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HomeExclusiveWhy Do Your Kidneys Stop Working

Why Do Your Kidneys Stop Working

How Does Heart Failure Cause Acute Renal Failure

How your kidneys work and what happens when they fail

Blood flow to the kidneys can be affected by circulatory problems in any part of the body. When you have heart failure, your heart muscle may be unable to pump enough blood to supply your tissues and organs. This can lead to cardiorenal syndrome in which the failure of the heart can directly affect the kidneys .

Use Of The Term Uremia

Before the advancement of modern medicine, renal failure was often referred to as uremic poisoning. Uremia was the term for the contamination of the blood with urea. It is the presence of an excessive amount of urea in blood. Starting around 1847, this included reduced urine output, which was thought to be caused by the urine mixing with the blood instead of being voided through the urethra. The term uremia is now used for the illness accompanying kidney failure.

What Treatments Are Available For Kidney Failure

There are two treatments for kidney failure dialysis and kidney transplant. The dialysis treatments or transplanted kidney will take over some of the work of your damaged kidneys and remove wastes and extra fluid from your body. This will make many of your symptoms better.

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Can The Kidneys Repair Themselves

Regeneration is, of course, the key of the natural mechanism of the bodys cells to repair themselves. Many medical conditions are not able to be cured and become chronic because theyre a consequence of serious or even permanent damage to tissues or organs beyond the ability of the bodys natural repair mechanism.

Kidney disease can be acute or chronic. ;Again, it can lead to a condition called end-stage kidney failure, when the kidney stops working. When the kidney is damaged beyond repair, kidney transplantation or dialysis is the answer of the treatment but this is not a cure. Even people with kidney transplant can still have chronic kidney disease and may require some of the other medicines.

Actually, many parts of your body are designed almost perfectly. For some that are vulnerable to get damaged because of their aggressive job, they are also naturally designed to quickly repair themselves. But this natural repair ability is limited.

And the same goes for your kidneys. They are one of some parts of the body that actually ranks very highly in their natural ability to repair themselves. But this regeneration is also limited.

Dialyzer Size And Efficiency

Chronic Kidney Disease in Dogs

Dialyzers come in many different sizes. A larger dialyzer with a larger membrane area will usually remove more solutes than a smaller dialyzer, especially at high blood flow rates. This also depends on the membrane permeability coefficient K0 for the solute in question. So dialyzer efficiency is usually expressed as the K0A â the product of permeability coefficient and area. Most dialyzers have membrane surface areas of 0.8 to 2.2 square meters, and values of K0A ranging from about 500 to 1500 mL/min. K0A, expressed in mL/min, can be thought of as the maximum clearance of a dialyzer at very high blood and dialysate flow rates.

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What Is The Best Treatment For Me

You should consider many things when choosing a treatment for kidney failure, including your lifestyle, your age, any other health problems you may have, and whether you have a friend or relative to help you. Your decision should be based on more than your medical history and your doctor’s opinion. It should also be based on what you and your family wants. Learning about your treatment choices will help you decide which one is best for you.

Primary Causes Of Renal Failure

Diabetes is far and away the most common cause of renal failure in the US. Chronic high blood sugar damages all of the cells in the body. Proper treatment, however, can prevent much of this damage. High blood pressure is another common cause of CKD and kidney failure. Low blood pressure can also cause problems, as the kidneys need a certain level of blood flow to filter waste from the blood. Low blood pressure is more likely to be a factor in acute kidney failure. Although less common, toxins, autoimmune diseases and conditions such as a heart attack can also result in kidney failure.

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What Is Kidney Dialysis

Because there is no cure for CKD, if you are in late-stage disease, you and your healthcare team must consider additional options. Complete kidney failure, left untreated, will result in death. Options for end stages of CKD include dialysis and kidney transplantation.

Dialysis is a procedure that uses machines to remove waste products from your body when your kidneys are no longer able to perform this function. There are two major types of dialysis.

Hemodialysis: With hemodialysis, your blood is circulated through a machine that removes waste products, excess water and excess salt. The blood is then returned to your body. Hemodialysis requires three to four hours, three times a week and is performed at a clinic, hospital or dialysis center.

Peritoneal dialysis: In peritoneal dialysis, a dialysis solution is run directly into your abdomen. The solution absorbs waste and then is removed via catheter. Fresh solution is added to continue the process of cleaning. You can perform this type of dialysis yourself. There are two types of peritoneal dialysis: continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis , which involves a change in dialysis solution four times a day; and continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis . CCPD uses a machine to automatically fill, remove wastes, and refill the fluid during the nighttime.

The Water Hydration Technique

How do your kidneys work? – Emma Bryce

You know how most of us generally go for long periods without water, become thirsty and scull the next available glass in about 30 seconds? Have you ever thought what this does to your body? No? I dont blame you.

The actual fact of the matter is that every time you a drink a glass of water in a hurry, you are placing pressure on kidney function. How? Well, seeing as one of the functions of the kidneys is to keep the fluid levels in the blood stream balanced, by drinking a full glass of water at once you are essentially dumping a large amount of water into the blood stream, which the kidneys now need to balance out . By drinking slowly, a mouthful at a time, you reduce the pressure on the kidneys and increase hydration. Sound too simple to do any good? Good. Now try it.

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Can I Be Active With Kidney Failure

Yes. Physical activity is an important part of staying healthy when you have kidney failure. Being active makes your muscles, bones, and heart stronger. Physical activity also makes your blood travel through your body faster so your body gets more oxygen. Your body needs oxygen to use the energy from food.

You may find that physical activity can also improve your mood and make you feel better.

Talk with your doctor before you start a new exercise routine. Start slowly, with easier activities such as walking at a normal pace or gardening. Work up to harder activities such as walking briskly. Aim to be active on as many days as possible.

Can Dialysis Keep You Alive If Your Kidney Are Removed

There are two types of dialysis peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis. In the former, your blood is actually cleaned inside the body, by injecting a fluid into the abdominal cavity that will absorb waste products in the blood. This liquid can then be removed, along with the toxins. The more intensive and common form is hemodialysis, in which the blood is removed from the body, filtered, and then returned to the body. This process can take hours to complete, and must be done 2-3 times per week.

Depending on the intricacies of your hemodialysis treatment, you may be able to perform it at home, but this often requires more frequent filtering.;Essentially, it is possible to live without your kidneys, but the need for dialysis is a life-changing medical condition that you will need for the rest of your life. Dialysis can often be used for years or decades, and is the only option for many people who are waiting for a healthy kidney. While some people do eventually get a kidney through donor programs, the lists are quite long, with thousands;of people waiting for a life-saving;organ.

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Our best advice is to keep your kidneys healthy, and if you think there is a problem with one of your internal organs, get it checked immediately, so you can either have peace of mind, or access to early medical care. Your kidneys may only be the size of your fists, but they are incredibly important to life as we know it!

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Experiencing Bad Breath And Metallic Taste

When waste builds up in the blood, it changes the taste of food and leaves a metallic taste in your mouth. Having bad breath is another sign of having too many toxins and contamination in the bloodstream. Furthermore, you may stop wanting meat and lose your appetite in general, which can lead to unhealthy weight loss.

Warning: There are various reasons why food can have a metallic taste . Normally, the metallic taste in your mouth should go away if the assumed cause has been treated. If the taste continues to appear, you should contact your doctor.

Acute Kidney Failurewhen Kidneys Suddenly Stop Working


Patients are sometimes confused about the difference between acute kidney failure and chronic kidney failure. Chronic kidney failure is a condition where the kidneys ability to filter waste from the bloodstream becomes worse over time, generally a period of years.;

Acute kidney failure is the sudden loss of this important ability.;Although the condition can be life threatening, it can also be reversible. Patients whose kidneys have suffered from a direct injury or an obstruction are at risk. According to American Family Physician, 5 percent;of hospitalized patients develop this condition.

What is acute kidney failure?

Acute kidney failure is the sudden and dramatic loss of kidney function. This condition develops rapidly, often in just a few days.;

Healthy kidneys filter and remove wastes and excess fluid from blood and turn it into urine. When one;experiences acute kidney failure, the kidneys are operating at less than 10 percent;of normal function. This means wastes such as creatinine and urea nitrogen build up in the bloodstream.;If this waste is not removed, a person will feel extremely ill.

What causes acute kidney failure?

Acute kidney failure may occur for a variety of reasons.; A crush- type injury may damage internal organs, including the kidneys. An over-exposure to metals, solvents and certain antibiotics and medication can also lead to this condition. An infection in the kidneys may cause them to shut down.

What symptoms should I look for?

  • feeling nauseated

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How Does Hemodialysis Work

First, youâll need minor surgery to create direct access to your bloodstream. This can be done in a few ways:

Fistula : An artery and vein are joined together under the skin in your arm. Most of the time, this is done in the one you donât write with. An A-V fistula needs 6 weeks or longer to heal before it can be used for hemodialysis. Then, it can be used for many years.

Graft : A plastic tube is used to join an artery and vein under your skin. This heals in only 2 weeks, so you can start hemodialysis faster. This wonât last as long as a fistula. Youâll likely need another graft after a few years.

The risk of infection is greater with a graft. Youâll also have to see your doctor more often so they can make sure the graft stays open.

Catheter : This method is an option if you need to start hemodialysis very quickly. A flexible tube is put into a vein in your neck, below your collarbone, or next to your groin. Itâs only meant to be used for a short time.

During hemodialysis, youâll sit or lie back in a chair. A tech will place two needles in your arm where the fistula or graft is located. A pump in the hemodialysis machine slowly draws out your blood, then sends it through another machine called a dialyzer. This works like a kidney and filters out extra salt, waste, and fluid. Your cleaned blood is sent back into your body through the second needle in your arm. Or, if thereâs a catheter, blood comes out of one port and then is returned via a second port.

Scary Signs That Show Your Kidneys Are Shutting Down

According to recent studies, kidney failure ranks third on the list of common health problems after heart diseases and cancer.

Statistics show that 90 percent of the Indians suffer from kidney failure, and the main cause of it is due to the nasty lifestyle and uncertain food habits that we follow.

Since the kidney’s main function is to filter waste products from the blood, the fatty and high cholesterol foods that we consume on a daily basis can cause this filtering to go haywire, which in turn can cause kidney failure.

These organs also help in regulating the blood pressure, electrolyte balance and the red blood cell production in the body. So, looking after the kidneys should be our top priority!

Therefore, experts advice that every Indian should look into the foods that they consume and the beverages they opt for, if they are avoiding H2O.

Staying off fatty food items like processed and fast foods can help your kidneys to function in the right way.

So, here are some of the scary signs that show your kidneys are shutting down. You need to take a good look at these signs, so that you can get yourself treated at the earliest:

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Who Will Be On My Health Care Team

Youll have a whole team of trained health care providers to help you live well with kidney failure. The following people may be part of your health care team:

Nephrologist. A doctor who specializes in kidney health and oversees your treatment.

Dialysis nurse. A dialysis nurse will monitor your in-center dialysis and will see you monthly if youre doing home or peritoneal dialysis. The nurse will make sure youre taking your medicines correctly and help you find ways to lessen the side effects of dialysis. If you do home hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis, your dialysis nurse will teach you how to set up your treatment, take care of the equipment, and watch for infections or other problems.

Transplant coordinator. A specially trained nurse who will be your point of contact, arrange your appointments, and teach you what to do before and after the transplant.

Renal dietitian. A renal dietitian is trained to help people with kidney failure. Your dietitian will help you make choices about what to eat and drink to help your treatment work better so youll feel better.

Social worker. Dialysis clinics and transplant centers have a social worker who works with people who have ESRD. Your renal social worker can help you find answers to problems such as

  • keeping a job or changing jobs
  • getting help paying for treatments
  • finding services to help with transportation or chores around the house
  • finding counseling services to deal with family problems

How Do My Kidneys Work

Your Kidney’s don’t stop working for nothing

Each of your kidneys is made up of about a million filtering units called nephrons. Each nephron includes a filter, called the glomerulus, and a tubule. The nephrons work through a two-step process: the glomerulus filters your blood, and the tubule returns needed substances to your blood and removes wastes.

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Convenient dialysis locations in Southeastern Massachusetts with modern and comfortable equipment and a highly caring and professional staff.

Taunton Regional Dialysis Center & Brockton Regional Kidney Center receive Five Star Rating by CMS for being in the top 10% of all dialysis facilities nationwide!

Is A Kidney Transplant An Option

If kidney failure occurs and is non-reversible, kidney transplantation is an alternative option to dialysis. If the patient is an appropriate candidate, the healthcare professional and nephrologist will contact an organ transplant center to arrange evaluation to see whether the patient is suitable for this treatment. If so, the search for a donor begins. Sometimes, family members have compatible tissue types and, if they are willing, may donate a kidney. Otherwise, the patient will be placed on the organ transplant list that is maintained by the United Network of Organ Sharing.

Not all hospitals are capable of performing kidney transplants. The patient may have to travel to undergo their operation. The most successful programs are those that do many transplants every year.

While kidney transplants have become routine, they still carry some risk. The patient will need to take anti-rejection medications that reduce the ability of the immune system to fight infection. The body can try to reject the kidney or the transplanted kidney may fail to work. As with any operation, there is a risk of bleeding and infection.

Kidney transplants may provide better quality of life than dialysis. After one year, 95% of transplanted kidneys are still functioning and after five years, the number is 80%. It seems that the longer a patient is on dialysis, the shorter the life of the transplanted kidney.

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