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HomeNewsIs Beetroot Good For Your Kidneys

Is Beetroot Good For Your Kidneys

Is Drinking Beet Juice Dangerous

The best diet for healthy kidneys

In most cases, people can safely eat beets or drink beetroot juice without experiencing any negative side effects. Drinking beetroot juice regularly can affect the color of urine and feces due to the natural pigments in beets. People may notice pink or purple urine, which is called beeturia, and pink or purple feces.

May Increase Kidney Stone Risk


According to Clinical Nutrition Research, beets are rich in oxalate and may contribute to stone formation . If you already have stones, your doctor might recommend you to stop or reduce beetroot/beetroot juice consumption.

There are four types of kidney stones, with calcium being the most common of all. The mineral can combine with other substances, especially oxalate, and form a stone.

Beetroot is high in oxalate and can directly contribute to kidney stones. It increases urinary oxalate excretion, which can lead to the development of calcium oxalate stones .

Get The Right Smoothie Making Equipment

Of course, you cant make a tasty, smooth smoothie without the proper tools. Unfortunately, most stand or stick blenders just wont do the trick. Especially if you use frozen fruit .

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How Can I Use Beetroot

Beetroot is most commonly consumed raw by people as a salad ingredient or in the form of juice. Further, its also used in the form of pickles, and as a vegetable for cooking. The antioxidants in beets ensure that they can also be used for natural skin treatment purposes. The tender stems and leaves of this plant are often used as fodder for cattle.

Is Too Much Beet Juice Harmful

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Beets contain a compound called betanin which provides the vegetable with its red pigment. Sometimes, people have difficulty breaking down this pigment. So, an excess amount of beet juice can make urine or stools appear red or pink. But its not that harmful to your body.

Though people with low blood pressure or currently taking blood pressure medication should take a limited amount of beetroot juice. Also, beets high levels of oxalates can cause kidney stones. So, in those cases try to avoid beet juice.

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What Food Items Should You Limit In Kidney Disease

Many food items that are part of a typical healthy diet may not be right for you if youre suffering from kidney disease. If you are diagnosed with kidney disease, your doctor may recommend limiting certain food items such as

Depending upon the stage of your kidney disease, your doctor will advise you to reduce the potassium, phosphorus and protein levels in your diet.

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Potatoes And Sweet Potatoes

Potatoes and sweet potatoes are potassium-rich vegetables.

Just one medium-sized baked potato contains 610 mg of potassium, whereas one average-sized baked sweet potato contains 541 mg of potassium .

Fortunately, some high potassium foods, including potatoes and sweet potatoes, can be soaked or leached to reduce their potassium contents.

Cutting potatoes into small, thin pieces and boiling them for at least 10 minutes can reduce the potassium content by about 50% .

Potatoes that are soaked in water for at least 4 hours before cooking are proven to have an even lower potassium content than those not soaked before cooking .

This method is known as potassium leaching or the double-cook method.

Although double cooking potatoes lowers the potassium content, its important to remember that their potassium content isnt eliminated by this method.

Considerable amounts of potassium can still be present in double-cooked potatoes, so its best to practice portion control to keep potassium levels in check.


Potatoes and sweet potatoes are high potassium vegetables. Boiling or double cooking potatoes can decrease their potassium content by about 50%.

Tomatoes are another high potassium fruit that may not fit the guidelines of a renal diet.

They can be served raw or stewed and are often used to make sauces.

Just 1 cup of tomato sauce can contain upwards of 900 mg of potassium .

Unfortunately for those on a renal diet, tomatoes are commonly used in many dishes.


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Who Superbeets Is Not For

SuperBeets is generally safe for healthy adults, but it still is not for everyone.

SuperBeets is not suitable for:

  • A substitute for blood pressure-lowering medications. If you are a heart patient whose doctor prescribes you blood pressure medication to lower your blood pressure, do not replace your medicine with SuperBeets.
  • People with sensitive stomachs. Beets can sometimes cause stomach discomfort. Be sure to consult with your doctor if youd like to try SuperBeets so that they can provide medical advice.

Be sure to talk with your doctor if you are considering using SuperBeets, especially if you are looking to improve blood flow and blood pressure.

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Beetroots Combat Renal Disorders And Kidney Stones

Can Kidney Patients consume Beetroots? Kidney Health | Kidney Patients Diet Food

Beetroots are packed with antioxidants, copper, chlorine, folate, carotenoids, potassium, etc. These are some of the elements that are crucial to the healthy functioning of human metabolism, thus ensuring that the renal system stays fit and problem-free.

Kidney stones are primarily caused due to an excess of calcium in the kidneys. The copper and folate in Beetroots dilute the salt deposits in the renal system and keep it healthy.

Beets also help in detoxifying the kidney by flushing out any toxins present in the system. It is recommended that a person consume 25 grams of this vegetable every day to reap the maximum health benefits of beetroots.

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Choose Foods With The Right Amount Of Potassium

When your kidneys are not working well, your potassium level may be too high or too low. Having too much or too little potassium can cause muscle cramps, problems with the way your heart beats and muscle weakness.

If you have kidney disease, your doctor or dietitian may tell you to lower the amount of potassium in your eating plan.

Use the lists below to learn foods that are low or high in potassium.

Foods low in potassium

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Health Benefits Of Beets

Beetroot is considered by many to be a functional food, meaning it has the ability to promote better health and prevent disease. Beets can reduce the risk of inflammation-related diseases such as heart disease and cancer. A review of the potential benefits of beetroot and beet juice supplements, published in the journal Nutrients, found evidence that the betalains in beetroot juice can reduce inflammation in the body and protect DNA from oxidative damage. In addition, the phytochemicals in beets help to maintain healthy and more flexible blood vessels.

In addition to their antioxidant compounds, beets also contain nitrate, which is converted to nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide helps improve blood flow throughout the body and in the brain. Itâs thought that eating beets or drinking beet juice may help to preserve brain health and cognitive function as you age.

Probably the best-studied health benefit of beets is their ability to reduce blood pressure. Many people drink beetroot juice as a complementary therapy to treat hypertension. In a meta-analysis published in the journal Advances in Nutrition, researchers looked at the benefits of beetroot on blood pressure. They found that the blood-pressure-friendly benefits of beets come from their nitrates along with their other health-promoting phytochemicals that act independently of the nitrates.

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Why Are Root Vegetables A Superfood

Root vegetables are very high in fiber which can help to fill your stomach while also promoting the movement of foods through your digestive tract. These vegetables can also last for an extended period of time when stored correctly in the kitchen which can help to stretch food dollars and minimize trips to the market.

Other reasons root vegetables are superfoods:

  • Many root vegetables contain antioxidants that can help to fight inflammation.
  • They provide many nutrients including vitamin C, vitamin A, many B vitamins, vitamin K, vitamin E, calcium, iron, potassium, and manganese.
  • They are low in calories and can add beautiful color to the plate

Foods High In Potassium


When your kidneys dont work properly, potassium builds up in your blood. This can cause changes in how your heart beats and possibly even lead to a heart attack.

Potassium is found mainly in fruits and vegetables, as well as milk and meats. Youll need to avoid certain fruits and vegetables and limit the amount of others.

Potassium-rich foods to avoid include:

  • Melons like cantaloupe and honeydew.
  • Tomatoes, tomato sauce and tomato juice.
  • Cooked greens, spinach, kale, collards and Swiss chard.
  • Broccoli and Brussels sprouts.
  • Salt substitutes or lite salt.

Canned fruits

Canned fruits usually have lower amounts of potassium than fresh ones. Be sure to pour off the juice before you eat the fruit.

Potatoes and sweet potatoes

Potatoes and sweet potatoes need special handling to allow you to eat them in small amounts. Peel them, cut them into small slices or cubes and soak them for several hours in a large amount of water.

When youre ready to cook them, pour the soaking water off and use a large amount of water in the pan. Drain this water before you prepare them to eat.

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Its Estimated That Over That 37 Million Americans Suffer From Chronic Kidney Disease Unfortunately Many Of The People Who Have Ckd Arent Aware Of It Because The Early Stages Can Have No Symptoms At All Considering How Deadly The Late Stages Of Kidney Disease Can Be This Is A Dangerous Situation For Many People

Kidney disease is a serious condition and is linked to other major health issues such as heart and carotid artery disease. Carotid artery disease, when in advanced stages, can increase an individuals risk of stroke.

What are the best ways to take care of your kidneys? The same way you take care of your overall health diet and lifestyle choices. Healthy behaviors such as exercise, drinking plenty of water, and a balanced diet with the recommended amount of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals are good for your body, inside and out.

For individuals with chronic kidney disease, there are plenty of foods out there that can help. Even if you dont have chronic kidney disease, it is still important to protect your kidneys. Preventing a health issue is always better than treating one.

Here are the best foods to help keep your kidneys healthy.

Genetically Modified And Processed Foods Are Bad For Kidneys

A huge percentage of processed foods come with genetically modified ingredients, which include soy, corn, sugar, rice, sugar beets, cane and canola. Seeds undergo genetic engineering for many reasons, including the aim to boost resistance to pest and to assure immunity of plants towards herbicides or boost yields of the crops. However, the main drawback with genetically modified and processed foods is that they cause excessive load o kidneys and thereby, may cause severe damages.

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What The Research Says About Beets For Kidney Disease

  • A small 2010 study of 60 people with chronic kidney disease found that regular consumption of beetroot juice could lower levels of oxalate and improve kidney function.
  • A 2019 study found that a combination of beetroot juice and beetroot powder was more effective in lowering oxalate levels than using either ingredient alone.

If you have kidney stones, you should avoid all foods that contain oxalate, including beets.

What You Can Do Now

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Beets are high in oxalate, so you may want to limit your intake of beets. Its important to talk to your doctor before making any changes to your diet.

If you need beets for kidney disease, its best to eat them in moderation. In order for beets to be effective in treating kidney disease, you should focus on eating them in salads, sauces, or as an ingredient in baked goods.

If you drink beetroot juice or eat beets, make sure you also eat plenty of other foods to minimize oxalate and other side effects.

Beets can also cause digestive problems, so try to stick to foods that are low in oxalate.

Talk to your doctor before adding beetroot to your diet. They can recommend foods that are high in oxalate but low in oxalate, as well as other foods to eat in moderation.

You can also talk to your doctor about making any dietary changes that you want to make, including adding beets.

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Nutrients To Be Aware Of

Keep in mind that there are plenty of other healthy options that will do your kidneys, and your body, plenty of good. If you do have chronic kidney disease, there are a few nutrients you should be aware of.

Your kidneys regulate potassium, which is why its so important to monitor how much you are eating on a regular basis. Your kidneys also have a role in red blood cell production, meaning that if they arent functioning correctly your count may be low. Eating iron-rich foods can help prevent this and help keep your energy levels up.

On the opposite side of the equation, salt can be your enemy. Too much salt can raise your blood pressure and make your heart and kidneys work too hard. Be careful about how much salt you use in cooking and also watch the salt content of pre-packaged foods like canned soups, frozen dinners, and boxed meals. Salt substitutes may also contain a lot of potassium, so try herbs to add flavor and give it some time. You can get used to eating less salt, but it does take six to eight weeks for your taste buds to get used to it.

Lastly, we mentioned phosphorus, but it is worth repeating. A low-phosphorus diet should include lots of fresh fruits and veggies, rice milk, corn and rice cereals, as well as lemonade and even ginger ale.

What Food Should Be Avoided If Creatinine Is High

A high level of creatinine in the blood can be indicative of kidney disease. This is because impaired kidney function results in increased creatinine levels, as the kidneys arent able to filter it out effectively.If youre worried about creatinine levels, avoid high-protein foods, like:

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Is It Safe To Eat Raw Beets

Yes, it is safe to eat raw beets. Eating raw beets is one of the best ways to maximize their nutritional benefits.

Raw beets are a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and they contain high levels of antioxidants and other nutrients that are thought to be beneficial for health.

However, you may experience digestive issues if you eat them in large quantities. If youre concerned about this, you can cook the beets before eating or try adding them to smoothies or juices instead.

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Broccoli May Not Be Suitable For All Kidney Patients


Broccoli is naturally rich in its potassium content which might not be suitable for all kidney patients.Because in certain kidney diseases the person may be recommended by their doctor to limit their potassium content and since broccoli is higher in potassium the person may need to monitor the amount of broccoli intake.

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Beet Juice On Roads: A Surprising Use For Beet Juice

Not only does beet juice have positive benefits for your body, but it also can help with the roads we drive on. Crazy, right? But its true!

When salt is used to melt and remove ice from frozen roads during the winter, it can linger for a while. The salt is used as a de-icer to lower the freezing point of frozen water and so it melts. This causes a chain reaction.

However, salt isnt the only molecule capable of melting ice during the cold winter months. Sugar molecules from beet juice can cause a similar reaction. Road maintenance workers have found that mixing beet sugar to the deicing process helps with waste reduction, bonds the salt with the road surface, and is more effective.

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Hi, Im Hannah!

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What If I Have Diabetes

Never fear! You can still have smoothies, even if you have diabetes.

People with diabetes should NEVER completely avoid carbohydrate. Instead, the goal for diabetes is to eat carbohydrate in healthy portions, many times throughout the day.

It all comes down to portion size. Many smoothie ingredients, like yogurt, milk and fruit have carbohydrate. If you arent careful, smoothies can easily pack quite a bit of carbohydrate!

If you have diabetes, make sure you eat the right amount of carbohydrate at once. Your dietitian can help you learn how much carbohydrate is right for you.

Also, this smoothie is packed with 6 grams of fiber! Having fiber with carbohydrate can help stabilize blood sugar.

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Beetroot May Not Be Beneficial For All Ckd Patients

Due to the rich content of potassium in beetroot, certain CKD patients who need to avoid or limit their potassium intake would need to be mindful about the amount of beetroot they include in their diet.It is recommended to consult with a renal dietitian and assess your dietary needs according to your kidney condition.


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