kidney function left.

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    How Is Iga Nephropathy Diagnosed

    Currently, health care providers do not use blood or urine tests as reliable ways to diagnose IgA nephropathy therefore, the diagnosis of IgA nephropathy requires a kidney biopsy.

    A kidney biopsy is a procedure that involves taking a small piece of kidney tissue for examination with a microscope. A health care provider performs a kidney biopsy in a hospital or an outpatient center with light sedation and a local anesthetic. The health care provider uses imaging techniques such as ultrasound or a computerized tomography scan to guide the biopsy needle into the kidney. A pathologista doctor who specializes in examining tissues to diagnose diseasesexamines the kidney tissue with a microscope. Only a biopsy can show the IgA deposits in the glomeruli. The biopsy can also show how much kidney damage has already occurred. The biopsy results can help the health care provider determine the best course of treatment.

    What Are The Stages Of Kidney Disease:

  • Stage 1: Kidney function is diminished only a little. GFR is around 90 or above at this stage. Blood or urine analysis shows specific indicators of abnormalities or damage.

    At this stage, patients must take control of their hypertension and diabetes, exercise regularly, cut down on stress, and avoid smoking and alcohol.

  • Stage 2: GFR reduces and is between 60 to 89. Apart from the precautions of stage 1, the doctors may prescribe other medicines to enhance the health of the blood vessels for dialysis in the future.
  • Stage 3: GFR is between 30 to 59, and symptoms like anemia and bone problems become apparent.
  • Stage 4: GFR is as low as 15 to 29, and various complications related to chronic kidney disease are seen.Preparation for hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis, or kidney transplantation begins.
  • Stage 5: GFR is less than 15, and kidney failure occurs. Dialysis or transplantation is mandatory.
  • Younger patients who reach the last stages of kidney disease are often at the risk of developing cancer.

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