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HomeMust ReadCan O Positive Donate Kidney To Anyone

Can O Positive Donate Kidney To Anyone

How To Donate Your Kidney

Can a person with O negative blood donate organs to anyone? – Dr. Vishwanath. S

This article was medically reviewed by . Dr. Ziats is an Internal Medicine Physician, Researcher, and Entrepreneur in biotechnology. He received his PhD in Genetics from the University of Cambridge in 2014, and completed his MD shortly thereafter, at Baylor College of Medicine in 2015.There are 14 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 36,808 times.

Whether you want to donate a kidney to someone you love or you just want to be a good samaritan, theres a lot you need to know. Donating a kidney can save someone elses life, but it is not without its risks. First, you need to do thorough research to make sure you really want to donate your kidney. Then you must endure a series of medical tests to find out if you are an eligible donor. If you pass all the tests, youre ready to start talking to your doctor about surgery.

What Happens After Surgery

Your doctor will prescribe medications to help manage your pain. Theyâll also want you to get up and start moving around shortly afterward.

As with any operation, there are possible aftereffects, like pain and infection. When you only have one kidney, there’s a greater chance of long-term issues like high blood pressure. Talk to your doctor about the possible problems you might face.

After donation, you should be able to live a pretty normal life. You’ll have to take pain pills for a short time after surgery. Your remaining kidney will grow bigger to help make up for the one thatâs gone. Your doctor may want you to make a few changes in your physical activity. They might tell you to avoid contact sports like football or soccer in order to protect your kidney.

What Disqualifies You From Being A Kidney Donor

you from beingdonor

. Subsequently, one may also ask, what are the side effects of donating a kidney?

Possible long-term risks to donating a kidney include hyper-tension , hernia, organ impairment and the need for organ transplant, kidney failure, and death.

Likewise, can someone with an autoimmune disease donate a kidney? Generally speaking, only healthy persons are eligible as a donor. Concerning chronic kidney diseases, including diseases in the beginning stages, there is a risk of damaging the kidney further during the donation. Autoimmune diseases also bear the risk of transmitting the condition onto the recipient.

Also to know, what is the criteria for kidney donor matching?

Your blood and tissue type must be compatible with your recipient’s. Besides being healthy, living donors must have compatible blood and tissue types with the kidney recipient. The transplant team will perform tests to see if your blood and tissues are compatible with the kidney recipient.

Can you be a kidney donor if you have had kidney stones?

Each transplant center has its own rules about who can donate. Usually, you can‘t be a kidney donor if you: Currently have symptoms of kidney stones. Have passed kidney stones repeatedly in the past.

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Understanding Abo Blood Type Compatibility

All people have one of four blood types: O, A, B and AB. We are all compatible with our own blood type and possibly with others:

  • AB patients can get a kidney of any blood type. They are the universal recipient.
  • A patients can get a kidney from someone with an O or A blood type.
  • B patients can get a kidney from someone with an O or B blood type.
  • O patients can only get a kidney from someone with the O blood type.

When a patient’s potential living donor has one blood type, and the patient has a different, incompatible blood type, that donor would typically be unsuitable for that patient.

Fortunately, depending on the situation, we can often turn an incompatible donor blood type into a successful transplant, using incompatible blood type transplant or other approaches, such as our Kidney Exchange Program.

You Dont Have To Be Related To Someone To Donate A Kidney To Them

What we need  Kidney Donor for Phil

In fact, one in four living organ donors is not biologically related to the recipient . Spouses, in-laws, close friends, church members, and even members of the same community can all be living donors.

It’s true that family members have a higher chance of being a good match. But living donor transplants are more successful compared to kidneys from deceased donors because these kidneys come from living donors.

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Positive Crossmatch And Sensitized Patients

About 30% of transplant patients are sensitized. This means that they have harmful antibodies which will attack foreign tissue, such as the transplanted organ from a living donor. These antibodies develop through a previous exposure to foreign tissue, such as through pregnancy, previous transplants, or blood transfusions. Sensitized patients may wait three to four times longer than unsensitized patients for a compatible deceased donor kidney.To test a recipient for these antibodies, a sample of their blood is mixed with a sample of the potential donors blood. This test is called a crossmatch, and shows how a recipients antibodies react with the potential donors. Test results can be either positive or negative. It may seem confusing at first, but a positive crossmatch means that a donor and recipient are not compatible.

A positive crossmatch results in the recipients antibodies attacking the donors which means the kidney is not suitable for transplant.

A negative crossmatch means that the recipients antibodies do not attack the donors which means the kidney is suitable for transplant.

How Does Living Donation Work

Because a person can live with only one kidney, living donation offers another choice for some transplant candidates. The average waiting time for a donor kidney from a deceased donor is 3 to 5 years. A kidney from a living donor offers patients an alternative to years of dialysis and time on the national transplant waiting list. With living donation, a patient may be able to receive a transplant in 1 year or less. After donation, the living organ donors remaining kidney will enlarge, doing the work of 2 healthy kidneys.

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What Happens If You Donate A Kidney And Then Need One

Becoming a kidney donor can slightly predispose you to some health problems that might lead to the need for a kidney transplant later in life. After all, one kidney is doing the job normally done by two. In other words, previous kidney donors get priority status to receive a donor kidney if they need one.

Every Blood Type Has Its Perks

Can a wife donate kidney to her husband with different blood group?-Dr Girish NS

Your blood is in high demand! Most hospitals need O Positive because it can be used in a trauma situation! Most of the time, O Positive blood is used for trauma, air medical services, and ambulance emergencies.

How many people have my blood type?

O+ makes up 37% of the population! Thats a lof of people who have this amazing blood type!

Who can I give to?

You can give to O+, A+, B+, and AB+.

Who can I receive from?

You can receive from other O+ and O-.

What’s My preferred donation type?

Your blood type is best utilized when you give whole blood and Red Cells . Look below to see the details of each donation type!

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Who Can I Give My Kidney To

You can donate a kidney to a family member or friend who needs one. You can also give it to someone you don’t know. Doctors call this a ânondirectedâ donation, in which case you might decide to meet the person you donate to, or choose to stay anonymous. Either way, doctors will give your kidney to the person who needs it most and is the best match.

How Can I Volunteer

Direct personal communication is the key to making sure the process of assessment for living kidney donation goes smoothly. This is true both for donors and for recipients. If you want to be considered as a potential kidney donor, for a friend or family member, you will need to make direct contact with the kidney Transplant Office at Beaumont Hospital and ask to speak with one of the kidney Transplant Co-ordinators. Phone number is 01-852 8397.

It is important to be aware that we will not commence the evaluation of a potential living donor until the recipient has been evaluated by the transplant team. This means that a potential recipient must be suitable for transplant and must be on the active waiting pool for a deceased donor kidney. It is important to discuss your wish to donate a kidney with the potential recipient, since we can not evaluate a potential donor until we have the consent of the recipient to do so.

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Finding A Kidney Donor

Once your doctor has determined that youre a good candidate for a kidney transplant, youll need to be matched with a kidney donor who is compatible with you in tissue and blood type. There are several ways to go about finding a kidney donor.

  • Talk to family and close friends about kidney donation. Because youll need to find a compatible kidney donor, a blood relative may be your best matchthough a kidney could also come from a close friend, acquaintance, or co-worker. Talking openly about your donor search can help identify possible donors.
  • Place your name on the kidney transplant waiting list to receive a donor kidney. Even if you might find a donor on your own, its important to register on the donor list as a backup. With todays advanced donor-matching technology, its possible to find a good match with a living or deceased donor. For more information on how to get started, talk to your social worker.
  • Register for a paired kidney exchange program. If you have a potential donor who turns out not to be a match for you, a paired kidney exchange programsometimes called a kidney swapcan match pairs of recipients and their incompatible donors so that you each receive compatible kidneys.
  • What Blood Types Match

    Can someone with AB
    • Donors with blood type A… can donate to recipients with blood types A and AB
    • Donors with blood type B… can donate to recipients with blood types B and AB
    • Donors with blood type AB… can donate to recipients with blood type AB only
    • Donors with blood type O… can donate to recipients with blood types A, B, AB and O
    • Recipients with blood type O… can receive a kidney from blood type O only
    • Recipients with blood type A… can receive a kidney from blood types A and O
    • Recipients with blood type B… can receive a kidney from blood types B and O
    • Recipients with blood type AB… can receive a kidney from blood types A, B, AB and O

    The National Kidney Foundation is the largest, most comprehensive and longstanding organization dedicated to the awareness, prevention and treatment of kidney disease.

    The Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance Charity Seal provides the giving public with an easily recognizable symbol which certifies that the National Kidney Foundation meets the comprehensive standards of America’s most experienced charity evaluator.

    © 2019 National Kidney Foundation, Inc., 30 East 33rd Street, New York, NY 10016, 1-800-622-9010. We subscribe to the HONcode principles of the Health on the Net Foundation. Verify here

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    How Long Does A Donated Kidney Last

    We always base our predictions on historical data, which on the whole shows an increasing lifespan of transplant kidneys with time. The lifespan will always be influenced by the donors age and their medical problems, as well as the medical problems of the recipient.

    On average we would expect a living donated kidney to last over 15 years and a deceased donor kidney around 10-12 years. Of course, this is an average – some last a lot more and some less.

    If you would like to become a kidney donor, register your interest using these forms available from the NHS.

    To make an appointment with Dr David Game, visit his Top Doctors profile and check his availability.

    Living Kidney Donation Is Safe

    If you are healthy, donating a kidney wont make you more likely to get sick or have major health problems. Like any surgery, the procedure does have some risks. But overall, living kidney donation is safe. In most cases, donating a kidney will not not raise your risk of kidney disease, diabetes, or other health problems.

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    Why Become A Living Donor

    Individuals volunteer to donate a kidney for a variety of reasons. Oftentimes donors are motivated by watching someone close to them wait a long time for a transplant or seeing a loved one suffer in some way as a result of kidney problems.

    Other reasons for wanting to donate a kidney include feeling a duty to do something for a loved one who is unwell or feeling that it will benefit the donors life to have their loved one free of dialysis. Research has shown the reasons for donating can vary, such as:

    • Desire to help.
    • Selfbenefit from recipients improved health.
    • Logic.

    While all these motives might be acceptable reasons to be a donor, more complex reasons can also be involved, such as:

    • Offering to donate a kidney because of feeling pressure from others , perhaps because the situation seems urgent, or it appears that the ill person has no other options.
    • Offering to donate because of feelings of guilt, or feeling that it is your duty as a close relative/ friend.
    • Offering to donate to right past wrongs, to feel good about yourself, or to feel closer to the person to whom you are donating.

    Most people have a number of reasons for donating, and it is normal for different issues to come up when you are thinking about becoming a donor. It is important that these are discussed openly during your donor work-up, and this discussion forms part of your meeting with the team, particularly the psychologist.

    Why Donations Are So Important

    What Blood Type Can Donate To Others? – Behind the News

    Latest studies have shown that someone in the US needs a blood transfusion every 2 seconds each day in the United States. The average person can only donate 1 pint of whole blood in a single donation and the shelf life is 42 days, which is why the need to keep replenishing the supply to meet demand is great. Only 38% of the population in the United State are eligible to donate blood, but only 3% donate.

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    What If Me And My Donor Are Not A Match

    If blood types are not compatible, the donor will not be able to donate directly to you. However, the donor may consider donating through a paired exchange program. Paired exchange programs allow you to get a kidney from another donor who is not a match for their intended recipient. Paired exchange involves two living donors and two recipients. If the recipient from one pair is compatible with the donor from the other pair, and vice versa the transplant center may arrange for a “swap”for two simultaneous transplants to take place. This allows two transplant candidates to receive organs and two donors to give organs though the original recipient/donor pairs were unable to do so with each other.

    Figure 1:In paired exchange, an incompatible donor/ recipient pair are matched with another incompatible donor/recipient pair for a “swap”. Each donor gives a kidney to the other person’s intended recipient.

    Both donors and candidates are carefully evaluated and tested medically and psychologically to assure that the benefits outweigh the risks. It is important for both surgeries to be scheduled for the same time in case either donor changes their mind at the time of surgery. Surgeries can take place at the same or different hospitals. It can be advantageous if the surgeries take place at the same hospital though this may mean extra costs of travel and housing for one couple.

    Your Unique Donation Type


    In the United States, only 15% of the poplulation has a negative antigen! This means that negatives need to donate more to make up for the need for rh-negative transfusions.


    In the United States, 85% of the population has this Rh-positive blood factor, which means most people have positive blood types.

    History of The Blood Connection

    A group of physicians, hospital and civic leaders decided on a plan to serve the needs of patients in the community and formed The Greenville Blood Assurance Plan.


    The Greenville Blood Assurance Plan was officially merged into a new organization called Carolina-Georgia Blood Center. This created a central resource for collecting and processing blood and blood products, ensuring patients access to blood available in the region.


    The board of trustees adopted the mission-oriented name, The Blood Connection.

    Growth of The Blood Connection

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    Why Is Type O Blood So Important

    Before the discovery of blood types in 1901, people were receiving blood transfusions regardless of blood type. These transfusions were the cause of many deaths due to the incompatibilities. We have come a long way since 1901. Research and understanding of blood type compatibility safeguards patients today against adverse reactions.

    Learn More About Your Blood Type Compatibility
    • O negative is the most common blood type used for transfusions when the blood type is unknown. This is why it is used most often in cases of trauma, emergency, surgery and any situation where blood type is unknown. O negative is the universal blood type.
    • O negative blood type can only receive O negative blood.
    • O negative donors who are CMV negative are known as Heroes for Babies at the Red Cross because it is the safest blood for transfusions for immune deficient newborns. Learn more about how you can be a Hero for a Baby.
    • Only 7% of the population have O negative blood. Due to the its versatility for transfusions, it is in high demand. In an emergency, it is the blood product of choice. For example, just one car accident victim can require up to 100 units of O neg. Meeting the demand for O negative blood is always a priority for the Red Cross.
    • O negative is the first blood supply to run out during a shortage due to its universality.


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