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HomeMust ReadDoes Protein Powder Cause Kidney Damage

Does Protein Powder Cause Kidney Damage

/1310 Side Effects Of Whey Protein You Should Be Aware Of

Is Protein Powder Bad For You? | Acne, Hair Loss and Kidney Damage

With gyms being closed across the country, quarantines and lockdowns got us all working out at our homes to achieve that perfect summer body. Be it yogasanas, lifting weights or treadmill runs, we have somehow found our way through it all. For those who are working out, supplements or specifically protein supplements can act as catalysts for muscle building and increasing athletic abilities. Protein is an important element for rebuilding and repairing our muscles, both processes integral to bodybuilding.

Does Coffee Give You Kidney Stones

Caffeine intake has been shown to be associated with increased urinary calcium excretion and, as such, could potentially increase the risk of developing kidney stones, although in our previous reports we consistently found an inverse association between consumption of caffeine-containing beverages, such as coffee …

Whey Protein: Kidney And Liver Function

Even during short-term use, whey protein consumption was found to negatively affect kidney function. In a 2011 study, those who consumed whey protein during the experiment experienced increased plasma urea, urinary volume, and urinary calcium excretion while the pH of urinary citrate decreased. Essentially, this indicates an increased taxing of the kidneys, which marks the first step in kidney disease.In regards to liver function, those who live generally sedentary lives are most affected. Researchers found that when not exercising, the proteins from the whey supplement ended up going to the liver for processinginstead of being used for muscle synthesis. Over time, sedentary participants showed signs of early liver injury. While whey protein is heavily used by athletes, many non-athletes consume it as well. Whey protein can be found in meal replacement shakes and other diet-related food products that promise weight loss or increased muscle mass through food alone. This becomes an issue because consumers are led to believe that whey is akin to a superfood, when in reality it could damage their liver over time.

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Does Protein Itself Raise Urine Calcium

Four studies appear to fit the needs for data in that they are trials of protein loading in a rather pure form, using foods and with considerable care for total nutrition. Of these, one used alkali to offset the protein acid load. The points taken from these additional reports are here.

The Fenton data are in a faded blue, for visual contrast. The protein load studies are in red. The pentagon and diamond are protein load +KCl and the same protein load + K Citrate in a single trial.

In these trials, protein intake was varied over a two fold range, mostly from about 1 to about 2 gm/kg/day.

More or less the data fall on the Fenton plot.

In the one special trial it is obvious that the K Citrate lowered the change in NAE without affecting the change in urine calcium. So it is possible to dissociate a protein effect from its acid base effect within the controlled environment of a trial. Given the modest quantitative changes in NAE it is possible that natural variability of urine calcium excretion might have permitted apparent stability despite the lack of a change in NAE in one point and a significant increase of NAE in the other, but the statistical testing is based on the observed variability and gave a low probability from chance alone.

Essentially the trial of diamonds and pentagons tells us that protein itself has a renal effect on calcium handling.

Effect Of Protein Restriction On Proteinuria And Albuminuria

Kidney Disease And Protein Shakes

Urinary protein or albumin excretion, a surrogate of the progression of CKD, increases with damages in podocytes and proximal tubular cells. In turn proteinuria induces apoptosis of renal tubules and impairs podocyte regeneration, which leads to tubular atrophy and progressive renal failure . Protein restriction has been demonstrated to lower proteinuria by 20â50% in patients with CKD, and a linear-relationship between reduction of protein intake and decrease in proteinuria is reported. LPD may exert its vasoconstrictive effect at afferent arterioles while the renin-angiotensin system inhibition treatment preferentially decreases efferent resistance. Indeed LPD shows additive anti-proteinuric effect over the RAAS inhibition treatment. Thus, the combined treatment with LPD and the RAAS blockade may be warranted to achieve lower urinary protein levels and to further reduce risk of CKD progression.

Effect of high dietary protein intake on kidney

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Researchers at Brigham and Womens Hospital have found that high-protein diets may be associated with kidney function decline in women who already have mildly reduced kidney function. On further analysis, the risk was only significant for animal proteins, indicating that the source of protein may be an important factor. Researchers observed no association between high protein intake and decline in kidney function in women with normally functioning kidneys. These findings appear in the March 18 issue of Annals of Internal Medicine.

The potential impact of protein consumption on renal function has important public health implications given the prevalence of high-protein diets and use of protein supplements, said Eric C. Knight, BWH researcher. We found that among women with mildly reduced kidney function about 25 percent of individuals in our study a higher-protein diet may lead to accelerated decline in kidney function compared with a lower-protein diet.

Importantly, however, we also demonstrated that for women with normal renal function, high-protein diets appeared to have no adverse impact on their kidney function.

Approximately 20 million people suffer from chronic kidney disease and more than 20 million others are at increased risk. If the disease progresses to what is known as end-stage renal disease , dialysis or transplantation is required for survival.

Can Protein Powder Cause Digestive Problems

Protein powder is a quick and effective way to nourish your body, which is why so many people use it for various reasons. From building muscle mass, losing weight, improving sports performance, to enhancing overall wellness, protein powder is a great solution!

However, not all protein powders are created equal.

Some can cause digestive problems like stomach cramps, bloating, and frequent trips to the bathroom. So if your protein powder is causing stomach problems, its worth paying attention to it. You might be drinking it too soon after a workout, it may contain lactose, sugar, or sweeteners.

So heres a few things to pay attention to if you want to use protein powder without side-effects:

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What Is Protein Powder

Protein powders are powdered forms of protein that come from plants , eggs, or milk . The powders may include other ingredients such as added sugars, artificial flavoring, thickeners, vitamins, and minerals. The amount of protein per scoop can vary from 10 to 30 grams. Supplements used for building muscle contain relatively more protein, and supplements used for weight loss contain relatively less.

You May Not Be Getting As Much Protein As You Think You Are

Protein And Kidney Disease: Does protein cause kidney damage and is plant protein safer

The grams of protein on the label may not match what’s in the tub, says Swisher. “Protein powders are usually generally safe however, they are not tightly regulated. Some dubious manufacturers have been known to ‘protein spike’ their products, a way of cheating the test to determine protein content. This means that your protein powder may not have as much protein as what is advertised,” he explains.

That may not sound too concerning, but it could be dangerous for some people. That’s because there are some people who may not get enough protein throughout the day and may benefit from getting a protein boost, according to registered dietitian Amanda A. Kostro Miller, RD, LDN, who serves on the advisory board for Fitter Living. “Such populations include: elderly, those with poor food intake , those in hypermetabolic states , malnourished, and very active teens.” If people with these conditions are relying on protein powder as one of their protein sources, then they might not be meeting the nutritional requirements they need for a healthy diet.

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How Much Protein Do We Need

A subsequent WHO meta analysis of mostly the same underlying data supplemented by more recent studies comes to much the same conclusions, but in perhaps a more nuanced manner. A more recent analytical critique of the whole matter is not remarkably far off in estimates for adults, though pregnancy and childhood seem controversial.

This summary graph from the critique gives a sense of how the protein requirements are set. The median requirement is where about half of all studied subjects were in neutral nitrogen balance their body protein mass would be stable, a very important matter. The safe population intake is set higher. The safe individual value is high enough enough that 97.5% of the individuals in a population would be in balance: almost all people would not lose protein mass consuming this amount of protein for example muscle. The Safe population intake is set higher. Although the safe individual intake is correct, within a population individual requirements vary, so the recommended level needs to be increased so that 97.5% of the individuals in a population offered that recommendation will be in balance.

That number from the WHO meta-analysis, the safe population intake, is about 1.05 gm/kg body weight/day.

Can It Cause Constipation And Nutritional Deficiencies

Constipation is not a normal side effect of whey protein.

For a few people, a lactose intolerance may cause constipation by slowing the movement of the gut .

However, constipation is more likely caused when people eat fewer fruits and vegetables in favor of whey protein, especially when theyre on a low-carb diet.

Fruits and vegetables are a great source of fiber, which helps form stool and promotes regular bowel movements .

If you suspect that whey protein makes you constipated, check whether you are eating enough fruits and vegetables. You can also try taking a soluble fiber supplement.

Another reason why replacing whole foods with whey protein is a bad idea is because it may increase your risk of nutrient deficiencies.

Whole foods, especially fruits and vegetables, are nutrient-rich and contain a variety of minerals necessary for optimal health.

Therefore, its important to keep eating a balanced diet while youre taking whey protein.

Summary: You may be at risk of constipation and nutrient deficiencies if you replace fruits and vegetables in your diet with whey protein. Eating a balanced diet can help counter these effects.

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Protein Powder Is The Cause Of Diabetes And Kidney Failure

According to Prof.Dr.Mehmet Isbirs statement, as protein is an important nutrient for the human body, it can usually be taken directly from animal products or nutritional products.

The Girne American Universitys Faculty of Pharmacy, the Head of the Pharmacology Branch, Prof.Dr.Mehmet Isbir, mentioned some important points about those who do sports and frequently use protein powder to get more muscles in a short time, are damaging their body and is causing damages that can not be treated.

This is what Mr.Isbir said in his statement:

Plant Protein Causes A Lot Of Harm

Nowadays, we have 2 types of proteins what we call synthetic protein, which is vegetal or whey or casein protein.Both of these are produced from milk. We advise these proteins to the elderly. We advise these to those who has metabolism disorder, those who cant turn protein into amino acid. Recently, plant proteins came out and the harm they cause is very high.

Everything Is Poisonous. The Dose Separates The Difference

We have a famous saying, Everything is poisonous the dose separates the difference. It harms the digestive system, whey and casein proteins are produced from milk. If a persons body is lactose intolerance which this is hard for them to know, when they start using these their bowel, digestive system will not work properly. Things like throwing-up and diarrhea starts to happen.

Protein Powders Cause You to Gain Weight In An Unhealthy Way

Is It Safe To Use Herbal Supplements If I Have Kidney Disease


You may think about using herbal supplements to help with any health concerns you may have, but as a patient with kidney disease, you should use caution with herbal supplements.

Use of herbal supplements is often unsafe if you have kidney disease since some herbal products can cause harm to your kidneys and even make your kidney disease worse. Also, your kidneys cannot clear waste products that can build up in your body.

The herbal supplement market is a multi-million dollar business. You may hear from a friend or family member about an herbal supplement that they think has improved their health or well-being and they suggest it to you. While this advice may be fine for them, it can be dangerous for you with kidney disease.

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Studies On High Protein Intake And Kidney Health

We will now take a look at four relevant randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews.

In each of these papers, the researchers were trying to establish whether too much dietary protein can damage the kidneys, and what risks high protein diets may have.

1. A High Protein Diet Has No Harmful Effects: A One-Year Crossover Study in Resistance-Trained Males

In this randomized controlled study, Jose Antonio of the International Society of Sports Nutrition led research into potential harms of a high-protein diet in resistance-trained individuals .

The study lasted for 12 months in total, and participants consumed between 2.51 and 3.32 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight every day.

Notably, this level of protein intake is 3-4 times higher than the current dietary guidelines recommended daily allowance .

During the 12-month period, participants visited a laboratory five times for comprehensive testing.

The results showed no negative effects, and there was no adverse change in kidney function or other health markers.

Key Point:

Safe Levels Of Whey Protein Concentrate

Whey protein concentrate contains a little less protein by weight than isolate does, usually between 70 to 80 percent. The additional content is made up of lactose, fats, and minerals, often derived from milk

This means it will take a little longer to reach your EAR and RDI levels, but you still need to be aware of these levels when using the protein. You also need to be aware of your intake of fats and other minerals by reading the nutritional breakdown on the packaging, although these additional minerals will make concentrate a better option than isolate as a meal replacement.

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The Effect Of High Protein Intake In Overweight Patients Did Not Have Any Detrimental Effects On The Kidney Dietary Proteins Have The Same Effect On The Body As Protein Supplements

In this study lets take a look at what happens when we increase our protein intake via dietary protein. Does it differ from the effects produced by protein supplements? Also, the study was performed on obese individuals. Obese individuals already have a higher GFR rate, and we know higher protein intake increases GFR rate further. Will that have any detrimental effect on kidneys?The Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology published a study titled Comparative Effects of Low-Carbohydrate High-Protein Versus Low-Fat Diets on the kidney .

This study was performed on overweight subjects to determine the effects of low carb, high protein weight loss diet on the kidney.

Although it was a weight loss diet, it included consumption of a higher amount of proteins for 2 years. The age of subjects was much diverse, 18-64, and the study had 307 adults as subjects. So the results carry do a great significance to normal adults.

In this study, 154 participants were assigned to the low carb- high protein diet, while the rest half was assigned to the low-fat diet.

The low carb diet had restrictions on carbohydrate consumption and no restriction on fat and protein. The participants could eat as many fats and protein as they want.

The low-fat diet was designed in such a way that only 15% of the total calories came from protein.

Various measurements to indicate kidney function were taken at the baseline, 3, 12, and 24 months.

Some People May Be Allergic To Whey Protein

ð The Real Truth About Protein Powders And Kidney Damage – by Dr Sam Robbins

Because whey protein comes from cows milk, people with a cows milk allergy may be allergic to it.

Nevertheless, cows milk allergies are very rare in adults, since up to 90% of people with cows milk allergies outgrow them by the age of three .

Symptoms of a cows milk allergy may include hives, rashes, facial swelling, throat and tongue swelling and a runny or stuffy nose .

In some cases, a cows milk allergy may trigger anaphylaxis, a severe, life-threatening allergic reaction.

Again, its worth remembering that a cows milk allergy is rare in adults, but it can have severe consequences.

Moreover, an allergy to whey protein should not be confused with lactose intolerance.

Most allergies occur when the body produces an immune response to a protein. However, an intolerance is caused by an enzyme deficiency and does not involve the immune system .

If you have a cows milk protein allergy, try a non-dairy protein powder, such as soy, pea, egg, rice or hemp protein.

If you are unsure whether your symptoms are due to an allergy or intolerance, its best to check with your doctor.

Summary: Those who are allergic to cows milk may also be allergic to whey protein. Nevertheless, cows milk allergies are very rare in adults.

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How Much Protein Is Needed In Each Stage Of Kidney Disease

Below you will find three stages of protein requirements, related to the stage of kidney disease you are in. You will notice that stages one and two of kidney disease are essentially the same as what a normal healthy individual is recommend to eat, stages three and four protein requirements decrease by about 20%, and stages four to five decrease by about another 40% on top of that. Each of these recommendations is the daily allowance.

Protein For Kidney Disease Stages 1 & 2 Protein 0.8 to 1 gram per kilo of body weight individual)

Protein For Kidney Disease Stages 3 & 4 Protein 0.6 to 0.8 gram per kilo of body weight individual)

Protein For Kidney Disease Stages 4 & 5 Protein Ideal 20 grams, Max 30 grams total**Amino acid supplementation is an important therapy to consider at this level of kidney disease and while only taking this much protein per day. Speak to your health professional about your treatment plan.

As you can see a low protein diet in the final stages of kidney disease is the best protein strategy one can apply, of course protein is just one piece of the larger puzzle that makes up the a complete kidney healing program, but nonetheless, it is most certainly a crucial piece of that puzzle.


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