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Is Kidney Disease A Disability

Kidney Transplant Under Listing 604

Fast Track Approvals for Kidney Disease Disability Claims

If you chronic kidney disease is so severe that you require a kidney transplant, then the SSA will find you are under a disability for one year following the transplant.

  • 6.04 Chronic kidney disease,with kidney transplant. Consider under a disability for 1 year following the transplant thereafter, evaluate the residual impairment
  • Kidney transplant.
  • If you receive a kidney transplant, the SSA will consider you to be disabled under 6.04 for 1 year from the date of transplant. After that, they will evaluate your residual impairments by considering your post-transplant function, any rejection episodes you have had, complications in other body systems, and any adverse effects related to ongoing treatment.
  • If you received a kidney transplant, your CKD may meet the SSAs definition of disability before you received the transplant. The SSA will determine the onset of your disability based on the facts in your case record.
  • Here Are Some Of The Steps You Can Take To Apply:

    • Try to find out how much dialysis limits you: Before you initiate your application, it can be vital to assess and document your situation to determine how your life is affected by dialysis. This can help the SSA to have a better understanding of your circumstance during the process.

    For instance, many people undergo kidney dialysis as a result of chronic kidney disease. This can cause some adverse reactions, such as nausea, fatigue, and other kinds of ailments. People who experience these side effects may face a difficult time performing everyday tasks. The more the dialysis causes limitations on your daily life, the more likely you will qualify for disability for kidney disease.

    • Review the blue book and determine whether your disability may qualify under one of the listings: To qualify for Social Security disability benefits, applicants generally should be entirely and permanently disabled. SSA usually requires that people suffer from a physical or mental disorder for more than a year that prevents them from working. To determine this, SSA compares all applicants to the requirements set forth within the blue book.

    For example, a person with sufficient credits may qualify for SSDI, while a person with no work history might be eligible for SSI.

    How To Get Tested For Kidney Disease

    If you ever suspect any issues with your kidney, immediately set up an appointment to get tested. When you go in for an appointment, the physician will usually take a urine sample to measure the amount of protein in the urine. Kidney disease occurs if 30 mg or more of albumin is measured. From there, the physician will do further testing to see how far the disease has affected the kidney.

    If you have diabetes, there will also be blood samples to determine how much waste your kidney can filter for your blood.

    A properly functioning kidney secretes less than 30 mg of albumin.

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    What You Need To Know About Kidney Disease And Va Disability Benefits

    If you have been diagnosed with kidney disease, you likely know it is a serious medical condition that can impact your overall health and well-being. If you have kidney disease that is connected to your service in the U.S. military, you may qualify for benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs.

    However, before seeking benefits for this condition, there are a few things you must know. Keep reading to learn more.

    Individual Or Group Long

    Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 3 Va Disability Rating

    Healthcare professionals widely acknowledge that end-stage renal failure leaves most claimants totally disabled. Youll typically qualify for long-term disability benefits and for Social Security if you have need or the requisite quarters of earnings if a treating physician has diagnosed you with stage 5 kidney failure because youre likely unable to engage in any type of meaningful work for which youre trained, educated, or suited, taking into consideration your station in life.

    SSDI benefits, however, seldom cover your cost of living, especially with mounting medical bills. Claimants with ESRD are immediately eligible for Medicare no matter their age. This can help cover the cost of expensive dialysis.

    Medicare and SSDI may still not provide enough income to get by. Claimants may need to turn to their individual long-term disability benefits, or the group long-term disability insurance offered through their employer.

    Many individual and group long-term disability insurance companies will try to deny ESRD benefits, claiming in bad faith that your condition is preexisting.

    Your individual or group long-term disability insurer will also offset benefits you receive or are eligible to receive from SSDI, but you may claim both. Youre entitled to receive individual or group long-term disability benefits for kidney disease at any stage provided youre unable to perform the important duties of your occupation.

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    Limitations For Specific Jobs

    If you suffer from kidney failure, there are specific jobs that you will not even be able to attempt anymore. As an example, if you must undergo dialysis or you have recently had a kidney transplant, you wont be able to work as a commercial vehicle driver because you wont have access to the treatment you need when you need it and the frequent sitting can cause the swelling in your legs and feet to worsen significantly.

    You will also no longer be able to work as an educator, policeman, or firefighter because of the need for dialysis and wearing a port, the risks of infection, the malaise, and the edema impacting your mobility.

    Working in a factory or operating machinery such as saws is impossible if you are suffering from bone pain, severe swelling, and diastolic hypertension. Peripheral neuropathy will make moving your hands and arms unbearable, and the swelling and pain of the legs and feet will make standing or even sitting long periods unbearable so you cant work on an assembly line or pack goods for shipping. You wont be able to lift and carry boxed items, so you cant work in a warehouse or as a stocker.

    Accommodating Employees With Renal/kidney Disease

    People with limitations from renal/kidney disease may develop some of the limitations discussed below, but seldom develop all of them. Also, the degree of limitation will vary among individuals. Be aware that not all people who are aging will need accommodations to perform their jobs and many others may only need a few accommodations. The following is only a sample of the possibilities available. Numerous other accommodation solutions may exist.

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    How Can I Get Approved For Disability Benefits For Kidney Failure

    Phone 1-888-939-4692

    A chronic kidney disease diagnosis can seemingly come out of nowhere. Patients often dont know they have it until they experience kidney failure or kidney impairment shows up in routine blood work. Medical treatments can slow disease progression, but there is no known cure for chronic kidney conditions. Eventually, end-stage renal disease may prevent you from working. The good news is that Social Security Disability benefits might help you pay the bills.

    Risk Factors And Complications Associated With Kidney Disease

    VA Disability Ratings for Kidney Disease

    Most treating doctors will monitor your kidney function during routine checkups. Sometimes kidney failure results from an underlying genetic condition, and sometimes its related to poor lifestyle choices or a traumatic accident. The following risk factors can increase the likelihood that you will develop kidney disease:

    • Diabetes, either Type 1 or 2
    • Inflammation around the kidneys caused by autoimmune conditions
    • High blood pressure
    • Habitual kidney and urinary tract infections
    • Urine backup into your kidney
    • Abnormal kidney development/structure

    Kidney damage leading to chronic kidney disease and in turn kidney failure is often related to obesity, smoking, and overuse of aspirin and certain pain relievers.

    Your kidneys can heal themselves to a certain extent. For example, a puncture wound to the outer wall of a kidney may scar and heal. However, if the delicate nephrons that make up your kidneys sustain damage because of kidney disease, they will not regenerate. Your nephrons actually filter the blood in your body, removing toxins. Each kidney contains more than one-million nephrons, so that you can function with a minor loss.

    Severe damage to your nephrons will render your kidneys all but useless, leaving you with the following complications from kidney disease and kidney failure:

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    What Is Social Security Disability

    Social Security Disability Insurance is a government program that supports Americans who are medically unable to work. When someone says theyre on disability for a long period, they usually mean that theyre getting payments from Social Security Disability.The program is huge: About 10 million Americans receive SSDI today, and about 2% of every U.S. paycheck goes to fund the program via taxes.

    Getting Help With Va Benefits For Kidney Disease

    Are you dealing with military related kidney disease? You may already know that the codes and rating system used by the VA can be complicated. Because of this, getting help with your situation is highly recommended and a Veterans Service Officer or Accredited Claims Agent may be a good start. Taking the right steps can help ensure your claim for benefits will be approved, which is the goal, after all. Understanding what to expect can help prepare you for the battle you may face to acquire benefits.

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    Chronic Kidney Disease & Ssd Benefits

    Chronic Kidney Disease can result in disabling impairments which prevent you from working. If you have CKD you may qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income benefits. In order to be eligible for SSD benefits, you must have a disability that keeps you from working for over 12 months.

    SSD and SSI benefits are designed for people who cannot work at any job. SSD benefits come with Medicare benefits. Learn more about Medicare benefits here. SSI benefits, by contrast, come with Medicaid benefits. In order to obtain SSI benefits, you must be disabled and meet the income and asset requirements. You can learn more information about Medicaid benefits here.

    Can I Get Disability Benefits For Kidney Disease

    Disability Claims for Kidney Cancer

    Chronic renal failure caused by kidney disease can qualify you for Social Security Disability benefits in many circumstances. It’s not important what has caused your kidney disease , just that you have symptoms of renal failure that is chronic . CRF can also be referred to as chronic kidney failure or end-stage renal disease .

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    Section 600 Of The Listing Of Impairments

    The specific kidney conditions in Section 6.00 of the Listing of Impairments include:

    • Chronic kidney disease with chronic hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis . Dialysis must have lasted, or be expected to last for at least 12 months.
    • Chronic kidney disease with kidney transplant . This is considered a disability for one year after the date of transplant. After one year, your continued disability would be evaluated if you have a residual impairment.
    • Chronic kidney disease with impairment of kidney function . In order to qualify pursuant to this section you must have reduced glomerular filtration evidenced by specific lab results at least twice, 90 days apart, and within 12 months. Additionally, you must have renal osteodystrophy, peripheral neuropathy, fluid overload syndrome, or anorexia with weight loss.
    • Nephrotic syndrome . This condition causes you to excrete too much protein your urine. If your lab findings meet certain requirements over a specific amount of time then you may be eligible for disability benefits.
    • Complications of chronic kidney disease.. In some cases, it is not the diagnosis of the kidney disease, but instead it is the complications that you suffer from it that make you eligible for Social Security disability benefits.

    Benefits That Come From Kidney Disease Solution

    With this program, here are the advantages you are likely to observe in your health and kidney function:

    • A comprehensive and holistic method of treating kidney disease
    • A natural treatment method that doesnt make use of drugs, supplements, or procedures
    • Lowering kidney load and reducing the accumulation of toxin within the kidneys
    • Enhanced overall health with simple lifestyle changes
    • Better diet through understanding the best foods to eat and what to avoid for healthy kidneys
    • Lower stress levels and better sleep by guided meditation and yoga exercises
    • More energy throughout the day

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    What If I Cant Work But Dont Meet The Blue Book Criteria

    Sometimes those who are disabled because of a medical condition cannot meet the specific criteria of a medical listing in the Blue Book. If that is the case, you can still get approved for disability benefits.

    There is another approach, which is called a medical vocational allowance, that allows for disability claims to be approved. Using this approach, several things are considered and a residual functional capacity is filled out in detail.

    When a medical vocational allowance is used, your claim taking all your medical conditions, age, work history, transferrable skills, educational background, treatments, symptoms, side effects, and other details are taken into consideration.

    They will look at everything together to determine what kind of work if any you can do. They will then determine if you qualify for disability benefits from the Social Security Administration .

    The RFC is filled out in detail. If your treating physician completes one, that can be very beneficial to your claim. Your treating physician should know more about your limitations, restrictions, and overall health than anyone else would.

    The RFC will put the specifics on your abilities, restrictions and limitations. As an example, you may not be able to stand for more than an hour at a time because of your fatigue and edema.

    Va Disability Ratings For Kidney Disease Determine How Much Benefits You Receive

    Kidney Disease Disability Claims

    If you are a disabled veteran seeking disability compensation from the VA for kidney disease, how much compensation you qualify for depends on the rating the VA assigns to your condition. The more severe your disability, the higher the rating.

    The VA rates kidney disease at one of five levels: 0 percent, 30 percent, 60 percent, 80 percent, and 100 percent.

    • 0 percent: If your chronic kidney disease is still in the first stages and has no noticeable symptoms, youll receive a zero percent rating, which is non-compensable.
    • 30 percent: You can receive a 30 percent rating if your symptoms include fluid retention, swelling, and high blood pressure. These symptoms, along with a marked reduction in kidney function will result in a VA rating of 60 percent.
    • 80 percent: If you are experiencing generalized poor health characterized by lethargy, weakness, anorexia, weight loss, or limitation of exertion the VA will rate your kidney disease at 80 percent.number
    • 100 percent: If you require regular dialysis or the symptoms of your kidney disease are so severe that you are capable of only sedentary activity due to decreased function of kidney or other organ systems, especially the cardiovascular system, your disease will be rated 100 percent.

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    How Long Can You Live If You Donate A Kidney

    Living donation does not change life expectancy, and after recovery from the surgery, most donors go on to live happy, healthy, and active lives. For kidney donors, the usual recovery time after the surgery is short, and donors can generally resume their normal home and working lives within two to six weeks.

    Probably Don’t Apply If:

    • You dont have symptoms making it hard to work , OR
    • You’re working and don’t plan to stop

    Whether you decide to apply now or later, the best thing you can do in the meantime is to get as much medical care as possible. Get in to see a nephrologist , try the treatment they recommend, and go back for follow-up visits. This will help build the paper trail you need to get benefits. And more importantly, its critical for your health.

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    Population Characteristics By Ckd And Age

    Tables 2â3 shows that, overall, those with CKD were older and more likely to be female than those with no CKD. The use of the CKD-EPI equation resulted in a lower prevalence of CKD stage 3â4 in participants aged < 65 years and also in women and non-Hispanic whites. However, despite these differences in prevalence, the associations of population characteristics with CKD severity were similar using the CKD-EPI equation. Those with CKD stages 1 and 2 were more likely to be non-Hispanic black, to not have a high school diploma, and to report less physical activity than those with either no CKD or CKD stages 3 and 4. Among older adults, those with CKD were more likely to have lower income than those without CKD. Likelihood of insured status and a reported routine site for healthcare were higher in CKD. Regardless of age group, those with CKD were more likely to report diabetes, CVD, arthritis, and cancer and to have hypertension, anemia, and inflammation.

    The Kidney Disease Solution Ebook

    â What Is The Va Disability Rating For Kidney Disease

    Its the main section of the program which has 114 pages split in 13 sections. Its a complete step-by-step guide to the entire program. It includes all the details that you require to alter your life style and improving your kidneys. The solutions found in the book are supported by the latest studies and research, all in an easy to understand language.

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    Will My Chronic Kidney Disease Qualify For Long Term Disability Benefits

    As you may know, simply applying for long term disability benefits is not enough to receive them. To receive long term disability, you will have to prove that your kidney disease significantly impacts your life and prevents you from returning to work for the foreseeable future. To prove that you truly qualify for long term disability benefits, you should obtain medical documents regarding your illness, such as MRIs, x-rays, or doctors notes. You should also ensure that you hire a competent long term disability attorney who can fight for the benefits you deserve and need to move on with your life. As long as you can prove you qualify, you should receive either one lump-sum payment or monthly insurance payments. These payments can help you stay afloat until you can retire.


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