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HomeNewsDoes White Kidney Bean Carb Intercept Work

Does White Kidney Bean Carb Intercept Work

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Many phase four studies in real people have shown that the consumption of white kidney beans extract can lower the levels of homocysteine in your blood. It is an action that happens thanks to the presence of folic acid in Phaseolus Vulgaris extract. Only a cup of beans can give you 10% more possibilities to deal with cardiovascular problems a lot more efficiently than ever before.

Further Studies On Weight Loss

Several other studies look into the science of losing weight with carb blockers.

However, the bulk of the research shows white kidney bean extract to have an underwhelming efficacy.

In contrast, a couple of studies do show some potential positives of using a carb blocker, and they found that:

  • Using white kidney bean extract results in significant decreases in body fat while retaining lean body mass .
  • The compound may be an effective way to reduce the glycemic index of foods without changing their ingredient profile .

Sounds great, right?

Just one problem: both of these positive-sounding studies received funding from industry.

Specifically, Pharmachem Laboratories paid for the researcha company who manufacture and sell a carb blocker named Phase 2 .

In other words: take these results with a pinch of salt.

Personally, I would assert that the advantages of a well-implemented low-carb diet are more significant.

Key Point:

How Do You Stop Carb Absorption

The only way to stop carb absorption is by taking natural substances like white kidney bean extract, acting as carbohydrate blockers in the intestine. The goal is to let them pass your gut without getting broken by the amylase enzyme that turns them into simple sugar molecules. Much of the long-chain carbohydrates that are present in pasta, rice, and potatoes can pass through your intestine without giving extra sugar that is the number one path to increase fat in your body.

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Reduce Risk Of Cancer

Theres no evidence that white kidney bean extract reduces risk of cancer. However, this health claim may be related to the health benefits associated with common beans. So, not the extract, but the whole bean itself.

A 2021 systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical and randomized controlled trials published in Nutrients looked at the health benefits of common beans. As far as reducing risk of cancer, the authors of this review say theres not enough evidence to support these claims.

Natrol Carb Intercept With Phase 2 Customer Reviews

Natrol White Kidney Bean Carb Intercept  120 Capsules  Cornerstone ...

A lot of customers say Carb Intercept with Phase 2 either failed to work at all or did not provide them with the kind of results they hoped for. However, more people are happy with the results and the good reviews outnumber the bad.

Here are a couple of average 5-star reviews:

Now lets take a look at a couple of Carb Intercept with Phase 2 reviews from the other side of the fence:

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Natrol White Kidney Bean Carb Intercept Reviews: Is It Safe

What is Natrol White Kidney Bean Carb Intercept?

Carb Intercept is a product marketed by Natrol that is allegedly capable of helping your body better utilize fat and energy by affecting your bodys absorption of carbs and starches. As the name of the product implies, Natrol is apparently capable of helping you lose weight due to the inclusion of White Kidney Bean Extract, an ingredient that may possess the weight loss properties that Natrol claims its product to be capable of.

Of course, many products claim to be the best there is at helping your body to better deal with the things you put into it. Why should you choose Natrol over the other products that offer similar claims and weight loss results? Lets take a look at Natrols Carb Intercept product and see if it can stand up to the competition, or if its even effective at all.

Who makes it?

Carb Intercept is manufactured and distributed by Natrol, LLC. Natrol is a 35-year-old company that claims to be highly regarded and respected by the weight loss and health communities alike. The official Natrol website offers a phone number and email address as forms of contact, but does not list a physical address for the company, which is apparently located in Chatsworth, California.

How does it work?
Whats inside of it and are there any side effects?

Carb Intercept also contains calcium, chromium and sodium.

Whats good about it?
Whats bad about it?
Wrap up

Kidney Beans Suppress Hunger

Whether you want to get leaner or clean up your diet, kidney beans are a great choice. Dietary fiber, one of the most abundant nutrients in beans, makes it easier to maintain your weight and protects against chronic illnesses.

According to a meta-analysis published in the North American Journal of Medicine and Science in April 2015, this nutrient may lower all-cause mortality. Researchers have found that it may decrease heart disease risk by 23 percent, cancer risk by 17 percent and inflammatory disease risk by 43 percent. High-fiber intakes were associated with a 23 percent lower risk of death from all causes.

Furthermore, a diet rich in fiber may protect against digestive disorders. At the same time, fiber facilitates weight loss by increasing satiety. You’ve probably noticed that beans, chickpeas, kale, spinach and other high-fiber foods fill you up quickly and make it easier to stick to your diet. By adding beans to your meals, you’ll stay full longer and eat less without feeling hungry or deprived.

Kidney beans also boast large doses of protein, making them ideal for vegans, vegetarians and dieters. High-protein foods not only curb hunger but also help you build and preserve lean mass when combined with an exercise plan. Protein increases your metabolic rate too, leading to more calories burned throughout the day.

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Are There Any Side Effects

It does depend on the ingredients in question, but overall, carb blockers containing natural ingredients such as white kidney bean extract are safe.

However, like all supplements, there are side effects to be aware of.

Certain side effects which you may experience at first, or ongoing, are:

  • Stomach pain and cramping.

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White Kidney Bean for Weight Loss – Weight Loss Supplements

It is common knowledge that white kidney bean extract is a product rich in Vitamin B1, which is one of the basic vitamins to feed and protect the nerve cells in your brain. Foods abundant in Vitamin B1 like white kidney beans can also regulate your mood and improve your memory abilities when you follow this diet every single day.

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White Kidney Bean Extract Health Benefits + Side Effects

Carlos Tello, PhD Jonathan Ritter, PharmD, PhD Puya Yazdi, MDCarlos Tello, PhD

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Reduction In Abdominal Fat

Abdominal fat, also known as visceral fat, is the fat that surrounds all the vital organs in the abdominal cavity. Accumulation of abdominal fat is linked to chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, liver disease, and high blood pressure.

Its not clear whether supplementing with white kidney bean extract helps reduce abdominal fat or not. In the 2020 clinical study, the researchers noted a significant decrease in subcutaneous fat and waist circumference following the 35-day intervention.

However, the studies included in the 2020 review found mixed results. Meanwhile, both review studies from 2011 and 2020 noted that supplementation with white kidney bean extract had no effect on appetite, hunger, or energy levels.

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Does White Bean Extract Block Carbs

Background: A proprietary fractionated white bean extract of Phaseolus vulgaris has been shown in vitro to inhibit the digestive enzyme alpha-amylase. This may prevent or delay the digestion of complex carbohydrates, potentially resulting in weight loss.

How many carbs are in white kidney bean extract?

0gWhite Kidney Bean Extract contains 0g total carbs, 0g net carbs, 0g fat, 0g protein, and 0 calories.

Why is white kidney bean a carb blocker?

These compounds are naturally occurring and usually extracted from beans, particularly the white kidney bean, which is scientifically known as Phaseolus vulgaris. Carb blockers work by blocking the enzyme amylase, thereby inhibiting the digestion of the carbs or starches.

Why do carb blockers make you poop?

Carb blockers contain substances that inhibit some of the enzymes that break down these complex carbs . As a result, these carbs then pass into the large intestine without being broken down or absorbed.

The Best Carb Blocker

Natrol White Kidney Bean Carb Intercept  120 Capsules  Cornerstone ...

In my opinion, the best carb blocker is our lips.

And by that, I mean that if you dont want to digest carbs, then it might be better to avoid eating them in the first place.

Im not convinced that starch inhibitors do what they say. And even if they do, why would anyone take a pill that turns their food into little more than indigestible waste?

If the food you eat is that worthless, then its something you probably shouldnt be eating in the first place.

Key Point:

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The Manufacturing Process Of White Kidney Beans Extract

We all know how easy it would be to find plantations of white kidney beans, however, the process to get the extract is patented. In this review, you can check the various parts of the manufacturing process and make sure you understand with they are important to have the rich amylase blocker concentration.

  • The first step would be to rinse and clean the white kidney beans placing it underneath a crushing machine to take a powder.
  • Then you need to pass them through a 60-mesh sieve and dissolve the powder in purified water.
  • Gradually increase the temperature to 70 degrees Celsius and collect the effluent with a silica gel column.
  • Dry the effluent to collect the white kidney bean extract.

That is the main manufacturing way to receive the white kidney beans extract, which you can use to create supplements with carb blocker effects for your diet.

Is White Kidney Bean Extract Good For Weight Loss

White kidney bean extract is promoted as a starch blocker and weight-loss aid. Manufacturers say that it curbs hunger and cravings, inhibits carbohydrate absorption and reduces abdominal fat. While it’s true that kidney beans may aid in weight loss, supplements don’t have the same effect.

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The research on white kidney bean extract is limited. Kidney beans are a lot more nutritious and have proven health benefits. Rich in protein, fiber and bioactive compounds, these legumes increase satiety, kick-start your metabolism and keep you full for hours. Weight-loss supplements, on the other hand, are subject to debate and lack scientific proof.

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Carb Intercept With Phase 2 Review Conclusion

Natrol Carb Intercept with Phase 2 is a high-quality supplement produced by a reputable company that offers its customers a money-back guarantee. If you are sure you want to use a carb blocker, its a very good option to choose.

The product is stimulant-free and is unlikely to cause side effects for most people. A few users may have minor gut issues while their lower intestine adjusts to the presence of undigested carbs, but these problems should be short-lived.

However, although Natrol Carb Intercept with Phase 2 is a good carb blocker, before you buy it you need to be certain a carb blocker is the best option to choose.

Some dieters who love eating carbs opt for occasional cheat days. On these days, they throw caution to the wind and indulge their love of carbs. Dieters who do this often take carb blockers on their cheat days.

If you are serious about losing weight, cheat days are counterproductive. They can ruin all your hard work on non-cheat days and reduce your overall weight loss. They also have the potential to cause you to pile on extra pounds.

At best Natrol Carb Intercept may provide some damage limitation but it will not save you from all the extra calories you consume.

To get the best from the product, you need to use it alongside a low-calorie diet. Any extra calorie restriction the pills cause will cause you to burn additional fat.

About Tony Stevens

Evidence From Human Studies

Carbs Blocker – White Kidney Bean / Energetically Programed Audio

Several human studies, typically conducted in overweight or obese individuals, have explored the effect of WKBE on weight loss and other body composition measurements, with supplement doses typically ranging from 445 to 3000 mg/d, study durations ranging from 28 to 84 days, and sample sizes ranging from 10 to 120 participants . The majority of studies were randomised, double-blind placebo-controlled trials , with some setting a daily calorie intake for participants or complementing with a multi-component weight-loss program . The average weight loss from the human studies discussed was 2.6 kg and ranged from 1.8 to 3.5 kg.

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What To Look For

The Food and Drug Administration doesnt regulate dietary supplements for safety and effectiveness like it does for medications. Its up to the supplement maker to prove their product is safe before its made available to the public.

For your safety, look for dietary supplements with trusted third party labelssuch as the U.S. Pharmacopeia, NSF International, or ConsumerLabto make sure you are getting a supplement thats been properly tested.

You also want to closely examine the ingredients in your supplement, including the active ingredients. The active ingredients in supplements have physiological effects on your body that may cause adverse reactions or interact with other supplements or medications.

Avoid any dietary supplement that makes claims about easing symptoms or curing a disease. Its illegal for supplement makers to market their products as a treatment or cure for any disease, according to the FDA.

It’s also important to note that white kidney bean extract isolates the amylase inhibitors from the bean. Consequently, you may wonder if eating the bean can block the breakdown of carbohydrates as well as the supplement does.

Soaking and cooking common beans significantly decreases the amount of amylase inhibitor, according to a 2017 study published in the Journal of Food Science and Technology. This study found that soaking white kidney beans decreases the amylase inhibitor by 5% to 10%. Meanwhile, cooking reduces it by 80% to 93%.

The Side Effects Of Carb Blockers: Are They Safe

While carb blockers are considered to be very safe, that doesnt mean they wont come with adverse effects. As a result of altering carb digestion and letting more starch pass on to the large intestine, many people will experience several side effects like lowering blood sugar, diarrhea, bloating, stomach cramping, and gas.

The most common side effects, however, are experienced in the gastrointestinal system. This is caused by the increased fermentation that will happen in your large intestine as a result of the extra starch that passes through the intestinal tract.

Side effects from carb blockers may vary depending on the frequency and amount you use them. The gastrointestinal side effects are likely to diminish and eventually clear out altogether the more your body gets used to the use of carb blockers.

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Effects Of Wkbe On Cardiometabolic Markers And The Gut Microbiota

3.2.1. Blood Markers

Studies investigating the impact of WKBE on blood biochemistry have primarily focused on blood glucose, triglycerides and cholesterol. In both mice and rats supplemented with a variety of different WKBEs and administered doses between 500 mg/kg and 4 g/kg, improvements in blood glucose have been reported when compared with the control groups . Despite reductions in blood glucose, Tormo and colleagues did not observe accompanying improvements in plasma insulin levels . In a diet-induced mouse model of obesity, WKBE reduced the circulating concentrations of triglycerides, total cholesterol and Low-Density Lipoprotein when compared with mice given a high-fat diet alone . These findings were accompanied by significant reductions in serum glucose, insulin and Homeostatic Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance , and a reduced area under the curve following an oral glucose tolerance test . In addition, Micheli et al. reported a significant reduction in insulin, total cholesterol, LDL and circulating triglycerides in the WKBE group when compared with the high-fat control group. Similarly, induced dyslipidaemia increased the cholesterol and triglyceride levels in obese rats, however, following 70 days on a medium and high dose of WKBE, the triglycerides and LDL reduced significantly . In the latter two studies, a trend for improvements in total cholesterol and High-Density Lipoprotein was also observed .

3.2.2. Gut Microbiota Composition and Metabolism


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