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HomeEditor PicksWhat Supplements Should Be Avoided With Kidney Disease

What Supplements Should Be Avoided With Kidney Disease

Are Nutrient Needs Different For Individuals With Ckd And Those On Dialysis

Juice and Herbs To Avoid With Kidney Disease | CKD Toxic Diet Foods

A decline in kidney function causes waste products to collect in the body which can change the way the body uses nutrients. Those with kidney disease may have an impaired ability to make or use certain vitamins vitamin D for example. Medication may also change the way the body uses vitamins and minerals. When a person receives dialysis some vitamins are lost during treatment. All of these factors may lead to an increased or decreased need for certain nutrients.

Certain Herbal Supplements And Vitamins

Its important to consult with your doctor before taking any supplements, especially if you are living with chronic disease. Surprising to most, it is not recommended to take some types of herbal supplements and vitamins if youre living with diabetic kidney disease. Certain herbal supplements and vitamins can actually cause further damage to your kidneys. Herbal supplements that your healthcare provider may recommend avoiding include parsley root, astragalus, creatine, licorice root and stinging nettle, but there are many more. Vitamins to limit with DKD include vitamins A, E and K, as these vitamins may accumulate and damage the kidneys.

It Cures Kidney Problems Permanently

Propolis-Lecithin Capsules and Norland Healthway Herbal work interactively in curing Acute & Chronic Kidney Diseases, Glomerulonephritis, Kidney Stones and Urinary Tract Infection

Using this natural Solution , you will notice significant changes in your Kidneys/ Urinary Tract and not too long into the therapy, you will literally be free from the worry and pain of battling with Kidney Problems. It has no side effect.

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What Do The Kidneys Do

The kidneys remove wastes and extra water from the blood and make urine. To keep the body working properly, the kidneys balance the salts and mineralssuch as calcium, phosphorus, sodium, and potassiumthat circulate in the blood. The kidneys also release hormones that help make red blood cells, regulate blood pressure, and keep bones strong.

If You Have Kidney Disease Other Medications Can Be Harmful

In this article, I (Dr. Puru Dhawan) will tell you about ...

If your kidneys are already damaged, certain drugs can make them worse or lead to kidney failure. Talk to your doctor before taking cholesterol or diabetes medication, antacid medicine for an upset stomach, or antimicrobial meds, like antifungal and antiviral drugs. In some cases, you may be able to take a smaller dose that’s safer for you.

You also should talk to your doctor before having some kinds of imaging tests. With a magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography scan, doctors sometimes use a dye to help them see a specific area of your body better. In rare cases, this dye can cause serious conditions called contrast-induced nephropathy or nephrogenic systemic fibrosis . Ask your doctor about other tests you might have instead.

National Kidney Foundation: “Contrast Dye and the Kidneys,” “How Your Kidneys Work,” “Oral Sodium Phosphate Safety Alerts,” “Pain Medicines ,” “Watch out for Your Kidneys When You Use Medicines for Pain,” “Which Drugs are Harmful to Your Kidneys?”

MedShadow: “6 Medications That Can Harm the Kidneys.”

Cleveland Clinic: “Supplements, OTCs May Hurt Your Kidneys.”

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Continue Learning About Kidney Disease

Important: This content reflects information from various individuals and organizations and may offer alternative or opposing points of view. It should not be used for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. As always, you should consult with your healthcare provider about your specific health needs.

Fruit And Vegetables High In Potassium

Fruits and vegetables play important rolesin your body, such as preventing several common diseases and help in weight loss. However, those rich in potassium must be eliminated in the diet of people with kidney disease. Potassium stresses the kidney giving it a hard time to perform its function. For this reason, people with kidney disease must avoid labeled foods to prevent more damages. Fruits and vegetables rich in potassium includemelons, bananas, tomatoes, oranges, nuts, lenticels, beans, avocados, and dairy products. You may not want to miss all this delicious stuff, but it is a mandate for the sake of living longer. A long list of low potassium foods is recommended for kidney failures, such as apples, chicken, white bread, rice, pita strawberries, grapes, and cauliflower.

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What Are Vitamins And Minerals

Vitamins and minerals are substances your body needs to help carry out important functions. They work to help your body get energy from the foods you eat, help repair tissue, and help maintain life. Therefore, they are essential for your body. But if you have kidney disease or are on dialysis, you may not be getting enough.

Lifestyle For Kidney Health

Chronic Kidney Disease Supplements for improving kidney function and avoiding kidney failure

For CKD prevention, the National Institutes of Health recommends quitting smoking, limiting alcohol intake, and working with your healthcare practitioner to achieve a healthy weight.

Did you know?Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug use has been associated with acute kidney injury. Speak with your healthcare provider to understand the benefits and risks of any medications.

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Thedrugs And Supplements That Should Cause Concern

The following drugs andsupplements can affect kidney function:


NSAIDs are very effectivemedications for multiple medical problems. But taking NSAIDS can affectthe kidneys, and can cause damage, especially if youre also takingdiuretics or ACE inhibitors.

NSAIDS include over-the-counterpainkillers like aspirin , ibuprofen , and naproxen .

They also includeprescription drugs like:

  • Naproxen sodium .
  • Naproxen/esomeprazole .
  • Diclofenac .

Using these medications withcaffeine can further harm your kidneys. When taking these medications, be sureto check regularly with your doctor if you have impaired kidney function.

2. Antibiotics

Certain antibiotics areremoved from the body through the kidneys, so taking them can put extra strainon your kidneys. Penicillin, cephalosporins and sulfonamides in particular canbe harmful to your kidneys.

Long-term antibiotic use caninjure your kidneys, even if youre otherwise healthy. And for people whosekidneys arent functioning at 100% to begin with, antibiotics can build up inthe body and cause damage.

Despite this, its importantto keep in mind that antibiotics can be safely used if needed as long as thedose is adjusted for your bodys level of kidney function.

3. Dietary supplements

Certain herbs or nutritionalsupplements are associated with kidney injury, even among healthy people. Withsuch a wide variety of supplements available, the best way to know if asupplement is safe is to ask your doctor to review all the ingredients.

Path To Improved Health

Some of the waste that can build up in your blood comes from nutrients in the food you eat. Your body needs most of these nutrients for its day-to-day functions. When your kidneys arent working well, the following nutrients can become a problem.

Phosphorous. Phosphorous is a mineral that keeps bones healthy and strong. But, even in early stages of chronic kidney disease, the level of phosphorous in your blood can become too high. A high level of phosphorous can cause itchy skin. It can also cause your bones to lose calcium. If this happens, your bones will get weaker and more brittle. You also have a greater risk of developing osteoporosis.

Foods high in phosphorous include:

  • Dairy products, such as milk, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream.
  • Dried beans and peas, such as kidney beans, split peas, and lentils.
  • Nuts and peanut butter.
  • Drinks like beer, cola, and hot cocoa.

If your phosphorous level is too high even after you change your diet, your doctor may prescribe medicine to lower it.

Calcium. You need calcium to build strong bones. Unfortunately, foods that contain calcium often also contain phosphorous. If you have chronic kidney disease, you may need to take calcium supplements that are phosphorous-free. Your doctor may also prescribe a special type of vitamin D. This will help your body absorb calcium.

Protein. You need protein to build and maintain healthy muscles, bones, skin, and blood. Protein also helps your body fight infection and heal wounds.

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Packaged Foods Instant Meals And Fast Food

Packaged foods, instant meals, and fast food tend to be high in sodium, which is one reason they arent ideal for someone with kidney disease and diabetes.

Some examples of these foods are instant noodles, frozen pizza, frozen boxed meals, and other types of microwavable meals.

For example, a slice of frozen pepperoni pizza contains 568 mg of sodium, one-quarter of the advised sodium intake if you have kidney disease, and doesnt provide significant amounts of beneficial nutrients .

These foods are also heavily processed and often high in refined carbs. This isnt ideal if you have diabetes, as refined carbs are digested quickly and tend to spike blood sugar levels .


Packaged foods, instant meals, and fast food are high in sodium and refined carbs but low in beneficial nutrients. Limit your intake of these foods if you have kidney disease and diabetes.

29 ).

Keep in mind that when these leafy veggies are cooked, they shrink to a significantly smaller size but still contain the same amount of potassium.

So, if you have kidney disease, its better to eat them raw, as youre likely to eat a smaller amount of them this way. That said, its OK to eat them cooked, as long as you manage your portion sizes.

Spinach, beet greens, chard, and other leafy veggies are also high in oxalic acid, an organic compound that can form oxalates once bound to minerals such as calcium.

Why Is Knowing About Phosphorus Important For Someone With Advanced Ckd

8 Foods to Avoid For Kidney Disease

Damaged kidneys allow phosphorus, a mineral found in many foods, to build up in the blood. Too much phosphorus in the blood pulls calcium from the bones, making the bones weak and likely to break. Too much phosphorus may also make skin itch. Foods such as milk and cheese, dried beans, colas, canned iced teas and lemonade, nuts, and peanut butter are high in phosphorus. A renal dietitian can help people with advanced CKD learn how to limit phosphorus in their diet.

As CKD progresses, a person may need to take a phosphate binder such as sevelamer hydrochloride , lanthanum carbonate , calcium acetate , or calcium carbonate to control the phosphorus in the blood. These medications act like sponges to soak up, or bind, phosphorus while it is in the stomach. Because it is bound, the phosphorus does not get into the blood. Instead, it is removed from the body in the stool.

The table below lists some high-phosphorus foods and suggestions for low-phosphorus alternatives that are healthier for people with advanced CKD.

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What Supplements Should Be Avoided With Kidney Disease

supplements patients should avoidsupplementsand

. Keeping this in view, what herbal supplements are bad for kidneys?

Johns Wort, echinacea, ginkgo, garlic, ginseng, ginger, and blue cohosh. If you have a kidney transplant you are especially at risk, as any interaction between herbal supplements and medicines could put you at risk for losing your kidney.

what vitamins can be hard on the kidneys? The fat soluble vitamins are more likely to build up in your body, so these are avoided unless prescribed by your kidney doctor. Vitamin A is especially a concern, as toxic levels may occur with daily supplements. Vitamin C supplements are recommended in a 60 to 100 mg dose.

Subsequently, one may also ask, are supplements bad for kidneys?

Supplements are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration , and many products can be dangerous, especially for people with kidney disease. Supplements for weight loss, bodybuilding, or an energy boost should not be used by people with kidney disease or kidney failure.

Can vitamin supplements cause kidney problems?

You may need to avoid some vitamins and minerals if you have kidney disease. Some of these include vitamins A, E and K. These vitamins are more likely to build up in your body and can cause harm if you have too much. Over time, they can cause dizziness, nausea, and even death.

Which Vitamins Do I Need To Avoid If I Have Kidney Disease

You may need to avoid some vitamins and minerals if you have kidney disease. Some of these include vitamins A, E and K. These vitamins are more likely to build up in your body and can cause harm if you have too much. Over time, they can cause dizziness, nausea, and even death. You should only take these vitamins if your healthcare professional gives you a prescription for them. There is also some concern about vitamin C. Although some people may need to take a low dose of vitamin C, large doses may cause a buildup of oxalate in people with kidney disease. Oxalate may stay in the bones and soft tissue, which can cause pain and other issues over time.

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What Medications Can Damage Your Kidneys

Which Drugs are Harmful to Your Kidneys?Pain Medications. Your kidneys could be damaged if you take large amounts of over-the-counter medications, such as aspirin, naproxen and ibuprofen. … Alcohol. … Antibiotics. … Prescription Laxatives. … Contrast Dye … Illegal Drugs. … What should you do?

What Is Medical Nutrition Therapy

Natural Remedy and Supplement To Reverse/For Reversing Kidney Disease

MNT is the use of nutrition counseling by a registered dietitian to help promote a medical or health goal. A health care provider may refer a patient to a registered dietitian to help with the patient’s food plan. Many insurance policies cover MNT when recommended by a health care provider. Anyone who qualifies for Medicare can receive a benefit for MNT from a registered dietitian or nutrition professional when a health care provider provides a referral indicating that the person has diabetes or kidney disease.

One way to locate a qualified dietitian is to contact the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics at and click on “Find a Registered Dietitian.” Users can enter their address or ZIP code for a list of dietitians in their area. A person looking for dietary advice to prevent kidney damage should click on “Renal Nutrition” in the specialty field. Dietitians who specialize in helping people with CKD are called renal dietitians.

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How To Leach Potassium From Fruits And Vegetables

If you can, swap canned fruits and vegetables for their fresh or frozen counterparts. The potassium in canned goods leaches into the water or juice in the can. If you use this juice in your meal or drink it, it can cause a spike in your potassium levels.

The juice usually has a high salt content, which will cause the body to hold onto water. This can lead to complications with your kidneys. This is also true of meat juice, so be sure to avoid this, too.

If you only have canned goods on hand, be sure to drain the juice and discard it. You should also rinse the canned food with water. This can reduce the amount of potassium you consume.

If youre cooking a dish that calls for a high-potassium vegetable and you dont wish to substitute, you can actually pull some of the potassium from the veggie.

The National Kidney Foundation advises the following approach to leaching potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, beets, winter squash, and rutabagas:

  • Peel the vegetable and place it in cold water so that it wont darken.
  • Slice the vegetable into 1/8-inch-thick parts.
  • Rinse it in warm water for a few seconds.
  • Soak the pieces for a minimum of two hours in warm water. Use 10 times the amount of water to the amount of vegetable. If you soak the vegetable for longer, be sure to change the water every four hours.
  • Rinse the vegetable under warm water again for a few seconds.
  • Cook the vegetable with five times the amount of water to the amount of vegetable.
  • What Are The Facts About Herbal Supplements

    The following facts about herbal supplements are true for everyone, with or without kidney disease. Herbal supplements often have more than one name: a common name and a plant name. Some common concerns include:

    • The Food and Drug Administration does not regulate herbal supplements for dose, content, or pureness.
    • Some herbal supplements have aristolochic acid, which is harmful to kidneys.
    • Herbal supplements made in other countries may have heavy metals.
    • There are few studies to show if herbal supplements have real benefits and even less information in patients with kidney disease.
    • Herbal supplements may interact with prescription medicines to either decrease or increase how the medicine works.

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    How Do I Know If I Need To Supplement My Diet With A Renal Vitamin

    Sometimes a diet recall or food diary is all that is needed to identify nutrient insufficiencies. Other times a more comprehensive assessment which includes bloodwork, may be needed to identify specific nutrient deficiencies. Many individuals with CKD can benefit from supplementation that provides the recommended daily allowance of water-soluble vitamins . Over the counter multivitamin and mineral supplements typically are not the best choice for individuals with CKD or those on dialysis. These may have an imbalance of the nutrients people with kidney disease require.

    There are special vitamin formulations for patients with kidney disease called renal vitamins . Your dietitian or health care provider will determine which formulation is best for your individual needs. Vitamin recommendations for CKD and dialysis patients usually include water-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin C and the B vitamins. Fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K are usually not recommended for daily use unless a vitamin deficiency has been identified.

    If a renal vitamin is recommended for you and you are a dialysis patient it is best if you take the vitamin after your dialysis treatment. Renal vitamins are water-soluble vitamins so if you take the vitamin before dialysis the vitamins will be removed during the dialysis treatment.

    Why Is Knowing About Sodium Important For Someone With Advanced Ckd

    What Not To Eat and Drink with Renal Disease

    Too much sodium in a person’s diet can be harmful because it causes blood to hold fluid. People with CKD need to be careful not to let too much fluid build up in their bodies. The extra fluid raises blood pressure and puts a strain on the heart and kidneys. A dietitian can help people find ways to reduce the amount of sodium in their diet. Nutrition labels provide information about the sodium content in food. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration advises that healthy people should limit their daily sodium intake to no more than 2,300 milligrams , the amount found in 1 teaspoon of table salt. People who are at risk for a heart attack or stroke because of a condition such as high blood pressure or kidney disease should limit their daily sodium intake to no more than 1,500 mg. Choosing sodium-free or low-sodium food products will help them reach that goal.

    Sodium is found in ordinary table salt and many salty seasonings such as soy sauce and teriyaki sauce. Canned foods, some frozen foods, and most processed meats have large amounts of salt. Snack foods such as chips and crackers are also high in salt.

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