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HomeNewsHow Long Does Pain Last After Kidney Stone Surgery

How Long Does Pain Last After Kidney Stone Surgery

Preventing Future Kidney Stones

Kidney Stone Stent with String Removal, pain information and some advice

Having one kidney stone means you might develop kidney stones in the future. Here are some steps you can take to help prevent kidney stones from forming:

  • Drink about 2-1/2 liters of water per day unless a doctor advises otherwise. How much water each person needs may vary.
  • Maintain a low-salt diet.
  • Limit animal protein to 6 to 8 ounces a day.
  • Lower sugar consumption.
  • Include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.
  • If you take a vitamin C supplement, make sure its less than 1,000 milligrams per day.

If you have a history of kidney stones, a dietician can review your eating habits and provide specific dietary tips that can help lower risks of kidney stones.

Symptoms Of A Kidney Stone

Small stones move into the bladder and out of the body with minimal symptoms.

Larger stones, though, can become lodged in the ureter, block urine flow and cause sharp pain in your back, side, lower abdomen or groin, and blood in your urine. Symptoms may also include burning urination, nausea, and fever. Fever could indicate a serious infection, a reason to call to your doctor immediately.

The location of your pain signals the location of your kidney stone:

How Long To Feel Normal After Stent Removal

Postby kashi416»Tue Jun 03, 2014 3:11 am

Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:02 am

Joined: Thu Apr 17, 2014 1:48 pm
Location:Spalding, Lincolnshire

Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:33 am

Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:10 am

jstuartrobson wrote:I remember those twinges. I can’t remember how long I had my stent in for though….

Joined: Mon Nov 14, 2011 11:04 am
Location: Doncaster

Postby rheaybou»Tue Jun 03, 2014 12:31 pm

Tue Jun 03, 2014 1:36 pm

Tue Jun 03, 2014 2:00 pm

Tue Jun 03, 2014 3:45 pm

Zennor wrote:HiI had a stent for five weeks after TX. I was never aware of it and following removal had no sensation whatsoever. I agree this is best checked out.I remember the nephrectomy and transplant did not give me any nerves beforehand, but the stent removal was another matter. I recall looking at the screen while they tried to catch the stent and my sense of impending doom when they caught it folded double in those little jaws and started pulling….

Joined: Mon Nov 14, 2011 11:04 am
Location: Doncaster

Tue Jun 03, 2014 4:44 pm

Recommended Reading: Grapes And Kidney Stones

What Will Happen After I Leave The Hospital

After treatment, you will have blood in your urine and possibly abdominal pain or aching for several days. Other people experience a severe cramping pain as shattered stone fragments make their way out of the body. Oral pain medication and drinking lots of water will help relieve symptoms.

Sometimes, the stone is not completely broken up, or big pieces remain and additional treatments may be needed.

Rarely, more serious problems occur, such as bleeding near the kidney that might require a blood transfusion, damage to the area around the stone, or pieces of the stone blocking the flow of urine.

Should I Cut Calcium Out Of My Diet If I Develop Calcium Oxalate Kidney Stones

Kidney Stones

If you develop kidney stones composed of calcium, you may be tempted to stop eating foods that include calcium. However, this is the opposite of what you should do. If you have calcium oxalate stones, the most common type, its recommended that you have a diet higher in calcium and lower in oxalate.

Foods that are high in calcium include:

  • Cows milk.

Its also important to drink plenty of fluids to dilute the substances in your urine.

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How Can I Prevent Kidney Stones

There are several ways to decrease your risk of kidney stones, including:

  • Drink water. Drink at least six to eight 8-ounce glasses every day . Staying hydrated helps you urinate more often, which helps flush away the buildup of the substances that cause kidney stones. If you sweat a lot, be sure to drink even more.
  • Limit salt. Eat less sodium. You may want to connect with a dietician for help with planning what foods you eat.
  • Lose weight. If youre overweight, try to lose some pounds. Talk to your healthcare provider about an ideal weight.
  • Take prescriptions. Your healthcare provider may prescribe some medications that help prevent kidney stones. The type of medication may depend on the type of stones you get.

Pain After Kidney Stone Removal And Stent Causes:

Every persons body reacts differently to presence of stent in the kidney after kidney stone removal. The stent is generally well tolerated by patients.However, some patients may experience mild abdominal discomfort and urinary irregularities due to the stent. According to patient studies, nearly 80% patients experience stent-related symptoms.

The possible reasons behind discomfort and pain after kidney stone removal and stent placement are:1. Stent displacement due to physical activity can cause abdominal pain and discomfort and mild bleeding while urinating.2. Mechanical stimulation of bladder coil causes bladder irritability. This causes increase in frequency of urination.3. Urgency also occurs as a direct result of presence of stent.4. Flank pain or abdominal pain occurs due to reflux of urine back to the kidneys. It can also occur due to encrustation of the stent.5. Supra-pubic pain occurs due to irritation or infection of bladder.

Also Check: What Will Dissolve Calcium Kidney Stones

What Happens During A Ureteroscopy

Once the anesthesia takes effect and youâre asleep, your urologist will insert the tip of the ureteroscope into your urethra .

Once the ureteroscope is in the bladder, your urologist releases a sterile solution through the tip of the scope. This fills the bladder so its walls can be seen more clearly. They then gently guide the scope into a ureter. If there is a concern about a kidney, the scope can be moved all the way up into that organ.

It may take up to 30 minutes for them to observe your urinary tract. If a procedure is done to remove or break up a stone, or to take a tissue sample for a biopsy, the ureteroscopy may take longer.

A ureteroscopy that uses a laser to break up small kidney stones may take about 90 minutes. The type of laser used with the ureteroscope is called a âHolmium laser.â A similar procedure uses a tiny basket at the end of the scope to grab and remove a stone.

What Does The Treatment Involve

What Can I Expect After Kidney Stone Surgery?

There are two ways to remove stones using shock wave treatment. In one method, the patient is placed in a tub of lukewarm water. Using x-rays or ultrasound to pinpoint the location of the stones, the body is positioned so that the stones are targeted precisely. In the second, more common method, the patient lies on top of a soft cushion or membrane through which the waves pass. About 1-2 thousand shock waves are needed to crush the stones. The complete treatment takes about 45 to 60 minutes.

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How To Sleep With A Kidney Stent

When a ureteral stent has been placed, discomfort from the implant can make sleep difficult for patients. Sleep is crucial to recovery, so patients should consult with their doctor if theyre experiencing sleep issues because of discomfort or pain.

Different treatments may be recommended based on the severity of discomfort and the patients medical history. Over-the-counter medications to relieve pain may be recommended. Your doctor may also suggest alpha blockers to alleviate spasms and cramping that can occur when a stent has been implanted.

Anticholinergic medications may be recommended to alleviate frequent urination, which can disrupt sleep and impede recovery. Patients may also want to be mindful about their fluid intake during the day, increasing fluid consumption during daytime hours to maintain a steady supply of urine, while tapering off this consumption closer to bedtime.

How Will I Feel After Surgery

You may still experience pain after laser surgery. If you have a stent between the kidney and ureter, most pain will likely come from the stent because it can rub on the kidney or bladder. It also can make you feel like you have to urinate, and it may cause some blood in the urine. Men may have pain in the penis or testicles as well.

Your doctor will prescribe medications after surgery. Generally, these may include an antibiotic to prevent infection, pain medication, and perhaps something to treat bladder spasms and burning with urination.

Drink plenty of water to lubricate the stent and encourage any small stones to move out of the kidney. You will likely feel a more frequent urge to urinate, so you may want to stay close to a bathroom.

You can resume normal activities the next day, or as soon as you feel comfortable. Skip high-intensity workouts until after your stent is removed. Some pain medications restrict activities like driving, so check the warnings on the label. Your doctor will have additional recommendations for you to follow.

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What Are The Most Common Types Of Kidney Stones

The most common type of kidney stone is a calcium oxalate stone. This type happens when calcium and oxalate combine in your urine. It can happen when you have high quantities of oxalate, low amounts of calcium and arent drinking enough fluids.

Stones caused by uric acid are also fairly common. These come from a natural substance called purine, which is a byproduct of animal proteins .

What Happens After Kidney Stone Surgery

How Long Does Kidney Pain Last? Causes, Symptoms & Healing

Post- Surgery Symptoms soreness and bruising where the lithotripter touched your skin, if you underwent external shock wave lithotripsy , discomfort and blood in your urine for a few days, especially if you have a ureteral stent in place, pain and nausea as remaining stone fragments pass through your urinary tract, and.

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Is Stent Removal Painful

Mean pain during stent removal was 4.8 out of 10 with 57% reporting moderate-to-severe pain levels of 4 or more. Removal by office cystoscopy resulted in the highest experienced pain . Thirty-two percent reported delayed severe pain after stent removal , including 9% who returned for emergency care.

Can A Large Kidney Stone Cause An Injury

Your risk of injury from a kidney stone can go up based on the size and location of the stone. A larger stone could get stuck in a ureter, causing pressure to build up. This can lead to renal failure and, in the worst-case scenario, you could lose your kidney. The chance of passing a 1 cm stone is less than 10%, and stones larger than 1 cm typically dont pass.

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Whos Most Likely To Get Kidney Stones What Are The Risk Factors

White men in their 30s and 40s are most likely to get kidney stones. However, anyone can develop kidney stones.

There are several risk factors for developing kidney stones. These include:

  • Not drinking enough liquids.
  • Having a diet that includes the substances that form the stones .
  • Having a family history of kidney stones.
  • Having a blockage in your urinary tract.

Certain medical conditions can also increase your risk of developing stones. This is because they may increase or decrease levels of the substances that make up a kidney stone. These conditions can include:

  • Hypercalciuria .

Certain foods can also place you at risk of a kidney stone. These foods include:

  • Meats and poultry .
  • Sodium .
  • Sugars .

Pain After Kidney Stone Removal And Stent Symptoms:

Treat Kidney stones without Surgery with Lithotripsy / ESWL

Signs and symptoms after kidney stone removal and stent also depend upon the duration for which the stent is allowed to be present inside the kidneys.Signs and symptoms can therefore be differentiated into minor and major:

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;Minor Symptoms
  • Secondary vesical calculus formation formation of stone within the urinary bladder
  • When the patient urinates, he/ she may feel slight tugging or stretching in the back especially at the end of urination.In persons who are skinny or overweight, the stent may get pushed over the adjacent nerves. Irritation of nerves can cause a burning-like pain or sensation in the back or thighs.

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    How Does Passing A Kidney Stone Feel

    Small stones can pass without any symptoms at all, but larger stones can be a problem.

    As long as the stone is in the kidney and not blocking the flow of urine, you probably wont feel it. Eventually, the stone leaves the kidney and enters the ureter on its way to the bladder.

    The ureters are tiny, about 1/8 inch wide, so if a stone cant move through, its hard for urine to flow.

    This can cause swelling and incredibly painful spasms . Youll feel a sharp, stabbing pain in your side or back, below the ribcage. Pain sometimes radiates to the groin and genitals.

    You might find that the intensity of the pain changes as you change position and as the stone continues its journey through your urinary tract. Youll probably find it near impossible to lie still, tossing and turning in an effort to stop the pain. Pain can subside for several hours before returning.

    • vomiting
    • blood in the urine

    The pain tends to ease up once the stone reaches the bladder. If the stone is small, or has broken into small pieces, you may not feel it as it flows from the bladder, through the urethra, and out with the urine.

    Stones dont usually block the urethra, since its twice as wide as the ureters, but a larger stone can cause resurgence of pain.

    It takes an average of 31 days to pass a small stone. Stones 4 millimeters or larger may take longer or require a medical procedure to assist.

    • chills, fever
    • imaging tests to check for additional stones or other problems
    • 24-hour urine collection
    • blood work

    When Is Shock Wave Lithotripsy Needed

    Shock wave lithotripsy usually works best to treat smaller stones inside the kidney or upper part of the ureter . Your provider will consider a stones size, your medical problems and your body structure before deciding whats best for you.

    Providers often use shock wave lithotripsy to treat kidney stones that:

    • Are too large to pass on their own .
    • Block urine flow.
    • Are very painful.

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    Preparing For Your Ureteroscopy

    Before your procedure, we may perform an X-ray and lab tests. We also might ask you for a urine sample to make sure you dont have an infection. If we determine you have an issue, we ask you not to urinate for an hour before we begin your ureteroscopy.;

    To prepare you for your procedure, we apply monitoring devices on your body and give you an antibiotic to keep your body free of infection.

    What Can Cause Urethra Pain After Passing Kidney Stones

    How long does it take to pass a kidney stone? How to do it ...

    While pain can ease once the stone reaches your bladder, it can become painful again as it leaves your body through the urethra. Passing a large stone can irritate the urethra, but it should be temporary.

    Urethral pain can be due to a number of factors aside from passing a kidney stone. Continuing urethral pain should be assessed by a doctor.

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    What Can I Expect During A Shock Wave Lithotripsy Procedure

    Your provider will not need to make any incisions during a shock wave lithotripsy procedure. But youll still need some form of anesthesia to keep you comfortable. You may be awake but drowsy or asleep during the procedure.

    During a shock wave lithotripsy procedure:

  • You lie on a padded table on top of a water-filled cushion. Less commonly, you may sit in a large tub of water.
  • Providers use X-rays or ultrasound to pinpoint a kidney stones location. These images help providers aim shock waves precisely to make treatment more effective.
  • Your care team may move you slightly to line up your body with the energy beams.
  • A shock wave lithotripsy machine sends powerful energy waves through the water and into your body. If youre awake for the procedure, you may hear a popping sound or feel a tapping sensation along your side.
  • Thousands of shock waves are aimed at the kidney stone, breaking the stone into many pieces. Smaller pieces can then pass more easily through the urinary tract.
  • Pain After 2 Months Partial Kidney Removal

    Hi i was diagnosed with a kidney cancer.

    Fortunately was early stage and in less the a month it was removed with a piece of the kidney.

    All went well ,but now 2 months later i expecting; a better recover it was keyhole

    I feel like burning on the side and wonds area.i even felt pumping my back.

    Any one has the also diabetic and scared of infection.i still hv one wond not dried

    Hello Irondas and welcome to our forum.

    I’m sorry to hear that you were diagnosed with kidney cancer and are now having what sounds like a tough time recovering from your surgery but I’m glad it was caught early.

    Hopefully some of our members who have been in a similar situation will come along shortly with words of advice and support but until then I thought I might leave you with some info we have on our web page about kidney cancer surgery . I hope this can help a bit.

    Also,;feel free to give our cancer nurses and ask any question you may have. Their lines are open Monday – Friday between 9 a.m – 5 p.m on 0808 800 4040.

    Wishing you a speedy recovery,

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator

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